Rapid scaling up of vector control interventions is ongoing in Cameroon, where malaria is highly endemic. As such, characterization of local vectors alongside investigation of their resistance profile is essential for the effective designing and execution of successful and sustainable vector control interventions as well as for evaluating the impact of insecticides resistance. In the past, the possibility of generating a large number of F1 progeny from small numbers of field collected mosquito for molecular characterization constituted a major hindrance for colonizing An. funestus in the lab. However, this limitation has been resolved by the invention of the forced-egg laying method [14]. An easy approach to addressing this barrier is by collecting indoor resting blood fed female mosquitoes and putting each of them in a confined 1.5 ml tube to forcefully lay eggs. This method has made feasible the substantial evaluation of the susceptibility profile of this mosquito species population against different classes of insecticide. Nevertheless, for experiments involving F1 adults to be informative, it is cardinal that, the offsprings obtained by this technique should not be bias and family isolation effects must be reduced such that the progeny are typical of the overall population. In this regard, pooled egg batches were reared together and the F1 adults were randomly combined in cages for the various assays.
With the possibility of generating a large number of progeny from field collected female An. funestus and An. gambiae mosquitoes, this study therefore characterized the principal malaria vectors in a rural setting within the forested region of Cameroon; located 2 km away from the Yaoundé -Nsimalen International airport.
Mosquito Species composition in Elende
From the 09 species of An. funestus s.l. group described, An. funestus s.s., An. rivulorum and An. vaneedeni were detected in Elende, with abundance of 98.34%, 0.83% and 0.83% respectively. This result is similar to a study conducted in Tibati [34] and Gounougou (northern region of Cameroon), where An. funestus s.s. accounted for 99.50% of the species collected and Anopheles leesoni was 0.50% [9]. Likewise, the result reflects the species abundance in a published study conducted in Mibellon (Cameroon) where An. funestus s.s. was the only dominant vector found within the group [11]. The superiority of An. funestus s.s. was also reported in Kpome-Benin (West Africa) [35]. Since this study was done at a single point in time, we cannot exclude the presence of other Anopheline species. More so, the study may have limited the collection of outdoor resting members of the group since mosquito sampling was concentrated indoors. However, this differs with the distribution of members of this group observed in eastern and southern regions of Africa where several member species were collected indoors. For example, An. parensis, An. leesoni and An. rivulorum were found in higher densities indoors in a study in Uganda and southern Africa [36-40].
The dominance of An. funestus s.s. within the An. funestus group in this locality further confirms the extremely anthropophilic and endophilic nature of this species which is highly involved in the transmission of human malaria. This result supports the broad geographical distribution of An. funestus s.s. in Cameroon where it stands as a major malaria vector [11]. Nonetheless, further studies are required to determine the blood meal source of the major Anopheles vectors and their species abundance in outdoor settings in order to have an overview of the vectorial capacity and malaria transmission dynamics in this locality.
Regarding the An. gambiae complex, An. gambiae was the only species found. This result is similar to previous studies demonstrating that An. gambiae s.s. was the major species in rural and semi-rural areas of the Centre and Littoral regions in Cameroon, particularly in Yaounde and Douala [41-43].
Roles of both vectors in malaria transmission in forested areas
This study confirms the role of An. funestus s.s. and An. gambiae s.s. in malaria transmission in this locality with sporozoite infection rate of 6.66% and 5% respectively. This result is similar to An. funestus s.s. sporozoite infectivity rate in Mibellon (5%) but higher than in Obout (3.2%) and Tibati (2.94%). In Benin (Kpome), whole mosquito extracted DNA of An. funestus s.s. population found high Plasmodium infection during the dry season (18.20% infection rate) [35].
Due to the low number of the field collected An. gambiae s.s. during the study period, infection with Plasmodium (5%) was lower compared to An. funestus s.s. (6.6%). Also, this rate is similar to previous results in Cameroon [10]. Because the location of Elende is close to the Nsimalen-International Airport and to the city of Yaoundé, efforts should be made to reduce the malaria transmission in this locality to avoid it constitute a reservoir for transmission in the city particularly as it was recently shown that mosquitoes can fly over long distances [12].
