Importance of UGAs connectivity
Using data available in the literature combined with landscape analysis we found that, as we predicted, the connectivity among UGAs, measured through relative position and size, within the urban landscape is positively related to the richness and abundance of pollinators. Our results show urban green areas host a greater diversity and abundance of pollinators when they are closer to each other (i.e., more connected), although this connectivity has no effect on non-urban sites (< 30% of impervious surface). Works such as the one by Fenoglio et al. (2020) reported negative effects of urbanization for arthropods in cities and attribute it, among other things, to the loss of habitable area and low habitat connectivity. Regardless of connectivity, non-urban sites presented more pollinator richness than urban and peri-urban sites. These results are partially opposite to those found by Baldock et al. (2015), who did not register differences in the diversity of pollinators in urban, agricultural and natural sites. However, such differences may be due to the use of different methodologies and criteria to classify the sampling sites. On the other hand, these authors found different responses for several taxonomic groups (bees, flies, hoverflies), with bees being more abundant in urban sites than in the rest (Baldock et al. 2015). In our study, most of the analyzed papers included bees as one of the main taxa and we found a greater richness of these in non-urban sites (Geslin et al. 2016; Kratschmer et al. 2018; Sobreiro et al. 2019; Birdshire et al. 2020, among others). Despite this, bees and other insects can be declared “winners and losers” of the urbanization, because the effects that this has on insects will depend on various factors like sociability, nesting substrate and breadth of diet (Banaszak-Cibicka and Zmihorski 2012).
Higher or lower connectivity of UGAs among anthropic landscapes could differentially affect the different taxonomic groups of pollinators. Most bees and some wasps are central place foragers and their foraging ranges depend largely on their body size (Greenleaf et al. 2007). It is known that the wild bees are smaller in urban than in rural sites (Buchholz and Egerer 2020), inclusive Eggenberger et al. (2019) reported urban bumblebees are smaller compared with their rural co-generic. However, Theodorou et al. (2021) showed the inverse pattern in Bombus terrestris (foragers larger in cities than rural habitats) and found no significant differences in size in forager of B. lapidarius and B. pascorum between both ecosystems. Therefore, it would be reasonable to think that sites with more connected UGAs would be beneficial for small-, medium-, and large-sized bees, while those sites with more distant UGAs would be disadvantageous for smaller bees and bumblebees.
On the other hand, the dispersal ability of other taxa seems be variable. Syrphid species are considered highly mobile groups and generalist floral visitors (Schweiger et al. 2007). These biological traits could demonstrate that these flies are little affected by the degree of connectivity of UGAs in the cities; however, the enormous behavioral and morphological diversity of syrphid (Vockeroth and Thompson 1987) could make our statement speculative. Butterflies have relatively short lifespan as adults and moderate dispersal abilities (Soga and Koike 2013). Then, less mobile organisms could be more influenced to local scale (e.g., host plants for larvae butterflies) and more mobile organisms (bees, bumblebees, syrphid) more impacted to landscape scale (e.g., UGAs connectivity) (Braaker et al. 2014).
Pollinator richness
Our results showed that landscapes with more connected UGAs (i.e., less isolated), are harboring a greater richness of pollinators in urban and peri-urban sites, but not in non-urban sites. This relationship was even more pronounced in urban landscapes than peri-urban ones, which could indicate that landscape connectivity as a maintainer of pollinator richness becomes more useful in environments with a high degree of urbanization. On the other hand, Steffan-Dewenter (2003) found in rural landscapes (agroecosystems) results similar to those that we showed for urban landscapes, but we did not find relationships in our non-urban landscapes. Nevertheless, “non- urban” classification covers either rural and natural areas, or a mixture of both, and this could be conditioning our results. The limiting resources (e.g., availability of nesting sites for bees, plant hosts for butterflies, floral diversity and richness for all pollinators) in each type of landscape could differ and influence pollinator richness. Generally, cities offer flower resources for a longer period throughout the year (Twerd & Banaszak-Cibicka, 2019) and nesting sites, while in rural environments flower resources are more limiting than nesting sites (Rosanigo et al. 2020, but see Fortel et al. 2014).
It is important to highlight that, there are more factors that influence the presence of pollinators within the cities such as the surrounding landscape, temperature, and humidity, among others (Ayers and Rehan, 2021). For example, impervious surface could be generating physical barriers within the landscape and mainly among the vegetation patches, thus limiting the diversity of pollinators capable of living in such sites, such as those with greater flight ranges or greater body size. Thus, the connectivity of green areas, as well as other landscape variables such as environmental heterogeneity, fragmentation, etc. (Ayers and Rehan 2021), are important estimators for the evaluation of the quality of habitat of different anthropic landscapes. In our study we did not analyze the different taxa separately, and the community present in each environment may vary according to their functional traits and life histories (flight ranges, body size, time of emergence, among others) (Luder et al. 2018; Wenzel et al. 2020). Although the general trend of the pollinator community is to enhance as the connectivity increases, some taxonomic groups could respond with different magnitude to these variables, or to the urbanization gradient (Baldock et al. 2015). However, proper urban planning that ensures proximity between UGAs would become a key factor to take into account to mitigate the decline of pollinators.
