The following figures (Figs. 3–10) will be used to show the differences between the eddy-parameterized and eddy-resolved simulations as well as the differences between the increased greenhouse gas emissions and ozone recovery. The first row shows the results from the eddy-parameterized experiments (LRC) and the second row shows the results from the eddy-resolved experiments (HRC). The first, second, and third column show results from L/HRCGHG, L/HRCO3, and L/HRCTotal, respectively.
Sea surface temperature
Beginning with the sea surface temperature for LRCGHG (Fig. 3a), there is roughly one-degree warming everywhere except in the Southern Ocean where there is intense warming in the ACC of nearly three-degrees. With the increase in GHGs, there is warming everywhere in the Southern Hemisphere oceans except for one small region in the South Pacific. The same but opposite pattern is seen in the LRCO3 scenario (Fig. 3b) with cooling seen throughout all the oceans and warming in that same small region in the South Pacific. The overall net change between the two scenarios is small (LRCTotal, Fig. 3c), indicating that the increased GHGs and ozone recovery largely cancel each other with respect to SST. In the Indian and Pacific Oceans, there is slight warming observed, demonstrating that the GHG forcing is stronger here, whereas there is cooling seen everywhere else showing that the ozone recovery signal is larger, especially over the ACC which is no longer as exposed to solar radiation with the recovery of the ozone layer.
In the eddy-resolving case, the results are similar to the eddy-parameterizing case with a few exceptions in each scenario. For HRCGHG (Fig. 3d), there is warming nearly everywhere, like LRCGHG, including over the ACC where the presence of ocean eddies leads to a strong increase in SSTs. This warming is seen in the eddy-rich regions like the Agulhas retroflection and the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone. Unlike LRCGHG, however, there is cooling in the lower ACC near Antarctica. The HRCO3 (Fig. 3e) scenario shows equal but opposite results with cooling everywhere except near Antarctica as well. In contrast from the previous results, there is not a strong cooling seen over the ACC as in LRCO3 nor a strong signal from the eddies as in HRCGHG. This weaker signal is likely due to the increased heat trapped within the eddies in these regions weakening the intense cooling expected and seen in LRCO3. Lastly, the overall net change seen in HRCTotal (Fig. 3f) is mostly dominated by the ozone recovery with cooling seen in most of the Southern Hemisphere. The eddy-rich regions identified previously undergo warming and cooling, highlighting the importance of both GHGs and ozone, however, overall, the increase in GHGs and the heat trapped within the eddies plays a larger role.
Sea surface height
Next, the results from the analysis of the sea surface height (SSH) are shown (Fig. 4). With an increase in GHGs, there is an increase in SSH seen everywhere except over the southern portion of the ACC and most of the South Atlantic in LRCGHG (Fig. 4a). The areas where there is an increase (decrease) in SSH are areas where there will be an increase (decrease) in sea level as a result of anthropogenic climate change. The opposite pattern is then seen in the LRCO3 scenario (Fig. 4b) with an increase in sea level expected over the southern ACC and South Atlantic as the ozone recovers. The net change is once again weak (Fig. 4c), but the pattern resembles that of the LRCO3 case suggesting that the ozone recovery forcing is slightly more important in the low-resolution eddy-parameterizing model.
The patterns seen in both HRCGHG (Fig. 4d) and HRCO3 (Fig. 4e) closely resemble the patterns seen in their LRC equivalent with the exception of the eddies. In HRCGHG, the magnitude of change is comparable to LRCGHG and the eddies in the Agulhas retroflection and Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone show an increase in SSH. In HRCO3, the magnitude is much smaller than what is seen in both HRCGHG and LRCO3 and the eddies are not associated with much change, similar to what was seen in the SST maps. Therefore, the SSH pattern seen in HRCTotal (Fig. 4f) closely resembles HRCGHG unlike the LRCTotal which is weak overall and slightly resembles LRCO3 poleward of 60°S demonstrating that the increased GHG emissions are more dominant in the high-resolution eddy-resolving model.