Multiple and high insecticide resistance in both major vectors constitutes a challenge for vector control in forested areas.
Insecticide resistance profile of An. funestus s.s. in Elende locality is similar to previous studies in Cameroon documented for this species where resistance against all pyrethroids and full susceptibility to organophosphates was observed [11]. The multiple insecticide resistance patterns observed in the An. funestus s.s. population to pyrethroids and DDT in Elende corresponds to the trends observed in Gounougou (2012) [9] and higher than in Obout (2016) [44] but lower than in Tibati (2018) [34]. Moreover, the high resistance pattern of An. funestus s.s. to pyrethroids observed in this locality is similar to that observed in Mibellon (2017) [11]. This result brings to attention the fact that resistance in An. funestus s.s. is pervasive in Cameroon and constitute a threat for operational insecticide-based vector control tools directed at this species. In Cameroon, the massive deployment of LLINs implemented by the Cameroonian Government in the past years has likely contributed to a rapid rise of pyrethroid resistance in An. funestus s.s. vector. Moreover, Elende is also located in an area where farming is widely practiced, and agricultural application of pesticides for crop protection apparently imposes a selective pressure that further pilots the increase in resistance level. Similarly, this same pattern of high pyrethroid resistance in An. funestus s.s. was observed in southern Africa in Malawi [45], Mozambique [46]; East African region including Uganda [47]; and West Africa in Ghana [48], Benin [35] and Nigeria [49].
The full reversal to susceptibility observed after PBO exposure to permethrin and deltamethrin, implies that cytochrome P450 genes are playing a notable role in the resistance mechanisms. This increasingly higher resistance to pyrethroids poses a remarkable challenge for malaria control programs in Cameroon and necessitates the urgent implementation of insecticide resistance management strategies so as to prevent failure of future programs directed at scaling-up distribution campaigns of pyrethroid impregnated LLINs.
Extremely high levels of resistance to several classes of insecticides, including organochlorine, pyrethroid and carbamate, were also noticed in An. gambiae s.s. population from Elende. Moreover, the intense resistance of An. gambiae s.s. to 5x and 10x concentration of permethrin and deltamethrin each suggests that the resistance is elevated in this population. This elevated resistance in An. gambiae s.s. corresponds with the high level of resistance reported in this species across various sites in Cameroon [6-8, 34]. Furthermore, the reduced susceptibility observed against the organophosphates (malathion, fenithrothion and pirimiphos-methyl) in An. gambiae s.s. is an indication of possible cross resistance with the carbamates since both insecticides class act on the same nervous system target site. In this regards, carbamates insecticide should be excluded as a replacement to pyrethroid for IRS as this will further select the spread of the resistant allele within the species population of this locality.
The resistance in An. gambiae s.s. was higher compared to An. funestus s.s. for almost all the insecticides during this time interval, suggesting a substantial selection pressure acting on An. gambiae s.s. This could be as a result of environmental and genetic selection of resistance from breeding sites polluted with pesticides used for crop protection. Since An. gambiae s.s. temporal breeding sites are often located nearby areas of crop cultivation, the selection would be enormous in this species compared to An. funestus s.s.
Bio‑efficacy of LLINs in cone assays
Freely distributed LLINs by the National Malaria Contol Programme (NMCP) constitute the central malaria vector control intervention in Elende. The dramatic drop in potency of these solely impregnated pyrethroid nets is comparable to cases reported in other localities in Cameroon [11] and Africa [35, 46]. Resistance to pyrethroids in this species is linked with a tremendous decline in efficacy to all pyrethroid only LLINs as demonstrated by the diminishing mortality rates against PermaNet 2.0 (<10%) and Olyset net (<25%). In opposite, PBO-based nets demonstrated a greater efficacy with the highest reported by both PermaNet 3.0 top and Olyset plus scoring 100% mortality. This indicates that cytochrome P450 genes are probably propelling pyrethroid resistance in this locality. The higher mortality rate observed with PBO-based nets suggest that these synergist nets including Olyset Plus and PermaNet 3.0 (roof) should be regarded as a substitution to pyrethroid-only nets in areas of increasing resistance fueled by metabolic mechanisms particularly for cytochrome P450s as it is the situation for An. funestus s.s. [29].