Pollinator abundance
The abundance of pollinators increases with the connectivity of UGAs in urban sites (Plascencia & Philpott 2017, but see Cohen et al. 2020), but no relationship was found in peri-urban and non-urban sites. In the same way as for pollinator richness, the abundance of pollinators is higher in non-urban sites compared to urban ones. This contrasts with the results of Zaninotto et al. (2021), who studied the overall species assemblage composition between the urban and rural communities visiting two focal plant species; these authors observed a great abundance of pollinators in urban environments compared to rural ones. They attribute such results to the greater dominance of social species (Apis mellifera and Bombus pascorum) in urban sites. In our study we included other taxonomic groups of pollinators in addition to bees (as syrphids, other flies, butterflies), but we did not make any evaluation regarding their behavior or functional traits.
Within the cities, exist a most homogenized fauna mainly composed by a small subset of cosmopolitan species adapted to urban conditions (Patitucci et al 2011). These synanthropic species (generally, exotic and dominant) are associated with human settlements (Nuorteva 1963) and can reach high population densities (e.g., Musca domestica [Muscidae], Eristalis tenax [Syrphidae], among others). Also, urbanization positively correlated with increased prevalence of exotic bees (social [e.g., Apis mellifera and Bombus spp.] and solitary species [e.g., Anthidium manicatum [Megachilidae]) on native bees (Fitch et al. 2019). In an urban context, these synanthropic species could be responsible for the increase in the abundance of pollinators.
Resources for pollinators
Although urban settlements are disturbed and heterogeneous landscapes, they offer nesting sites and flower resources (principally, ornamental and exotic species, but also native species are present) for pollinators (Matteson et al. 2008; Fortel et al. 2014; Hülsmann et al. 2015). In our study we did not include floral diversity as a variable because less than 10% of the studied work reported these data (Table S2) that this variable could influence our results.
We are also aware that the pollinator diversity in a city can always be underestimated, because many of the private gardens cloud contain a large number of species that cannot be recorded. Baldock et al. (2019) and McCune et al. (2020) show that there is a positive relationship between abundance of flower resources and pollinator abundance (but see Cohen et al. 2020 and Persson et al. 2020). In addition, the distribution of floral resources could be driving the distribution of pollinators throughout the cities (Krahner and Greil, 2020), since they represent an abundant and constant resource over time due to the presence of ornamental plants in private gardens and squares (Garbuzov et al. 2017; Corcos et al. 2019). Although urban landscapes may have a higher flower density than agricultural or natural landscapes (Lynch et al. 2021), some authors claim that increasing floral abundance may not mitigate the negative effects of urbanization (Wilson and Jamieson 2019), such as the increase of impervious surface and surface warming, among others. Plan management is imperative for the urban green areas, taking into account the identity, quantity and spatial arrangement of the floral resources present (Plascencia and Philpott 2017). However, the increased connectivity of the UGAs at urban landscapes, combined with the increase in floral resources and availability of nesting sites could collaborate to minimize the effects of urbanization. Krahner and Greil (2020) suggested the configuration of landscape and the degree of connectivity of the UGAs as very effective measures to estimate the vulnerability of populations or communities of pollinators. The connectivity of UGAs within different anthropic landscapes could increase the rate of colonization of new individuals among them, which is vital to maintain the genetic flow among populations (Braaker et al. 2014; Lanner et al. 2020).The measures of connectivity developed in our study are a novel, accessible and simple tool to estimate the degree of urbanization of UGAs and it could be considered as a key factor for urban planning. Giving the rapid expansion of cities, it is important to note that the precision of this method will depend on the use of updated satellite images.
Finally, most of analyzed studies were carried out USA and Europe, and only a handful in South America and Asia (continents with high rate of urbanization and large cities). We believe that it is necessary deepen the study of this important world problematic to detect general patterns that may be applicable to most urban centers. In this way, it will be possible to alleviate the human impact and develop policies for an environment that support pollination as well as other ecosystem services (Hall et al. 2017; Potts et al. 2016). Our study summarizes and analyzes central aspects of urban ecology considered lately, and it hints the aspects on which we must focus on and those places where information is still lacking.