Raman imaging of virus-infected Vero E6 cells
SARS-CoV-2-induced modifications in different sub-cellular compartments were followed in Vero E6 cells, a widely used cell line for the amplification of different viruses. Cells were initially infected with SARS-CoV-2 or MeV for 24h and analyzed by Raman spectrometry. This time point was determined in the initial analysis as optimal to observe the effect of viral infection on cells, at MOI = 0.1. In parallel, the sample of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells was analyzed by electron microscopy, to follow the virus infection and the visible intracellular modifications due to the virus, 24h post infection (pi) (Figure S1). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed viral particles at the cell plasma membrane signing viral production (Figure S1A) and/or further virus attachment for cell entry. In addition, intracellular organelles filled with viral factories were recognizable inside the cytoplasm, near the nucleus and mitochondria, most probably reflecting the double-membrane vesicles or spherules replicative factories of SARS-CoV-2 derived from the ER-Golgi apparatus (Figure S1B) as previously observed and described35,36. These TEM images confirmed that virus particles were produced by the cells and that they can be visualized at the cell plasma membrane and internalized 24h post infection.
We then proceeded with Raman microscopy to follow virus-induced intracellular biochemical modifications in traceable in sub-cellular organelles using a label free method. For Raman imaging of virus infected cells and measurements the central wavelength of gating was set at 610 nm (which presents the common setting for Raman cell imaging), showing the “fingerprint region” from 400 to 1800 cm− 1, the C-H peak at 2800–3100 cm− 1. Each Raman scan contains more than twenty thousand individual spectra. A Raman reconstructed image is based on the selected C-H bands to represent the intracellular proteins and lipids. During the scan, with the nanometric scale movement of the piezoelectric table, each pixel is registered with its relevant spectrum. Molecular structures information is gathered in Raman spectra with individual bands associated with the biomolecules under the laser spot. The average spectral shape of K-means cluster analysis (KMCA) clusters was obtained to represent the cellular organelles, such as the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and Golgi. To assure the virus specificity of observed effects the results obtained with SARS-CoV-2 were compared with those found after the infection of Vero E6 cells with another RNA virus, the measles virus (MeV).
Figure 1 illustrates scans of SARS-CoV-2- and MeV- infected for 24h and non-infected Vero E6 cells followed with the relevant KMCA analysis. Cellular organelles separation is followed after KMCA analysis to extract the single spectrum of each cluster. Figure 1A-C-E illustrates reconstructed C-H Raman images of infected versus non-infected cells, with light yellow as highest intensities and dark hues for lowest intensities of C-H peak, corresponding to the intracellular content of lipids and proteins. Part 1B-D-F belongs to the relevant KMCA analysis of 1A-C-E. This analysis allows to mark the cellular organelles to separate single spectra of each organelle (nucleus, nucleolus, Golgi-mitochondria together, lipid droplets) as well as the cytoplasm, for further principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machine (SVM) analysis. For a better comparison, the same color code has been used for all KMCA parts as indicated in the legend.
Chemical profile of SARS-CoV-2 and MeV-infected Vero E6 cells
The mean of the Raman spectra extracted from different intracellular components, namely, cytoplasm, Golgi-mitochondria bodies, and nucleus region of non-infected and SARS-CoV-2/MeV infected Vero E6 cells has been displayed in Fig. 2A-2C, respectively. For visualizing the difference between intracellular components as a result of the viral infection, difference Raman spectra were generated by subtracting the mean Raman spectra of the non-infected cells from the mean Raman spectra of the cells infected with virus (the Raman spectra from the cells with MeV infection and cells with SARS-CoV-2 infection were used together in the infected group), for individual intracellular components, as shown in Fig. 2D-2F. Further, for a deeper insight into the biochemical difference between MeV and SARS-CoV-2 infected cells, difference Raman spectra were generated for different intracellular components by subtracting Raman spectra of the SARS-CoV-2 infected cells from the MeV infected cells (Fig. 2G-2H).
