This retrospective cohort study contributes to the small amount of real-world experience with PDD for TUR. Given that Gallagher published results that showed promise in a real-world setting[11], we set out to validate their outcomes using strict quality criteria to compare resections under optimal conditions in a retrospective design. However, we failed to show any significant difference in RR or mean RFS for NMIBC between the two groups. The question therefore arises as to how these results can be explained since they conflict with the trend seen in systematic reviews. The outcomes of NMBIC vary significantly based on a multitude of factors, making it difficult to investigate the role of any one factor on disease recurrence.
RR reported in the literature tend to be higher than in this study. The review by Di Stasi reported risk reductions of 14.8% and 32.3% at 12 months for PDD and WLC, respectively[5]. In the meta-analysis by Burger, corresponding RR of 34.5% and 45.4% at 12 months were reported (P = 0.006), whereas we showed rates of 18.2% and 14.4%, respectively (P = 0.42)[6]. However, it should be noted that most previous reviews have report populations in which both primary and recurrent bladder cancer were included. Given that patients with a history of recurrent disease will be at higher risk of future recurrence, one might expect a higher RR in these studies. Therefore, we chose to include only newly presenting cases of NMIBC, consistent with the reports of O’Brien and Gallagher. RR varied in those studies, which considered primary bladder cancer treated with a single dose of intravesical MMC after TUR. At 12 months, O’Brien reported rates of 16% for PDD and 22% for WLC (P = 0.4), whereas Gallagher reported slightly higher rates of 21.5% and 38.9%, respectively (P = 0.02)[11, 14]. This suggests that our PDD cohort does not necessarily perform worse, and that the WLC cohort performs slightly better compared to similar cohorts.
In this study, the low and comparable RR between the PDD and WLC groups may be attributed to several factors. First, all resections were performed by experienced surgeons or by residents under close supervision. Second, not only did we adhere strictly to the EAU guidelines concerning adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy or immunotherapy we also used an instillation of postoperative MMC.
At baseline, our WLC group had more T1 tumors (21.8%) than our PDD group (6.6%). This led to a greater percentage of cases in the high-risk EORTC category in the WLC group (37.1%) than in the PDD group (29.7%). Although one might expect such high-risk tumors to recur more often than low- or intermediate-risk tumors, there was no significant difference in RR between the study groups. It should also be noted that the higher number of T1 tumors in the WLC group may have resulted from selection bias in the PDD group. For example, if patients were suspected of a muscle invasive bladder tumor at initial cystoscopy, they were selected to undergo WLC for TUR and therefore excluded from the study. Given that T1 tumors are more likely to appear macroscopically solid at cystoscopy, they are less likely to have been included in the PDD arm.
The retrospective cohort design of this study may be considered suboptimal when compared against the methodology of randomized controlled trials. Chou warned about the risks of population and selection heterogeneity in their review[9]. However, by applying strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, we aimed to reduce this heterogeneity (e.g., including only newly presenting patients, having strict rules for resection quality, and ensuring adjuvant intravesical therapy). Compared with the randomized controlled trials reported in earlier systematic reviews, our sample size was typically larger, the inclusion criteria were stricter, and the follow-up period was the longest[5–9]. Additionally, we applied propensity regression adjustment in order to correct for possible confounding covariates. We did not perform propensity sore case matching as this is not superior to using propensity scores in regression analysis as suggested by D’agostino et al [15]. Therefore, we believe this study supplements the existing pool of data from randomized controlled trials and gives a valid representation of how PDD for TUR affects outcomes in a real-world setting. We believe that studies like ours are needed, especially because meta-analyses were inconclusive and we expect that no new prospective studies will be added to the literature.
Nevertheless, our results conflict with those of Gallagher[11], and we have been unable to explain this discrepancy based on differences in patient characteristics or treatments. The baseline number of T1 tumors in the PDD group was smaller in our study (6.6%) than in the study by Gallagher (23.4%), but this difference was nullified by stratification into EORTC risk groups. Indeed, distributions were consistent among the low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups for both populations (our study: 29.7%, 37%, and 33.3%, respectively; Gallagher: 29.7%, 40.6%, and 29.7%, respectively). Finally, the use of adjuvant intravesical therapy could only be compared for BCG use, and there was no significant difference between the PDD group (20.3%) and WLC group (16.5%).