Various ultrasound investigations have focused on the fetal lung, such as lung area [3, 8] and lung volume [9, 10], to evaluate the fetal lung development. In terms of the fetal thorax, some studies mention the usefulness of fetal thoracic area [8], thoracic circumference [2, 3] and thoracic volume [10] in prenatal diagnosis, but few systematic studies have established the fetal thoracic nomogram and assess the application in diagnosing thoracic malformations. Ultrasound could diagnose congenital thoracic malformations such as congenital pleural effusion, CHD and bronchopulmonary sequestration before 16 gestational weeks, which is beneficial for prenatal counseling and making early decisions concerning deadly fetal malformations [5]. Suyama et al. [8] measured thoracic area and used lung-to-thorax transverse area ratio to confirm the lung size after thoracoamniotic shunting, and concluded that the area ratio is connected with the prognosis of fetal primary hydrothorax. Research indicated that the area ratio of liver herniation and thorax is essential for the evaluation of severe degree of liver herniation in CDH individuals [11]. In terms of thoracic volume measuring method, Miric Tesanic et al [10] demonstrated that both lung volumes plus heart volume was thoracic volume, which is not completely accurate because they disregard other organs’ volume in the mediastinum, like the thymus. Moreover, they used the 3D multiplane reconstruction mode to measure the fetal lung and heart volume by adding different slices together from the diaphragm to the clavicle. Compared with VOCAL technique, it is difficult to calculate the lower lung volume although there is a similar volume result between multiplane and VOCAL technique [12, 13]. Additionally, 3D multiplane reconstruction method is a cumbersome and time-consuming procedure, especially for inexperienced physicians, which limits its clinical application. VOCAL technique is the most popular method for volume measuring method because it is convenient, time-efficient, cost-effective and has high reliability and agreement [14–17]. Additionally, our study shows high reliability with all ICC > 0.90 and excellent agreement with narrow 95% LoA, respectively [6, 7]. VOCAL technique can be used to measure regular organs such as bladder and irregular organs such as lung and thymus. In addition, the organ contour in each rotation section can be modified, which makes the volume more accurate. Finally, most previous studies used the VOCAL technique with rotation angle of 30° [12, 14, 16, 18, 19], we chose the rotation angle of 15° to make the volume more precise.
Consequently, we propose to use 2D ultrasound and 3D ultrasound VOCAL technique to measure fetal thoracic 2D parameters and 3D volumes and establish the reference range for all fetal thoracic parameters. This study results demonstrate that both the 2D and the 3D thoracic parameters increase with the GA. Moreover, the associations between the each thoracic indicator and the GA are high and best illustrated by quadratic equations. Thus, thoracic transverse and anteroposterior diameter, thoracic circumference, thoracic area, lung volume, thoracic volume and lung-to-thorax volume ratio can be treated as new biometric parameters, which is practical to evaluate the development of fetal thorax.
We hypothesize that 2D thoracic parameters can be used to preliminarily assess the basic condition of the fetal thorax, while 3D thoracic parameters further evaluate the fetal lung and thorax, which is beneficial for congenital thoracic malformation diagnosis. Our study results also verified that the thoracic 2D measurements in skeletal dysplasia (SD) group were significantly lower than those in normal group, indicating that SD greatly influences the 2D parameters, and can be diagnosed by 2D ultrasound. Furthermore, both lung volume and thoracic volume were much smaller than the volumes of normal group. This might be because the SD fetus has a narrow skeletal thorax [20, 21] and causes the significant diminish of thoracic volume, which results in limited development of the fetal lung which and reduced more significantly. Thus, the lung-to-thorax volume ratio of the SD fetus is decreased markedly compared with the normal group. However, the 2D fetal thoracic parameters in CDH, PS and CCAM group are all within the reference range for the normal group, showing that it is not statistically significant to measure fetal thoracic 2D parameters to diagnose those deformities. On the other hand, there is a statistical difference of lung volume and lung-to-thorax volume ratio between the case and normal groups. For CDH group, due to the diaphragm defect, the abdominal contents herniate into the fetal thorax [11, 22], which squeezes the lung tissue and causes the restricted lung development, even resulting in pulmonary dysplasia. Although the thoracic volume of the CDH fetus did not have statistical difference from the normal fetus, it showed a trend to a lower value. We need to increase the CDH sample cases in the future study to confirm whether the CHD fetal thoracic volume is really lower than normal fetus. Because of the lung volume decrease and non-obvious thoracic volume change, the lung-to-thorax volume ratio is significantly diminished. Likewise, the lung volumes of the PS fetus and CCAM fetus are also reduced, the reason might be that PS and CCAM are both congenital pulmonary malformations, PS is non-functional sequestered lung tissue which receives blood supply from the circulating arteries, meanwhile, CCAM is characterized by abnormal bronchial airway hyperplasia [5, 23], meanwhile, CCAM is characterized by abnormal bronchial airway hyperplasia and lack of normal alveoli [5, 24]. Both conditions affect the normal progress of the fetal lung and bring about lower lung volume. Conversely, the abnormal lung mass of PS and CCAM does not affect the development of fetal skeletal thorax and diaphragm, so the difference of thoracic volume between the PS, CCAM group and normal group is not significant. As a result, the lung-to-thorax volume ratio is significantly reduced.
Compared with previous studies [19, 25], our research has a large sample size including 1077 normal fetuses from 13 gestational weeks to 40 gestational weeks, which makes the reference data more representative and reliable. Moreover, it enriches the normal fetal biostatistics and helps clinicians to evaluate and follow up fetal development comprehensively. Secondly, our study, including both 2D and 3D thoracic parameters, is the first research project to systematically evaluate the development of fetal thorax. This is meaningful and practical to comprehensively distinguish the normal and pathological fetal thoracic state [19]. In addition, we find that the 2D fetal thoracic parameters can be used to initially evaluate the fetal thoracic development and diagnose skeletal thoracic deformity. Meanwhile, lung volume, thoracic volume and lung-to-thorax volume ratio that reconstructed by 3D VOCAL technique, are useful to diagnose and differentiate CDH fetus, PS fetus and CCAM fetus. Combination of 2D and 3D ultrasound VOCAL technique can guide doctors and pregnant women to carry out early and appropriate measurement to reduce the birth rate of newborns with thoracic malformations.
Limitations of this study: firstly, the 3D ultrasound VOCAL technique is susceptible to fetal position, amniotic fluid volume or fat pregnant. Secondly, it is difficult to clearly identify the inferior boundary of fetal lung on some rotation planes, since it is easily affected by the attenuation of the fetal ossific rib or spine, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. This might reduce the accuracy of volume measurement.