Study site and design. This study was conducted in Homa Bay County, western Kenya, a semi-arid malaria endemic area situated along the southern shores of Lake Victoria’s Winam Gulf at an altitude of 1,040 − 1,330 m above sea level (Fig. 1). This region experiences average annual temperatures of 22.5oC and rainfall of 1,100 mm, with two rainy seasons. The long rains occur between March – May and the short rains between September – November. A concrete channel irrigation system was constructed in the study area by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Authorities of Kenya in 2007 and named Kimira- Oluch Small-holder Farm Improvement Project (KOSFIP). This project was undertaken to support subsistence and cash crop production like cotton and fruits. The local community practice crop and animal farming in addition to fishing. The main malaria vectors are An. arabiensis and An. funestus sensu latu. Over time, malaria control in this area relied on pyrethroid-based insecticide treated nets. However, in 2018 and 2019, IRS using an organophosphate, pirimiphos methyl (Actellic® 300SC) was implemented resulting in dramatic reduction of malaria vector populations [46]. Significant decrease in An. funestus s.l. population occurred tending to near extinction levels [46].
Mosquito larval samples were collected from different village clusters in the irrigated and non-irrigated areas of the study area (Fig. 1). The non-irrigated clusters are at least 2 km away from the irrigation channels. Larval samples were collected between February and July 2018 and 2019 from all the indicated clusters in the irrigated and non-irrigated (10 clusters each) areas (Fig. 1). Various habitat types were sampled during each sampling season. After the long rains (May- July), more habitats types were encountered compared to the dry season (February- March). The habitat types included man-made ponds, swamps, irrigation lining, drainage ditches, natural ponds, river edges, and hoof/ foot prints.
Malaria vector larval sampling. Larval sampling was carried out using standard larval 350 ml dippers. Anopheline larvae were collected and transported to the International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) insectary in Tom Mboya University College, for rearing to adults pending phenotypic insecticide resistance tests and molecular analyses.
Larval and adult mosquito rearing in the insectary. Field collected mosquito larvae were placed in larval trays in the larval rearing room and fed daily on Whiskas® cat food (Trademarks© Mars, Incorporated, McLean, Virginia, U.S.A.). Temperature and humidity in the larval room were maintained between 27oC − 32oC and 40% − 60%, respectively. Pupae were collected daily and placed in holding cages covered with mosquito mesh netting where they emerged into adults. Emerged An. gambiae s.l. mosquitoes were maintained in the insectary adult rearing room with regulated temperatures (25oC-28oC) and humidity (60%-75%) and fed on 6% glucose solution soaked in cotton wool. The females that emerged in the insectary were used for insecticide resistance bioassays, knock-down resistance (kdr) and Ace-1 enzyme molecular analyses.
An. gambiae s.l. resistance bioassay. Two-five day old female adult An. gambiae s.l. mosquitoes were used to determine susceptibility to diagnostic concentrations of pyrethroid (0.05% deltamethrin), organophosphate (5% malathion) and organochlorine (4% DDT) insecticides. Standard WHO tube bioassay tests were conducted as per the WHO guidelines [47]. Mosquitoes used as control samples were simultaneously placed in WHO tubes lined with untreated papers. Mosquitoes were exposed to insecticide impregnated test papers for 60 minutes and the number of knocked down females recorded every 10 minutes. 15–25 female mosquitoes were used in each test. At the end of the exposure period, mosquitoes were transferred into holding tubes, fed on 6% glucose and observed after 24 hours for mortality. The positive controls used were insectary colony of the susceptible An. gambiae s.s. Kisumu strain. The final mortality was recorded 24 h post exposure. Additionally, a synergist, piperonylbutoxide (PBO)–deltamethrin bioassay was conducted and exposures done for 120 minutes, 60 min PBO exposure followed by 60 min deltamethrin exposure, with mortalities recorded 24 h post exposure. Knock- down was recorded every 10 minutes during exposure and mortalities recorded after 24 h exposure to PBO alone and to PBO- deltamethrin combined. Both live and dead mosquitoes were preserved individually at -200C for molecular species identification and for the detection of kdr mutations and multiple copies of the acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE) enzyme encoded by the Ace-1 gene.
An. gambiae s.l. DNA extraction and species identification. All field collected specimens were morphologically identified as An. gambiae s.l. using Gillies and De Meillon taxonomic keys [48]. DNA from the whole female body was extracted from a proportion of the bioassayed adult females following Musapa et al., protocol [49]. The molecular species identification was carried out as described by Scott et al., [50] and Paskewitz and Collins protocols [51].
Assessment of frequency of kdr and Ace-1 alleles. DNA samples of An. gambiae s.l. mosquitoes were assayed to detect the voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) L1014S (kdr-east) and L1014F (kdr-west) mutations and mutations in the Ace-1 gene. Assays were done on both live and dead mosquitoes post bioassay tests using the published protocols [52–54].
Investigation of households using chemicals in public health, agriculture (farms) and veterinary (livestock). Different questionnaires were prepared and surveys were conducted with randomly selected farmers, households and veterinary officers/ agricultural extension workers to identify the chemicals used in public health, crops and animals pest control. Other methods for personal protection against malaria vector control tools employed by the selected households were also surveyed.
Data analysis. During field work, all larval data was entered into Open Data Kit (ODK) in tablets and then uploaded to online database. In the insectary and laboratory, data was recorded in respective laboratory processing forms and later entered in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets followed by error checks and corrections.
The WHO bioassay knock down recorded after every 10 minutes for one hour and final mortality at 24 hours was recorded for all test runs with corresponding negative and positive controls. Abbots formula was used to correct percentage mortality in cases where the negative control mortality was between 5% and 20%; experiments where negative control mortality was above 20% were discarded. Mortalities of 98%-100% in the sample population indicated susceptibility to the tested insecticide. A mortality of between 90%-98% suggested possible resistance and less than 90% mortality indicated resistance in the tested species [47]. Probit analysis was done using Poloplus Version 1 software to determine the knockdown time 50 (KDT50).
The allele frequencies of kdr L1014 mutations and Ace-1 G119 mutations were determined. Genepop Hardy Weinberg exact tests were used to determine the differences between the kdr alleles in the irrigated and non-irrigated areas.
Pesticide use questionnaire data was entered and analyzed in Excel. Chi-square test and t-test were used to determine the difference in pesticide use in the irrigated and non- irrigated areas.