Collection of teeth
We collected 4,957 deciduous teeth that had fallen out or were extracted during dental procedures from children residing in Fukushima and other prefectures between January 2014 and December 2016 (Figure 1). The Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association, and School of Dentistry, Ohu University signed agreements regarding the study’s purpose, analysis of the collected teeth, and the means of returning results to the donors on November 5, 2013. The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and informed consent was obtained from the legal guardians of all participants. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committees of Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, the Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association, and the School of Dentistry, Ohu University on January 31, 2013 (Approval No. 23-19); December 17, 2013; and March 18, 2014 (Approval No. 97); respectively. Teeth were collected by dentists in clinics located mainly in Fukushima prefecture. Dentists at Ohu University Dental Hospital, and those in other prefectures invited to participate by Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association, also assisted with tooth collection. The teeth were cleaned with deionised water and sent to the Center for Environmental Dentistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, along with background information about each donor. Medial, distal, labial, lingual, and occlusal surfaces of the teeth were photographed using a stereomicroscope, Leica EZ4D, Wetzlar, Germany) and securely stored.
Radioactivity measurements of deciduous teeth
(1) Measurements using IP
We measured radioactivity in deciduous teeth using BAS-MS 2040 IP (FUJIFILM Corp., Tokyo, Japan). The teeth were positioned such that their labial/buccal surfaces faced the IP surface, then IP cassettes were placed in a shielding box made of lead with iron plates for 4 weeks to block natural background radiation (Figure S2). Details of how the teeth were positioned on the IP are described in the SI. The amount of radioactivity in each tooth was determined as QLs using a Fuji FLA-7000 bio-imaging analyser (FUJIFILM Corp.) and ImageQuant TL 8.1 (GE Healthcare). We used nine IPs to measure radioactivity in thousands of samples. However, the sensitivity of the IP varied, and the QLs differed even when the same sample was measured using different IP. Therefore, we normalised the QLs obtained from different IPs by placing a reference scale of potassium chloride on each one to calibrate the radioactivity values (Figure S2). The methods used to normalise the QLs are detailed in the SI.
(2) Measurement of natural radionuclides and radioactive caesium
We measured gamma rays emitted from radionuclides in teeth using a low-background, well-type, CANBERRA GCW3023 Ge detector (Mirion Technologies, San Raymon, CA, USA) with a shield of 20-cm thick lead blocks38. Since the amount of radioactivity of individual teeth was extremely low; we measured samples of 5–8 teeth packed to fill 7–8 mm of plastic vials with a diameter of 14 mm. The radioactivity of 214Pb in 238U series, 212Pb in 232Th series, 40K, 137Cs, and 134Cs in teeth was determined as peaks corresponding to the following: 295 and 352 keV for 214Pb; 238 for 212Pb; 1,461 for 40K; 605 for 134Cs; and 661 for 137Cs. The measurement period was approximately 1 million seconds (11.6 days), and the estimated overall measurement errors were < 15% for the determination of 40K. The detector was calibrated using CRM 42-2 standard reference material (New Brunswick Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United States).
For radioactive caesium measurements in the teeth from groups A–D (Table 3 and Figure 5), we increased the measurement duration to 3 million seconds (34.7 days) to decrease the signal-to-noise ratio and enable the detection of trace amounts of 134Cs and 137Cs. Radioactive caesium in tooth samples (n = 8–23) selected from groups A–D was determined in descending order of QLs in each group. Teeth from reference prefectures were similarly measured.
(3) Determination of 90Sr in deciduous teeth
Deciduous teeth do not generally contain measurable amounts of 90Sr. Therefore, 90Sr was determined in samples of 5–10 teeth (> 2 g per sample) as described by Koarai et al20. Briefly, teeth were incinerated at 450 °C, then Sr was chemically separated from Ca and other interfering elements, such as Ba, Fe, Y, Cs, Ra, and Pb, using fuming nitric acid. Thereafter, the growth of 90Y from 90Sr was monitored, then beta rays emitted from 90Sr and its daughter 90Y were measured using a low-background LBC-4201B gas-flow counter (Hitachi-Aloka Medical, Ltd.).
Epidemiology of radioactivity in deciduous teeth
(1) Regional differences at the time of the FNPP accident
We investigated regional differences between the QLs of teeth from Fukushima and reference prefectures and seven administrative districts in Fukushima prefecture (Figure 1).
(2) Gender differences
We investigated the influence of gender on the QLs of teeth.
(3) Differences in age at the time of the FNPP accident
We examined whether age at the time of the accident affected the QLs of teeth.
(4) Differences related to duration teeth in the oral cavity after FNPP accident
We examined teeth that were formed before the FNPP accident. Therefore, radionuclides that originated from the FNPP accident were probably not incorporated into these teeth during their formation. However, secondary contamination with radionuclides can occur even after teeth are completely formed. Therefore, we assessed whether the QLs increased depending on how long the teeth remained in the oral cavity after the accident. We referred to the report by The Japanese Society of Pedodontics39 for the timeline of deciduous tooth eruption and deciduation.
(5) Air dose rate
Secondary contamination could be caused by environmental radionuclides. Therefore, we assessed correlations between the QLs of teeth and air dose rates in the areas40 where the donor children resided. Air dose rates used in each area are described in the SI.
(6) Types of deciduous teeth examined
We determined whether the QL differs among incisors, canines, and molars from maxillary and mandibular bones.
(7) Evacuation due to FNPP accident
We investigated the effects of evacuation on the QLs of the teeth.
(8) Statistical analysis
We performed a multilevel regression analysis to determine whether the seven factors mentioned above could affect the QLs of deciduous teeth. Of the 3,814 teeth with a healthy surface on the IPs, we eliminated 7 teeth for which enough information about the seven aforementioned factors was not available. Teeth were nested in individuals in multilevel models (3,807 teeth from 2,746 children). Confounding by multiple factors was considered using a multivariate model. Values with p < 0.05 were considered significantly different. Data were statistically analysed using Stata/MP version 15 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA).