Plant architecture related traits
In this study, we employed four multi-locus models: FASTmrMLM, FASTmrEMMA, mrMLM, and pLARmEB and three single-locus models i.e. FarmCPU, MLM, and MLMM to identify significant association with plant height, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, and number of tillers across multiple environments in hexaploid wheat. Plant height is a key factor in crop breading as it plays a crucial role in reshaping plant architecture. In wheat, it greatly affects lodging and thus grain yield and quality [37]. Consequently, the identification of major dwarfing genes in green revolution to reduce plant height and improve yield was a major component in wheat breading [38]. In this study, we identified significant SNPs across multiple years by different ML-GWAS approaches (Table 1–3, supplementary Fig. 1a-e). By integrated ML-GWAS results, a total of 24 stable SNPs consistently detected by most of the ML-GWAS methods for PH (Table 1 and Fig. 4c). Most of these SNPs located on chromosome 5A and 7A. Earlier studies reported significant association signals with PH located on chromosome 5A and 7A [39–41]. It is revealed that chromosome 5A harboured the highest number of significant SNPs associated with plant architectural traits (Table 1). Several previous studies confirmed that chromosome 5A is the most useful and reproducible in wheat genome [42–45]. S Sukumaran, S Dreisigacker, M Lopes, P Chavez and MP Reynolds [22] evaluated spring wheat population for yield related traits and reported that most of the significant SNPs identified on chromosome 5A and 6A. Similarly, the SNPs on chromosomes 5A and 6A are most likely the MTAs reported previously [43, 46].
Among the four stable SNPs simultaneously detected across multiple environments and methods for PH (Table 3), two SNPs were located on chromosome 6B, revealing the significance of chromosome 6B which are consistent with the findings of [47–49] most of their significant SNPs located on chromosome 6B controlling FLW. Another SNP (Kukri_c34553_89) located on chromosome 2B with LOD ranging from 3.22–6.43, simultaneously detected in two environments by three ML-GWAS methods i.e. mrMLM, FASTmrMLM, and pLARmEB. J Chen, F Zhang, C Zhao, G Lv, C Sun, Y Pan, X Guo and F Chen [50] evaluated six quality related traits in Chinese wheat and detected Kukri_c34553_89 among the environment-stable SNPs and revealed the positive effects of the aforementioned SNP on harvest index across five environments. Furthermore, two consensus SNPs (RAC875_c8121_1490 and Ku_c5191_340), located on chromosome 3A and 6B respectively, significantly associated with plant height across multiple environments and methods. L Gao, G Zhao, D Huang and J Jia [51] constructed a selection map for domestication and improvement in wheat and reported both RAC875_c8121_1490 and Ku_c5191_340 in their study. Another candidate SNP (tplb0049a09_1302) located on chromosome 5A, simultaneously detected by mrMLM and FASTmrMLM approaches and consistently repeated in two environments (Table 3). Similarly, tplb0049a09_1302 is reported earlier by Q-u Ain, A Rasheed, A Anwar, T Mahmood, M Imtiaz, Z He, X Xia and UM Quraishi [39], using 90K array to identify several genomic regions associated with yield related traits in historical wheat genotypes of Pakistan. Another SNP (BobWhite_c5694_1201) located on chromosome 4B is likely same to the QTL identified by J Zou, K Semagn, M Iqbal, H Chen, M Asif, A N’Diaye, A Navabi, E Perez-Lara, C Pozniak and R-C Yang [52], investigating the effect of 90K SNP array and QTL detection in a spring wheat population. For FLL three consensus SNPs were detected on chromosome 4B, 5A, and 6D (Table 1). F Li, W Wen, J Liu, Y Zhang, S Cao, Z He, A Rasheed, H Jin, C Zhang and J Yan [20] also reported significant SNPs associated with FLL on chromosome 5A and 6D. The SNP (BS00021881_51) associated with FLL simultaneously detected via two ML-GWAS approaches i.e. FASTmrMLM and pLARmEB was reported earlier in QTL mapping [53]. Two stable SNPs (BS00022127_51 and wsnp_BE499835B_Ta_2_5) associated with the number of tillers per plant corresponded to the previously reported SNPs in wheat [54, 55]. Among the stably detected SNPs for number of tillers, BS00022127_51 located on chromosome 7B, simultaneously detected by all four ML-GWAS methods (Table 1). F Li, W Wen, J Liu, Y Zhang, S Cao, Z He, A Rasheed, H Jin, C Zhang and J Yan [20] reported significant SNPs associated with number of tillers located on the same chromosomes 7B and 7D.
