We identified a total of 190 records through database searches and citations backtracking. After removing duplicates, 128 unique records were subjected to title-abstract eligibility assessment, which resulted in the exclusion of 99 records. Therefore, 29 full-text articles were reviewed, of which 15 were excluded. As a result, 14 epidemiological studies were included in the data extraction. After consulting additional sources, we identified 5 relevant population surveys, which were added to the evidence pool. (Figure 1, Supplement 2.1). Among the included epidemiological studies, 7 measured the impact of COVID-19 on HIV (covering Uganda, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and low- and middle-income countries (LMIC)),26-31 5 measured the impact of COVID-19 on TB (covering China, India, Kenya, Ukraine, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the world),27,31-34 and 6 measured the impact of COVID-19 on malaria (covering Sierra Leone, Uganda, SSA, and LMIC).26,27,34-37 The included population surveys were conducted by (and covered) FinMark Trust (Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa),38 Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa),39 International AIDS Society (Zimbabwe),40 National Institute for Communicable Diseases (South Africa),41 and the Global Fund (Latin America, the Caribbean, and high-burden countries in Africa).42 (Supplements 2.2–2.3).
Despite large variability due to differences in model assumptions and disruption scenarios across studies, most predictions suggest that the largest impact of COVID-19 related disruption of essential health services on HIV burden across SSA might result from interruption of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who are already under ART. A 6-month interruption of ART for 50% of PLWHA on ART is projected to result in an excess HIV-related deaths over 1 year (from 1 April 2020) of 296,000 (median across models; range 229,023–420,000) (95% of which aged<65 years) in the region, compared with the counterfactual scenario of no COVID-19 related disruptions.28 The effect is projected to be larger in countries with very high HIV prevalence, where a forced interruption of ART under a no action or suppression-lift COVID-19 scenario could result in 10% increase in the number of HIV deaths over a 5-year period.27 The largest impact of disruption of ART on mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is projected to be felt in areas with high coverage of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs, such as Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. In these countries, a suspension of 3-month of PMTCT could result in a relative increase in MTCT of HIV over 1 year (from 1 April 2020) of 1.81, 1.41, 1.70, and 1.53, respectively, whereas across SSA the relative increase would be of 1.64 under a 6-month interruption of ART for 50% of PLWHA on ART.28 The impact on HIV incidence and mortality of COVID-19 related disruption of other HIV services is projected to be relatively lower compared to interruption of ART in the short-term, with the median predicted relative change over 1-year in HIV incidence and mortality ranges from 1.00 to 1.17 and from 0.99 to 1.38, respectively.28
A study31 using population cohort data from Western Cape Province, South Africa, has indicated that coinfection of COVID-19 and HIV is associated with increased mortality. Comparing HIV positive with HIV negative patients among COVID-19 cases, the study found that those that are HIV-positive have an age-sex adjusted mortality rate 2.39 (1.96–2.86) times greater that those who are HIV negative. At population-level, 8.5% (6.1–11.1) of deaths among COVID-19 patients is attributable to HIV infection. Likewise, when those with current TB were compared with those without current TB among COVID-19 patients, those with current TB had a hazard of death 2.70 (1.81–4.04) times greater. When the comparison was done between those with previous TB vs those without previous TB among COVID-19 patients, the study found that those with previous TB have hazard of death 1.51 (1.18–1.93) times greater.
Nevertheless, the major public health consequence of COVID-19 related disruption on TB burden across Africa is projected to result from reduction in case detection. Overall, 20% excess increase in the number of TB deaths over 5-year are projected across LMIC, under a suppression scenario in country setting 1 (very high burden setting with 520 TB incidence per 100,000 population in 2018) compared to the counterfactual scenario of no COVID-19 related disruptions.27 A global average decline of 25% and 50% in TB case detection over a period of 3 months compared to levels before the pandemic is projected to result in 13% and 26% increase in TB deaths in 2020 globally, respectively.33 Across the WHO African region which accounts for over 25% of global TB deaths, these reductions in case detection would result in >47,500 (14,000–101,500) and >95,000 (39,000–176,500) excess TB deaths in 2020, respectively.
