Delay in onset of 1st oviposition
The 1st oviposition started earlier in control than all other treatments. The highly significant delay in oviposition was observed in Eucalyptus leaf (U=9, P=0.046) as compared to the control (Figure 1). Similarly, the 1st oviposition was delayed with significant effect in Eucalyptus bark (U=9, P=0. 046), Neem leaf (U=9, P=0. 043), Neem bark (U=9, P=0.046), Moringa leaf (U=9, P=0.043) and Moringa bark (U=9, P=0.046) as compared to control (Figure 1).
Female fecundity
Number of egg rafts
Numbers of egg rafts laid per female in Neem leaf (U=1, P=0.11), Moringa leaf (U=1.5, P=0.18) and Moringa bark (U=1, P=0.08) did not differ significantly than that of control (Figure 2). Females exposed to botanical extracts of Eucalyptus bark (U=0.0, P=0.05), Eucalyptus leaf (U=0, P=0.05) and Neem bark (U=0, P=0.05) laid similar number of egg rafts significantly lower as compared with that of control.
Number of eggs/female
Number of eggs laid by a female were significantly lower in Eucalyptus leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05), Eucalyptus bark (U=0.0, P=0.05), Neem leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05), Neem bark (U=0, P=0.05), Moringa leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05) and Moringa bark (U=0.0, P=0.05) compared to control (Figure 3).
Larval emergence
The larval emergence was maximum in the control and was significantly reduced in Neem leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05), Eucalyptus bark (U=0, P=0.05), Eucalyptus leaf (U=0, P=0.05) and in Moringa leaf (U=0, P=0.05). However, Neem bark (U=0, P=0.05) and Moringa bark (U=5, P=0.83) did not show any negative effect on larval emergence as compared to control (Figure 4).
Highest pupation (%) in control was observed while no pupae were formed in Eucalyptus leaf (U=0.0, P=0.04) and Eucalyptus bark (U=0.0, P=0.04). Pupation (%) was significantly lower in Neem leaf (U=0.0, P=0.04) and Neem bark (U=0.0, P=0.05) as compared with control. A relatively higher proportion of pupae were formed in Moringa leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05) and Moringa bark (U=0.0, P=0.05) but significantly lower as compared to control (Figure 5).
Adult emergence
As no pupae were formed in Eucalyptus leaves and bark, there was no adult emergence in Eucalyptus leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05) and bark (U=0.0, P=0.04). Moreover, no adults were emerged in Neem bark (U=0.0, P=0.04) (Figure 6). Adult emergence was significantly lower in Neem leaf extract (U=0.0, P=0.046) and Moringa leaf (U=0.0, P=0.05) as compared to the control. However, Moringa bark (U=2.0, P=0.28) did not reduce adult emergence of Cx. quinquefasciatus as compared with control (Figure 6).
Lethal time (LT50) of botanical extracts to different ages of larvae
In case of 24h old larvae, the LT50 values of the Neem leaf (100,000 PPM), Neem Bark (100,000 PPM), Moringa leaf (100,000 PPM), Eucalyptus leaf (100,000 PPM) were similar to each other based on the overlapping 95%CI and were the least time taking among all tested concentrations to kill the 50% population of the exposed larvae (Table 1). While, Neem leaf (100 PPM), Moringa leaf (100 PPM) and Eucalyptus leaf (100 PPM) were longest time taking concentrations among all the tested concentrations against 24h old larvae to kill the 50% population of the exposed larvae. Neem bark (100 PPM) and Moringa bark (100 PPM) did not kill any of the exposed population.
When 48h larvae were exposed to different botanical concentrations, Neem leaf (100,000 PPM), Neem bark (100,000 PPM), Eucalyptus Leaf (100,000 PPM) and Eucalyptus bark were the concentrations having similar LT50 based on overlapping 95% CI and the shortest time taking (Table 2). Moreover, the neem leaf (100 PPM) was the longest time taking concentration among all tested concentrations to kill fifty percent of the population. However, Moringa bark (100 PPM) did not kill any larvae exposed to it.
In case of 72h old larvae, Neem leaf (100,000 PPM), Neem bark (100,000 PPM), Moringa Bark (100,000 PPM), Eucalyptus Leaf (100,000 PPM) and Eucalyptus bark (100,000 PPM) were similar based on overlapping 95% CI and lowest time taking concentrations among all the tested concentrations (Table 3). No mortality was observed at 100 PPM of all the tested botanicals and 1000 PPM of the Neem leaf, Moringa leaf, Moringa bark and Eucalyptus Bark.
At highest tested concentration of every botanical, LT50 was highly age dependent that is higher for elder larvae and vice versa (Table 4). Our results showed a strong positive but non-significant correlation between the different age groups and LT50 values of the highest tested concentrations of the tested botanicals.