Soil property and class maps for the continent of Africa were so far only available at very generalised scales, with many countries not mappedat all. Thanks to an increasing quantity and availability of soil samples collected at field point locations by various government and/or NGOfunded projects, it is now possible to produce detailed pan-African maps of soil nutrients, including micro-nutrients at fine spatial resolutions. Inthis paper we describe production of a 30 m resolution Soil Information System of the African continent using, to date, the most comprehensivecompilation of soil samples (N ≈ 150, 000) and Earth Observation data. We produced predictions for soil pH, organic carbon (C) and totalnitrogen (N), total carbon, Cation Exchange Capacity (eCEC), extractable — phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),sulfur (S), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) — silt, clay and sand, stone content, bulk density and depth to bedrock, at three depths (0, 20 and50 cm) and using 2-scale 3D Ensemble Machine Learning framework implemented in the mlr (Machine Learning in R) package. As covariatelayers we used 250 m resolution (MODIS, PROBA-V and SM2RAIN products), and 30 m resolution (Sentinel-2, Landsat and DTM derivatives)images. Our 5–fold spatial Cross-Validation results showed varying accuracy levels ranging from the best performing soil pH (CCC=0.900) tomore poorly predictable extractable phosphorus (CCC=0.654) and sulphur (CCC=0.708) and depth to bedrock. Sentinel-2 bands SWIR (B11,B12), NIR (B09, B8A), Landsat SWIR bands, and vertical depth derived from 30 m resolution DTM, were the overall most important 30 mresolution covariates. Climatic data images — SM2RAIN, bioclimatic variables and MODIS Land Surface Temperature — however, remainedas the overall most important variables for predicting soil chemical variables at continental scale. The publicly available 30–m soil maps aresuitable for numerous applications, including soil and fertilizer policies and investments, agronomic advice to close yield gaps, environmentalprograms, or targeting of nutrition interventions.