Risk is defined as a function of probability and consequences (Kaplan and Garrick 1981). Risk evaluation conducted in this study is based on stochastic analysis of tsunami inundation levels ( \(i\) ) with and without the presence of SLR in Yavuz and Itoi (2022). Annual exceedance probability versus damage levels are calculated by considering the various inundation levels and related damage values. Economic damage ( \({C}_{t,i}^{ML}\) ) values for Japan (in US$) are retrieved from Huizinga et al. (2017) and updated for the projected years according to GDP-per capita growth rates of Japan (OECD n.d.). Similarly, social damage level (i.e. number of people directly affected by tsunami) ( \({C}_{t,i}^{NP}\) ) is also calculated by using the population growth rate predictions by the Statistical Bureau of Japan (n.d.) for the projected years. By means of annual exceedance probabilities and corresponding damage values, economic, social, and environmental risks are calculated for the selected regions. The regions (i.e. Fukuoka city center, Niigata city center, Izumo city center, and Yogano-Sakaiminato city center) shown in Fig. 1 are selected from different parts of the Japanese coastline along the Sea of Japan to reveal a general idea about the inundation levels and topographic conditions of the selected regions.
Same procedure is performed by taking IPCC-SSP scenarios into account for the projected years (i.e. 2020,2050, and 2100). The flowchart of the study is illustrated in Fig. 2.
2.1 Generation Mechanism of Inundation Levels
The number of Monte Carlo simulations is determined in Yavuz and Itoi (2022) based on the Gutenberg-Richter relationship of the assigned probabilistic distributions. \({M}_{w}\) values of the historical earthquake records are compiled from the ISC-GEM ver. 8 earthquake catalog (Di Giacomo et al. 2018). Then, tsunami hazard curves are calculated from 100000 Monte Carlo simulations and illustrated for a sample location in Fig. 3.
The coincidence between the random Monte Carlo simulations shows that the reliability of the analysis is satisfied up to 10− 4/year. The general framework of the stochastic tsunami hazard analysis retrieved from Yavuz and Itoi (2022) at each selected region is demonstrated in Fig. 4.
In Table 1 and Table 2, EITs + SLR levels are given for each IPCC-SSP scenario of the projected years compared with the 2021 altitudes of the selected regions for 10− 3/year and maximum probable inundation levels, respectively. The contribution of SLR on inundation levels to the EITs can be seen clearly from the related tables.
Table 1 10-3/year EITs+SLR levels at some of the selected region
Maximum probable inundation level (m)
Table 2 Maximum probable EITs+SLR levels at each selected region (corresponding to 10-4/year)
Maximum probable inundation level (m)
Risk analyses are conducted for economic, social, and environmental aspects based on the possible inundation levels for the projected years for each IPCC-SSP scenario in the following sections. Thus, the hypothetical economic, social, and environmental risk levels for EITs only, SLR only, and EITs + SLR conditions are calculated separately for each selected region and related SSP scenarios of projected years.
2.2 Economic and Population Growth Rate Projections
Projection of socioeconomic conditions is significant to reliably estimate the future probable economic and social damages for the selected regions in Japan. There are several future scenarios are revealed about the population sizes and economic development of the countries in the literature (Li et al. 2019; Vollset et al. 2020; Gu et al. 2021).
The economic growth rate (GDP-per capita) at a global scale is estimated as ~ 2.03% per year between 2010 and 2100 (Christensen et al. 2018). The population growth rate of Japan is expected to decrease drastically in the future years even though all the estimations show a substantial increase in global population size (Vollset et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020). Nevertheless, most of the future economic development and growth scenarios for Japan shows that Japan will remain the fourth-largest economy in 2100 (Vollset et al. 2020; Ikeda and Managi 2019). Honjo et al. (2021) conducted a comprehensive economic growth rate projection at the prefecture-level in Japan until 2100, depending on Japan shared socioeconomic pathways (JPNSSPs) developed by Japan National Institute of Population and National Security Research. Ten different scenarios based on economic productivities of the past years are used to estimate economic projections for the years 2050 and 2100. Honjo et al., (2021) pointed out that GDP per capita is estimated to increase 237% between 2010 and 2100. However, the GDP growth rate is estimated to be adversely affected due to the aging and decline in the population. In this study, OECD long term GDP volume growth (%) forecast is used to generate \({GDP}_{t}^{GR}\) for 2021 and 2050 (Yavuz and Itoi 2022). 2100 \({GDP}_{t}^{GR}\) value is determined depending on the most optimistic scenario released by Honjo et al., (2021) .
