Solubility test
Table 1 summarises the solubility tests for cellulosic derivatives and their perpropionylated counterparts in water and several organic solvents at 25 oC and a concentration of 10 mg/mL. The insolubility of cellulose in common solvents is well-known, and we will not discuss it here. The non-perpropionylated cellulose derivatives (BC, VC1 and VC2) are not soluble in hydrogen bonding solvents (water, MeOH and acetone) but solubilise in the less polar solvents (CHCl3, DMSO and DMAc). A higher solubility-to-DS ratio BC is thus seen than in previous studies (Sundman et al. 2015), and the VCs show similar solubilities. In the case of perpropionylated cellulose derivatives (P-cellulose, P-BC, P-VC1 and P-VC2), these polymers are not soluble in the protic solvents (water and MeOH) but solubilise in all the other solvents tested (acetone, chloroform, DMSO, and DMAc). The reason for this drastic change of solubility for the cellulosic derivatives due to the perpropionylation is probably a break-up of the remaining structure, and in the case of Avicel® cellulose, a total disruption if it. We utilise this phenomenon since we then solubilise both P-Cellulose and the corresponding cellulose derivatives for SEC analysis.
Table 1
Solubility of the cellulose derivatives in different solvents at a concentration of 10 mg/mL. "i" represents insoluble while "s" represents soluble.
Sample Solvent | BC | VC1 | VC2 | P-Cellulose | P-BC | P-VC1 | P-VC2 |
H2O | i | i | i | i | i | i | i |
MeOH | i | i | i | i | i | i | i |
(CH3)2O | i | i | i | s | s | s | s |
CHCl3 | s | s | s | s | s | s | s |
DMAc | s | s | s | s | s | s | s |
DMSO | s | s | s | s | s | s | s |
Melting measurements.
The melting of the BC and the VCs was gradual, and no exact melting point can, unfortunately, be reported. In Table 2, the temperature where visible softening (FST) of the material could be seen and the temperature where we saw a significant change was observed is reported. It must be stated, however, that the slow and gradual change in structure (softening/melting) can be challenging to observe and that the numbers are based on what we saw.
Table 2
The first softening (FST) and the significant softening temperature (SST) of the cellulose ethers. Average of three to four measurements (standard deviation).
Name | FST, (°C) | SST, (°C) |
BC | 107 (3) | 137 (6) |
VC1 | 111 (18) | 135 (5) |
VC2 | 104 (2) | 118 (3) |
The only significant change is the SST between BC and VC2. However, the softening of these cellulose ethers is gradual, and the melting points also depend on impurities in the samples. Interesting, however, is that at even higher temperatures, the VC seem to melt. At approximately 170–200°C both the VCs begin to show a whitish or light brown melt. The BC, however, did not show any melt at all, it degrades to a blackish char-like, substance. This, we expected from the literature (Isogai et al. 1984). These authors showed that the melting of BCs depends on both DS and MW and concluded that the DS needed to be close to 3 while the DP needed to be < 140 if a clear melting point for BC should appear. We do not see this for the VCs studied herein. In the supplementary data we show this phenomenon in a film (Supplementary_matials_ Melting_Film.mp4), where the heating is speed-up 32 times. The sample in the middle (to the left) is BC and the sample to the right s VC2. Unfortunately, the film's resolution is too low to show the FST and SST. However, the presence of air bubbles in the samples complicates the interpretation of what is seen in the film, and it would be beneficial to perform both the synthesis and the melting measurements in another environment (vacuum? inert atmosphere?) to avoid both bubble formation, and air catalysed degradation.
Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) measurement.
In Fig. 2, we present the FTIR spectra for the analysed cellulose-based polymers (Avicel® cellulose, BC, VC1, and VC2). The figure shows that there are absorption bands at (2850 cm− 1) and (1100 cm− 1), which are associated with C-H aliphatic stretching and bending modes, respectively. In the case of the cellulose spectrum, the absorption band at (3300–3500 cm− 1) is associated with OH groups (-OH stretching). This absorption band is diminished and shifted in the spectra for the cellulose ethers (BC, VC1 and VC2). Furthermore, Fig. 2 also shows that the absorption band associated with the aromatic rings (C=C stretching mode) appears around (1450–1500 cm− 1) for BC and at (1500–1600 cm− 1) for the VCs, and this increase in wavenumber indicate an increased charge density caused by the donating methoxy groups. In the same way, the absorption band associated with aromatic sp2 (C-H bending mode) is shifted and appears around (650–750 cm− 1) for BC and around (750–850 cm− 1) for the VCs. Lastly, an absorption band at (1300 − 1250 cm− 1), related to the (C–O stretching mode) appears solely in the VCs due to the methoxy groups in the veratryl structure. In short, the FTIR measurements indicate the successful modification and replacement of OH groups in Avicel® cellulose with benzyl and veratryl structure via the benzylation and veratrylation reactions, respectively. Also, the shift in peaks between BC and VCs indicates donating methoxy groups (O-CH3) within the VC structure (Young et al. 1951).
