The global debacle, ushered in by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) needs no elaboration. India has documented 10.5 million cases, of which 10.1 million have recovered while more than 151 thousand people have succumbed to the pandemic as of January 10, 2021. Of late, the second wave of the infection and new variants of the virus have also surfaced across various latitudes and longitudes of the globe. Various control measures have been adopted globally, however, the success and effectiveness of the control measures are affected by people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) towards the pandemic. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the level of KAP toward COVID-19 among the Indian public. A cross-sectional online survey of Indian public was conducted between 18th May 2020 and 24th June 2020. The survey questionnaire consisted of demographic characteristics, pertaining to knowledge (15 items), attitude (10 items), and practices (7 items), modified from a previously published questionnaire on COVID-19. A total of 566 persons completed the survey. The overall correct rate and the average score of the knowledge questionnaire were 75.8 % and 13.6 ± 2.7 respectively. Attitude and practice scores were respectively 3.55 ± 0.45/5 and 2.75 ± 0.43/3 towards COVID-19, respectively. Maximum respondents demonstrated moderate level of knowledge (67.6 %) and attitude (96 %) while 81.9 % were found to follow good practices towards the pandemic. A positive correlation was observed between knowledge towards practice and attitude towards practices. Despite the good practice skills, a considerable percentage (6 %) of respondents never wore nose masks, washed hands, and maintained social distance during the outbreak. By the same token, 3.2 %, and 14.9 % of the public were in high and in the medium risk of infection, respectively. Due to the limited sample, we must be cautious when generalizing these findings to whole populations. Nevertheless, the study highlighted the indispensability of befitting health education programs aimed at improving KAP among the mass.