Eddy kinetic energy
The eddy kinetic energy (EKE = 0.5(u'2+v'2)) is calculated for each scenario and across the LRC scenarios, there is a weak EKE signal since it is not an eddy-resolving model (Fig. 5a-c). There is a small signal in the equatorial region with opposite values of high and low EKE in the LRCGHG (Fig. 5a) and LRCO3 (Fig. 5b) scenarios. The pattern from LRCTotal (Fig. 5c), although small, more closely resembles the pattern from LRCO3, again suggesting that the ozone recovery forcing is slightly stronger than the increased GHG forcing in the eddy-parameterized model, agreeing with the previous SSH figure (Fig. 4).
The presence of eddies is very evident in the HRC EKE maps (Fig. 5d-f) as the changes in EKE are seen throughout the Southern Hemisphere in both HRCGHG and HRCO3 with the HRCGHG map being more active. In HRCGHG (Fig. 5d) there is an increase in the ACC, the open Pacific Ocean, along the coast of Africa, through the Mozambique Channel, and the Agulhas retroflection associated with an increase in GHG emissions. There is a decrease in EKE in the equatorial region, near the EAC and Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone, and parts of the Agulhas retroflection. The values of EKE are not as high in HRCO3 (Fig. 5e). There is an increase in the equatorial Pacific and the subtropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, and a decrease seen in the majority of the ACC. It is clear that between the two forces, the increase in GHG is more dominant. The pattern seen in HRCTotal (Fig. 5f) is strikingly similar to HRCGHG. With the increase in GHG emissions, there is an intensification of the winds and an increase in windstress creating a more energetic and excited eddy-field with as a result of eddy saturation (Meredith et al. 2012; Morrison and McC. Hogg 2013; Marshall et al. 2014).
Zonal mean ocean temperature
The zonal mean ocean temperature is calculated at each latitude throughout the Southern Hemisphere (Fig. 6). With the increase in GHGs (Fig. 6a), there is an increase in the ocean temperature observed throughout the entire vertical structure of the ocean with the exception of one small region of cooling found near 35°S at 1000 m. The greatest warming in this scenario is found poleward of 40°S with strong increases at the surface and 2000 m. Once again, a similar but opposite pattern is seen in LRCO3 (Fig. 6b) with cooling observed nearly everywhere. The overall change in LRCTotal (Fig. 6c) shows that the ozone recovery is the stronger of the two forces. In the LRC scenarios (Fig. 6a-c), the impact of increased GHGs and ozone recovery are seen at depth suggesting a strong mixing component in the eddy-parameterizing simulations as the changes are nearly uniform throughout the water column, especially towards Antarctica.
The HRC maps show a very different response than the LRC maps however, with an overall weaker, less uniform response. In HRCGHG (Fig. 6d), the strongest increase in temperature is found at the surface equatorward of 50°S. In addition to the surface, there are strong increases in temperature found down to the intermediate depths near Antarctica, 50°S, and near the equator, all locations of increased EKE (Fig. 5d) with the eddies from the ACC, western boundary currents, and equatorial currents likely influencing the increase in temperature observed. In HRCO3 (Fig. 6e), there is cooling observed nearly everywhere with the strongest decrease in temperature found in the upper 1000 m and little change seen at deeper depths. The decrease in temperature found at 50°S is located at the same latitude where there is a strong zonal mean decrease in EKE (Fig. 5e). HRCTotal (Fig. 6f) shows the ozone recovery signal is only stronger in the upper 500 m equatorward of 50°S, and that the increase in GHGs play a larger role elsewhere, especially at the intermediate depths in eddy-rich regions. The HRC maps also show that the decrease (increase) in SST observed near Antarctica (Fig. 3a,b) with the increased GHGs (ozone recovery) occurs only at the surface in the upper 200 m and there is an increase (decrease) found at the depth directly below.
