Seed source. Seeds of a segregating GR B. scoparia population identified from a wheat field (45°54′54.76″N; 108°14′44.15″W) in 2013 in Hill County, Montana (designated as MT009) were used. The field was under a continuous no-till wheat-fallow rotation for > 8 years and had a history of repeated glyphosate use (at least 3 applications per year) for weed control during the summer fallow phase prior to winter wheat planting. The permission of land owner was obtained prior to B. scoparia seed collection. Seeds of the field-collected population were used to generate GS and GR B. scoparia subpopulations through recurrent group selection procedure as described below.
Development of GS and GR subpopulations. Field collected seeds of MT009 population were sown on the surface of plastic trays (53 by 35 by 10 cm) filled with commercial potting soil (VermiSoil™, Vermicrop Organics, 4265 Duluth Avenue, Rocklin, CA, USA) in a greenhouse in the fall of 2013 at the Montana State University Southern Agricultural Research Center (MSU-SARC) near Huntley, MT. Growth conditions in greenhouse were maintained at 25/22 ± 2°C day/night temperatures and 16/8 h day/night photoperiods supplemented with metal halide lamps (450 µmol m− 2 s− 1). After emergence, approximately 200 uniform seedlings were individually transplanted in plastic pots (10-cm diam) containing the same potting mixture and grown for 6 weeks. A set of three clones (3 shoot cuttings) from each plant were then prepared and transplanted in plastic pots (10-cm diam) as described by Kumar and Jha.22 At the 8- to 10-cm height, all cloned seedlings were separately treated with 435 (0.5X), 870 (1X), and 1,740 (2X) g ae ha− 1 of glyphosate (Roundup PowerMax®, Bayer Crop Science, Saint Louis, MO) where 1X = field-use rate of glyphosate. All three glyphosate treatments included ammonium sulfate (2% w/v). Glyphosate applications were made using a cabinet spray chamber (Research Track Sprayer, De Vries Manufacturing, RR 1 Box 184, Hollandale, MN) equipped with an even flat-fan nozzle tip (TeeJet 8001EXR, Spraying System Co., Wheaton, IL), calibrated to deliver 140 L ha− 1 of spray solution at 276 kPa. Treated seedlings were returned to the greenhouse, watered as needed, and fertilized [Miracle-Grow water soluble fertilizer (24-8-16), Scotts Miracle-Gro Products Inc., 14111Scottslawn Road, Marysville, OH] bi-weekly to maintain good plant growth. At 21 days after treatment, clones surviving the 2X rate of glyphosate were considered as ‘glyphosate-resistant (GR)’ and the clones that did not survive 1X rate of glyphosate were considered as ‘glyphosate-susceptible (GS)’. The parent B. scoparia plants corresponding to survived (resistant) or not-survived (susceptible) clones were transplanted separately in 20-L plastic pots (group of 3 to 4 plants pot− 1) containing same potting soil for seed production. All 3- to 4 plants in each pot were collectively covered with a single pollination bag (DelStar Technologies, Inc., 601 Industrial drive, Middletown, DE 19709) prior to flower initiation to restrict cross-pollination between GR and GS plants. At maturity, seeds from the respective GR and GS parent plants were collected and cleaned separately using an air column blower. The collected seeds from GR plants were subjected to three generations of recurrent group selection with at least the 2X rate of glyphosate in each generation. Seeds of GS plants were also subjected to recurrent group selection for three generations without glyphosate. Progenies of the GS plants were grown and sprayed with 1X rate of glyphosate to confirm the susceptibility to glyphosate in each generation.23 This procedure allowed the development of relatively genetically homogenous GR and GS subpopulations from within a single B. scoparia population.
