BC amended soil significantly increased the stalk weight and height of sugarcane. Similarly, Sarfraz et al.26 and Ehsanullah et al.27 mentioned that BC application significantly improved crop yields. Soil depth is an important environmental gradient, as well as soil amendmet practices affecting soil physio-chemical properties28. In the current study, soil OM, TC, NH4+ NO3−, and AK significantly decreased with soil depth. BC is a promising alternative to improving soil fertility owing to the pivotal role it plays in building up reliable carbon storage9. Studies have revealed BC amendment had profound effect on soil environmental variable, especially N and C cycles29. Similarly, our study revealed that biochar amended soil significantly increased soil OM, TC, NH4+ NO3−, and AK in one soil depth 0–20 cm compared to CK treatment, which we believed were resposible for the improved growth of sugarcane plant.
Soil enzyme activities are considered important indicators of fertile soil due to their important role they carry out in biochemical reaction and sustaining soil fertility29. In our previous study, enzymes associated with C and N cycles were enhanced in the topsoil than in subsoil30. In our study, numerous patterns in the activity of soil enzymes were observed. Soil cellulase activity decreased with soil depth, while β-Glucosidase activity and phosphatase activity were significantly enhanced in 0–20 cm than 20–60 cm soil profile in both CK and BC treatments. On the other hand, the application of BC may harm soil enzyme activities by impeding or enhancing soil organic matter contents31. In the present study, cellulase and β-glucosidase activity in BC in the entire soil profile revealed no significant change compared to CK. BC treatment significantly reduced urease and phosphatase acid activity in soil layer (0–20, 40–60 cm) and (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm), respectively than CK. The diminishing trend of these enzymes could be attributed to the application of biochar.
Chu et al.32 revealed that soil microbial community structure is naturally sensitive to environmental fluctuations, and is an important indicators of fertile soil. Diazotrophic abundance decrease with soil depths, Reardon et al.22 revealed that diazotrophic abundance reduced in soil depth subsoil (10–20 cm) than upper soil layers (5–10 and 0–5 cm). Diazotrophic relative abundance was assessed at the phyla and genera level to measure the impact of soil depth. We observed that biochar significantly influenced diazotrophic genera in 0–20 cm soil layer, but did not affect the diazotrophic phyla.
The utilization of biochar to amend soil can have a significant influence on the biotic and abiotic components of soil, thus significantly altering soil microbial abundance and community composition 30,33,34. In the current study, BC amendment had no significant influence on diazotrophic abundance at the phyla level. However, compared to CK treatment, BC amended soil had profound impact on diazotrophic abundance at the genera level.
Geobacter was highly abundant in both BC and CK treatments. However, genera Geobacter was improved in one soil depth (20–40) compared to CK treatment. This finding is roughly incontinence with studies conducted by Liao et al.35 and Liu et al.12, in which it was reported that in biochar amended soil, Geobacter were among the dominant bacterial. Our previous study also revealed that Geobacter in the subsoil was enhanced compared to the topsoil30. This result further validates that Geobacter tends to grow in an anaerobic environment, which sequentially improves the lower soil with Deltaproteobacteria genera.
Information on free-living N-fixers in the bulk soil is hindered due to the diverse nature of soil microorganisms community and the challenges of linking N fixation activities to each genus of diazotrophic genera36. However, Agnihotri37 mentioned that Anabaena genus is known as a nitrogen fixer of a filamentous cyanobacteria genera. Chen et al.38 reported that biochar amended soil increased soil microbial relative abundance at soil depth 0–15 cm. Similarly, relative abundance of Anabaena was significantly high in one soil layer (0–20 cm) in BC amended soil compared to CK treatment.
Azotobacter is a nitrogen fixation bacteria that can stimulate soil rhizosphere microorganisms, protects plant against phytopathogen, as well as boosts nutrient absorption which eventually enhancing biological N fixation. In the current study, Azotobacter was significantly in soil profile 0–20 cm. Our result agreed with Kalaigandhi et al.39 and Abd-el-Malek et al.40 who reported that Azotobacter abundance is depth-dependent, and was notably high in the rhizosphere soil41.
Burkholderia is Gram-negative bacteria mainly compose of various soil-dwelling bacteria that exhibit different environmental functions namely fixing nitrogen mutualists, pathogen and saprophyte36. Its distribution pattern in the soil is not clearly understood42, however in three different agriculture management regimes namely crop rotation, maize monoculture, and grassland. It was established that the area under maize monoculture and grassland cultivation was dominated by Burkholderia strains. In the current study, Burkholderia relative abundance was improved in the topsoil (0–20 cm) in BC amended soil compared to CK treatment. This finding partially agreed with Lin et al.33, in which it was reported that Burkholderia relative abundance was significantly increased under organic fertilizers.
Stenotrophomonas genus has been classified as a disease suppression bacteria43, as well as a plant growth promoter and a biocontrol agent44. A study found that Stenotrophomonas was significantly higher under no-mulching treatment at different soil depths. Similarly, our result revealed that Stenotrophomona’s relative abundance was higher at one soil depth (20–40 cm) in BC amendments soil; and was evident in the current study, where sugarcane growth parameters were enhanced.
NMDS analysis was conducted to assess the impact of CK and BC treatments on diazotrophic community in different soil depths. The analysis revealed no significant difference in different soil depths between CK and BC treatments. However, using the combine samples, Venn clearly established that diazotrophic is depth-dependent, while ternary plot was able to distinctly identify enriched diazotrophic OTUs across the different soil profiles. Boxplot analysis further clearly exhibited significant difference in enriched OUTs in among the soil depths. Our finding roughly corroborated with the results of Zgadzaj et al.45, in which it was reported that bacterial community was significantly enriched in the soil.
Furthermore, multivariate ANOVA analysis further confirmed that soil depth is one of the important environment gradients that greatly influence soil bacterial and soil physiochemical as well as soil enzyme activities46. We observed that soil depth significantly influenced diazotrophic OUTs, Shannon, chao1, coverage, nifH gene copies, as well as soil enzyme activities namely urease, cellulase, glucosidase and phosphatase and soil biochemical properties rather than fertilization. These results conformed with the findings of Fischer et al.47, Lipson et al.28 and Zhang et al.30, in which they reported that soil bacterial, soil enzyme activities and soil physiochemical properties change were depth dependent.
Soil environmental variables play an important in influencing bacterial community structures 6,12. Likewise, diazotrophic community structures are very responsive to soil environmental variables 49. Zhang et al.30 documented that soil pH and AK were the main factors affecting bacterial community compositions in the topsoil compared to AP and TC/TN, while in the subsoil, soil pH, AK and TC were the main factors in terms of changing bacterial community compositions. Similarly, in the current study, redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that diazotrophic community structures were very sensitive to soil environmental namely TC, TN, OM, NH4+ and AP. Soil TC was the major impact factor, whereas soil TN, OM and NH4+ were the minor impact factor that caused a shift in diazotrophic community structures in soil depth 0–20 cm. While at soil depths 20–40 and 40–60 cm, soil AP was the main driver shifting diazotrophic community structures.
Pearson’s correlation coefficients analysis revealed that more diazotrophic genera were to greater extent significantly and positively related to many soil physiochemical properties mainly in the surface soil 0–20 cm than diazotrophic phyla