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR).measurements
The cellulose ether's degrees of substitutions (DSs) were calculated as DSNMR of perpropionylated derivatives in line with the work reported in the literature (Ramos et al. 2005; Li et al. 2011; Sundman et al. 2015). DSNMR was estimated according to Eq. 1 (for P-BC) and Eq. 2 (for P-VC1 and P-VC2):
$$DS=\frac{7}{5} x \frac{A1}{(A2-\frac{2}{5}A1)}$$
$$DS=\frac{7}{3} x \frac{A1}{(A2-\frac{8}{3}A1)}$$
In equations (1) and (2), A1 represents the integral in the 1H NMR spectra for the aromatic peak (δ ≈ 7.2 ppm for P-BC and δ ≈ 6.7 for P-VC1,2), while A2 represents the integration for the aliphatic peaks (the integral of the area 3.0 ≤ δ ≥ 5.5) (Ramos et al. 2005; Li et al. 2011; Sundman et al. 2015). The reasoning behind equations 1 and 2 is found in the supplementary materials Fig S1, S2, and table S1.
The resulting DSNRM, calculated using Equations 1 and 2, are presented in Table 3.
Table 3
The DSNMR of the cellulose (derivatives).
Name | DSNMR |
BC | 1.2 |
VC1 | 1.6 |
VC2 | 1.4 |
Figure 3a. displays (from bottom to top) the 1H NMR spectra of the benzyl chloride (B-Cl), veratryl alcohol - (V-OH), veratryl chloride (V-Cl), and veratryl bromide (V-Br), respectively. The 1H NMR spectrum (400 MHz, internal standard CDCl3) for (B-Cl) shows the two expected signals for benzyl chloride (B-Cl) that appears at (7.50 ppm, m, 5H) and (4.46 ppm, s, 2H). The 1H NMR spectrum (400 MHz, internal standard DMSO-d6) for veratryl alcohol shows, on the one hand, the five expected peaks appears for veratryl alcohol (V-OH) at (6.90 ppm, m, 2H), (6.80 ppm, d, 1H), (5.25 ppm, t, 1H), (4.50–4.46 ppm, s, 2H), and (3.85–3.70 ppm, s, 6H). On the other hand, the spectra for veratryl chloride (V-Cl) and veratryl bromide (V-Br) show all the previously mentioned peaks for (V-OH) except the peak associated with the hydroxyl group. Thus, the 1H NMR analysis indicates the successful synthesis of veratryl chloride or veratryl bromide, respectively, from veratryl alcohol.
We illustrate the 1H NMR spectra (400 MHz, internal standard CDCl3) of the per-propionylated cellulose derivatives [P-cellulose, P-benzyl cellulose (P-BC), and P-veratryl cellulose (P-VC1 and P-VC2)] in Fig. 3b. As described in the literature, the signals for the per-propionylated Avicel® between 3 and 5 ppm are associated with cellulose backbone structure: (H3) 5.10 ppm, (H2) 4.81 ppm, (H1) 4.41 ppm, (H6) 4.06 ppm, (H4) 3.71 ppm, and (H5) 3.53 ppm (Ramos et al. 2005; Li et al. 2011; Kono et al. 2016a). The signals between (0.80–2.5) ppm correspond to the methyl and methylene groups of the propionic acid ester (H7 and H8). In the P-benzyl cellulose (BC) spectrum, it is apparent that additional signals appear around 7.21 ppm (H9) and 4.65 ppm (H10), which are associated with the benzyl groups (aromatic carbon and methylene groups, respectively). In the P-veratryl cellulose derivatives (P-VC1 and P-VC2), the corresponding peaks are shifted to around 6.65 ppm (H11), 4.40 ppm (H12), respectively. Also, here, the reason for the shift between BC and VC structures in the 1H NMR signals is the presence of electron-donating groups (methoxy groups (O-CH3)) within the veratryl cellulose structures. This leads to enhanced negative charge density, which causes increased shielding and thus decreased chemical shifting of the 1H NMR signals (Spiesecke and Schneider 1961; Miyamoto and Hada 2021; Kono et al. 2016b).
