Simulated Prosthesis Design
In this study, the simulated sensory motor prosthesis developed by Kuus et al. (20) was used. It was designed to be worn by non-disabled individuals to simulate the function of a myoelectric prosthesis worn by an individual with a right-arm transradial amputation. The simulated prosthesis consists of: a rigid brace to immobilize the wearer’s wrist and hand; two electrodes (electrode model: 13E200 = 60; Otto Bock Healthcare Products; Duderstadt, Germany) to read electromyography signals from the user’s forearm muscles; and a myoelectric hand (MyoHand VariPlus Speed model: 8e38 = 9-R7 1⁄4; Otto Bock Healthcare Products) mounted underneath the brace in the approximate location of the participant’s real hand, with a slight radial offset to ensure line of sight to the terminal device. The simulated prosthesis wearer controls the device by activating their wrist extensor muscles to open the hand, and the wrist flexor muscles to close the hand. Although this simulated sensory-motor prosthesis was originally designed to investigate the impact of sensory feedback (20), it was used in this study to solely examine motor control.
A group of 12 non-disabled individuals were recruited to perform a functional task while wearing the simulated prosthesis (hereafter referred to as ‘SP participants’). These individuals had no upper-body pathology or history of neurological or musculoskeletal injuries within the past two years. All SP participants were right-handed, 11 were male, with an average age of 23.8 ± 3.4 years (mean ± standard deviation) and an average height of 176.2 ± 6.2 cm.
Three individuals with transradial amputations were recruited to perform the same functional task while wearing their usual, custom-fitted myoelectric prosthesis (hereafter referred to as ‘MP participants’ – ‘P1’, ‘P2’, and ‘P3’). A pre-task assessment of the Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control (ACMC) (28) was administered by a trained occupational therapist. This assessment was chosen since it is a well-validated assessment of skill level for myoelectric prosthesis users. The attributes and assessment scores of the MP participants are shown in Table 1. According to the ascending ACMC scores of the MP participants, P1 was considered to be the least-skilled, P2 mid-skilled, and P3 the most-skilled.
Table 1
Attributes of the MP participants.
MP Participants
Age (years)
Height (cm)
Hand dominance before amputation
N/A (congenital)
Amputation side
Time between amputation and data collection
11 months
18 years
37 years
Hours of prosthesis use per day
Prosthetic Hand
MyoHand VariPlus Speed
ACMC score
The study was approved by the University of Alberta Health Research Ethics Board (Pro00054011), the Department of the Navy Human Research Protection Program (DON-HRPP), and the SSC-Pacific Human Research Protection Office (SSCPAC HRPO). Each participant provided written informed consent.
Functional Task
The Pasta Box Task, developed by Valevicius et al. (24), validated by Williams et al. (30), and used in prior prosthesis user studies (2, 29), mimics the actions of reaching for a kitchen item and moving it to shelves of different heights – thereby including common prosthesis assessment requirements. In this task, the participant is required to perform three movements: Movement 1 – moving a pasta box from a lower side table immediately to their right (height: 30 inches) to a shelf in front of them (height: 43 inches); Movement 2 – moving the pasta box to a second shelf at a higher height across the body (height: 48 inches); and Movement 3 – moving the pasta box back to the starting position on the side table. The participant is required to start each movement with their hand at a ‘home’ position, and then return their hand to this position at the completion of the task. Each movement, as well as the location of ‘home’, are depicted in Fig. 1. Following data collection, each movement can be divided into the phases of ‘Reach’, ‘Grasp’, ‘Transport’, and ‘Release’, so that discrete characteristics of hand movement can be examined (24). Note that Fig. 1 shows the Pasta Box Task setup arranged for SP participants (who used the right-side simulated device) and the MP participant with a right-side prosthesis; however, the setup was mirrored for the two MP participants with a left-side prosthesis.
Prosthetic Device Training
Each of the SP participants took part in a two-hour device usage training session. During the session, these participants donned the device, were taught how to control the myoelectric hand using their muscle activity, and were given an opportunity to practice four functional tasks (including the Pasta Box Task). As the participants carried out these tasks, they were provided with verbal instructions regarding how to improve the control of their device. The participants were allowed to take breaks throughout their training session, as required.
Given that the MP participants were to perform the functional testing with their usual prostheses, they did not require a device usage training session, but were allowed to practice the Pasta Box Task until they felt comfortable executing it.
