2.1. Economic Value
Economic factor has greatly illustrated as the consumption experience by (Holbrook, 2006) as an economic value. Literally, economic factors derived when consumers seek to achieve their consumption related objective through pricing benefit or quality excellence (Holbrook, 2006). The consumers have always been observed to achieve their objective from pricing benefits (Mendoza-Abarca & Mellema, 2016), superior quality (Pappas, 2017), low perceived risk (Wang et al., 2019) and product relate feature (Schuitema & De Groot, 2015) et cetera. Therefore, it can be said that economic factors or values that consumers seek from solar energy or biofuel can become important determining factors in developing intention (Yu & Fang, 2009; Al-Debei & Al-Lozi, 2014). The literature argues that consumer economic values have the potential to be satisfied from both forms of alternative energy products and services, i.e. solar power and biofuel, from a variety of perspectives. Both solar and biofuel energy are alternative energy solution which offers big savings in terms of money which otherwise has to be paid to the energy services provider (Mohamed & Lee, 2006), savings in generator fuel expenses (Yasmin & Grundmann, 2019), lower side effect in terms of hazards and health (Brown et al., 2020), consistent supply (Oh et al., 2010), consistent quality (Botelho et al., 2016) and environmental friendliness (Lee & Holden, 1999). Thus, it can be argued that consumer economic values are potential factors that need to be empirically tested in the cross rural areas setting. So the current research has hypothesized that;
H1 Economic Factors of consumer have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.2. Altruistic factor
The altruistic factor of consumer can be described as an individual “concern for how my own consumption behavior affects others where this experience is viewed as a self-justifying end-in-itself as when engaging in ethically desirable practices in which “virtue is its own reward” (Holbrook, 2006). Altruism can have a role in accelerating adoption of alternative energy products and services that should be tested. This is based on the notion that consumers may think that their decision to adopt and consume alternative energy is morally responsible behavior (Lee & Holden, 1999). Consumers have developed the idea that alternative energy consumption is not only viable economically but it is also viable morally (Hahnel et al., 2014) as alternative energy solution has promised to protect our environment from degradation (Arpan et al., 2014), will offer continuous and uninterrupted supply of energy (Oh et al., 2010) which will have profound positive impact upon household, especially for females and children (Jia et al., 2017). Besides that, consumers often experience a kind of intrinsic value in using and adopting alternative energy solution upon being motivated by other users and consumers (Ding et al., 2014) which will further motivate their decision in light of society’s view (Menges et al., 2005). Further, consumer’s altruism also plays a part in a form of indirect attitude (Hartmann & Apaolaza-Ibáñez, 2012) which stems from the fact that consumers in order to satisfy the inner self, can start a propagation of benefits and positive aspect to other members of society (Panda et al., 2020; Sweeney et al., 2014). Therefore, based upon such assertions, the current research has hypothesized that;
H2 Altruistic Factors of consumer have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.3. Product and Services Awareness Factors
The product and services awareness refer to the extent to which a consumer of rural area knows about biofuel and solar power energy products and services (Bailey, 2005). The knowledge of product includes basic features of products (Ambali & Bakar, 2014), functions (Kane et al., 2003), usability and usages (Lakshmi et al., 2020), main brands or manufacturer (Marselina, 2019) and prices (Irfan et al., 2019) while services aspect of product includes retailers’ promotion techniques of installing, repairing and provision of any extra information that can enhance basic utility of product (Pokharel, 2003; Mishra et al., 2019). Product and services awareness is crucial in developing intention and adopting the alternative energy products such as biofuel and solar power (Akroush et al., 2019). Governments, environmental activists and corporations around the world are spending considerable amount of resources especially in rural areas, to create awareness of solar and biofuel products (Malik et al., 2020) through experimental methods of providing demonstration of the products and distributing for free (Yadav et al., 2019). The literature further argues that the, road to final adoption and consumption of the solar and biofuel runs from the awareness of such products (Rahmi et al., 2019). Due to higher level of education and more advanced mass media, urban consumers tend to be more aware than rural consumers of the alternative energies. Therefore, current data on the role of products and services knowledge in developing intention of rural consumers to adopt either of the alternative energy solution of solar power or biofuel, is limited. So, the current research hypothesized that;