Significance Of Gwas Using High-density Genotyping
Sequencing larger data with new technology will provide the base to use high-density genotyping approach for quicker and cost-effective operations. Compared to tradition QTL mapping, GWAS has three major advantages: high resolution power for QTL identification, ability to detect more alleles, and less estimation time [56]. GWAS is mostly applicable in crop plants, due to its modern genotyping technologies, identification of novel alleles, and improved statistical methods [56]. Crop genotyping has been a common approach since 1990s, but recently several improvements have been occurred in different types of polymorphisms and genotyping platforms [57]. Previously used methods depend on patterns of DNA digestion restriction and hybridization, randomly amplified PCR fragments, the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies enable genotyping in depth investigation with higher resolution [58, 59]. The most widely used NGS is single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which allow better detection power for markers associated with agronomic traits [60]. Previously genotyping efforts were not very effective in screening complex traits because the associated loci for desirable traits were not completely detected due to their week individual effects. The discovery of high-throughput genotyping and advanced bioinformatics tools now solve this issue by increasing the accuracy, while reducing the cost of genotyping [61, 62]. The application of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) as a molecular marker provides better understanding of variation in an organism or individual part. Using SNPs provide the base for high throughput genotyping. Molecular markers are mostly used segregation in analysis, forensic examination, genetic mapping and diagnosis, and numerous biological applications [63–65]. Up to now, different genetic markers are being used in crop breading but most of these are limited in their applications due to their unavailability and high cost of operation. SNPs are the most widely used markers having a wide range of applications in genome analysis [66, 67]
Combining strategy of SL and ML-GWASs can improve the power of GWAS
With the advent of molecular markers and genome studies, several association mapping approaches have been developed to reveal the genetic architecture of complex traits in crops [68, 69]. In earlier studies, mostly SL-GWAS methods were adopted to dissect complex traits, but only few SNPs for each trait have been identified due to its procedural limitations. GLM has an obvious shortcoming of high false positive rate due to the absence of kinship among materials as covariate [70]. In MLM, due to the setting of very high threshold, many small-effect loci are missed [71]. To make up for the limitations of these methods, some multi-locus methodologies have recently been implemented, such as FASTmrMLM [72], FASTmr EMMA [73], mrMLM [71], and pLARmEB [74] are more effective approaches, which were used in this study. Using these models can improve the accuracy of SNPs with high detection power and less stringent criteria, which can effectively overcome the above issues. The most obvious advantage of these multi-locus models is that no Bonferroni multiple test correction is needed ([71, 73]. To study quantitative traits with the complex genetic background as the number of molecular markers is comparatively larger than sample sizes, it is recommended to simultaneously use multiple GWAS methods.
In the past ten years, several GWAS approaches have been used to identify significant SNPs, especially evaluating agronomic traits in common wheat (T. aestivum L.) traits using a single locus and two multi-locus approaches [75]. Conclusively, V Jaiswal, V Gahlaut, PK Meher, RR Mir, JP Jaiswal, AR Rao, HS Balyan and PK Gupta [75] verified that ML-GWAS has more detection power than SL-GWAS by revealing ten Marker Trait Associations (MTAs) through SL-GWAS while, 22 MTAs through multi locus mixed model (MLMM) and 58 MTAs through multi-trait mixed model (MTMM). A more recent study of Ward and his co-researchers utilized a conventional mixed linear model and recently developed FarmCPU approach to dissect the genetic architecture of yield related traits in winter wheat. Comparatively, FarmCPU detected 74 significant associations while, the single locus model only screened nine significant associations for different yield-related traits. Furthermore, FarmCPU approach is more complicated and less obvious to user than mix linear model, and hence more care should be taken during using FarmCPU algorithm [18]. Y Zhang, P Liu, X Zhang, Q Zheng, M Chen, F Ge, Z Li, W Sun, Z Guan and T Liang [76] evaluated maize lines through a series of multi locus GWAS approaches to detect some novel loci responsible for lodging resistance. By comparing four multi-locus methods i.e. FASTmrEMMA, mrMLM, pLARmEB, and ISIS EM-BLASSO methods, it was confirmed that ISIS EM-BLASSO was the most effective approach for QTL identification [76]. The combination of two SL-GWAS and ML-GWAS methods contributes efficiently to detection of significant loci associated with pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in wheat [77]. SU Khan, J Yangmiao, S Liu, K Zhang, MHU Khan, Y Zhai, A Olalekan, C Fan and Y Zhou [68] combined SL and ML-GWAS approaches and revealed that ML-GWAS methods are more effective with high robustness and power of QTN detection than SL-GWAS in the genetic dissection of yield related traits of rapeseed genotypes. Li and his co-workers integrated the results of three single locus GWAS and three multi locus methods for fiber quality traits in upland cotton [78]. A total of 342 significant QTNs were detected of which 72 were consistently detected by at least two approaches or in at least two environments. According to C Li, Y Fu, R Sun, Y Wang and Q Wang [78], the power of QTN detection in association analysis can be improved by combining single locus and multi-locus GWASs.
In this study, we detected a total of 113 and 62 significant SNPs by ML-GWAS and SL-GWAS approaches, respectively. Furthermore, 19 SNPs co-detected by using ML-GWAS and SL-GWAS methods together (Additional file 5). A comparison of the four ML-GWAS methods revealed that pLARmEB was more powerful and robust [68], than the other three models in the detection significant SNPs for plant architectural traits. Through integrating the results of four ML-GWAS and three SL-GAWS methods led to the verification of the significance of ML-GWAS models. However, some recent findings revealed the reliability of association studies can be improved by combining single-locus and multi-locus GWAS approaches [78–81].