Effects of EPA on ketone bodies, glucose and liver function
Our first experiments were designed to establish the optimal concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) for use in this model. Two markers were evaluated: LDH leakage was used to assess toxicity and membrane leakageleading to cell death, and glucose production to reflect efficacy. The results showed that EPA was effective at altering endogenous glucose production in the LPON model but that large, i.e. 500μM, doses of EPA resulted in a significant increase in cell deathand/or membrane leakage shown by high levels of LDH (Figure 2). With these results 50μM and 250μM doses were chosen as they represented a balance of desirable and undesirable effects as well as allowing a dose-response relationship to be demonstrated.
Increase in albumin synthesis could be seen in control model supporting the suggestion that EPA has beneficial effects on the cell beyond a sole reduction of intracellular triglyceride content. There was a reduction of albumin in the oleate model compared to control, but albumin production remains higher than media only control and LPON control suggesting that overall albumin is higher in oleate loaded cells than control or LPON under all conditions. (Figure 2. B Meme control 40µg/mL, oleate control ~ 63 µg/mL and LPON control 30 µg/mL) No change in albumin synthesis was observed in the LPON + EPA model. Results showed AST was not significantly altered under any condition, although a trend of reduced AST level with increasing EPA concentration in the standard model missed statistical significance by 0.01 (p=0.06).
Ketone bodies are a byproduct of the breakdown of fatty acids. They have been shown to lower ROS [20], stimulate insulin release and cause lipid peroxidation which may play a role in vascular disease in diabetes [21]. However, high levels of ketone bodies can lead to life threatening ketoacidosis. As such ketone bodies were measured in our model to determine if fat loading increased production of ketones. Within controls ketone bodies were measured at 3.8 umol.hr MEME only control, 6 umol.hr oleate and 21umol.hr LPON (Figure 3). This shows the LPON model to have a significantly higher level of ketone bodies at baseline than oleate or control. Addition of EPA did not change levels of ketone bodies in the standard model and oleate but significantly reduced ketones in LPON model in a dose dependent manner (Figure 1). This alongside the reduction of glucose, also in a dose dependent manner, suggest EPA may have a qualitative benefit beyond mere reduction of triglycerides (Figure 1) We have previously shown that by adding lactate, pyruvate and insulin to C3A cells that you get a dose dependent drop of insulin(Anns thesis). This is likely due to the increase of lactate and pyruvate fueling the TCA cycle and diverting pyruvate towards the gluconeogenicpathway.The presence of oxidative stress in this model augments this theory as mitochondrial dysfunction in the presence of oxidative stress can accelerate acetyl-co-A production. (Anns thesis)While more investigation is needed into the mechanisms behind this decrease of glucose, other studies have proven the effects of EPA on insulin resistance and glycemic control in in vivo models. [22, 23, 24]
It was considered whether the lack of triglyceride reduction in the LPON group could be a result of the increased reactive oxygen species seen in this model. Cells in the control and oleate groups were therefore co-incubated with a non-lethal dose of a reactive oxygen species donor (tBOOH). EPA continued to have an effect in cells in the standard media containing ROS donor, but there was still no significant change in the oleate group when incubated with EPA and tBOOH. Co-incubation with a reactive oxygen species (ROS) donor did not mitigate the triglyceride lowering effect seen in untreated hepatocytes when incubated with EPA. The beneficial effect on the control in terms of triglyceride reduction with ROS suggests that the ineffectiveness of EPA in the LPON model to lower triglyceride content is not purely as a result of the increased ROS in this model. Since ROS does not affect the concentration of triglycerides in fat loaded models, the reduction seen in control must be through a different mechanism.
Lipid droplet characteristics
Characterisation of lipid droplet formation, stability and breakdown is important in understanding how fragmentation of droplets contribute to free fatty acids and ROS released within the cell. Previous work highlighted regulation of proteins involved in lipid droplet stability within the LPON and oleate models [25]Notably, we show an upregulation of perilipin-2 (PLIN2), a gene related to stability of lipid droplets, is upregulated in our LPON model. PLIN2 is known to be involved reduction of lipolysis and decrease triglyceride turnover, which we see in Figure 5. PLIN2 is also involved in the regulation of lipid droplet stability[25]. This suggests a protective mechanism whereby stability of lipid droplet is prioritized to prevent the release of FFA and ROS which cause cytotoxicity [25].This led us to the current study which highlights two important points.
Firstly, LPON induced steatosis, as previously shown, is associated with oxidative stress which appears to have an effect on the characteristics of lipid droplets [15].(Figure 8) This is evidenced by the differences in lipid droplet accumulation, surface area and volume. In the oleate model there was immediate lipid volume expansion while the number of lipid droplets remained the same. By day 3 lipid volume decreased with a slight increase in the number of lipid droplets. In contrast, addition of EPA to oleate treated cells resulted in a rise of total lipid volume. This suggests that addition of EPA increases lipid accumulation to a level higher than control (Table 1). This suggests that cells pre-treated with oleate have an initial increase in fat which is metabolized by day 3 resulting in lower total volume, though addition of EPA increases total lipid volume to a level higher than control. While in contrast, LPON treatment was associated with a steady rise in number of lipid droplets and lipid accumulation but had no change in volume at day 3, which was unaffected by EPA treatment. We postulate the difference in triglyceride acquisition between LPON and oleate may be responsible for the above. Octanoate (the chosen FFA in LPON) cannot be directly esterified thus the triglyceride accumulation is largely mediated by increased de novo lipogenesis. This may explain the time dependent increase in volume and quantity of lipid droplets with LPON.
