Standard VES production function examines the EoS between capital and labor. In this paper, the main interest is EoS between capital and energy. We follow the way of the studies Lazkano and Pham (2016) and Yıldırım (2018). To that end, a nested (two level) VES production function is constituted and examined. For the nested VES function, preliminary functions are evaluated as follows:
\(Y=f(P,L)\) , \(Y\,=\,A{P^{{a_1}{\nu _1}}}{(L+{b_1}{\alpha _1}P)^{(1 - {\alpha _1}){\nu _1}}}\) (1)
\(P=q(K,E)\) , \(P={K^{{\alpha _2}{\nu _2}}}{(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)^{(1 - {\alpha _2}){\nu _2}}}\) (2)
In Eq. (1), P shows the physical inputs and is the function of capital stock and energy as stated in Eq. (2) (for simplicity, total factor productivity (A) did not account twice). α1 indicates the role of physical input in the function (1) and α2 indicates the share of capital stock to energy in the function (2). v1 and v2 are the returns to the scale for both equations (1) and (2). While b1 stands for variable elasticity of substitution parameter between physical inputs and labor, b2 stands for variable elasticity of substitution parameter between capital stock and energy. Thereby, the general nested VES function can be obtained as follows:
$$Y\,=\,A{({K^{{a_2}{\nu _2}}}{(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)^{(1 - {\alpha _2}){\nu _2}}})^{{\alpha _1}{\nu _1}}}{(L+{b_1}{\alpha _1}{K^{{a_2}{\nu _2}}}{(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)^{(1 - {\alpha _2}){\nu _2}}})^{(1 - {\alpha _1}){\nu _1}}}$$
$$M{P_K}=\frac{{A{L^{1 - {\alpha _1}}}{\alpha _1}{\alpha _2}(E+{b_2}K){{[{K^{{\alpha _2}}}{{(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)}^{1 - {\alpha _2}}}]}^{{\alpha _1}}}}}{{K(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)}}$$
$$M{P_E}=\frac{{A{L^{1 - {\alpha _1}}}{\alpha _1}(1 - {\alpha _2}){{[{K^{{\alpha _2}}}{{(E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K)}^{1 - {\alpha _2}}}]}^{{\alpha _1}}}}}{{E+{b_2}{\alpha _2}K}}$$
The elasticity of substitution between energy and capital in nested VES production function is described as follows by using Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) which show the marginal physical products of capital and energy, respectively:
$$\sigma (E,K)=\frac{{\partial \ln (E/K)}}{{\partial \ln (M{P_K}/M{P_E})}}=1+{b_2}\left( {\frac{E}{K}} \right)$$
In Eq. (6), expression b2 indicates that EoS (σ) changes with regard to the energy-capital ratio (E/K). When b2 is smaller than zero, energy and capital are complements. Adversely, when b2 is greater than zero, energy and capital are substitutes. VES production function is the extended form of the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) production function. So, in Eq. (3), the values of b1 and b2 are important to identify function (3) if it is a CES or VES function. In the case of b1 equals 0 (zero), the EoS between physical input and labor will be constant over time. Similarly, the condition b2 = 0 leads the EoS between capital and energy to the constant elasticity. Thus, b1 = b2 = 0 implies the Cobb-Douglas production function, which is the special form of the CES function. Additionally, the VES function (3) can also be reduced to other well-known output functions by restricting the parameters b1,2, α1,2 and v1,2.
In this study, we examine the implications of EoS between capital and energy on long-run economic growth by using the Solow-Swan growth model. Standard Solow growth model contains capital and labor as production inputs. In our paper, the standard Solow growth model is enhanced with two new elements. Initially, we consider the energy besides labor and capital as a production factor in the production process. Secondly, the nested VES production function is estimated as a production function in the Solow growth model. We build a framework of the Solow model without population growth, technological progress and depreciation for analytical simplicity. Our framework begins with the analysis of energy accumulation. Aggregate energy stock at the period t can be evaluated as follows:
$${\theta _{t+1}}={\theta _t}(1+q_{t}^{\theta }) - {E_t}$$
q t θ denotes exogenous augmentation in energy resources. θt grows as a result of the regeneration of energy and the emergence of new energy reserves. Adversely, θt decreases through the consumption of energy by the rate of Et. Energy accumulation is exogenous and unaffected by the EoS between capital and energy (b2).