Determination of EPSPS gene copy number. Previously established protocols were adopted to estimate the relative EPSPS gene copy number in seedlings of GR and GS subpopulations through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (Gaines et al. 2010; Kumar et al. 2015; Wiersma et al. 2015). The ALS gene was used as reference since the relative ALS gene copy number and transcript abundance did not vary across B. scoparia samples.17,18, 29 Relative EPSPS:ALS gene copy number is a ratio of EPSPS to ALS PCR product fluorescence. Due to small differences in amplicon size, qPCR run conditions, and fluorescence detection, the values presented were estimates of relative gene copy number.29
A total of 600 seedlings from the GR and GS B. scoparia subpopulations (developed by recurrent group selection) were grown in a greenhouse at MSU-SARC near Huntley, MT. At 4-to 6-cm height, young leaf tissues (100 mg) from each seedling were sampled, frozen with liquid nitrogen and ground into powder using mortar and pestle. Genomic DNA were extracted from the tissue samples using the protocol from Qiagen DNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA). Genomic DNA quantity and quality were determined using a SmartSpec plus spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad Company) and gel electrophoresis with 1% agarose, respectively. High quality genomic DNA (260/280 ratio of ≥ 1.8) were used to determine the relative EPSPS gene copy number. Two sets of primers to amplify the EPSPS and ALS genes, the final reaction volume and reagents used for each qPCR reaction, and the qPCR conditions used in this study were the same as previously described by Kumar and Jha.22 Each qPCR reaction was performed on a Bio-Rad 96-well PCR plate in triplicates and fluorescence was detected using CFX Connect Real-Time PCR detection system (Bio-Rad Company). A negative control consisting of 250 nM of each forward and reverse primer, 1X Perfecta SYBR green supermix, and deionized water with no DNA template was included. The EPSPS genomic copy number relative to ALS gene was estimated by ΔCT method (ΔCT = CT, ALS–CT, EPSPS). 18, 29 The relative increase in the EPSPS gene copy number was calculated as 2ΔCT.
Survival and fecundity traits of GR and GS B. scoparia subpopulations. Seedlings (4- to 6-cm tall) of GR and GS B. scoparia subpopulations with known EPSPS gene copy numbers were transplanted into a fallow field in the summer of 2015 and 2016 at the MSU-SARC near Huntley, MT. All transplanted B. scoparia seedlings were equally spaced at 1.5 m apart from each other and all plants were fertilized biweekly [2 to 3 g of Miracle-Gro water soluble fertilizer (24-8-16), Scotts Miracle-Gro Products Inc., 14111 Scottslawn Road, Marysville, OH] and irrigated as and when needed to avoid moisture stress. Experiments were conducted with a factorial arrangement of treatments (Factor A and Factor B) in a randomized complete block design, with 6 replications. Each transplanted B. scoparia seedling was an experimental unit. The factor A (4 levels) was comprised of B. scoparia plants with 1, 2–4, 5–6, and ≥ 8 EPSPS gene copy numbers, which were categorized as susceptible, low, moderate, and highly resistant plants, respectively based on their percent visible injury response to glyphosate. The factor B (nine levels) was comprised of increasing rates of glyphosate applied as single or sequential applications. Current labels of glyphosate (e.g., Roundup PowerMAX®, Roundup PowerMAX®II) allow a total of 3,954 g ae ha− 1 in split POST applications in GR sugar beet. As per the label, the maximum glyphosate rate of 2,214 g ae ha− 1 is allowed from crop emergence to 8-leaf stage of sugar beet and 1,740 g ae ha− 1 of glyphosate from 8-leaf stage to canopy closure or 30 days prior to sugar beet harvest. Hence, the tested glyphosate rates were 0, 108, 217, 435, 870, 1,265, 1,740 [870 followed by (+) 870], 2,214 [1,265 + 949], 3,084 [1,265 + 949 + 870], and 3,954 [1,265 + 949 + 870 + 870] g ae ha− 1 along with ammonium sulfate (2% w/v). Sequential applications were made at 7- to 14-day intervals, with first application at 8- to 10-cm tall B. scoparia seedlings using a CO2-operated backpack sprayer fitted with a single AIXR 8001 flat-fan nozzle calibrated to deliver 94 L ha− 1. Glyphosate rates and applications timings were selected to simulate the 2-leaf, 6-leaf, 8–10 leaf, and the canopy closure stage of GR sugar beet.
Data collection. Percent visible control (relative to the non-treated) on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 means no control and 100 means complete plant death) for each individual plant were assessed at 7, 14, and 21 days after glyphosate treatment. Data on number of days from transplanting to 50% flowering and seed set were recorded for each individual plant. Each plant was covered with a pollination bag (DelStar Technologies, Inc., 601 Industrial drive, Middletown, DE 19709) prior to flowering to prevent any cross-pollination. At the time of flowering, pollens from each survived plant were collected in early morning hours (between 8 am to 10 am). At maturity, each individual plant was harvested and threshed to determine 1000-seed weight and seeds plant− 1.
Pollen and progeny seed viability. Pollens and seeds collected from individual B. scoparia plants were tested for viability using a tetrazolium test. Pollens were collected in petri dishes by shaking the whole plant at the time of flowering. Four sub-samples of pollens from each petri dish were transferred into glass slides. The pollens in the glass slides were soaked with a tetrazolium chloride solution (10 g L− 1), sealed with a cover slip using a nail polish and were incubated at room temperature for an hour. Viable (red) and non-viable pollens (yellow/white) were counted using a simple microscope. The physical structure of viable and non-viable pollens was also checked for any deformity using a compound microscope. Pollen viability for individual plants was calculated as percent viable pollens of the total number of pollens counted.