SP Participant Experimental Setup
A 12-camera Vicon Bonita motion capture system (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd, Oxford, UK) was used to capture the three-dimensional trajectories of motion capture markers affixed to the SP participants at a sampling frequency of 120 Hz. Three individual motion capture markers were affixed to a rigid surface of the simulated prosthesis, along with additional markers on the index finger (middle phalange) and thumb (distal phalange), as shown in Fig. 2a. In accordance with Boser et al.’s Clusters Only model, rigid plates, each holding four markers, were placed on the participants’ upper arm, trunk, and pelvis (31). Additional individual markers were placed on the pasta box, shelving unit, and side table, as outlined in the supplementary materials of Valevicius et al. (24).
MP Participant Experimental Setup
An 8-camera Optitrack Flex 13 motion capture system (Natural Point, OR, USA) was used to capture the three-dimensional trajectories of motion capture markers affixed to the MP participants at a sampling frequency of 120 Hz. It should be noted that the reproducibility of the protocol and kinematic results across different motion capture technologies have been previously confirmed (30). A rigid plate holding four motion capture markers was affixed to the back of each MP participant’s myoelectric hand, along with individual markers on their index finger and thumb as shown in Fig. 2b. As with the SP participants, rigid plates holding four markers were placed on the upper arm, trunk, and pelvis. Additional individual markers were placed on the pasta box, shelving unit, and side table, as outlined in the supplementary materials of Valevicius et al. (24).
Experimental Data Acquisition and Processing
Before each participant performed the functional task, a motion capture calibration using the anatomical pose was performed, as outlined by Boser et al. (31). Then, trial data were collected as follows.
SP Participants
Each of the twelve SP participants performed a total of five task trials. If they made an error during a trial, the error was flagged, and that trial’s data were discarded. All data from one SP participant were discarded due to poor data quality. Data from a total of 46 trials (from eleven participants) were used in this study.
MP Participants: The goal was to obtain 20 completed trials for each MP participant. However, if multiple error trials were noted in sequence, or fatigue or frustration were noted due to inability to complete the task, the trial collection was stopped. This resulted in a different number of completed trials for each MP participant: P1 performed 8 trials, with 4 error-free; P2 performed 10 trials, with 4 error-free; and P3 performed 20 trials, with 19 error-free. All error-free trials were used in this study (total of 27 trials across MP participants).
The motion capture data were filtered and segmented into Reach, Grasp, Transport, and Release phases, as outlined by Valevicius et al. (24). The duration of each phase and relative duration of each phase were calculated. For the simulated and myoelectric prosthetic hands, a rigid body was created using the respective hand markers (the three markers on the side of the simulated prosthesis, shown in Fig. 2a, or the four markers on the back of the myoelectric prostheses, shown in Fig. 2b). Then, a virtual rectangular prism was created to represent the hand object, relative to the rigid body but with an offset so its position would be representative of the simulated or myoelectric hand’s position. Hand movement measures were calculated using the centre of the virtual hand object’s three-dimensional position and its velocity. Time-normalized plots of hand velocity were generated, as described by Valevicius et al. (24). Hand movement measures of peak hand velocity, percent-to-peak hand velocity, hand distance travelled, hand trajectory variability (maximum of three-dimensional standard deviation at each point in time), and number of movement units (number of velocity peaks) were calculated for each Reach-Grasp and Transport-Release movement segment, as per Valevicius et al. (24). Grip aperture was measured as the distance between the index and thumb markers, and time-normalized plots of grip aperture were generated, as described by Valevicius et al. (24). Angular kinematics of the shoulder and trunk degrees of freedom (DOFs) were calculated, as outlined by Boser et al. (31). For each task movement (Movements 1, 2, and 3), ranges of motion (ROMs) were calculated for shoulder and trunk DOFs.
Data Analysis
The three MP participants were represented as individual case studies and mean values across trials for each measure were calculated separately for P1, P2, and P3. For the population of SP participants, an overall mean value was calculated for each measure by averaging across trials and participants.
To show that the SP participants exhibited movement strategies that were different from normative movement patterns, they were compared to the mean values of non-disabled individuals, collected by Valevicius et al. (24, 25). Both datasets followed a normal distribution for each measure, as determined through the use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To investigate differences between these two groups, a series of mixed analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and pairwise comparisons were conducted for each measure and task. Mixed ANOVA group effects or interactions involving group were followed up with either an additional mixed ANOVA or pairwise comparisons between groups if the Greenhouse-Geisser corrected p value was less than 0.05. Pairwise comparisons were considered to be significant if the Bonferroni corrected p value was less than 0.05.
The MP participants were individually compared to the normative baseline. Based on the commonly used convention of defining the normative reference range as two standard deviations above and below the mean (32), the individual P1, P2, and P3 mean values were judged, for each measure, as different from that of the normative baseline if they fell outside of 2 standard deviations (between-participant) of the corresponding normative mean. The aim was to observe the differences in the SP participants compared to the normative baseline, and the differences in the MP participants compared to the normative baseline, to identify similar compensatory strategies.