Statistics Bureau of Japan (n.d.) released a statistical handbook that includes present-day Japan statistics in October 2021. Chapter 2 of the handbook includes 2020 population census results and \({P}_{t}^{GR}\) projections up to 2060 (see Table 3).
Table 3
2020 population census results of Japan and \({\text{P}}_{\text{t}}^{\text{G}\text{R}}\) projections
Population (1000)
Rate of population change (%)
Population Density (per/km2)
The \({GDP}_{t}^{GR}\) of Japan is estimated to become lower than approximately 1% around 2025 and remain around 0% until 2100 (see Fig. 5a). Depending on the information and projection values provided by the Statistics Bureau of Japan (n.d.), \({P}_{t}^{GR}\) projections are made for the related years (see Fig. 5b).
Combined risk analyses at each selected region (i.e. EITs in the presence of SLR) are conducted for the projected years. Depending on the inundation levels, social and economic risks are calculated by using the number of people directly affected by tsunami (\({C}_{t,i}^{NP}\)) and monetary loss (\({C}_{t,i}^{ML}\)) as consequences of risk aspects, respectively. It is obvious that economic and social risks are going to change for the projected years due to an increase or decrease in the growth rates in the future. To reveal a realistic risk estimation for the selected regions, monetary values and/or population rates are projected for the determined years depending on the recorded Gross Domestic Product (\({GDP}_{t}^{GR}\)) and Population Growth (\({P}_{t}^{GR}\)) rates.
2.3 Economic Risk Analysis
Economic risk levels of each selected region are calculated by multiplying the exceedance probabilities of inundations obtained from tsunami simulations and its corresponding monetary losses (\(US\$/{m}^{2}\)) (i.e. damage level) released by the EU Joint Research Center (Huizinga et al. 2017). To conduct a combined risk evaluation due to SLR and EITs, SLR levels are initially considered for the selected regions and additional inundation levels due to EITs are added to determine the overall inundated areas. By doing so, risk evaluations are conducted for each SSP scenario at each related year. For the year \(t\) and for inundation level \(i\), the monetary loss (\(US\$/{m}^{2}\)) is estimated using the following equation:
\({C}_{t,i}^{ML}={C}_{i}{{GDP}_{t}^{GR}C}_{max}^{ML} {A}_{t,i}\) (1)
where \({C}_{t,i}^{ML}\) is the monetary loss (\(\text{U}\text{S}\text{\$}\)) of the related year \(t\) and inundation level \(i\), \({C}_{max}^{ML}\) is the maximum loss value (\(US\$/{m}^{2}\)) depending on the land-use category released by Huizinga et al. (2017), \({GDP}_{t}^{GR}\) is the projected economic growth rate for the year of \(t\), \({A}_{t,i}\) is the inundated area depending on \(i\) and \(t\),\({C}_{i}\) is the inundation level-monetary loss function specifying \({C}_{max}^{ML}\) at continental level (Huizinga et al. 2017).
Determination of the economic risk for both the projected year\(t\) and the inundation level \(i\) at all stages can be possible by creating inundation depth-monetary loss curves for each selected region. Then, economic risk can be computed by integrating the area under the inundation depth-monetary loss curve for each region. Economic risk can be calculated by using the following equation:
\({Risk}_{t}^{Economic}=\sum {\varDelta \text{E}\text{P}}_{t}\stackrel{-}{{C}_{t,i}^{ML}}\) (2)
where \({\varDelta \text{E}\text{P}}_{t}\)is the interval between two annual exceedance probabilities for year \(t\), \(\stackrel{-}{{C}_{t,i}^{ML}}\) is the mean projected monetary losses belongs to \({\varDelta \text{E}\text{P}}_{t}\) for the year \(t\). By doing so, the economic risk level is determined for each inundation level interval. The overall economic risk level for a selected region is determined just by summing up the risk levels at each inundation level.