For seed viability test, twenty-five intact seeds collected from each individual plant from the field were evenly placed in between two layers of filter papers (Whatman® Grade 2, SigmaAldrich, St Louis, MO 63178) inside a 10-cm-diameter petri dish (Sigma-Aldrich). Seeds were soaked with a 5-ml of distilled water and the filter papers were kept moist for the entire duration of the germination test. Light is not required for B. scoparia seed germination30, so the petri dishes were wrapped with a thin aluminum foil and placed inside an incubator (VMR International, Sheldon Manufacturing, Cornelius, OR 97113) with alternating day/night temperatures set to 20/25 oC.23 Seeds with a visible uncoiled radicle tip longer than the seed diameter was considered germinated.31, 32 Radicle length was measured from three randomly selected germinated seeds 24 hours after incubation to test the seedling vigor. The number of germinated seeds in each petri dish were counted daily until no further germination was observed for 10 consecutive days. Non-germinated seeds were tested for viability by soaking the seeds with tetrazolium chloride solution (10 g L− 1) for 24 hours.23, 33 Seeds with a red-stained embryo examined under a dissecting microscope (10-fold magnification) were considered viable.34 Seed viability was expressed as the percentage of total viable seeds.
Relative fitness ( w ). Fitness is the evolutionary potential for success of a genotype based on survival, competitive ability, and reproduction. Individuals with the greatest number of offspring and with the most genes contributing to the gene pool of a population are considered most fit genotypes.35 Fitness of a genotype is determined by comparison of its vigor, productivity or competitiveness relative to the other genotype by quantifying specific traits such as seed dormancy, flowering date, seedling vigor, seed production, and other factors that can possibly influence the survival and reproductive success of a genotype.35, 36 In this study, relative fitness (w) of GR B. scoparia was calculated as the reproductive rate (seed production plant− 1) of a resistant genotype (B. scoparia plants with 2–4, 5–6, and ≥ 8 EPSPS gene copies) relative to the maximum reproductive rate of the susceptible genotype (B. scoparia plants with 1 EPSPS gene copy) in the population. The relative fitness (w) of susceptible plants was assumed to be one.
Statistical analyses. A natural logarithm transformation was performed on data for time to 50% flowering, time to seed set, seeds plant− 1. An arcsine square root transformation was performed on data for pollen viability, visible control, seed viability, and relative fitness (w) before subjecting to analysis of variance. No transformation was needed for 1000-seed weight and radicle length data. Experimental year, B. scoparia plants with different EPSPS copy number groups, glyphosate rate, and their interactions were considered fixed effects and replication nested within a year was considered as a random effect in the model. Data on percent visible control, time to 50% flowering, pollen viability, time to seed set, 1000-seed weight, and seeds plant− 1, seed viability and radicle length were subjected to ANOVA using PROC MIXED in SAS (SAS® version 9.4, SAS Institute, Cary, NC 27513) to test the significance of experimental run, treatment factors, and interactions. The ANOVA assumptions for normality of residuals and homogeneity of variance were tested using PROC UNIVARIATE and PROC GLM in SAS (Statistical Analysis Systems®, version 9.3, SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC 27513). Means were separated using Tukey-Kramer’s HSD with α = 0.05. Furthermore, data on percent visible control and seeds plant− 1 for each group of B. scoparia plants with different EPSPS gene copy number were regressed against total glyphosate rates using a four-parameter log-logistic model Eq. (1) 37, 38:
Y=c+{d-c/{1+exp[b(log(x)-log(ED50))]} equation (1)
Where Y is the percent visible control or seed production plant− 1 (% of nontreated); d is the upper asymptote; c is the lower asymptote; ED50 is the effective rate of glyphosate needed to achieve 50% control or 50% reduction in seed production; and b denotes the slope around the inflection point “ED50.” Slope parameter (b) indicates the response rate of each group of B. scoparia plants with different EPSPS gene copy number to glyphosate rates (i.e., a slope with a large negative value suggests a rapid response of selected B. scoparia group). The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used to select the nonlinear four-parameter model. A lack-of-fit test (p > 0.10) was used to confirm that the nonlinear regression model Eq. (1) described the response data for each B. scoparia group.37 Parameter estimates, ED90, and SR99 values (i.e. effective rate required for 90% control or effective rate required for 99% reduction in seed production) for each group of B. scoparia plants with different EPSPS gene copy number were determined using the ‘drc’ package in R software. 37, 39 Parameter estimates of B. scoparia groups were compared using the approximate t-test with the ‘compParm’ and ‘EDcomp’ functions in the ‘drc’ package of the R software. 38, 39