Convective precipitation
The convective precipitation is analyzed rather than the total precipitation due to its stronger signal and its relationship with SST. In LRCGHG (Fig. 7a), there is an increase in convective precipitation over the equatorial regions, especially the Pacific, over all of Australia, southern South America, eastern South Africa, and over the western boundary current regions. With the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, there is warming in the ocean and release of latent heat to the atmosphere and therefore, an increase in precipitation. There is a decrease in convective precipitation over northern and central South America and the rest of Africa. Once again, the same but opposite pattern is seen in LRCO3 (Fig. 7b). The overall net change seen in LRCTotal (Fig. 7c) is very small, however, the pattern is similar to the one seen for the ozone recovery forcing, with the exception of Australia, that shows a total increase in precipitation as in the increased GHG scenario.
The results from the eddy-resolving scenarios vary from the eddy-parameterizing scenarios. HRCGHG (Fig. 7d) shows an increase over eastern and southern Africa, tropical Indian Ocean, Pacific islands, the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and western South America. There is a decrease seen over parts of Africa, Australia, just south of the equatorial Pacific, and eastern South America. The HRCO3 (Fig. 7c) convective precipitation pattern, surprisingly resembles the LRCGHG scenario (Fig. 7a), especially with the same precipitation found over the Pacific. There is a decrease in convective precipitation seen across all Southern Hemisphere land as the ozone recovers in the high-resolution case. The GHG forcing dominates everywhere in HRCTotal (Fig. 7f) except over land like HRCO3 suggesting that over the open ocean the GHG forcing is more important as the ocean absorbs more CO2 and over land, the ozone forcing is more important. Additionally, HRCTotal differs from LRCTotal in that over land there is a decrease in convective precipitation found compared to an increase in the eddy-parameterizing simulation.
Surface temperature
The surface temperature (2 m temperature) results do not differ much from the SST results seen previously. In LRCGHG (Fig. 8a), there is strong warming everywhere in the Southern Hemisphere, especially over the ACC. Like the SST, there is one small region of cooling found in the South Pacific and a region in South America. The same but opposite pattern is seen in LRCO3 (Fig. 8b) with cooling everywhere other than the tiny patches seen in the South Pacific and South America that are warming. The net change in LRCTotal (Fig. 8c) is weak once again but more closely resembles the ozone forcing aside from the precipitation over South Africa and South America which have increasing surface temperatures and are responding to the increase in GHGs. Australia, Chile, and eastern South Africa have a cooling pattern as in the ozone case, likely because these are desert regions and undergo extreme cooling.
The HRC maps show similar results to the LRC maps. HRCGHG (Fig. 8d) has warming nearly everywhere other than below 60°S where there is some strong cooling over Antarctica possibly related to changes in the sea ice. There is a strong increase in surface temperature over land and in the eddy-rich regions as in the LRC case. For HRCO3 (Fig. 8e) there is cooling everywhere in the Southern Hemisphere excluding the area around Antarctica which shows warming. The intense cooling seen over the ACC does not exist in the eddy-resolving case as in the SST case. Finally, the HRCTotal (Fig. 8f) is dominated by the ozone recovery everywhere other than the eddy-rich regions and below 60°S that show the increase in GHG emissions is more important. Similar to the SSTs, the heat trapped within the eddies is overpowering the cooling seen from the ozone signal and showing a strong net warming change overall.
Zonal mean atmospheric temperature
The next two figures (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10), motivated by Polvani et al. (2011a), examine the response to the zonal mean atmospheric temperature and zonal mean zonal wind. The zonal mean temperature throughout the atmosphere is calculated at each latitude (Fig. 9). In LRCGHG (Fig. 9a), there is warming seen throughout the Southern Hemisphere except in the lower stratosphere poleward of 50°S, where the ozone is depleted. The strongest changes in temperature are seen at 100 mb with an increase (decrease) of over two-degrees equatorward (poleward) of 50°S. The LRCO3 (Fig. 9b) map shows a similar but opposite pattern to the LRCGHG map, with a stronger signal seen in the lower stratosphere poleward of 50°S. Warming of much greater than two-degrees is seen in this ozone recovery scenario. The recovery of the ozone above Antarctica means most of the incoming solar radiation will be absorbed by the lower stratosphere in this region and there will be less heating throughout the troposphere. This intense warming is present in LRCTotal (Fig. 9c) suggesting that the ozone recovery is the dominant force in the lower stratosphere. The rest of the atmosphere has little to zero temperature change with the two forces cancelling each other out.