2.4. Social Risk Analysis
Social risk for each selected region is evaluated using a similar approach as in economic risk evaluation. In this study, number of people \({C}_{t,i}^{NP}\) in the inundated area for year \(t\) is expressed as a function of current population density (\(pd\)), population growth rate ratios (\({P}_{t}^{GR})\), and the inundated area (\({m}^{2}\)) depending on \(i\) and \(t\) (\({A}_{t,i}\)). \(pd\) value for each region can easily be obtained from the literature. The number of people in the affected region is calculated as:
\({NP}_{t,i} ={PGR}_{t}{p}_{d}{A}_{t,i}\) (3)
Although \({C}_{t,i}^{NP}\) can be the consequence parameter of the social risk calculation alone, some other parameters (i.e. vulnerability, fragility) can also be added to calculate the social risk. In this study, vulnerability coefficient \(({C}_{vul}\)) proposed by Yavuz et al., (2020) is considered to calculate the social risk in detail. \({C}_{vul}\) is identified depending on age class, tsunami awareness and preparedness, literacy rate, and annual income level of the related population in the selected region (Yavuz et al. 2020). The calculation of the social risk is possible just by multiplying the calculated consequence with the exceedance probability intervals for each inundation level. However, a precise number of physically damaged people cannot be easily calculated. Inundation level and wave velocity up to some certain level may not physically affect the people. Kurisu et al. (2018) conducted an experimental study on improving the survival ratios during tsunamis. It is concluded that the tsunami waves with 0.59 ± 0.13 m high can easily drown an adult standing on s concrete block. Nakamura et al. (2017) also performed a three-dimensional numerical simulation on drowning prevention of a human and resulted that tsunami wave velocities above 2.5 m/s can physically affect an ordinary human. In this study, these two criteria are also considered to calculate the social damage level as shown in the following equation:
\({C}_{t,i}^{NP}=\left\{\begin{array}{c} 0 for i<0.5 m, {V}_{i}<2.5 m/s\\ \sum {P}_{t}^{GR}{p}_{d}{A}_{t,i}{C}_{vul} for i\ge 0.5 m, {V}_{i}\ge 2.5 m/s\end{array}\right.\) (4)
Calculation of the social risk is possible for both the projected year\(t\) and the inundation level \(i\) at all stages by multiplying the annual exceedance probability of the calculated inundation levels with the \({C}_{t,i}^{NP}\). In this study, social risk is defined as:
\({Risk}_{t}^{Social}=\left\{\begin{array}{c} 0 for i<0.5 m, {V}_{i}<2.5 m/s\\ \sum {\varDelta \text{E}P}_{t}\stackrel{-}{{C}_{t,i}^{NP}} for i\ge 0.5 m, {V}_{i}\ge 2.5 m/s\end{array}\right.\) (5)
where \({\varDelta \text{E}\text{P}}_{t}\)is the interval between two annual exceedance probabilities for year \(t\), \(\stackrel{-}{{C}_{t,i}^{NP}}\) is the mean projected social damage level belongs to \({\varDelta \text{E}\text{P}}_{t}\) for the year \(t\). For \(i<0.5 m and/or {V}_{i}<2.5 \text{m}/\text{s}\), social risk is assumed to be zero. Casio (n.d.) provides an online tsunami speed calculator based on the simple equation of \(V=\sqrt{gh}\) which is often used to calculate tsunami speed triggered by underwater earthquake. The calculator has a simple structure as just execute the tsunami speed from manually defined tsunami wave height. According to this reference, for \(i\ge 1.0 m\), tsunami speed is executed as 3.13 m/s and for \(i\ge 0.5 m\), the speed of the tsunami is given as 2.21 m/s. Depending on the results provided by Casio (n.d.), the social risk is calculated just based on the tsunami wave height at the coast.