In this communication we validated cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI) activity using digitally marked palpation of extension intervals as well as frequency and phase computations for forehead skin perfusion oscillations. Two examiners marked subjective sensations during manual palpation using a hardware-software system. Palpations could be related to high temporal resolution objective PPG data of forehead skin perfusion. Several reasons necessitated the probing of physiological correlates of palpation. Firstly, palpation of rhythmic activity in humans has a longstanding history in medicine in general. Secondly, palpation is of crucial relevance in the practice of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) (29). Thirdly, though CRI/PRM has been the subject of numerous studies, the statement of McPartland and Mein (8) still holds today: “The CRI phenomenon is poorly understood, and its functional origin remains unknown, despite its significance in CST (cranial-sacral treatment)”.
In a previous unpublished study, we have identified autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in the low frequency (LF) and in the intermediate (IM) range in forehead skin perfusion in response to a Vault Hold intervention. We showed that the majority (77%) of participants responded to VHI with distinct highly stable low oscillating activity at approx. 0.07 Hz, while the remaining participants showed unstable primary IM-band activity at 0.142 Hz. In the current communication, this data set was analyzed with respect to palpations marked by our two examiners during VHI. Palpations consistently marked similar extension sections in PPG waves (Fig. 3). Mean CRI rates computed by multiplying extension intervals by a factor two were 0.066 Hz for responders and 0.068 Hz for non-responders. This is in line with our first hypothesis that currently observed CRI rates were comparable with those reported for experienced osteopathic practitioners (0.08 Hz; 16). Using wavelet TFD analysis, we found a distinct fit of palpations on MFHA only in responders. This was accompanied by prominent spindle or resonance waves in original PPG and highly stable LF activity in MFHA. Spindle waves were missing in non-responders and there was but a poor fit of palpation with MFHA (see Fig. 4A-D).
Using wavelet amplitude spectra, we found ANS related VLF, LF, or IM activity and harmonics in 98% of responders and non-responders, yet with differing distributions of amplitudes (see Figs. 5A and B). This means that a dominant wave at 0.07 Hz was accompanied by an upper harmonic with lower amplitude around 0.15 Hz (see e.g., Fig. 5A). Of note, we observed a high correlation between the mean of absolute MFHA frequencies and the mean of computed absolute CRI frequencies [in Hz] in responders and in non-responders, which confirmed our second hypothesis. However, there was a stable 1:1 ratio in responders and a stable 1:2 ratio in non-responders (mean MFHAresponders = 0.071 Hz; mean MFHAnon−responders = 0.147 Hz). This difference of objectively recorded and subjectively assessed rhythmic activity in forehead skin perfusion of non-responders has already been reported in the literature (for a review, see Fig. 1 in 4) as the ratio between low CRI rates and rates of Traube-Hering (TH) waves (range: 0.1–0.15 Hz). This historic TH model, however, falls short as an explanation of the physiological backgrounds of the 1:2 ratio. Not only are TH or TH-Mayer waves associated in humans to a narrow frequency range between 0.1–0.15 Hz. Furthermore, it is unlikely that these oscillations are of the same etiology as those which have been described by the authors they have been named after. Originally, Mayer waves have been observed at 0.05 Hz in deteriorating preparations of anesthetized spontaneously breathing rabbits (30). Furthermore, Traube’s and later authors’ pivotal works used mostly dogs for their experiments, which may exhibit rhythms of sympathetic origin as well as those related to reticular activity. However, while the former is subject of scaling, meaning that the same wave appears at higher frequencies in smaller species (31), oscillations related to the retR have been shown at comparable frequencies in humans and in dogs (17). Also, if oscillations recorded by us were of sympathetic origin as those reported for blood pressure, they were to exhibit tonic, that is non-rhythmic qualities (32). This, however, is not the case since our findings are distinctly rhythmically modulated.
Therefore, we have suggested the phenomenon of 1:2 ratios between palpated CRI and instrumentally recorded MFHA to be accounted for by IM band activity. This model incorporates lower (0.075 Hz) and upper (0.3 Hz) harmonics of primary IM frequencies (0.12–0.18 Hz). It has been demonstrated to apply to different species thereby bypassing scaling effects (17). Moreover, this approach has accumulated mounting experimental evidence over the past years (19) and has already been discussed to account for the CRI/PRM (13, 20). Our current findings appear to corroborate this approach.
Responders showing in the former study highly stable LF activity consistently exhibited low deviations (palpation errors) between CRI and MFHA rates whereas deviations in non-responders increased over time. This might be due to n:m integer number coordination reported also for extended periods of hypnoid relaxation (16). These conditions apply in case of our responders as indexed by Fig. 8B + C as palpation errors were negatively associated with duration of LF intervals during VH, i.e., the longer LF activity prevails the more accurate became palpation in terms of deviation from MFHA (see Fig. 6A-C).
Our findings suggest that the MFHA in forehead skin rhythms appears as physiological correlate of CRI palpations. The exact overlap of MFHA in participants and CRI rates further indexes that the two examiners seized palpable rhythmic sensations occurring at the head of participants. However, to rule out bias of palpations by focusing on anticipated rhythmic events we computed phases for CRI and MFHA in participants. In responders, histograms of phases of palpated (extension) sections of computed CRI during footswitch operation showed for start and stop two distinct peaks at approx. -140 and 40 degrees, thereby confirming our fourth hypothesis. In non-responders, there were also distinct peaks at -150 degrees for stop and at 30 degrees for the start (distance: 180°), but otherwise the phase prevalence was scattered randomly. This was confirmed by a scatter plot of the palpation error plotted against phases of palpated frequencies. This showed distinct accumulation of responders’ errors at approx. -150 degrees and 40 degrees, and again a rather random distribution of errors in non-responders (Fig. 7A-C). A similar pattern was obtained for phases of MFHA during start and stop of the footswitch. In responders, this showed again two distinct peaks at approx. -140 and 40 degrees for both start and stop, whereas in non-responders two distinct peaks at -150 degrees for stop and at 30 degrees for start (sum: 180°) showed randomly scattered phase prevalence. Palpation error (MFHA – frequency for each palpated interval) plotted against phase of MFHA showed distinct accumulation in responders at approx. -150 degrees and 40 degrees, and again a rather random distribution in non-responders (Fig. 7D-F). While these findings support the validity of palpated CRI rates and MFHA rates under conditions met by responders, they do not yet infer to the origin of palpated correlates.
