Cardiac arrest is an emergency condition among both hospitalized and non-hospitalized children. Sequelae can follow cardiac arrest that pediatricians and the patients’ families must face and deal with. Studying the conditions and survival rates of patients after cardiac arrest is an attempt to identify a useful tool to predict outcomes and improve CPR techniques.
This study assessed the survival rates and outcomes of patients who had a cardiac arrest and the return of circulation after CPR, using EEG and two serum biomarkers. Approximately 19.5% of pediatric patients with IHCA survived until hospital discharge. Similar studies have reported survival rates of 35%, 34.8%, and 45%.15–17 Surprisingly, infants in our study were less likely to survive until hospital discharge (13%) than young (1 year–<8 years) (27.27%) and older children (8–12 years) (28.57%). This finding contrasted with findings by Jayaram et al., who reported a higher survival rate among infants (30.8%) than young children (22.1%) and old children (16.8%).15 This difference might be explained by the small number of patients and the large proportion of infants in our study group.
Convulsions are common in post-cardiac arrest patients (21.9% in our study and 25.7% of patients in a study by Topjian et al.18). In both the studies, mortality was higher in patients with convulsions. The poor outcome in patients with convulsions could be explained by the fact that convulsions could be a marker of the severity of the initial brain insult. Moreover, convulsions increase the metabolic demand of the brain, causing further neuronal injury.19
Sepsis was diagnosed in 82.9% of patients in our study cohort and was associated with high mortality (relative risk of 1.99). Only 14.7% of patients with sepsis survived hospital discharge. A high prevalence of sepsis in pediatric patients with cardiac arrest has also been observed in single-institution and multicenter registry-based pediatric studies.20 Sepsis was identified in 9–48% of cases in some single-institution studies and ranged from 14% to 34% in multicenter studies.20 Septic patients have worse outcomes. Pediatric data from the Get with the guidelines-resuscitation database demonstrated odds of survival to discharge of 0.65 among children with cardiac arrest associated with sepsis.15The multinational Euromerican pediatric cardiac arrest study network found that mortality was 78.8% in patients with sepsis; the relative risk of mortality was 2.64 higher for children with sepsis compared with those without sepsis.21 In a study by Coba et al., bacteremia, identified by positive blood culture, was studied in 173 post-cardiac arrest adults. Bacteremia was present in 38% of patients in the study group, and the mortality in the emergency department was significantly higher in the bacteremia group (75.4%) than in the non-bacteremia group (60.2%), with a P-value <0.05.22
Our NSE and S100B levels differed from those reported in a study by Fink et al.8, wherein serum biomarker concentrations were measured at several time points between 0 and 120 hours after ROSC. Children with cardiac arrest whose biomarker levels were within the normal range demonstrated favorable outcomes. In contrast, patients who died had noticeably higher NSE and S100B levels at 24 hours. The concentration of NSE and S100B at 48- and 72-hours post-ROSC significantly increased in participants who died in contrast to what was observed in participants who survived. According to Topjian et al., survival could be predicted by the S100B levels measured at 48 and 72 hours.18 Moreover, there was an association between all-time points and neurological outcome and survival in a study by Fink et al.8
Our results are similar to those of a study by Song et al., wherein S100B level was measured twice before starting CPR (first S100B) and immediately after ROSC (second S100B).23 Song et al. demonstrated no association between serum S100B levels and the long-term outcomes of cardiac arrest. Thus, brain ischemia, or any other extra-cranial origin, may be the cause of S100B elevation in cardiac arrest.24 Furthermore, concerning the timing of S100B release, previous studies measured S100B levels after ROSC, within 24 hours or after 1 day, and presented a notable association between S100B levels with long-term outcomes and neurologic function. Regarding the difference in S100B levels between survivors and non-survivors at admission, this study did not demonstrate a significant difference between the two.24 However, our study is a single-center study with a small sample size, making it difficult to generalize the conclusion. Moreover, we focused on the level of S100B at a single time point and did not follow up with the levels at different time points.
A change in serum biomarker levels could indicate an ongoing brain insult and influence survival. As previous studies included follow-up periods of 24 hours or more to measure serum brain-specific biomarkers, the limited role of biomarkers in this study should be cautiously evaluated. Moreover, the non-association between overall survival and biomarker levels in our study could be explained by the fact that the mortality of post-cardiac arrest patients was not mainly dependent on brain insult. We hypothesize that mortality was more commonly caused by circulatory or respiratory failure, which is supported by the high percentage of sepsis associated with multi-organ failure. In addition, a long duration of dependency on respiratory and cardiac support in all our post-cardiac arrest patients suggests marked compromise of the cardiorespiratory system. Therefore, we recommend further studies on the markers of cardiac and respiratory failure and on sepsis scores as prognostic factors for predicting survival in pediatric post-cardiac arrest patients.
The absence of epileptogenic activity pattern had the highest survival rate, as 36.84% of patients survived and had the longest survival duration after arrest (median of 6 days). Burst suppression demonstrated no survival (0%) and the least survival duration after arrest (median of 2 days). Moreover, EEG recordings demonstrated no epileptogenic activity in 75% of survivors. Thus, EEG findings were significantly associated with mortality (P=0.01). Kaplan–Meier analysis of the relationship between the EEG and overall survival was highly statistically significant, with a P-value of 0.001.
In our study, 53.1% of patients with no convulsions had abnormal EEG findings. Abnormal EEG findings have different prognoses and require specific treatment, which is why we recommend EEG to all post-cardiac arrest patients. Nishisaki et al.25 developed an EEG grading system as follows: grade 1, continuous, not low voltage or slow; grade 2, continuous, low voltage or slow; grade 3, continuous, low voltage and slow; grade 4, discontinuous; grade 5, isoelectric. There was a relationship between EEG patterns and outcomes in children following cardiac arrest. Background slowing and low voltage, discontinuous EEG, and isoelectric EEG were found to be the poorest prognostic factors for neurologic status at discharge. Good neurological outcomes have been reported in 90.9% of patients with grade 1 or 2 EEG recordings compared with 54.6% of patients with grade 3 and 10% of patients with grades 4 or 5.25 In a study by Zandbergen et al., 276 EEGs were performed 72 hours after CPR in adults, and burst suppression pattern was found to be an indicator of poor neurological consequences.26
This study is limited by the short follow-up duration and the small sample size in a single center; therefore, further research is required.