4.A. Clinical Commissioning Results of the Halcyon Linac
All safety interlock checks operated normally to ensure radiation safety during linac operation. The highest radiation region of the vault was located at the back side of the linac, with a radiation level of 0.530usv/h, which was better than the national standard of 2.5usv/h, and the safety protection complied with relevant criteria[16].
The 3D radius of the isocenter gantry rotation was 0.69mm, and the maximum positioning deviation was 0.86mm at 225.The rotation radius of the collimator was 0.07mm, and the 3D radius of isocenter of the gantry and collimator was 0.64mm. The 3D radius of isocenter of the gantry and collimator was displayed in Fig. 1, all of which exceeding the acceptance standard of 1 mm.MLC had high accuracy in positioning, and the positioning accuracy was <1mm from 2cm×2cm to 28cm×28cm. The 0 indication of the gantry and collimator was 0.2, and the 0 deviation of the treatment couch<0.3mm. The extreme position of the treatment couch movement was -47.50cm-0cm, left and right -20.88cm -20.88cm, and 53.5cm-219cm in and out of the bed. The treatment couch moved in three-dimensional direction with accuracy <1 mm. All carbon fiber treatment couch had good rigidity. Under the load of 120 kg, the settlement was 1.7mm and the inclination angle was 0.7. The deviation between the treatment couch center and the field center gradually increased with the movement of the treatment couch, with the maximum deviation of 1.4mm. The virtual isocenter had good coincidence with the treatment center, with a maximum positioning deviation of 0.7mm. The EPID board was a fixed assembly. The maximum deviation between the four main directions and the radiation center was 0.2mm, which was better than the standard of 1mm for the C-arm linacs.
Under regular operation, for the Halcyon linac, the PDD10 was 63.3%, within the tolerance range of 1%, the PDD20/PDD10 was 0.542, which was softer than the conventional C-arm linac’s 6MV beam quality. The symmetry of 10cm×10cm and 28cm×28cm radiation fields was 100.3%, the maximum radiation field depth was 10cm, and the average relative dose percentage at 10cm off axis was 78.83%. MU>2, dose rate linearity difference was within 1%, MU<2 linearity difference was within 2%. The output dose difference was within 0.1% at different angles and during rotation of the gantry. The absolute dose scale deviation was 3.7%, and the adjustment range was controlled within 5% of the default set value.
MPC results were all within the tolerance, and the isocenter size was 0.67mm, which was close to Doselab analysis results (0.64mm). The maximum deviation of treatment couch positioning was 0.14mm, and the maximum deviation of inner and outer isocenter was 0.21mm.
The predefined modeling data was in good agreement with the measured data. For PDD and off-axis ratio curves with different field sizes, the γ pass rate was greater than 99.5% using 1mm/1% analysis standard. The output factor was within the range of 1% except that the deviation of 2cm×2cm field was 1.2%.MLC measured penetration factor was 0.009%, DLG was 0.18mm, which was quite different from pre-defined data of 0.0047% and 0.1mm.
Rapidarc commissioning shows that the dynamic and static dose differences were within 0.1%, and the maximum deviation of DMLC dose was at 90°, 1.84%. The maximum positioning deviation of MLC in static of different angles and during rotation process was 0.6mm, which was better than the acceptance standard of 1mm. During the rotation process, the control of gantry speed, MLC movement speed and dose rate had good accuracy, and all deviations were controlled within 2%.
Image guidance was divided into 2D (High quality and Low dose) and 3D (High quality and Low dose) modes. See Table IV and Table V for image quality results and Table VI for image dose results. Fig.2 showed the 3D Image quality test results.
4.B. Commissioning Results of Eclipse TPS
According to the CT-SIM scanning conditions of different sites, four CT value-electron density conversion curves of head, chest, abdomen and pelvic cavity were created respectively, and the physical density range was 0.2-4.6g/cc. CT values of Surface and Interior of carbon fiber treatment couch were -750HU and -950HU respectively.
Concerning tests of MPPG 5.a[8], for 5.3 regular field, the dose differences of square fields and rectangular fields of different SSD were within 1%, except the point dose differences of 2cm×2cm field point was 1.7%. For 5.4 MLC small field, 5.5 cape field measurement, 5.8 oblique incidence and 7.2 intensity modulated MLC segments, the difference of point dose were all within 1%; For 5.6 the longest distance across the midline, 5.7 asymmetric field and minimum SSD, the different of point dose were within 2%, and the PDD and Profile curves of the above test results, 2mm/2%γ pass rate were all above 99.5%. 6.2 heterogeneous phantom test, Rapidarc and IMRT E-T-E test, the dose differences were 2.02% and 2.38% respectively, which exceeding the test standard of 3%.
In TG119 intensity modulation test[12], the point dose differences of IMRT and Rapidarc were -0.003±0.011 and-0.012±0.006 respectively, the confidence limits were 0.025 and 0.024, respectively. Arccheck surface dose test, the average passing rates of 3mm/3% and 2mm/2%γ were: 99.72%±0.24,96.80%±1.17,99.70%±0.45 and 2%/2mm respectively, and the corresponding confidence limits were 0.75 and 1.19, 5.49 and 10.31, respectively. Portal Dosimetry test showed that the average pass rate of 2mm/2%γ was 98.80% ±0.01 and 96.60% ±0.02, respectively. The C-shape hard portal dosimetry test results were displayed in Fig. 3.
4.C. Results of QA&QC procedures for the Halcyon linac.
According to the characteristics of Halcyon linac and relevant publications of AAPM, three types of test were set up frequency, which were daily test, monthly test and annual test, respectively. The test consisted of six major parts, including dose test, mechanical test, image test, Rapidarc test, MPC and safety interlock test. The stability of test results would be reported in future articles.
4.D. Eclipse TPS QA&QC procedure results
The Eclipse TPS for the Halcyon linac was mainly tested based on MPPG 5.a[8]. Since the system has not yet reached the time of annual test, the results of annual tests will be reported in future articles.