To investigate synchronization of CRI and MFHA in examiners we further investigated phases of PPG data of examiners. This showed in a group of 14 responders a distinct coordination of start and stop of phases of CRI and MFHA, but merely a weak coordination between palpated and physiological phases in examiners (Fig. 8A). A smaller group of responders (N = 7, Fig. 8B) showed widely identical coordination of CRI and MFHA with all stop phases at approx. -130° and all start phases at approx. +50°. The coordination in their examiners was widely identical, but with some reversed orders of start and stop still indexing a possible synchronization between participants and examiners. Yet fewer responders (N = 2, Fig. 8C) showed comparable distribution of CRI and MFHA phases in participants and examiners, but as opposed to Fig. 8B, the order of start and stop phases was reversed. Overall, correlations between mean MFHA and CRI phase was significantly higher in participants compared to examiners. In non-responders, however, CRI and MFHA showed only low correlations in participants as well as examiners suggesting poor synchronization between participants and examiners.
This does not curtail coordination but possibly reflects differences in palpated sensations accounted for by extension and flexion. These terms are widely described and practiced in OMT. While our current study sample is only of limited size it is of note that this analysis exhibited almost all response patterns possible, with a clear preponderance on correct palpation in responders. This suggests that osteopaths indeed palpated participants’ physiological rhythmic activity and not their own rhythms in case LF band activity dominated. This is relevant since confounding own rhythmic activity with those of the subject studied has been discussed already for inexperienced trainees of OMT (23). Thus, we demonstrated that validity of palpation appears to depend profoundly on responding to VHI with distinct LF rhythmic activity.
Origin of the 1:2 ratio between computed CRI and recorded MFHA
The observed differences in CRI to MFHA ratio between responders and non-responders pose the question on how to tell LF responders (showing reliable palpation) apart from IM (non) responders (showing poor palpation) on the physiological level. Interestingly, our two examiners reported for their palpation sensations no differences between responders and non-responders during VHI. However, despite the highly correlated MFHA and CRI rates in responders, the physiology of non-responders remains puzzling and cannot be explained easily.
A possible approach might be found in the widely matching frequency range of IM band activity, which is compelling as an explanation for the origin of the CRI and the PRM, respectively. This notion is supported by prominent features such as that it is broad banded (0.15 Hz ± 0.03 Hz) and the forms lower and upper harmonics. Yet, another prominent feature, phase-synchronization at 1:1 or 1:2 integer number ratios with respiration, HRV, and blood pressure (17), might become the source of confounding as the frequencies in the interacting subjects synchronize and rhythmic differences between subjects 'palpably' dissolve during phase synchronizations. This notion is supported by our findings on highly synchronized phases of CRI and MFHA (see Fig. 8). This, however, mandates further comprehensive data recording and data analyses in at least one additional peripheral system in future studies.
Flexion and extension: fact or fancy
Flexion and extension refer to palpation sensations in trained observers (7, 10, 24). These terms relate to physiological correlates apparently strong enough to be palpated as minute scalp motion by sufficiently trained therapists (33). Osteopaths commonly describe extension as movement towards the examiner and flexion as a movement away from the examiner. During our investigation the osteopaths marked extension phases of the CRI which we used to compute the complete CRI. To support the construct of flexion and extension we expected to observe similar phases during start and stop throughout all measurements. However, phases of operating the start and stop button were equally likely to be at -40 and 140 degrees and start and stop did not rotate during the measurement. Based on our data we cannot relate phases of forehead skin MFHA to manually palpated extension and flexion, whereas extension and flexion are well distinguishable by examiners. Therefore, a rising or falling edge of the PPG wave is obviously not permanently related to their palpated sensations.
There are general limitations to the overall approach of research of physiological rhythms. Among these, the most important is the large variation of CRI rates amounting approx. 20% (11, 34). This is known to an even higher degree in biological systems at rest in organisms of comparably limited complexity, such as medulla fishes, which might amount 35% (35). Due to the small sample size and only two examiners generalizability of our results may be limited and should be confirmed in a larger sample. Also, recording and analyses of only PPG signals as the only physiological system is prone to leave questions unanswered as is the case for the yet to be identified source of missed palpation in non-responders.
Cranial osteopathy has often been criticized for its limited interrater reliability. Instrumentation of the PPG signal combined with palpation records may offer a glimpse into limitations of interrater reliability by showing considerable and corresponding variability of MFHA and palpation frequencies combined with frequency modulation (switch from 1:1 to 1:2 ratio) during VH intervention. However, it is feasible that the interaction of participant and examiner itself may be enough to induce significant physiological changes. This individuality of interactions of two physiological systems may be an additional factor decreasing interrater reliability and should be considered in further investigations by examining more physiological subsystems as well as the interaction between participant and examiner. Furthermore, we defined two groups of participants responding to OMT standard stimulus in physiologically different modes. Further studies will show whether responses to VHI are related to behavioral parameters and to treatment outcome in general. This will be of paramount importance when investigating CRI and MFHA in patients.