H3 Products and Services awareness factors have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution
2.4. Climate Change Awareness
The weather and lifestyle factors refer to the extent of weather condition in the area in which rural peoples are currently undertaking their livelihood and extent to which weather conditions induce necessary changes in the style of conducting such livelihood (Al-Ghussain, 2019). The rising temperature or global warming due to greenhouse gases effect has negative impact upon people’s livelihood (Salleh, 2016) and such impact seems to be more profound in the rural areas as compared to the urban areas (Devereux, 2001; Singh, 2020). The commercial mobility from village to market, working schedule in farms and fields and health of farmers and rural people are some of the effects well noted in the literature (Cline, 1992). Further, it is increasingly raised and argued that of the effects of global warming in rural areas due to the lack of supply of electricity through traditional grid is also responsible for aggravating the situation (Schoen, 2017). Thus, researchers and policy makers have long ago been calling for innovations and solutions that can provide the rural communities with energy supply from electricity and gases which will bypass traditional grid bases supply (Zheng et al., 2010). The reason is to make rural communities more self-dependent in energy production and consumption for the support of their overall livelihood (Rosenthal et al., 2018). The solar and biofuel energy solution finally fits into such scenario where it helps rural communities to produce and consume energy themselves without any interruption of energy breakdown (Rahman et al., 2017) and use such energy solution in daily lives (Yaghoubi et al., 2019). Thus, current research hypothesized that;
H4 Weather and lifestyle factors have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.5. Ease of Use Factors
The ease of use can be defined as feature of product, services and system to provide its user easiness in performing function of product, services and system safely, effectively, and efficiently hedonically (Karahanna & Straub, 1999). The level of difficulty further increases with low amount of general awareness and literacy rate (Cao & Niu, 2019) as in the case of rural users. The user manuals and guides accompanied with product are always helpful but such manual and guides becomes ineffective in the case of rural consumers (Gök et al., 2019) due to low literacy rate. The literature has identified that, both electronic and electric products and services have problem of being considered not easy to use (Kardooni et al., 2016) and it is the reason that, many of innovative and effect products are difficult to be adopted by consumer widely due to their lack of ease of use (Al-Rahmi et al., 2019). However, considering solar and biofuel as electric and energy products, it has been observed both in the literature and practiced that, solar power panel and biofuel are not intricate in terms of its installation and functions (Bandara & Amarasena, 2018; Nehrir et al., 2011). The health hazards as literature indicate is always central concern of consumers as for electric and electronic product are concerned (Chandel & Agarwal, 2017) and consumers tend to pay huge amount of money to vendors for helping them to install and guide them on its proper functioning (Acharya & Marhold, 2019). But, it has been noticed that, such factors are virtually invisible in the solar power and biofuel. The consumers easily install, maintain and repair energy producing products without paying extra amount of money to vendors (Extance, 2019) and there are not any health hazards been found while installing and using solar and biofuel products and services. Thus, based upon such assertion, current research hypothesized that;
H5 Ease of use factors have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.6. Retailor Services Factors
The retailing or retailer’s services factors are referred as the extent to which a retailer is providing sales and marketing services to consumers of both solar power panel and biofuel (Lee & Chow, 2020). The services by retailors include information on solar panel and biofuel products and brands, information on associated biofuel and captive products and services, easy access to vendor for installation and repairing, shipping of products from retailors location to site of installation which can be home or commercial place and any other additional information which can add value to consumer perception (Kolay, 2015). The literature suggests that, retailor play a crucial role in enhancing consumer perception of value of products and brand (Das, 2014). In the case of brand extension of line and launching a completely new product, company’s manager depends upon retailor to generate the demand for the products (Völckner & Sattler, 2006). This is also a case with innovative and radical new product. The one of important reason of such an effective role of retailor in consumer demand generation and satisfaction is that, it is retailor who is a bridge in between company and consumer and retailor have direct contact with consumer (Vlachos et al., 2010). Corresponding to such assertion in the literature, role of retailor in the alternative energy solution of solar and biofuel is also important and similar (Luthra et al., 2015; Jelti et al., 2021). The importance of role increases further in the rural areas where retailor is only source of information and promotion. Thus, based upon such evidence, current research has hypothesized that;