TB programs across high burden countries in Africa have been equally affected by the aforementioned disruptions in in-country supply chain systems (distribution), in-country supply chain systems (warehouse), and HIV and/or TB laboratory services.42 The COVID-19 pandemic has also compromised health service delivery for TB programs, with 75% countries reporting moderate, high, or very high disruption.42 In South Africa, weekly TB Xpert testing volumes during the period under COVID-19 level 5 restrictions and weekly number of TB Xpert positive tests during the period under COVID-19 level 5 restrictions declined by 48% and 33%, respectively, compared with the period before COVID-19 lockdown.41 The reduction in access to, and increased cost of, medicines during the lockdown reported in population-based surveys conducted in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa compound the deleterious effects of COVID-19 related disruptions on TB control efforts.38,39 In Zimbabwe, 23% of PLWHA indicated lack of access to TB treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.40
The major impact of COVID-19 on malaria control is projected to result from disruption of insecticide treated bed nets (ITN) distribution and of malaria case management (MCM). In the short term, those countries that have a campaign scheduled for 2020 will be affected the most. However, indoor residual spraying (IRS) and seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) are also expected to experience disruption, at varying levels across the continent. In the best scenario (World Health Organization (WHO) scenario 1 (WS1)), with no ITN campaigns, and continuous ITN distribution reduced by 25%, about 230,527,960, 197,898,185, and 32,629,775 malaria cases are predicted for the period between April–December 2020 in all countries, countries with ITN campaigns scheduled in 2020, and countries without ITN campaigns scheduled in 2020, respectively. This would result in 411,684, 349,194, and 62,489 malaria deaths in these countries over the same period, respectively. However, in the worst scenario (WS9), with no ITN campaigns, and both continuous ITN distribution and access to effective antimalarial treatment reduced by 75%, then 261,582 832, 224,886,788, and 36,696,044 malaria cases would occur in these countries over the same period, respectively. This would represent 768,588, 656,251, and 112,337 malaria deaths in these countries over the same period, respectively.37
However, the impact of COVID-19 on malaria control would be influenced by the type of COVID-19 responses adopted across the continent. The largest excess deaths would be observed if ITN, SMC, MCM are all interrupted. In this case, 253,000 (149,000–357,000), 481,000 (277,000–686,000), 696,000 (413,000–978,000), and 484,000 (278,000–690,000) excess malaria deaths would occur under the COVID-19 scenario of unmitigated, mitigation, suppression, and suppression lift, compared with the counterfactual scenario of no COVID-19 related disruption, respectively. The lowest impact would be observed if ITN is normal, but SMC and MCM are reduced, in which case 26,000 (15,000–38,000), 112,000 (61,000–163,000), 200,000 (115,000–285,000),112 (61,000–164,000) excess malaria deaths would occur under each COVID-19 scenario, respectively. However, if ITN and SMC are interrupted, but MCM is reduced, then 239,000 (141,000–337,000), 379,000 (221,000–537,000), 464,000 (278,000–651,000), and 380,000 (222,000–539,000) excess malaria deaths would occur under each COVID-19 scenario, respectively. Whereas if ITN is interrupted, but SMC and MCM are reduced, then 220,000 (128,000–311,000), 357,000 (207,000–507,000), 495,000 (296,000–693,000), and 358,000 (208,000–509,000) excess malaria deaths would occur under each COVID-19 scenario, respectively.36
Data from population-based studies show that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the access to, and cost of, health services relevant for HIV, TB, and malaria control on the continent. Across high-burden countries in Africa (as well as Latin America, the Caribbean), 80%, 58%, and 66% countries have reported moderate, high, or very high disruption of health service delivery for HIV, TB, and malaria programs, respectively.42 In South Africa, a cohort study has shown that women had an odds ratio of 2.36 (1.73–3.16) to miss a medical visit for pre-exposure prophylaxis in pregnant and postpartum women during the lockdown compared to before lockdown;43 study visits were scheduled at