Our meta-analysis of 12,713 patients in 136 studies performed in 15 countries provides an up-to-date as well as comprehensive overview of asymptomatic infection rate of COVID-19. We also estimated the statistics by different study settings and patients' demographic factors. We found a higher asymptomatic ratio in European countries, in studies on screening settings, and among pregnant women as well as younger populations. The estimated rate in our study (15.1%) is half the size of a previous estimate (33.0%) using binomial distribution (26), yet is consistent with the estimation using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm (27). Regarding real-world evidence, our estimation is consistent with a meta-analysis of 41 studies in May 2020, which also noted an asymptomatic infection rate of approximately 15%, with a higher rate among pregnant women and children (28). The findings are very similar with that of the present study. However, our study included 100 more articles, resulting in a more precise estimation with significantly narrower confidence interval. With a larger dataset, we conducted more subgroup analysis which resulted in more implications. First, while China and the US were having a similar asymptomatic infection rates, the rate is two times higher in European countries as well as Asian countries (excluding China). Second, the proportion of asymptomatic carriers was nearly doubled in screening studies than that in non-screening studies. Third, asymptomatic infection rate was significantly higher in studies conducted in or after 01 March 2020 than those conducted beforehand.
In the subgroup analysis, we noted a large variety of asymptomatic rates among different populations. For instance, younger people tended to have a significantly higher rate. These findings are consistent with that from previous publications (29), older age is a risk factor for complications and severe symptoms after infection (30). Many pre-existing chronic conditions are also identified as risk factors for more severe symptoms, while the conditions are less likely to be observed among the younger people (31). Infection control measures may be targeted on the early detection and isolation of asymptomatic youth, as the young asymptomatic carriers are of higher probability to bring in community transmission due to their more socially active lifestyle habits with more frequent travelling than people in other age groups (32).
We also noted that the asymptomatic infection rate for pregnant women (36.3%) is almost three times that for the general population (13.5%). Previous publication on pregnant women and COVID-19 is very limited. Case reports from the New York hospital reported a similarly high rate (14 women, 32.6%) at presentation, yet 71.4% (10 women) of the asymptomatic mothers developed symptoms during their hospitalization and postpartum course (33). Therefore, the high proportion of asymptomatic infections estimated by our study may include both pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, due to a high proportion of pregnant women undergoing COVID-19 screening at inpatient admission. More follow-up studies among the pregnant women are needed before drawing further conclusions. Nevertheless, undetected asymptomatic pregnant women may lead to more severe consequences. Several studies have reported a high risk of complications (such as respiratory distress) requiring supportive care during COVID-19 patients’ delivery, resulting in higher risk of transmission from the mothers to healthcare professionals. Without early detection and proper preventive measures, the delivery of asymptomatic patients brings extra risks to nosocomial infection, and may also result in droplet transmission among the women, kids, as well as other family members (33). Importantly, the data suggest that the severity and mortality risk of hospital transmission may be greater than that of community-acquired COVID-19 (34).
We compared the asymptomatic infection rate in China, in Asia (excluding China), in the US, and in Europe. Previous meta-analysis indicated no significant difference in the proportion of asymptomatic infection between studies conducted in China or other countries (35). On the contrary, our results showed that the rates in Europe (22.7%) and Asia (excluding China) (27.4%) were almost twice than that in China (13.1%) and the US (15.9%). For China, the rate is consistent with a previous meta-analysis (15.6%) (36), as well as the latest government release on Wuhan population nucleic acid testing (14.7%) (37). The changing rate of asymptomatic infection in Hong Kong also confirmed our findings - in the first phase of the pandemic, the infected cases were dominated by imported ones from mainland China, and the asymptomatic infection rate was around 16% (28); whereas in the second and third waves, the infections were mainly imported from Europe and South-East Asian countries, giving a significantly higher rate (23%) (38). However, the smaller sample size for Europe and Asia (excluding China) led to wider confidence intervals for the two regions.
We noted that the asymptomatic infection rate was nearly doubled in screening studies than that in non-screening studies. If we consider the ate as a constant, the higher asymptomatic infection rate estimates were likely due to higher probabilities of ascertaining asymptomatic COVID-19 infections in the community with screening implemented. This implies the importance of mass screening in detecting the infections, which is of importance in community infection control. Increasing the accessibility and affordability of community testing could be an important surveillance strategy for early containment of diagnosed cases (16).
We also found that the pooled asymptomatic infection rate increased from 11.2% (95% CI: 7.5%-15.3%) for studies conducted before 01 March 2020, to 27.8% (95% CI: 15.7%-41.7%) for studies conducted in 01 March 2020 or afterwards, although the 95% CI is larger in the latter time period. This timeline is highly consistent with a previous study using the publicly released from the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong (39). Similarly, the COVID-19 epidemic in the Diamond Princess cruise ship also demonstrated an increasing trend of asymptomatic infection rate during the course of the epidemic, which was estimated at 16.1%(35/218) before 13 February, and steadily increased to 50.5% (320/634) as of 20 February (27, 40). The increased rate may be due to overlooking of asymptomatic, especially pre-symptomatic cases at the early stage of the pandemic, when medical resources were targeted to patients with severe symptoms. Later, with increased public awareness and test accessibility, more COVID-19 infected individuals without symptoms were detected, while more and more studies reported the proportion of asymptomatic patients. In this context, future studies may explore whether the proportion of COVID-19 patients with mild or no symptoms is increasing, especially when considering the SARS-CoV-2 variant with D replaced by G at the 614-th codon in the Spike protein which dominated the pandemic since late February 2020 (41–44).
This study has limitations. First, our pooled asymptomatic infection rates were found to have a high level of heterogeneity (I2 = 96.2%). This could be attributed to the difficulties in generating the exact number of infections and asymptomatic cases during an outbreak. Different studies reported at different time periods, regions and populations may result in diverse prevalence (45). We conducted subgroup analysis and meta-regression to figure out the source of heterogeneity. This high level may be due to some unobserved factors which have not be included in the original studies, such as changing pandemic control measures in some countries; the diverse definition of asymptomatic infection, varying practices of surveillance and ascertainment of asymptomatic infection; as well as meteorological disparities across time and regions. Nevertheless, previous studies indicated that any amount of heterogeneity is acceptable if both accurate data and predefined eligibility criteria were provided (46, 47). Second, although we applied a comprehensive searching strategy for the literature, 80% of the selected articles and (50,973/55,951 = 91.1%) of the sampled individuals in our analysis are from China (35,003 individuals) and the US (15,970 individuals). Subgroup analysis was conducted to compare the ratio in different geographical regions, yet there are very few studies performed in Australia and Africa by the end of July 2020. Third, a symptomatic COVID-19 case might be mis-classified as ‘asymptomatic’ during the incubation period. Although we excluded 104 (3.6%) subjects who developed symptoms in the follow-up period, most studies are cross-sectional without follow-up data, while other individuals may not have completed observations for the whole incubation period. This may result in a certain degree of overestimation on the asymptomatic infection rate, yet we consider the impact from this phenomenon as minor owing to our relatively long study period. With additional information of the exposure and reporting dates of each case, we remark our estimation can be extended to a right censoring version to further address some potential bias in the existing frameworks (20).