H6 Retailer’s services factors have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.7. Branding Factors
The branding factors refer to an attempt by equipment manufacturer and distributor of solar power and biofuel to brand it and its products and services offered to the consumers (Larsen, 2017). The branding process or effort includes developing necessary elements of brand such as Name, logo, color, theme, graphics, sound or jingle, packaging and tagline (Moriarty & Franzen, 2008). The literature on the branding is one highly developed (Christodoulides & De Chernatony, 2010). The empirical evidences have shown that, branding is critical factors in issues such as consumer purchase intention (Martín-Consuegra et al., 2018), consumer adoption (Alashban et al., 2002), consumer loyalty (Van der Westhuizen, 2018) and firm’s financial success (Crass et al., 2019). The literature further enlightens us that, branding is closely associated with consumer psychology (Vogel & Watchravesringkan, 2017). The consumer psychological issues such as high perceived quality of products and services (Sanyal & Datta, 2011), high perceived utility (Winzar et al., 2018), higher perceived value (Kim et al., 2019) and lower perceived risk are well mitigated through development of strong brand (Kirchoff et al., 2019). The branding activities have also been observed actively in the sustainable and alternative energy solutions (Larsen, 2017). The term green brands have is occurring in the literature frequently and empirical evidences suggest us that, branding activities in product related with environmental sustainability such as solar and biofuel has significant and positive impact upon consumer perception and behavior (Zubair Tariq, 2014). The evidences on relationship between branding and intention is well recorded in other green products except solar and biofuel and most of these evidence are based upon urban samples. Thus, it is needed to calculate effect of branding factors on intention and adoption in rural phenomena. So, current research hypothesized that;
H7 Branding factors have significant impact on the intention to adopt solar and biofuel energy solution.
2.8. Intention of Solar power panel
The intention of consumer is referred here as a prospect of consumer who will purchase or he/she is willing to purchase a solar power panel in near future (Ramayah, 2010). The past researches have been indicating that, intention is always closely related to the final purchases and adoption of product and services (Besharat et al., 2014). The intention is powerful construct in the literature of both consumer and human behavior. As it is referred in theory of planned behavior (TPB), people always develop an intention of adopting or discharging the certain and specific behavior (Ajzen, 1999). Therefore, it is argued here that, for final adoption and usage of solar power panel whether for the purpose electrifying home or commercial business, intention towards solar power panel is mediating factor (Kumar et al., 2020). Previous researchers have employed range of factors that can be instrumental in yielding the intention towards the solar power panel (Parkins et al., 2018) and many have been attracted towards TPB which argues that, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are responsible for developing intention generally (Liu et al., 2020). Those factors enshrined (Liu et al., 2020). Although factors enshrined in TPB are important and empirical evidence are available in support of it within context of solar power panel (Yadav & Pathak, 2016). Current research argues that, due to nature of solar power products itself and understanding and comparing the adoption of solar power in context domestic and commercial purpose, range of other factors can also influence which include Branding Factors (Gong et al., 2020) Retailors Services factors (Manouchehrabadi et al., 2020) Altruistic factors(Ali et al., 2020) Weather and life styles factors (Komendantova & Neumueller, 2020) Product and Services Awareness Factors (Rahman et al., 2020) Economic Factors (Simon, 2020) Ease of use factor (White et al., 2020; Masukujjaman et al., 2021) upon intention of consumer towards solar power panel and finally to the domestic and commercial adoption. Thus, current research hypothesizes that;
H8 Intention to adopt and install have positive effect towards adoption of solar power for home.
H9 Intention to adopt and install have positive effect towards adoption of solar power for commercial use.
H10 There is a mediating effect in between factors and adoption of solar power for home.
H11 There is a mediating effect in between factors and adoption of solar power for commercial use.