Furthermore, it can be observed that an additional peak, at 3.55 ppm, appear that represents the methoxy group in the veratryl substituents (H13). The 1H NMR spectra thus show that we have successfully synthesised and characterised this novel cellulose ether. Overlapping of the cellulose backbone 1H NMR peaks was seen for benzyl cellulose and depended on DSNMR (Ramos et al. 2005; Li et al. 2011). In our data, this phenomenon was also evident for also the veratryl cellulose samples. Additionally, as reflected in Table 3, the equal amount of reagent gives higher DSNMR if veratryl chloride (1.6) or bromide (1.4) is used than if benzyl chloride (1.2) is used. However, there is competition between etherification and hydroxide catalysed hydrolysis; hydrolysis might explain the impression of a reversed order of reactivity since it is known to be a quick reaction. However, this is hypothetical. The molecular weight of the polymers has to be considered to show upon any significant hydrolysis.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements
Figure 4. displays the X-ray diffractograms obtained for cellulosic derivatives (Avicel® cellulose, BC, VC1, and VC2). The WAXD patterns of Avicel® cellulose show that there are characteristic diffraction peaks at 2θ = 34.6o, 22.5o and 16.5o, which correspond to the planes (004), (200) and (110), in Cellulose-I crystals, respectively. The overall XRD patterns with corresponding peaks are in good agreement with the literature (Li et al. 2011; Thakur et al. 2020; Ramos et al. 2005; Ass et al. 2006; Ju et al. 2015) and confirmed the presence of cellulose-I. After derivatisation (benzylation and veratrylation, respectively), the characteristic peaks of cellulose-I disappeared, and a new peak at 2θ = 38.9o and Å= 2.31 was observed, which is generated from the presence of phenyl groups within the chemical structures of benzyl and veratryl units. Also, another peak was observed at 2θ = 20.2o and Å= 4.26 for benzyl cellulose (BC). This peak shifted slightly to 2θ = 20.5 o and Å= 3.82 for veratryl cellulose (i.e. VC1 and VC2), and this shift is due to the presence of methoxy groups (withdrawing groups) within the veratryl units in compression with benzyl units. Furthermore, as the degree of crystallisation of cellulosic materials is affected by chemical treatments (Wu et al. 2020), the disappearance of crystallinity during the derivatisation process is expected.
Molecular weight estimations (Size Exclusion Chromatography)
The SEC analysis was done in chloroform on perpropionylated samples, which all have a different molecular weight than the original cellulose (ether). Thus the molecular weight averages (MW averages: Mw and Mn) has to be calculated with this in mind. Although caution with the SEC of cellulose derivatives as an indication for cellulose molecular weight distribution is advised in the literature (Henniges et al. 2014; Potthast et al. 2015; Ono and Isogai 2021; Melander and Vuorinen 2001; Li et al. 2016), the potential loss of low-MW fractions was not critical. Furthermore, since we only analysed the relative decomposition, this was not an issue. Table 4 displays the MW averages for the original (Avicel®) cellulose and cellulose derivatives (BC, VC1 and VC2), both as data from the SEC measurements and as corrected, calculated values. Details of how these transformations and calculations are done are found in supporting material, but basically, we used Eq. (3)
$${M}_{\text{w, corrected}}={M}_{\text{w, SEC}}*\frac{{M}_{\text{AGU,non-per-propionylated}}}{{M}_{\text{AGU,per-propionylated} }}$$
In Eq. (3) Mw, corrected represent the corrected, calculated Mw of the polymer in question. Mw, SEC represents the Mw from the SEC measurement. MAGU,non−per−propionylated and MAGU, per−propionylated represent the molecular weight of the AGU of the polymer prior and after per-propionylation, respectively. This calculation always assumes that DSBC or VC + DSper−propionylation is 3, which is a simplification, of course. However, any error brought by this simplification is small.
Table 4
The molecular weight of the AGU, the measured and calculated molecular weight averages and the degree of polymerisation (DP) for the cellulose (derivatives).
| M (AGU) (g/mol) | Mw (SEC) (g/mol) | Mn (SEC) (g/mol) | Mw (corrected) (g/mol) | Mn (corrected) (g/mol) | DPw | DPn |
Avicel® Cellulose | 162 | 80000 | 46000 | 40000 | 22000 | 243 | 138 |
BC | 270 | 56000 | 37000 | 41000 | 27000 | 150 | 100 |
VC1 | 528 | 35000 | 26000 | 29000 | 22000 | 73 | 55 |
VC2 | 488 | 79000 | 61000 | 63000 | 49000 | 171 | 133 |
The M of the AGU of a cellulose derivative depends on both the DS of the AGU and the MW of the substituent. The MW averages of the polymer also depend on the DP. On the one hand, for VC1, we measured a higher DS for this polymer than both BC and VC2. The M of the AGU is also the highest. Nevertheless, the polymer has the lowest MW averages because of the much lower DP (cf. Table 4). VC2, on the other hand, show much less degradation. The data thus indicate more severe degradation during the synthesis of VC1 than VC2. Also, the data indicate almost the same degradation for VC2 as for BC produced with the same amount of reagent and NaOH. The apparent degradation supports the hypothesis from 3.3 that the competition with alkaline hydrolysis is responsible for the impression of a reversed order of reactivity towards cellulose. If hydroxide ions are consumed in the hydrolysis reaction, fewer hydroxide ions can depolymerise the cellulose, which is known to happen at these temperatures (Reyes et al. 2016). Hydrolysis is not so fast for the less reactive V-Cl, and the opposite would be true. A low polymer DP would follow, and a significant amount of hydroxide ions are consumed in the hydrolysis of cellulose. The concentration of V-Cl acting on the cellulose would thus be higher than for the other synthesises, explaining the DSNMR. Therefore, we can say that the reactivity toward Na-cellulose seems to be in the same range for veratryl bromide and benzyl chloride and lower for veratryl chloride. However, these explanations are not backed by statistics. More experiments are necessary to make them finite.