In the difference spectra shown in Fig. 2D-2F between non-infected (Control) and the virus infection (MeV and SARS-CoV-2 infection considered together), the positive Raman peaks belong to the control group, whereas the negative Raman peaks belong to the virus-infected cells. The difference Raman spectra (Fig. 2D-2I) highlights the intracellular changes occurring within the cell as a result of viral infection. The differences between infected and non-infected cells in the cytoplasm, Golgi-mitochondria bodies, and nucleus can be observed mainly in the Raman peak profile of the C-H stretching region (2800–3050 cm-1) (Fig. 2D-2F). In the difference spectra of cytoplasm and Golgi-mitochondria bodies shown in Fig. 2D and 2E, phosphate backbone vibration is visible at 788 cm-1 and 790 cm-1 respectively37, possibly due to the presence of viral RNA38. The Raman spectra extracted from the non-infected cells’ Golgi-mitochondria bodies show Raman spectral signature of lipid at 173239 cm-1 (Fig. 2E). The difference in Raman spectrum between the two types of viral infections, MeV and SARS-CoV-2, indicates chemical changes that are specific to the type of the virus causing the infection (Fig. 2G-2I). The positive Raman peaks in the presented spectra belong to the SARS-CoV-2 infected cells and the negative Raman peaks belong to the MeV infected cells. Within all the three intracellular compartments, SARS-CoV-2 infected cells show the presence of symmetric CH2 vibrations of lipids, (1732cm-1 and 2847/2864 cm-1)40,41, ring breathing modes of the DNA/RNA bases (1429cm-1)42, strong C-O band of ribose serves as a marker of RNA (1125 cm-1)39, tryptophan vibrations (566cm-1 and 749 cm-1)43–46, C-C twisting mode of phenylalanine (619cm-1)45, whereas MeV-infected cells show dominating presence of proteins (2933/2970 cm-1)41. The assignments of the Raman peaks have been described in supplement Table 1 and S1.
To visualize the possibility to differentiate between the non-infected, MeV infected, and the SARS-CoV-2 infected Vero E6 cells, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. The PCA 3D-score plot along with the principal component (PC) loadings are shown in Fig. 3 for the three different intracellular components. The PCA analysis was performed for each experimental batch separately to evaluate the Raman spectral data. In supplement Figure S2, PCA analysis for the remaining two batches has been shown. In the PCA 3D-score plots shown for cytoplasm (Fig. 3A), Golgi-mitochondria bodies (Fig. 3C), and nucleus (Fig. 3E), the Raman spectra of non-infected Vero E6 cells are well separated from the Raman spectra of the infected cells. This indicates a distinct chemical profile between infected and non-infected cells as shown in Table 1 and S1. The Raman spectra extracted from the nucleus region of the MeV and SARS-CoV-2 infected cells (Fig. 3E) are well separated from each other, compared to the Raman spectra extracted from the cytoplasm and Golgi-mitochondria bodies of infected Vero E6 cells. This indicates the nucleus of MeV-infected Vero E6 cells has a different chemical profile compared to the nucleus of the SARS-CoV-2 infected Vero E6 cells. The PC loadings shown in Fig. 3B, 3D, and 3F show the respective contributing Raman peaks. The PC1 is mainly responsible for separating infected and non-infected Vero E6 cells. The PC2 and PC3 jointly contribute to the separation of the MeV- and SARS-CoV-2-infected Vero E6 cells. Further, in the cytoplasm of MeV infected cells presence of tyrosine (815 cm-1 and 1629 cm-1) is specifically observed compared to the SARS-CoV-2 infected cells where tryptophan peaks (755 cm-1, 1201 cm-1, 1547 cm-1, 1607 cm-1) are prominent (Table 1).
