Intervention household characteristics and cattle production parameters
At the beginning of the study, the total number of cattle in the study households was 2,250, with mean and standard deviation (SD) per household of 3.72 and 2.46 respectively. These included 869 draft cattle (38.62%) and 632 cows (28.08%). Additionally, sheep (149), goats (1,222), pigs (808), chickens (5,399) and other animals (184 ducks, 112 turkeys, 27 dogs and 9 cats) were kept by the farmers. Most livestock are left to forage. The village cattle graze communally within the village.
Most households purported to undertake some form of vector control, with only 17.24% reporting that they did nothing. The most common method of vector control for each household was hand tick picking (46.58% of the households) which was also the method most frequently applied (on average 11.36 times a year (n=298, min=2, max=36, SD =5.65). Other vector control methods were infrequently used annually, and these included; spraying, 3.57 times (n=194, min=1, max=24, SD=2.88), application of paraffin, 9.61 times (n=23, min=2, max=12, SD=3.69), application of grease, 7.24 times (n=5, min=4, max=12, SD=3.03), and pour-on, 1.13 times (n=14, min=1, max=2, SD=0.36). Of the households that carried out some of vector control, 22.00% (132) treated work oxen only, 13.83% (83) cows only, and 13.33% (80) heifers only. The cattle types that were treated for ticks and tsetse are summarized in Table 1.
The average number of households owning draft cattle was 220 (213 and 227 households at the beginning and the end of the intervention respectively) out of 600, with 59.09% of these owning two draft cattle and the rest 1, 3 or 4 or more (Table 2). Given that 59.09% of draft cattle owning households had the same number of draft cattle (2 oxen) analyzing pooled data from the whole sample was deemed representative. The average days plowed per household over the 18-month study period was 88.13 post-intervention, equivalent to 58.75 days per year (Table 2). Most cattle keepers used their draft cattle to plow other people’s farms as a means of generating income. In the year prior to the intervention, the average number of days plowed was 50.46 per year per household among the RAP households.
Benefit of RAP to farmers
Gross margin calculations were undertaken for pooled data for the villages where 25%, 50% and 75% cattle were sprayed with deltamethrin using RAP. The items valued included both cash income and expenses and the values of animals not bought or sold and estimated value of farm labor both in components of the variable costs and as an estimate of the value of the labor households saved by using their own work oxen on their own land. The variable costs included: mastitis treatments; the cost of buying and administering trypanocides, spraying against ticks and tsetse and hand-picking ticks, and cost of borrowing draft cattle from others to plow on the households’ own farms. A summary of the cattle numbers and gross margin calculations for T1, T2, T3 and T4 is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 shows the full data used to calculate the gross margin for the 12 months ‘before’ the intervention and then for the 18 months ‘after’ the intervention began. The observed cattle numbers were similar across the different treatment groups, averaging 455 (range 407–491). The importance of draft power in the cattle economy of the district can be seen by the fact that the single largest item both pre- and post-intervention is income gained from plowing other’s land and labor saved from using draft power for plowing on their own land (Table 3). Overall, the income from hiring out draft cattle plus the value of the human labor saved on their own land comes to 66.9% (range 62.9% to 72.2%) of the cattle and produce ‘out’ component of livestock output (i.e. item (a) in Table 3). In addition, for all the treatment groups (i.e. T1 to T4) in the absence of RAP, the value of the herd was lower at the end than at the beginning of the period due to reduced cattle population (mostly from cattle mortality) before the intervention.
For the further analyses, the ‘after’ figures collected during the intervention were converted from 18 months to 12, by dividing them by 1.5 to be comparable with the ‘before figures’. The difference in the annual variable cost per bovine before and after the intervention was USD 3.16, USD 7.24, USD 9.91 and USD 13.44 for T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. This reduction in variable costs was mostly due to reductions in expenditure on trypanosomiasis and vector control. The slight drop in the variable cost for the control was probably from the wider impact of RAP on tsetse and tick populations.
