Cover crops can shape the soil microbiome by providing C and nutrients via rhizodeposits and litter, by secreting signaling compounds in root exudates 22, or by modifying the soil abiotic environment. In this study, cover crops affected some aspects of soil microbial structure, consistently with other soil biological, chemical and physical properties 20. These structural changes were driven by plant species identity more so than by cc inclusion or increased plant richness in the rotation. Generally, radish was the cc species exerting the strongest effects on microbial structure. Consistently, radish had higher aboveground biomass at sampling, it produces antifungal compounds that inhibit arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and other fungi 13, and it has a distinct root morphology and nutrient requirements compared to cereals 21. Still, microbial response was relatively minor considering cover crops had been applied for 7 successive years and were also present at sampling, suggesting neither short- or mid-term effects were strong. It is possible plant-driven effects were more evident in the root vicinity (e.g., rhizoplane and rhizosphere), without having extended to the bulk soil 23, although microbes in these compartments could also be unaffected by plant species identity 24. Cover crop effects may also be less defined in a diverse rotation like this one (i.e., horticultural and grain crops), where microbial communities are more adapted to fluctuations in plant species 25. In fact, it is not uncommon that cc effects on soil microbial communities are surpassed by other practices such as fertilization, tillage or crop rotations 9,10,15,24. Lastly, small cc effects could also be a consequence of timing if microbial response fluctuates with the season 19,26, or as cover crops grow and their residues decompose 14,18.
Increasing plant richness and the time under living plant cover via cover crops can have positive effects on microbial biomass and abundance 9,10,12,17,27,28. In our study, changes in microbial abundance were small, only significant in bacteria, and dependent on the cc species 17,29,30. The strongest driver of cc-driven changes in bacterial abundance seemed to be the overall supply of C via litter and rhizodeposits 9,13, considering it behaved similarly to aboveground biomass 16,27, and was only sensitive in R-. Input quality seems to be less relevant, considering the C:N ratio was relatively stable 6, although belowground inputs may have been more relevant 28, especially considering fall cover crops generally present high root to shoot biomass ratio 4. We also predicted microbial diversity could be enhanced by the increased plant and resource diversity of cc treatments 31, although this was observed only as a trend in rye-radish soils. So far, clear positive effects of cc on microbial diversity are limited 10 or small 12. Moreover, microbial communities subjected to a diverse crop rotation may be less sensitive to the addition of one or two extra species via cc 25. Additionally, there might be other reasons why microbial diversity does not respond to cc or cc diversity 9,26,32, such as high weed diversity or specific cc termination practices 12,15.
Without affecting richness, radish reduced fungal evenness by disproportionally promoting some fungi over others (e.g., unidentified Olpidiaceae and Cercophora sp.). While Olpidiaceae fungi are potential brassica pathogens 33, saprotrophs like Cercophora may have become enriched due to a preference towards radish inputs. This hypothesis is supported by changes in evenness (and Cercophora proportion) being less clear in R+, where wheat residues acted as an alternative C source. Substrate preference could be driven by differences in quality, but we do not have these data for belowground inputs. Still, higher quality could be expected on radish inputs, as it tended to have higher N content 6 and usually has higher P content 34 than cereal inputs.
Soil microbial composition can be shaped by plant species identity and functional traits 35,36, and similar effects were observed with cover crops 9–11, 26. In this study, microbial composition shifts were small and mostly driven by presence-absence changes, especially for prokaryotes. The latter suggests they were probably driven by changes in rarer organisms 37, as found by Cloutier et al. 32. The main differentiation of prokaryotic communities was driven by oat, mostly due to a loss of taxa/genomes, especially in R+, but also to a higher beta diversity (i.e., between oat plots). The latter may have been the most important factor, considering PERMANOVA, which is not always sensitive differences in dispersion, did not detect significant cc effects. Prokaryotic communities also showed changes between radish and rye that may be caused by differences in aboveground biomass or input quantity and quality, but also by N uptake and availability. In contrast, the main distinction in fungal community composition was driven by radish-based cover crops, possibly driven by the morphological and functional aspects discussed earlier. Rye-based cover crops also had a strong influence in fungal community composition, although it is not clear what is behind these effects. We hypothesize these could be related to the lower N uptake of rye and to the fact that it was the only cc that overwintered, hence subjecting soils to longer time under the influence of living roots.
