All sampling methods used in this study were taken in a non-invasive manner, with all animals being released in situ and unharmed. Experimental protocols and research were approved by the Portuguese Institute for Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) (License 703/2021/CAPT) and all methods were performed in accordance with these relevant guidelines and regulations. All data are reported according to the ARRIVE guidelines.
A total of 103 adult lizards from five different species were sampled in September 2020: Podarcis bocagei (n = 33), Podarcis lusitanicus (n = 8), Podarcis siculus (n = 20), Podarcis virescens (n = 22) and Teira dugesii (n = 20). All these lacertid species are small-sized, diurnal, mostly insectivorous, and exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males usually being larger than females.
Podarcis bocagei and P. lusitanicus were collected from a semi-natural habitat in Moledo, northern Portugal (Fig. 1d) (41°50'19.2"N 8°52'24.5"W), where they live in syntopy (i.e., occurrence of two species in the same habitat at the same time). This location has limited human disturbance and has lots of vegetation with natural and artificial shelters (e.g., walls of agricultural properties) that can be used by lizards. Ecological adaptation is considered a major factor favoring the isolation between these two species; P. lusitanicus lives more on rocks, while P. bocagei is ground-dwelling [23]. The diet of these two species is mainly composed by prey belonging to Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Araneae, with minimal differences between species or sexes [24]. Podarcis siculus and P. virescens were collected in Lisbon, at Parque das Nações (Fig. 1a, b) (38°76'22.4"N, 9°09'44.3 W), where both live in sympatry (sharing habitat type). This is a highly urbanized area near the Tejo river, characterized by large residential and commercial areas, with considerable daily human disturbance. While P. virescens is native to this location, P. siculus is an invasive species introduced about two decades ago [25]. Its plasticity in spatial use of habitat, morphology, behaviour, and versatile diet explains its successful colonization of multiple locations outside its native range [26–29]. This invasive species can present a more versatile diet, as it can also consume fruits and nectar [30] and have a more herbivorous diet [e.g. 26], while P. virescens is known to be insectivorous and to feed mainly on individuals of the class Arachnida and the orders Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Diptera [31]. Finally, we collected Teira dugesii in a nearby area in Lisbon, in the Alcantara docks, close to the city port area (38°70’33.8“N, 9°16’54.1“W). Similar to the other Podarcis spp. captured in Lisbon, T. dugesii occupies an anthropogenic area, although less busy, close to railway tracks with limited vegetation cover (Fig. 1c). This species is thought to have been accidentally introduced via transport ships from Madeira Island three decades ago, in 1992 [32]. Teira dugesii feeds preferentially on insects but also on small fruits [33].
All individuals were captured using nooses. Lizards were carefully immobilized, avoiding any human contact with the cloaca. We quickly inserted a sterile cotton swab into the entrance of the cloaca to obtain individual microbial samples. The tips of the swabs were cut into individual tubes and stored in ice boxes in the field, and then stored at -80°C upon arrival in the laboratory. Sampling of cloaca exudate was preferred to using fecal samples as it is known to provide a closer representation of the microbial communities residing in the lower gut of lizards [22].
After the microbial sampling, each lizard was sexed, and the snout-vent length was measured (SVL; from head to cloaca) using a digital caliper (± 0.01mm error).
In the laboratory, we extracted the DNA from the swabs using the DNeasy® PowerSoil® Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA concentration and quality were measured with the Epoch™ Microplate Spectrophotometer (BioTek Instruments, Inc.; United States of America). DNA was shipped in dry ice to the Centre for Microbial Systems at the University of Michigan Medical School (USA) where the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene (~ 250 bp) of the bacterial communities was amplified for each sample, along with the extraction blanks and PCR controls, following the protocol of Kozich et al. [34]. Amplicons were sequenced in a single Illumina MiSeq run.
All analysis were performed using the R Software v.4.1.1. Raw FASTQ files were denoised using the DADA2 pipeline [35] in R with the parameters for filtering and trimming: trimLeft = 20, truncLen = c(220,200), maxN = 0, maxEE = c(2,2), truncQ = 2; and the SILVA 138 database [36, 37] was chosen for taxonomic assignment. After quality control and taxonomic assignment, sequences identified as Archaea, Eukaryota, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, as well as sequences unassigned to bacteria were removed from the dataset. An Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) frequency table was constructed using the R package phyloseq [38] and normalized read counts were obtained using the negative binomial distribution implemented in DESeq2 [39]. ASVs with a count of less than 0.001% of the total number of reads (3586752 [total number of reads]x 0.001% = 36) and that were present in a single sample were also removed.
Bacterial taxonomic alpha-diversity (intra-sample) and beta-diversity (inter-sample) were estimated using the phyloseq package. Alpha-diversity was estimated using the number of observed ASVs, and the Shannon, Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity (PD). Beta-diversity was measured using the Bray-Curtis index and the Unifrac phylogenetic weighted and unweighted distances. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) were used to visually assess dissimilarity among groups.
Statistical differences in alpha-diversity between locality/habitat, species and sex were analyzed using a linear model (lm(alpha-diversity ~ locality + species + sex)). Given the significant effect of locality (which also corresponded to semi-natural and urbanized habitats) on alpha-diversity (see results section), differences in the proportions of the most abundant taxa at the phyla and genera level (represented by ≥ 1% on average of all sequences) were assessed between species and sex for each locality/habitat separately using a linear model (lm (bacterial phyla/genus ~ species * sex)). The effects of locality, species and sex on microbial beta-diversity were assessed using permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) with 10000 permutations, implemented using the adonis function of the R vegan package [40] (adonis(beta-diversity ~ local + species + sex)). Correlations between individual size and bacterial alpha-diversity were also tested using the Pearson correlation test for each species, using the ggpubr package [41].
Bacterial transmission between each pair of species from sympatric populations living in Moledo and Parque das Nações was estimated using the FEAST software [42], by testing the contribution of each species (source) to the microbial diversity to its sympatric congener (sink). To this end, the non-normalized ASV frequency table was used, and due to differences in the number of samples between P. bocagei and P. lusitanicus, only a fraction of the individuals of P. bocagei was included (with the most similar sex and SVL ratios to the P. lusitanicus samples as possible), following the FEAST developers’ recommendations to avoid overestimation of transmission.