To obtain the mean annual income per bovine in the RAP and control households, the changes in gross margins were obtained from Table 3 and divided by the number of households (i.e. 120 households in each treatment). The mean annual income from livestock per RAP household ranged from USD 95.26 – USD 142.35, a mean of USD 125.22 across all the RAP households, whereas the mean increases in annual income per bovine in the RAP treatment varied between USD 26.93 and USD 35.44 (mean of USD 32.12 across all the RAP households) (Table 4). However, an increase in annual income of USD 6.51 was also observed in the T1 households (which only received an initial trypanocide treatment).
Cost of RAP and analysis of benefits and costs
The mean number of cattle that were sprayed using RAP across the 360 RAP intervention households was 1,406, with each household having an average of 3.84 (SD 3.76) cattle within the 18-months period. The average number of times farmers took their cattle for monthly spraying was 16.24 (of a possible 18 times) representing a compliance of 90%. The total cost incurred by all farmers participating in the treatments during the 18-months is summarized in Table 5. This shows a nearly four-fold increase in these cost items between T1 (no RAP but cattle were periodically gathered for biophysical monitoring) and T2 (25% of animals sprayed), increasing for T3 and T4 due to higher proportions of cattle sprayed. The main increases were the cost of labor and expenditure on ropes.
The total societal cost of RAP per year was estimated to be USD 4.33, USD 6.11 and USD 7.94 for spraying 25%, 50% and 75% of cattle respectively. This figure was derived from 1) costs of the RAP component only (i.e. spraying of cattle with insecticide only and excluding administration of Veriben B12), which came to USD 2.02, 3.75 and 5.47 per bovine per year for spraying 25%, 50% and 75% of cattle respectively (41), 2) administering Veriben B12 (41), and 3) cost incurred by farmers when taking their cattle for spraying and administration of Veriben B12, which was obtained from this study.
In the cost analysis of the RAP intervention undertaken as part of the epidemiological study (41), the full costs incurred were calculated, including all staff costs, overheads and depreciation. The average cost per bovine of Veriben B12, needles, syringes and sterile water was USD 0.81 per dose (41).
For the RAP treatments, where the Veriben B12 drug was administered at the same time as the RAP treatment, the need to include veterinarians for administering the drug was estimated to add USD 0.22 to the delivery cost of USD 0.39 per bovine for RAP alone, also based on the figures in the RAP cost analysis (41). For T1, the total societal cost incurred was only from administration of Veriben B12, and this was estimated to be USD 0.81 per dose (41), with additional veterinary costs of USD 0.22 just like the other treatments. Administering Veriben B12 thus incurred a cost of USD 2.06 per bovine in T1, T2, T3 and T4. The farmers’ additional expenditure were added to the Veriben B12 costs and the RAP epidemiological research project costs cited above to obtain the total annual societal cost of the intervention. For T1, the total cost of Veriben B12 and the slight increase in farmers’ costs came to USD 2.90 per bovine, which when set against the increase in income of USD 6.51 yielded a net benefit of USD 3.61, and a benefit-cost ratio of 1.55 when adjusted using the highest intervention cost which was USD 7.94 for T4.
The marginal benefits and costs are calculated as the changes in benefits and costs attributed to increasing the proportion of the cattle herd sprayed, i.e., moving from one treatment to the next.
The annual net benefit for treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4 was USD 3.61, USD 22.60, USD 27.88 and USD 27.50 respectively as shown in Table 6. The benefit-cost analysis of spraying 25%, 50% and 75% of the cattle population yielded average benefit-cost ratios of 3.85, 4.51 and 4.46 for T2, T3 and T4 respectively as shown in Table 6. The incremental benefit-cost ratios from spraying each additional 25% of the population cattle were 11.38, 3.89 and 0.79 respectively (Table 6), showing a very high return on investment for spraying 50% of the population, with returns reducing thereafter. Figure 1 illustrates the annual net benefit and the incremental benefit in USD from spraying each additional 25% of the population with returns reducing thereafter.