Let Kt denotes physical capital stock at the period t without depreciation and constant exogenous fraction. Moreover, in line with no population growth and no technological progress, we suppose that final output (Yt) is accumulated only through physical capital stock accumulation (i.e. Yt = Kt+1 – Kt). Hence, aggregate capital stock can be derived using the nested VES production function in Eq. (8). In Eq. (8), returns to scale are constant (v1 = v2 = 1) and b1 is taken 0 which is the EoS between labor and physical input is constant. So, capital accumulation only depends on the ease with which capital and energy are substituted (b2).
$${K_{t+1}} - {K_t}=s{A_t}{K_t}^{{{\alpha _1}{\alpha _2}}}{({E_t}+{b_2}{\alpha _2}{K_t})^{{\alpha _1}(1 - {\alpha _2})}}{L_t}^{{(1 - \alpha 1)}}$$
As energy and capital are substituted (b2 > 0), a rise in energy efficiency contributes to a faster accumulation of capital and long-run economic growth. Otherwise, when b2 < 0, capital and energy are complements and higher capital accumulation needs more capital stock and more energy together. So, in case of supply of energy is reduced compare to capital for production, for example during energy crisis, energy-capital complementarity will decrease the long-run economic growth. As a consequence, we indicated in the theoretical framework of nested VES production function within the Solow model that substitutability between energy and capital (b2) has an impact on capital accumulation and long-run economic growth.
While analyzing the substitutability, we construct two main hypotheses; 1) the EoS between capital and energy is variable and changes according to the energy-capital ratio (b2 ≠ 0); 2) in the production process, energy is an important production input (a2 ≠ 1). For testing the hypotheses, the log-linearizing form of the Eq. (3) is produced as a baseline estimating equation as follows:
\({\text{log}}{Y_{it}}={\text{log}}{A_{it}}+{\alpha _1}{\alpha _2}{\text{log}}{K_{it}}+(1 - {\alpha _2}){\alpha _1}\log ({E_{it}}+{b_2}{\alpha _2}{K_{it}})+\)
$$(1 - {\alpha _1})\log ({L_{it}}+{b_1}{\alpha _1}K_{{it}}^{{{\alpha _2}}}{({E_{it}}+{b_2}{\alpha _2}{K_{it}})^{(1 - {\alpha _2})}})+{\varepsilon _{it}}$$
In the Eq. (9), i,t and ε represent the country index, year index and error term, respectively. a1 indicates the shares of physical input (capital and energy) and labor, while a2 indicates the shares of capital and energy. In case of a1 = 1, labor plays a very small role in the production process and Eq. (9) turns into VES production with two inputs (capital and energy). Additionally, if a2 = 1, energy plays a very small role in the production process and Eq. (9) evolves into VES production function with two inputs (capital and labor).
We use both raw labor and human adjusted labor separately in place of labor input as a production factor. The importance for creating human adjusted labor series comes from the studies Romer (1986), Lucas (1988), Tallman and Wang (1994), Duffy and Papageorgiou (2000), Lazkano and Pham (2016) and Yıldırım (2018). We follow the way of the studies Lazkano and Pham (2016) and Yıldırım (2018) to create human adjusted labor series. Firstly, we denote Hit as human capital index where i indicates the each of country at time t. Hit (human capital index) is evaluated based on years of schooling and return to education by Penn World Table. So, we obtain the data from Penn World Table for each 58 countries over the period 1975–2017. Later on, we generate the human capital adjusted labor (HL) as HLit = Hit* Lit.
As a nonlinear function, the nested VES production function remains non-linear after taking the logarithm of the Eq. (3). Hence, the baseline Eq. (9) is estimated by Non-Linear Least Square (NLLS) regression method. Nonlinear Least Square regression method needs initial values to estimate our baseline Eq. (9). For the initial values of the variables, we benefit from the estimation of an OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regression.
We use Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model to understand how the non-linear connection between energy consumption and economic progress is influenced by energy intensity level for country groups with the period 1975–2017. Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model is an approach that allows parameters to change smoothly when moving from one regime to another.