2.9. Intention of Biofuel energy
The intention of consumer is referred here as a prospect of consumer who will purchase or he/she is willing to purchase a solar power panel in near future (Ramayah et al., 2010). The past researches have been indicating that, intention is always closely related to the final purchases and adoption of product and services (Besharat et al., 2014). The literature has indicated variety factors employed to yield the intention towards the biofuel or biogas products and services (Yaghoubi et al., 2019) and with obvious role of factors to yield the intention as provided in the TPB (Chin et al., 2019). Although factors enshrined in TPB and by other researchers are important and empirical evidence are available in support of it within context of biofuel or biogas are strong (Yaghoubi et al., 2019; Chin et al., 2019; Bakhtiyari et al., 2017). Current research proposes to operationalize range of factors that needed be tested such as (Gong et al., 2020) Retailors Services factors (Manouchehrabadi et al., 2020) Altruistic factors (Ali et al., 2020) Weather and life styles factors (Komendantova & Neumueller, 2020) Product and Services Awareness Factors (Rahman et al., 2020) Economic Factors (Simon, 2020) Ease of use factor (White et al., 2020; Masukujjaman et al., 2021) with intention of consumer towards biogas and biofuel which can help us to understand biogas’ and biofuel’s adoption towards both domestic and commercial use. Thus, current research hypothesizes that;
H11 Intention to adopt and install have positive effect towards adoption of biogas’ and biofuels for domestic use.
H12 Intention to adopt and install have positive effect towards adoption of biogas’ and biofuels for commercial use.
H13 There is a mediating effect in between factors and adoption of biogas’ and biofuels for home.
H14 There is a mediating effect in between factors and adoption of biogas’ and biofuels for commercial use.
2.10. Theoretical review of adoption
The concept of adoption whether household or commercial adoption which is addressed in next is derived from product adoption (Roger, 1976). The concept of new product adoption refers to a process where consumer of new and older product started to get aware of product, understand its value and finally starting to use it for both commercial and domestic purpose where applicable (Roger, 1976; Kalish, 1985). The innovation diffusion theory (Roger, 2010) which has been undergoing certain changes and modification has been key in explaining the product adoption by consumers (MacVaugh, J., & Schiavone, 2010). The empirical researches and evidence on the product adoption under the lens of innovation diffusion theory are wide ranging which have been instrumental in understanding product adoption (Zanello et l., 2016). The empirical evidences on relationship in between intention and adoption of the new or old product is also wide-ranging where researchers have been employing range of factors in the intention yield (Islam, 2014). Thus, it can be argued based upon published literature that, theoretical relationship exists in between intention and adoption.
2.10.1. Household adoption of biofuel and solar
The product adoption of alternative energy solutions such as solar power panel and biofuel have remained issue for policy makers and researcher’s community (Solangi et al., 2011). As researchers and policy maker have been arguing to fight poverty and other socio-economic issues with instrument of energy inclusiveness (Yadav et al., 2019), alternative energy solutions such as solar power panel and biofuel is playing an effective role (Giampietro et al., 2013; Ouedraogo et al., 2017; Zaman et al., 2017). The solar and biofuel products can be adopted for domestic or in home uses for variety of different purposes such as electrifying their homes clean source of cheap sources of cooking and different others uses (Alkin et al., 2018). The home based adoption of solar power panel and biofuel is also increasing day by day due to the perceived usefulness and value of solution (De Felice et al., 2019). The dynamic of solar power panel and biofuel adoption in rural areas are bit different to that of urban areas. The researches published in literature are mostly focused upon the urban residential consumers. The rural and cross cultural aspect of residential or domestic solar power panel and biofuel adoption is clearly missing. Further, as both solar power panel and biofuel are different in nature, functioning and price, evidences are needed to understand which product among solar power panel and biofuel is at priority of final adoption in the rural areas.
2.10.2. Commercial adoption of biofuel and solar:
The alternative energy products such as solar power panel and biofuel have potential to help societies to achieve socio-economic objective through energy inclusiveness and supply for commercial purpose (König et al., 2020). It is argued that, people specially at rural areas can become generate income and employment for themselves with low cost and clean energy solutions (Sun et al., 2021). The variety of business opportunities have been tapped by people in rural areas by using the solar power panel and biofuel solution (Gandini et al., 2017). This include completely removing electricity charges for small scale retailor shops where electricity tariffs are higher as compare to domestic tariffs (Khan et al., 2016). The use of solar power panel and biofuel for small scale production facility like carpenter, shoes maker, barbers, tailor and many others (Boakye et al., 2020). Further, solar power panel and biofuel is also contributing in the home based venture run by women specially. However, rural and cross cultural aspect of commercial solar power panel and biofuel adoption is clearly missing. Further, as both solar power panel and biofuel are different in nature, functioning and price, evidences are needed to understand which product among solar power panel and biofuel is at priority of final adoption in the rural areas. The current research is step in further to develop understanding of adoption.