the same time as antenatal or postnatal visits, therefore this figure also reflects the increase in the propensity of women to miss antenatal and postnatal visits at a primary care clinic because of COVID-19 lockdown, thus affecting HIV, TB and malaria services that are deployed during antenatal and/or postnatal care. Additionally, 13.2% and 13-25% general populations and populations living in informal settlements in the country have indicated that chronic medication was inaccessible during the lockdown, respectively.39 In Nigeria and Kenya, 10% and 30% of 18+ years old general population reported having changed the way they access medical care for chronic conditions because of COVID-19 related disruptions, respectively.38 In Zimbabwe, cost of medicines is the main challenge in getting antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in time during the COVID-19 pandemic for 23% of PLWHA.40 In Kenya and Nigeria, 42% and 50% of 18+ years old general population report that medicines are more expensive since 1 March 2020 than before, respectively.38 Nevertheless, the effect of COVID-19 seems to vary across and within countries, potentially affecting less the capacity of health facilities to delivery HIV services across rural Africa. For example, data from (rural) northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, shows that even though daily HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy initiation, antiretroviral therapy continuation, or pharmacy pick-up per week during post-lockdown period declined by 1.5 (95% uncertainty interval, -3.4–0.3) compared to pre-lockdown period, HIV clinic visits per day increased by 8.4 (2.4–14.4) immediately after the lockdown implementation compared to pre-lockdown period.30 In contrast, in Zimbabwe, a much larger segment of PLWHA reported that they did not get ARV refills because of COVID-19 related disruptions. Among these, 60% do not know where to go to get their HIV medications because of closure of their usual pharmacy in the context of COVID-19 restrictions and 31% do not know where to go to get their HIV medications because they are not in the part of the country where they usually access HIV medications. Furthermore, 43% of PLWHA lack access to condoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.40 In addition to health services delivery and access to medicines, the COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted the supply systems that are needed to ensure the medical products necessary for HIV programs. Across high-burden countries, 24%, 15%, and 58% countries have reported moderate, high, or very high disruption in: in-country supply chain systems (distribution), in-country supply chain systems (warehouse), and HIV and/or TB laboratory services, respectively.42
Table 3: COVID-19 resilient service delivery strategies and economic solutions to ensure adherence of HIV and TB patients to treatment and improve malaria clinical outcomes. COVID-19 denotes coronavirus disease 2019. HIV denotes human immunodeficiency virus. IPTi denotes intermittent preventive treatment in infancy. IPTp denotes Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy. ITN denotes insecticide-treated nets. MCM denotes malaria case management. SMC denotes seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis. TB denotes tuberculosis.
Strategies to ensure adherence to treatment and improve outcomes
Target populations and implementation strategies
Multi-month dispensing of medication coupled with instructions for safe storage at home
To ensure continuity of care and access to medicines among HIV and TB patients
Mobile clinics
To deliver HIV and TB medicines and condoms and to collect specimens (HIV and TB control and prevention). To distribute anti-malarial drugs for preventive (SMC, IPTp, and IPTi) and curative treatments (MCM), and for malaria testing and ITN distribution (malaria control)
Virtual care and digital health technology
To implement adherence psychosocial support and group-based and community-centric service delivery models for HIV and TB patients
Conditional cash transfer
To promote adherence to treatment among HIV and TB patients and incentivize TB screening, through banks accounts or mobile money
Economic support
To promote adherence to treatment among HIV and TB patients and improve malaria clinical outcomes. These might be in the forms of nutritional/transport allowance, income generation schemes, and/or microfinance loans (e.g., health saving plans, emergency health loans)