HRCGHG (Fig. 9d), shows a similar response to LRCGHG with cooling in the lower stratosphere but this cooling extends beyond the high-latitudes and up to the equator in the top 100 mb. There is also slight cooling seen at the surface in the high-latitudes corresponding to the cooling seen in the surface temperature map (Fig. 8d). HRCO3 (Fig. 9e), also shows warming in the lower stratosphere at the high-latitudes but it is not as strong as in LRCO3. There is, however, strong cooling of more than two-degrees seen equatorward of 55°S between 200 and 600 mb that is not present in LRCO3. The overall net change seen in HRCTotal (Fig. 9f) is slightly different from LRCTotal as there is only a small region of the lower stratosphere warming at the high latitudes and a cooling associated everywhere else. The upper 100 mb looks to be controlled by the increase in greenhouse gases whereas the rest of the Southern Hemisphere shows a response similar to the ozone recovery scenario.
Zonal mean zonal wind
The same calculation for the temperature is done for the zonal wind (Fig. 10) and the patterns seen in the LRC scenarios (Fig. 10a-c) are all relatively weak. In LRCGHG (Fig. 10a), there is an increase in the zonal wind found in the upper 200 mb at the mid-latitudes and a slight increase in the westerlies and towards the equator. There is a decrease seen at the trade wind latitudes. The opposite is shown for the LRCO3 (Fig. 10b) scenario with a slight decrease in the westerlies, but between the two scenarios there seems to be no poleward or equatorward shift. The responses in both scenarios are nearly equal with LRCTotal (Fig. 10c) showing very little change with the exception of the upper 100 mb resembling the LRCO3 scenario.
The HRC simulations (Fig. 10d-f) show much more change than their LRC equivalents. The pattern seen in HRCGHG (Fig. 10d) is similar to LRCGHG but much stronger. There is a strong increase in the westerlies and upper troposphere equatorward of 55°S. There is a strong weakening of the westerly jet and upper troposphere seen in HRCO3 (Fig. 10e). In the HRC simulations, the position of the westerly jet shifts equatorward in the HRCO3 scenario compared to the HRCGHG scenario, signifying the recovery of the ozone and the reversal of the westerly jet latitude poleward shift observed in the HRCGHG scenario. HRCTotal (Fig. 10f) shows that equatorward of 50°S the increase in GHG emissions dominates and poleward of 50°S the ozone recovery is more important, and the westerly jet is weakening and shifting equatorward.
Comparing the zonal mean temperature and zonal mean zonal wind results (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10) to those in Fig. 1 from Polvani et al. (2011a), who use an atmospheric model (CAM3, 2.8° ⋅ 2.8° horizontal resolution), the two are in agreement. With an increase in GHG emissions, Polvani et al. (2011a) find a decrease in the temperature at the high-latitudes in the lower stratosphere that extends to the equator in the upper 100 mb and an increase in temperature everywhere else in the Southern Hemisphere, a result consistent with HRCGHG (Fig. 9d). In their ozone recovery simulation, they find intense warming in the lower stratosphere more closely resembling LRCO3 (Fig. 9b) than HRCO3. The net change results from Polvani et al. (2011a) continue to show an increase in this region at the high-latitudes with cooling at the very top of the atmosphere, features that are both seen LRCTotal and HRCTotal (Fig. 9c,f). The results from the zonal mean zonal wind calculation in Polvani et al. (2011a) agree with the HRC simulations shown previously (Fig. 10d-f). The result of increasing GHGs is an increase and poleward shift of the westerlies that can also be seen in HRCGHG (Fig. 10d). The more intense weakening and equatorward shift seen with the ozone recovery is found in HRCO3 (Fig. 10e). And the overall trend is a equatorward shift and weakening of the westerlies, especially in the upper 200 mb consistent with what is found in HRCTotal (Fig. 10f).