While estimating the model, we construct main hypothesis as; there is a non-linear relationship between energy consumption and economic growth and at least one threshold point regarding energy intensity. The estimated model is evaluated on the basis of PSTR model with two extreme regimes with reference to the models implemented by Gonzales et al. (2005), Yuxiang Chen (2010) and Aydın and Demir Onay (2020). The Eq. (10) represents the PSTR model with two extreme regimes including the parameters GDP per capita and energy consumption per capita.
$$LnperGD{P_{it}}={\mu _i}+{\beta _0}\,LnperE{T_{it}}+{\beta _1}\,LnperE{T_{it}} * g({q_{it}};\gamma ,\theta )+{u_{it}}$$
In Eq. (10), LnperGDP is dependent variable and stands for the log form of real GDP per capita; LnperET is independent variable and indicates the log-form of energy consumption per capita; t (t = 1,2,…,T) is time periods; i (i = 1,2,…,N) represents countries; u is the error term and µ represents unit-specific fixed effects. g(qit ; γ, θ ) employs as a transition function; qit gives transition parameter, θ represents threshold parameter and γ is smoothing parameter. The transition function g(qit ; γ, θ ) is defined as a logistic form:
$$g({q_{it}};\gamma ,\theta )={\left[ {1+\exp [ - \gamma ({q_{it}} - \theta )]} \right]^{ - 1}},\gamma >0$$
PSTR model can have more than two regimes. In that case, PSTR model is evaluated as follows:
$$LnperGD{P_{it}}={\mu _i}+{\beta _0}\,LnperE{T_{it}}+\sum\limits_{{j=1}}^{r} {{\beta _j}\,LnperE{T_{it}} * {g_j}(q_{{it}}^{{(j)}};{\gamma _j},{\theta _j})+{u_{it}}} \,\,$$
In PSTR model with more than two regimes, the transition function g(qit ; γ, θ ) is stated as follows:
$$g({q_{it}};\gamma ,\theta )={\left( {1+\exp \left( { - \gamma \prod\limits_{{j=1}}^{m} {{q_{it}} - {\theta _j}} } \right)} \right)^{ - 1}},\,\,\gamma >0,\;\,{\theta _1} \leqslant {\theta _2} \leqslant ... \leqslant {\theta _m}$$
In case of q ≠ LnperETit that is transition variable (q) differs from the explanatory variable (LnperET) in Eq. (12), the estimation of the flexibility value is stated as follows:
$${e_{it}}=\frac{{\partial \,LnperGD{P_{it}}}}{{\partial \,LnperE{T_{it}}}}={\beta _0}+\sum\limits_{{j=1}}^{r} {{\beta _j}} \, * \,{g_j}(q_{{it}}^{{(j)}};{\gamma _j},{\theta _j})$$
If q = LnperETit, which is transition variable (q) equals one of the explanatory variables (LnperETit) in Eq. (12), the estimation of the flexibility value is stated in the equation:
$${e_{it}}=\frac{{\partial \,LnperGD{P_{it}}}}{{\partial \,LnperE{T_{it}}}}={\beta _0}+\sum\limits_{{j=1}}^{r} {{\beta _j}} \, * \,{g_j}\,(q_{{it}}^{{(j)}};{\gamma _j},{\theta _j})+\sum\limits_{{j=1}}^{r} {{\beta _j}} \, * \,\,\frac{{\partial \,{g_j}\,(q_{{it}}^{{(j)}};{\gamma _j},{\theta _j})}}{{\partial \,LnperE{T_{it}}}}$$
θ parameter is proportional to γ. Therefore, the constraint (θ1 = 0) is to be applied in order to test the axioms that null hypothesis is linear model and alternative hypothesis is PSTR model. This is tested by F-statistic. According to LMF statistic, the rejection of null hypothesis requires to estimation of PSTR model. After the rejection of linear model hypothesis, the regime number is determined. At this stage, the null hypothesis that the model includes one transition function (r = r*=1) is tested against r = r*+1 (model includes two transition functions) alternative hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is admitted, then the process finalizes. In case of rejection of the null hypothesis, the null hypothesis (r = r*+1) will be tested against r = r*+2 alternative hypothesis. This stage of determination the number of regime goes on until the admittance of null hypothesis for the first time (Fouquau et al., 2008). At the final stage, the model is estimated by NLLS (Non-Linear Least Square) regression.