Elevated metabolic resistance in An. funestus differs with high levels of knockdown resistance in An. gambiae
The full susceptibility noticed for pyrethroids in An. funestus s.s. after first-exposure to PBO points out that metabolic resistance mediated by cytochrome P450s is the main mechanism [50]. This is linked to previous studies which confirm the absence of kdr target site sensitivity mutation in this species in Cameroon [9] and across Africa [51]. In the absence of voltage-gated sodium channel knockdown resistance mutations in An. funestus s.s. [51], this study demonstated that pyrethroid resistance in Elende populations of An. funestus s.s. is possibly steered by metabolic resistance machinery. Overall, the role of metabolic resistance is apparent by the marked up-regulation of the three P450 genes (CYP6P5, CYP6P9a, and CYP6P9b) already reported as essential genes conferring pyrethroid resistance in An. funestus s.s. populations across Africa [30].
The absence of the CYP6P9a resistant allele in An. funestus s.s. population from Elende corresponds to the study by Weedall et al [26]. This confirms the fact that this mutation, fixed in mosquitoes from southern Africa is not yet present in mosquitoes from Central/West Africa [26].
Cross-resistance between DDT and pyrethroids has been demonstrated to be conferred by GSTe2. In relation to this, the frequency of the L119F-GSTe2-resistant allele in Elende field population (48%) is higher than in Mibellon (28%), Tibati (10.2%) and lower than in Gounougou (52%). Similarly, across Africa, the frequency of the DDT resistance marker was closer to that observed in Democratic Republic of Congo [52] and Ghana [48]; higher than the frequency reported in eastern part of Africa, Uganda [36, 37] although lower to studies in Benin [35].
The frequency of the 296S-RDL-resistant allele is 100% which is higher as compared in the northern region; particularly in Mibellon (9.7%), Gounougou (14.6%) and Tibati (0.4%). However, this result is similar to mortality rate recorded in An. funestus s.s. from Obout that exhibited very high level of resistance to dieldrin (4.35% mortality rate) [44]. This high frequency could be as a result of strong resistance selection due to environmental persistence of insecticide residues since its withdrawal from public and agricultural use in Cameroon.
The elevated resistance levels to pyrethroids in An. gambiae s.s. accords with
the increased frequency of the 1014F kdr allele (94.9%). This correlates with past studies done in Africa where high pyrethroid resistance in An. gambiae s.l. has been coupled
with almost fixed kdr allele in the population, as recently reported in DR Congo [52], or earlier in Côte d’Ivoire [53]. Consistent with previous research performed in other parts of Cameroon [8, 34], this study found elevated frequencies of the kdr mutation in An. gambiae s.s. population in Elende that has almost reached fixation.
The very low frequency of the 1014S kdr allele in Elende (1.28%) is in parallel to earlier reports across Cameroon exhibiting that this target site resistance mutation, originally discovered in East Africa, is gradually spreading to Central and West Africa although still at very low occurrence [54].
The presence of the 119S ace-1 mutation in An. gambiae s.s. population is in line with the reduced susceptibility observed in this population to carbamates and organophosphates [55-57]. The use of carbamates and organophosphates may be regarded as an alternative for the management of this highly insecticide resistant vector population although the detection of Ace-1 is also a cause of concern.
Overall, similar studies should be conducted across different ecological settings in Cameroon to establish the epidemiological and entomological parameters of malaria transmission and investigate the resistance profile of malaria vectors to existing insecticides. Specifically, a longitudinal survey would obviously provide useful and interesting information on the seasonal species composition and abundance, in-depth knowledge on the biology of each species, mosquito host-seeking and resting preferences, pattern of insecticide resistance, frequency of insecticide resistance genes and the role played by Anopheles vectors in malaria transmission in this locality over time. Data produced from such future studies will be relevant in generating additional significant information required to strengthen malaria control.