Multi-trait joint analyses and identification of genome-wide significant (GWS) novel loci
To systematically examine the shared genetic basis of MU, PG, BG, LT, and TA, we conducted a multi-trait joint analysis based on the summary statistics of 7194361 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) common to these five correlated traits (Additional file 1: Table S1). Quantile-quantile (QQ) plots and genomic inflation factor (Additional file 2: Fig. S1) suggested no evidence of inflation due to confounding factors. In our joint-analyses, 36 independent loci reached the GWS threshold (P < 5×10-8) after clumping (MU:28, PG: 4, BG: 1, LT: 1, TA: 4; Additional file 3: Data file S1). Compared with the original UK Biobank (UKBB) summary statistics and the loci summarized by the GWAS catalog [32] of these five traits, there were three GWS novel loci, including the IL10 and IL12A-AS1 loci for PG and TA, and the BTN3A1 locus for TA. Interestingly, although BG and LT traits were also considered as important manifestations of periodontitis, these three loci did not reach GWS association with BG or LT. Furthermore, step-wise conditional analyses yielded independent GWS signals at three loci for trait MU. Therefore, we found 39 independent GWS signals, including three novel loci for PG and TA traits (Table 1, Fig. 1, Additional file 4: Fig. S2 and Additional file 5: Fig. S3).
Table 1 The novel significant loci from MTAG analysis
Closest gene
MTAG beta
MTAG P-value
PG: painful gums; TA: toothache; chr: chromosome; pos: position (hg19); A1: alternative allele; A2: reference allele
Among the 39 GWS associations, three were pleiotropic, associated with two or more of the oral inflammatory traits (Additional file 6: Data file S2). The index SNPs at the three novel loci (rs1518110, rs17753641, and rs3799378) showed consistent directions of effect across the five traits, although the associations were not genome-wide significant for BG or LT traits (Fig. 2). Among the three novel loci, two were pleiotropic. The locus at 1q32.1, peaking at SNP rs1518110, was associated with PG and TA. SNP rs1518110 was located in the intron of gene interleukin 10 (IL10), the product of which is a cytokine mainly produced by monocytes and plays an important role in immune regulation and inflammation. Another pleiotropic novel GWS locus associated with both PG and TA was at 3q25.33 with rs17753641 as the lead SNP located within the IL12A antisense RNA 1 (IL12A-AS1), an RNA gene belonging to the lncRNA class. Another gene at this locus, IL12A which also plays an important role in the regulation of inflammation and immunity, was also a potential candidate gene. We also found a novel association of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus with TA, the index SNP of which was rs3799378, located in the intron of gene BTN3A1.
Heritability and genetic correlation of the five oral disease traits
We computed heritability based on the multi-trait analysis of GWAS (MTAG) results to estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by common variants. The results ranged from 0.018 to 0.029 for the five oral disease traits (MU h2 = 0.029, PG h2 = 0.026, BG h2 = 0.024, LT h2 = 0.018, TA h2 = 0.023), each of which was increased compared with the heritability estimated from the original UKBB GWAS summary statistics (Additional file 7: Fig. S4 and Additional file 8: Data file S3).
Next, we estimated the genetic correlations between the five traits. Traits PG and TA were most closely related (rg = 0.995), whereas the correlation between MU and LT was lowest (rg = 0.343) (Fig. 3 and Additional file 8: Data file S3). PG, BG, and LT reflect the different aspects or stages of periodontitis and showed an average genetic correlation of >0.7.
Fine-mapping of plausible variants set at novel loci
In GWAS, the index SNP might be a tag SNP; thus, we conducted fine-mapping to identify plausible causal variants at the novel GWS loci (Additional file 9: Data file S4). The lead SNPs rs1518110 and rs17753641 were in the credible sets, together with other potential causal variants in tight linkage disequilibrium (LD).
Functional annotation of causal SNPs at each novel locus
To better understand the biological functions of the potential causal variants at each locus, we conducted functional annotation. We examined functional genomics datasets, including histone modification, expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL), and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data in immune cell types and periodontal tissues. All plausible variants overlapped with histone modification marks in immune cells and tissues (Additional file 10: Data file S5). We observed the eQTL relationship between causal variants rs1518110 at locus 1q32.1 and gene IL10 from databases of DICE [22], eQTLGen [23], and BIOSQTL [33]. Two other eQTL genes at this locus were IL24 and FAIM3, which encodes an Fc receptor for IgM. The gene showing an eQTL relationship with the causal variant rs17753641 at the locus of 3q25.33 was TRIM59 functioning in the regulation of innate immunity (Additional file 11: Fig. S5, Additional file 12: Data file S6, Additional file 13: Data file S7). Another nearby gene, IL12A, was also a likely candidate gene based on its eQTL relationship (P =1.8x10-5 in pituitary) and biological function. Interestingly, SNP rs17753641 was in a strong enhancer/promoter region in diverse cell types with transcription factor ELF1 bound to it in B-lymphocyte cell type GM12878, demonstrated by ChIP-Seq experiments. ELF1 is a key player in the antiviral immune response and its associations with PG and TA were indexed by SNPs rs113780118 (P=4.06×10-02) and rs76226306 (P=4.89×10-02). The third locus for TA was in the HLA region with the index SNP rs3799378 in the intron of gene BTN3A1. This SNP had an eQTL relationship for 12 genes in diverse cell types. Collectively, these findings from epigenomics and transcriptome databases strongly suggested the role of causal variants at the three novel loci in the transcriptional regulation of nearby genes and genes at a distance, in line with their potential role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis and other oral inflammatory diseases.
Gene-enrichment analyses
To identify the pathways in which the candidate genes at all the GWS loci were mainly involved, we applied gene-set enrichment analysis using Gene Ontologue and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) datasets. We observed a predominant enrichment of immune signaling pathways, such as the process of cytokine and cytokine receptor interaction, chemokine signaling pathway, and JAK STAT signaling pathway for all three traits. We also found the enrichment of autoimmune disease pathways, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), consistent with the fact that SLE is a systemic, chronic inflammatory condition with different clinical manifestations, including oral inflammation. (Additional file 14: Fig. S6, Additional file 15: Data file S8).
We further performed protein-protein interaction (PPI) analyses (Additional file 16: Fig. S7) based on 39 candidate genes located at the GWS loci of any oral inflammatory trait. The results of the PPI network analyses showed an enrichment P-value of 4.34×10-11, suggesting close coordination between these proteins in cellular activity. We saw a large module centered on STAT4, with IL10, IRF8, and NOD2 as other hub proteins in this module, reflecting the autoinflammatory nature of the five traits.