There are many examples that omit the IEDS based on specific space, time, and phase of the IF, and these are confusing. There are studies describing the involvement of dental caries [15-18]; in contrast, there are studies not related to dental caries [19, 20]. It may be the feature of CA that discussion in [3-12] similar to VAP has generated. In these studies, there was no analysis of the infection caused by CA, the application of the antifungal agent was stopped, and there was no plan against re-infection; moreover, studies have been reported regarding the use of antifungal agents for infection in root canal (Pseudomonas [9] is treated as an important pathogenic bacteria of apical periodontitis), but there is a lack of studies on the propriety of application of the antifungal agent after disinfection, and the technique and extent of maintenance to achieve permanent prevention of transmission and full disinfection. Therefore, these methods have not resulted in the eradication of infection.
In the space analysis of the CA(+) non caries tooth we found that in 32 of 46 adjacent healthy teeth with CA(+), CA was removed by professional cleaning or brushing (after dental caries operation); (Table 5a). In 36 of 57 non-adjacent healthy teeth with CA(+), CA was removed by professional cleaning or brushing; (after dental caries operation) (Table 5b).
These are considered to be light CA infections, which depends on the internal transmission by IF (from the caries teeth), or on the external transmission (food, dust splash, hospital infection, etc.) by IF, and adhesion. Internal transmission was considered for DF that was less than one tooth away (Fig. 2, Supplementary Figs. 11–13).
Four-level classification
In our study, the infection of CA was classified into one of the following four levels:
1. Encountering tissue (There is no invasion)
2. Adhesive colonization (surface colonization) (Supplementary Note S14) (colony equivalent to colonization [3-10]). This level is removable by cleaning.
3. Fixing colonization (invasive colonization) (Supplementary Note S15) (In the lung, the fixing colony will cause pneumonia.) [3, 11], It causes a infection.
4. Outbreak (of colonization) in organs (tissue, substance) (Supplementary Note S16)
The first-and second-level CA (from all true healthy teeth and the restored healthy teeth in Table 7) can be mostly disinfected by cleaning; however, at the third level, disinfection cannot be accomplished without treatment. The fourth level is a colony concentration (CC) of 100 or more, and a specific exponential increase was also observed on the chart (Table 7).
5. Four colony level (see Supplementary Detail (contents) of colony level)
Colony level 1: adhesion level (1–4) (The number of colony)
Colony level 2: transient level, increased growth (5-14)
Colony level 3: fixing level, increased growth (15-99)
Colony level 4: outbreak (100–)
The result of CA adhesion in healthy tooth is given in (Table 5). CA was detected on teeth, except for the caries tooth. It was not a fixed CA, but an adherent CA. We assumed the possibility of internal transmission from the 243 CA(+) caries tooth to the others. We found that in 32 teeth, adhesive colonization was removed by tooth cleaning. Among the non-adjacent healthy teeth, in which there was a strong possibility of internal transmission and/or external transmission, 36 CA (+) teeth had removed adhesive colonization by tooth cleaning, which accounted to a total of 311 teeth (87.4%; 311/356). Furthermore, the dummy is the result of the external and/or internal transmission; therefore, 10 teeth can be added to the total which resulted in 90.2% (321/356) of the teeth. If the 35 unclear teeth are removed, this becomes 100% (321/321). Therefore, it is thought that caries tooth occurs from a fixed CA. The IS is a caries tooth, which was treated with an antifungal agent, resulting in disinfection (Supplementary Note S24). If CC in each dental formula area is 0, it must also be 0 in saliva, in periodontal tissue, and in the air.
The oral segment is the entrance for the living body.
For the oral segment, which is the entrance for the living body, to become CA-free, the infection chain (IC) must be broken in the connected segment that could be infected from the oral segment. There is a strong possibility that the teeth constitute the first habitat of CA; thus, CA disinfection of the teeth was very effective (Supplementary Notes S26–S27). Moreover, resin filling, artificial tooth for the final prosthetics, denture and healthy teeth, which are clear on DFM, also occasionally have adherent CA. The information from IEDS can examine the IR (IR subtracts IS from IC), but in many cases, it is possible to maintain a patient’s oral segment CA-free continuously. In the oral segment, which is the entrance to the living body, ref. 2 (P87) suggests food as the source of IF (Japan is an exception [23]), IES shows the specific dental caries are because of infection from a source other than food. The treatment, based on detailed measurement analysis of the IF, shows that the IC can be eliminated, including internal and external infections from the natural environment.
No endogenous microorganism
In the oral segment, one or more CA-infected teeth may exist. In the case of the latter, two or more IF(s) (and accordingly, DF, SF, and CF) exists in the restricted space of the oral segment; thus, the IF(s) suggest that CA is the causative endogenous microorganism. Importantly, there is a possibility that RsF is powerful in the oral segment. Moreover, it is thought that the reason for the negative value of ATE was the small amount of external transmission.
This may indicate that the prevalence of CA(s) in Japan, such as in food, soil, and water, was very low (Table 1). Furthermore, the Food Sanitation Law of Japan [23] does not recognize the contamination of pathogenic microorganisms. The same is true of the Water Supply Law [24].
The characterizations of CA
CA must consider the phase of the space-time of infection source, infection field, receptor field, resistance field, adhesive colony, fixed colony and infection chain. Moreover, CA must consider the phase of microorganisms. If they are neglected, the statistical research or the medical treatment etc., the study cannot obtain the correct result.