Microbial shifts were also reflected in the relative abundance of specific phyla and genera. Some bacterial taxa were favoured (i.e., Pedosphaeraceae, Burkholderiales) or excluded (i.e., Desulfuromonadia, Zixibacteria, Sandaracinaceae, Chloroflexi) with radish, but their functional traits remain unknown for being uncultured and/or partially identified. The exception was Ammoniphilus, a bacterial genus adapted to high ammonium concentrations whose only source of C and energy is oxalate 38. Even though brassicas generally have antifungal activity 13, radish promoted two potential pathogens of this plant family: Olpidiaceae and Leptosphaeria 33. In cereal soils, especially rye, unidentified Olpidiaceae seemed to be replaced by O. brassicae, an obligate plant pathogen commonly found in brassicas, which can survive in bulk soil as spores 33. This result seems contradictory but it is possible that the unidentified Olpidiaceae are in fact O. brassicae, while the O. brassicae in rye could either be a genotype adapted to a different host 39 or O. virulentus, a related species more frequently found in non-brassicas 33. Neither Olpidium nor Leptosphaeria, however, are likely pathogens of tomato, which may explain why radish was still the treatment with highest early crop growth. Other taxa that may also be behind the positive effect of radish on tomato growth. Finally, we noticed Glomeromycota fungi were not markedly affected by radish, despite brassicas not associating symbiotically with AMF and sometimes affecting their populations 13. Most probably, main crops in the rotation kept soil AMF populations stable.
Crop residues constitute a source of aboveground C and nutrient inputs, but also modify soil temperature and moisture content, hence shaping the environment surrounding soil microbiota 40. Consistent with previous results on biological, chemical and physical soil properties 20, residue management effects in this study were smaller than cc effects, and negligible for most of the measured variables. This was not surprising considering that, throughout the 8-year trial, cover crops were applied 6 times but crop residues were removed only twice 19. Still, we expected residue effects to be clearer since this treatment was applied during the sampling year. Another reason behind the smaller effects of residue management may be that crop residues represent a more limited source of C and nutrients, while growing cover crops provide multiple sources of inputs (e.g., aboveground residues, belowground residue, rhizodeposits). This is supported by previous findings highlighting the importance of belowground inputs of cover crops as a C source for soil microorganisms 28,41.
In spite of residues being incorporated via tillage ~2 months before our sampling, microbial abundance did not increase in R+. It is possible that the timing of our sampling missed a transient increase in microbial abundance 42. Alternatively, incorporating residues could have accelerated mineralization, with a large proportion of C being lost as CO2 instead of used for microbial growth 40. This explanation is supported by the higher C mineralization levels measured one month before sampling 20. In terms of composition and taxa, crop residue effects were stronger on fungi than prokaryotes, possibly because fungi are more capable of breaking down plant cell wall polymers (e.g., lignin, cellulose) such as those found in straw. Surprisingly, residue retention modified the relative abundance of three phyla hosting few or no saprophytic taxa: it favored Glomeromycota (AMF, obligate symbionts) and Rozellomycota (mostly animal and protist parasites), while reducing Zoopagomycota (animal, protist and mycoparasite, sometimes with saprophytic capacity) 43. These effects may have been indirect, via other soil microbes, standing cover crops and/or previous crops. Also, in the case of AMF, recent studies suggest they could remain viable after the host shoots are removed 44 and even participate in organic matter decay 45.
Fallow soils (no-cc) were the only ones to experience an increase in prokaryotic evenness and a decrease in fungal evenness when retaining crop residues (R+). Since prokaryotic evenness increased together with bacterial abundance, it seems a wide array of organisms were favored by R+ conditions, whether it was the overall higher C and nutrient availability after incorporating crop residues, or the increase in temperature that could follow tillage. Contrarily, the incorporated wheat straw favored only a few soil fungi over others. Some fungi may have been increased during the previous wheat crop and, in treatments where no other substrates were available (i.e., no-cc), they remained dominant in the retained residues. This could be the case of Fusarium sp., Periconia macrospinosa and Mortierella exigua, all of which were more dominant in no-cc R+ than R-. While the first two are potential plant pathogens or endophytes, Mortierella can live both in a saprotrophic or a root-associated lifestyle.