Raman Model To Differentiate Sars-cov-2 And Mev-infected Vero E6 Cells
The unsupervised PCA was unable to resolve the infected and non-infected Vero E6 cells when Raman spectral data from all three experimental batches were pooled together for the analysis. Hence, a supervised machine learning algorithm-SVM was used for the classification of the non-infected, MeV-infected and SARS-CoV-2 infected Vero E6 cells. Two-class SVM models were built as shown in Fig. 4A-4C to visualize the chemical differences. Further, Raman difference spectra were generated as shown in Fig. 4D-4F. In Fig. 4A, the SVM model separates between non-infected and MeV-infected Vero E6 cells with a 10-fold cross-validated accuracy of 99%. Within the SVM plot, the separation of Raman spectra extracted from the different intracellular components of infected and non-infected cells can be visualized from the shape of the legend used (Square = cytoplasm, circle = golgi-mitochondria bodies, and triangle = nucleus region). The difference spectrum (Fig. 4D) generated by subtracting the mean Raman spectrum of non-infected cells (positive Raman peaks) from the mean Raman spectrum of MeV-infected cells (negative Raman peaks) indicate major chemical differences observed in the infected cells are lipids (2860 cm-1, 2885 cm-1) and proteins (1599 cm-1, 2929 cm-1, 2947 cm-1), nucleic acids (793 cm-1, 1255cm-1) and carbohydrates (1464 cm-1). Similarly, the SVM model classifies the non-infected and SARS-CoV-2 infected cells with a 10-fold cross-validated accuracy of 97% (Fig. 4B). The changes observed in the Raman difference spectrum (Fig. 4E) are similar as described above for the MeV-infected cells. In Fig. 4C, the two-class SVM classification model shows differentiation between the MeV-infected cells and SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. All the three intracellular components of the MeV and SARS-CoV-2-infected cells were well separated. The total 10-fold cross-validated accuracy was 98%. The difference spectrum generated between MeV and SARS-CoV-2-infected cells show differences in proteins (1612cm-1 in SARS-CoV-2 and 1656 cm-1 in MeV-infected cells), higher lipids in SARS-CoV-2 (2856 cm-1, 2885 cm-1), changes in the nucleic acids (1091 cm-1 and 1255 cm-1 in MeV) and tryptophan vibrations at 749 cm-1 in SARS-CoV-2 infected cells).
A three-class SVM model was built (supplement Figure S3) to classify non-infected and MeV infected and SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. The non-infected cells are well separated, further, the separation between the two types of viral-infected cells can also be visualized.
PCs used 13, 10 fold CV other parameters same as below)
Table 1
Significant Raman peaks observed in PC loadings contributing to the separation between SARS-CoV-2 and MeV infected Vero E6 cells
Raman peaks in cm− 1 |
Cytoplasm | Golgi-mitochondria- | Nucleus |
MeV | SARS-CoV-2 | MeV | SARS-CoV-2 | MeV | SARS-CoV-2 |
586 (sym str PO34) | 459 (DNA/Glycogen) | 1258 (Ade/Cyt) | 566 (Trp/Cyt/Gua) | 733 (Ade) | 566 (Cyt/Gua) |
815 (Tyr) | 566 (Trp/Cyt/Gua/Kyn) | 1470 (lipids) | 619 (Cys) | 1011 (Str C-O Ribose) | 675 (Gua) |
1099 (str C-N) | 749 (Trp) | 1592 (Str C = C and C = N protein) | 749 (Trp) | 1258 (Ade/Cyt) | 749 (Tyr) |
1250 (Gua/Cyt) | 842 (Trp/Kyn) | 1661 (α-helix protein) | 1125 (Trp/Str C-C lipids) | 1279 (Nucleic acids/Phosphates) | 839 (Pro/hydroxyproline, Tyr/glycogen) |
1315 (Gua) | 1125(Str C-C lipids/glucose/polysacahhride) | 2935 (CH3 sym str proteins) | 1429 (Deoxyribose) | 1289 (Cyt) | 931 (Gua) |
1487 (Gua) | 1201 (Trp) | | 1732 (lipids) | 1345 (Gua) | 1125* C-O ribose |
1575 (Gua/Ade) | 1429 (Fatty acids) | | 2847 (CH3 sym str lipids) | 1470* (lipids) | 1235*PO2 mode |
1629 (Tyr) | 1510 (Cyt) | | | 1641* (proteins) | 1378 (Ade/Gua) |
1661 (α-helix protein) | 1547 (Trp) | | | 1686* (proteins) | 1429 (Deoxyribose) |
2939 (lipids) | 1607 (Trp) | | | 2935* (proteins) | 1477 (Gua) |
| 1732 (lipids) | | | 2970* (lipids) | 1575 (Gua/Ade) |
| 2849 (CH3 sym str lipids) | | | | 1732* (lipids) |
| 3026 (long-chain fatty acid) | | | | 2864* (lipids) |
| | | | | 3026 (long-chain fatty acid) |
Trp : Trptophan, Cys : cysteine, Tyr : Tyrosine, Cyt : Cytosine, Gua : Guanine, Pro : Proline, Sym :Symmetric, Str : Stretching, Ade : Adenine, Kyn : Kynurenine *The contribution of these Raman bands arise due to the extraction of nucliec acid spectra from the Raman spectroscopic image of the cells. |