As fatty acids can become incorporated in the cell and lipid droplet membrane, another potential mechanism to explain our results is that the different fatty acids may have resulted in different phospholipids and membrane proteins. Diminished total and lipid droplet volume with oleate after 72 hours may have been attributable to enhanced PAT protein expression (an essential surfactant positioned on the surface of lipids] which promotes the packaging of lipids in smaller units thus increasing the surface area to volume ratio [26]. Such an increase in the surface area to volume ratio allows access to lipases for triglyceride hydrolysis and influences insulin sensitivity. Conversely, current hypothesis stipulates that a reduction in the surface area to volume ratio can lead to an incomplete triglyceride hydrolysis leading to DAG (diacylglycerol) formation [27]. DAG has been shown to impair insulin signaling via the PKC isoform ε which phosphorylates the insulin receptor effecting all downstream effects of insulin signaling, upregulation of de novo lipogenic genes and glycogen synthesis [27,28,29]. Oleate induced cellular steatosis has been shown previously to have preserved insulin sensitivity whereas LPON (with a higher surface area to volume ratio than oleate) was assciated with increased gluconeogenesis [15, 30].
The second observation is that the effects of EPA on lipid droplets differ between oleate and LPON. In untreated cells, EPA significantly reduced triglyceride concentration and the volume of lipid droplets resulting in a rise in the surface area to volume ratio. This finding of reduced hepatocyte triglyceride with EPA is consistent with several previous studies [31,32,33]. However, similar effects have not been observed in either oleate or LPON groups. Contrary to the findings in the untreated cells, EPA increased the volume of lipid droplets hence reducing the surface area to volume ratio in LPON and oleate treated cells. How might these results be accounted for? It is likely that the differences lie in the mechanisms of EPA in modulating fatty acid metabolism. EPA is thought to promote free fatty acid oxidation by activating the PPAR-a oxidative pathways [11,34,35]. FFA oxidation results in the formation of acetyl coA, which can either enter the TCA cycle, or in the presence of substrate excess, can be swiftly diverted to non-oxidative pathways including de novo lipogenesis. Therefore, it is possible that in the presence of oleate and LPON, formation of acetyl-coA was accelerated from enhanced fatty acid oxidation with EPA and resulted in de novo lipogenesis. Furthermore, decreased surface area to volume ratio of lipid droplets in these cells can hinder lipases from hydrolyzing the stored triglyceride. It is also plausible that the impact of EPA in LPON and oleate treated cells may have been mediated by the modulation of the lipid membrane composition by EPA. Addition of EPA in the context of lipid saturated cellular models may further enhance dysregulation of lipid metabolism rather than improve it.
In our previous study, we examined the effects of oleate and LPON on Cell death-inducing DFF45-like effector B (CIDEB), a member of CIDE cell death-inducing proteins, to determine if there was an association between CIDEB expression and intracellular lipid accumulation, lipid droplet size, mitochondrial β-oxidation or additional reactive oxygen species (ROS] formation [36]. CIDEB is highly expressed in the liver and modulates very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and cholesterol homeostasis and also mediates lipid density fusion and packaging of lipids [36,37,38]
The beneficial effect of EPA in adult NAFLD remains unproven. The effect of EPA on PPAR oxidative pathways encompasses the activation of both w-oxidation and peroxisomalb-oxidation. Unlike mitochondrial b-oxidation, these pathways can generate a significant amount of ROS [39,40]. In support of this, a metabolomic analysis has shown that an omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, increases lipid peroxidation resulting in increased isoprostanes formation mirrored by a decline in hepatic α-tocopherol and ascorbate[41]. Nevertheless, the by-product of n-3 lipid peroxidation such as 4-hydroxyhexenal from DHA but not EPA is thought to confer cardioprotective effect by enhancing antioxidative pathways mediated by NRF-2 [42]. Furthermore, DHA has been shown to suppress hepatic markers of inflammation without a reduction in hepatic steatosis[43]. It is therefore possible that any beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids are independent of their abilities to reduce hepatic steatosis.
The question remains whether EPA would confer benefit in vivo in the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction with high ROS burden. Mitochondrial beta-oxidation requires intact mitochondrial respiration. As such, the FFA oxidative effect of EPA may not be achieved in the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction. Our data is in agreement with the study of Du et al., where dietary supplementation with EPA in carnitine-deficient mice with impaired mitochondrial b-oxidation only served to exacerbate triglyceride accumulation [44]. Moreover, the rise in ROS formation from the overwhelming FFA oxidation with EPA can potentially exacerbate mitochondrial dysfunction further. This would limit the utility of EPA as a therapy for NAFLD.