Despite the small effects of residue management, our results suggest that this treatment could modulate the response of soil microbial communities to cover crops and vice versa. Since residue management did not affect aboveground cc biomass, we believe such modulation did not occur via plant growth. On the contrary, it seemed to be explained by the fact that both cover crops and residue act as C and nutrient sources for the soil biota, as previously reported 46. In our study, for example, detrimental effects of no-cc and oat on soil bacterial abundance were buffered when retaining crop residues (R+), probably by providing an additional C and nutrient source in treatments where it was limiting. A similar buffering effect was observed on fungal evenness, as cc effects were smaller in R+ than R-. Wheat residues reduced evenness in no-cc, as discussed above, but they also increased it in radish-based treatments, by acting as an alternative substrate that could feed a wider range of fungi in radish-based treatments. Residue management also modulated taxonomic changes, although not consistently for all taxa.
Early growth of tomato crops after transplant can provide a critical benefit for crop establishment. Here, early growth was highest under radish cover crops, independently of the residue management applied. This response could be driven by several abiotic and biotic changes induced by the presence of radish, such as its positive effects on spring soil mineral N (Table S8). Compared to the other cover crops, radish presented higher aboveground biomass which, due to its higher quality (N and P content), can be rapidly mineralized in the spring 7,34. As we showed earlier, radish also induced some structural shifts in microbial communities, which may have been triggered by cc input quality 47. Previously, we discussed how plants can modify the soil environment and microbiota. At the same time, soil organisms can modify the physical and chemical environment where plants live and interact with plants directly or indirectly. Hence, it is not surprising to find links between soil microbial communities and plant growth and productivity 22,48.
In our study, correlation analyses detected associations between early crop growth and soil microbial composition and specific microbial taxa, as well as fungal abundance and richness, although only the first two were affected by cc treatments. Benefits of increased fungal biomass on plant growth could be observed if, for example, it enhanced organic matter cycling and aggregation. On the other hand, increased fungal diversity could also increase functional capacity, or even disease suppression. Changes in community composition may have shifted the soil and plant-associated microbiome of tomato crops 49, which could affect their health and fitness (e.g., if beneficial microorganisms are promoted over pathogenic ones) 47,50. These variables were not equally affected by cc species but, generally speaking, radish-based treatments were the ones both favoring fungal abundance, diversity and potentially beneficial taxa, while having lower pathogenic taxa.
Since soils encompass intricate interaction networks, it is difficult to identify individual microbial effects on plant growth. Still, three major mechanisms are known to play a role in plant-soil feedbacks: pathogenicity, plant-growth promotion (PGP) (including disease suppression), and indirect effects on nutrient availability 48,50. Changes in the relative abundance of soil borne pathogens could be an important mechanism in this study, considering two of the Ascomycota genera negatively correlated with early crop growth are known plant pathogens: Fusarium (F. solani and Fusarium sp.) and Gibberella (G. intricans) 43. While Fusarium sp. could have infected tomato crops directly, F. solani and G. intricans are not common tomato pathogens but may be compromising the growth of other crops in the rotation. Unexpectedly, Mortierella was also negatively correlated with crop growth despite bearing several PGP strains, some of them associated with Fusarium wilt disease suppression 51. Yet, the latter could explain why it is sometimes correlated with Fusarium 52. Contrarily, bacterial taxa with potential PGP and/or disease-suppressive traits positively correlated with early crop growth, including the phylum Firmicutes (Bacillus and Tumebacillus) 53 and Actinobacteria (Iamia, Nocardioides, Streptomyces, Gaiella) 50,54. In terms nutrient cycling regulation, two ammonia-oxidizers (AOA) from Nitrososphaeraceae positively correlated with crop growth, although the opposite was found for two other AOA taxa (Candidatus Nitrosotenuis, Nitrosopumilaceae). This result could reflect different ecological adaptations or affinity for ammonia in these AOA taxa 55. In general, radish-based cover crops presented lower relative abundance of the potentially pathogenic fungi, as well as a higher relative abundance of potential PGP and disease suppressive bacteria, as previously reported 13,15,56. However, this response was not always consistent among residue management treatments or with early crop growth.
Overall, in this 8-year horticultural crop rotation, cover crops had small effects on soil microbial community structure, despite their repeated application and being present at fall sampling. Still, these small effects evidenced belowground-aboveground interactions that could have productive implications. Even though these results are exploratory, the fact that there was some degree of relationship between cc-associated microbial communities and early crop growth in the following season suggests the existence of plant-soil feedbacks linking cover crops and cash crops 1. Detecting such links in field trials constitutes a valuable data resource for future studies where these hypotheses are put to the test. Such studies should not disregard interacting effects with other agricultural practices, especially those influencing C and nutrient inputs.