4.1 The tree – open grassland mosaic as driver of the herbaceous layer composition
Tree canopies were important spatial drivers of the herbaceous layer at the intra‑ecosystem scale, both in terms of structure (specially increasing the litter under the canopy, Fig.2), diversity and composition (Figs. 4-7). However, in line with our first question, the different herbaceous components were not affected in the same way by the tree - open grassland mosaic (Fig. 3), differences that were especially notable on the PFT (Fig. 4) and species distribution (Figs 6-7). The microenvironment created under the canopy favoured the dominance of some species, mainly grasses, while the open grassland favoured the presence of legume and non‑legume forbs. Previous studies have also described dominance of grasses under the canopy (Olsvig-Whittaker et al. 1992; Gea-Izquierdo et al. 2009), while the presence of forbs and legumes is limited under the canopy (Gea-Izquierdo et al. 2009; Marañón et al. 2009; Lopez-Carrasco et al. 2015). Species of high light demand — as is the case of legumes, with enhanced photosynthesis (Ibañez et al. 2020) — are limited in their growth under the canopy, affected by light constraints, litter accumulation, and competition with species tolerant to these conditions (Marañón 1986; Marañón et al. 2009). Hence, the accumulated litter may influence in different ways the growth of the different life forms, negatively affecting forbs and legumes — dicots — while not having a negative impact on the growth of grasses — monocots — with dense erect leaves (Barrantes Díaz 1986; Roldán Ruiz 1993; Sebastià 2007).
Also, the higher litter input under the canopy (Fig. 2) increased soil N content (Ibañez 2019), and that could favour the growth of grasses, at the expense of forbs and legumes. In agreement, Song et al. (2011) found that grasses increased their biomass at high N availability at the expense of forbs (Song et al. 2011). Moreover, results reported by Ibañez (2019) from the same study plots, suggested that grasses could be more efficient than forbs in terms of N acquisition and use. Grasses usually have fibrous roots (Weaver 1958; Schenk and Jackson 2002; Pirhofer-Walzl et al. 2012), trait that may be facilitating N absorption from the most superficial soil layers and from symbiotically fixed N sources (Pirhofer-Walzl et al. 2012). Therefore, these differences in the N uptake could represent an important competitive advantage for grasses, displacing other species under the canopy at higher soil N availability. This fact also agrees with the lower species richness (SR), and the tendency to a lower evenness observed under the canopy in comparison to the open grassland (Fig. 5).
Overall, these indicates that some species, mainly legumes, are more vulnerable to changes in the tree coverage than others (Fig. 3), and this could drive changes in the plant specific and functional composition at the intra-ecosystem scale. Changes that in turn may have several ecosystem functional implications, as for instance in terms of forage provision (i.e. Dewhurst et al. 2009; Sturludottir et al. 2014; Adams et al. 2016; Barneze et al. 2020), soil nitrogen (Debouk et al. 2020) and carbon (Rodríguez et al. 2021) cycling among others, which suggests that it is highly advisable preserve the tree – open grassland mosaic to preserve plant specific and functional diversity and maximize ecosystem’s functionality.
Regarding the BGB compartment, we did not detect any clear pattern in the BGB distribution either driven by the presence/absence of tree canopies, season, or plot. This results are contrary to what expected, since some authors have described differences in the root density between the understory and the open grassland (Moreno et al. 2005); as well as a seasonal pattern in the fine root biomass (López et al. 2001). In our results, one possible reason for the lack of any observed pattern could be the depth at which we sampled (0‑10 cm) that could have been not enough to detect differences. Yet, it is worth mentioning that our results show the magnitude of the BGB compartment, which is of a magnitude much bigger than the ABG (Figure 2) and deserves further attention in future studies.
4.2 The canopy effect under representative Iberian canopy types
In line with our second question, the canopy effect differed between canopy types when comparing Quercus species and P. pinea stands. This was observed on the certain reduction of SR in the plot dominated by P. pinea (DN‑pinea) in comparison to plots dominated by Quercus species (specilally in autumn, Table 4 and Fig. 5.b), diffrence that was most likely caused by a lower presence of forbs (Table 3 and Fig 4). This reduction in the SR could be related with the tree litter characteristics, which may be driving soil properties, and this in turn SR. The litter of P. pinea is known for its mulching capacity, and allelopathic properties, both factors lowering the understory growth (Valera-Burgos et al. 2012). Also, the litter of P. pinea has been reported to be poorer in N content than litter of Quercus species (Fioretto et al. 2008; Sheffer et al. 2015), and this could lower soil N content and availability. Indeed, N availability for plants in the DN‑pinea plot was reported the lowest among the study plots (Ibañez 2019). Factors that combined could decrease SR in the DN-pinea, driving this difference in the SR between P. pinea and Quercus species dominated plots.
Our study plots also performed diffrences in their composition of herbaceus species, in addition to the variability associated to seasonality (Figs. 6-7). The mosaic of trees drove an heterogeneous distribution of the herbaceous species, with some species being dependent on the specific microclimatic conditions (Figs. 6-7). This combined with the PFT distribution mediated by the presence/absence of tree canopies (discussed in Section 4.1), interestingly, indicates that although SR decreased under the canopy (Fig. 5.b), the tree – open grassland mosaic allowed the growing of an increased variety of species, increasing plant specific and functional diversity at the ecosystem scale. Hence, it is worth mentioning that Mediterranean wood pastures are ecosystems of high conservation value, whose diversity and preservation is dependent on such tree - open grassland mosaic, which in turn is directly linked to the presence of grazer animals and traditional silvo-pastoral activities.
On the other hand, there are climatic differences between the two study locations (DN vs. SM), and this climatic‑driven variability has also to be considered as a possible source of variability on the canopy effect when comparing the two locations. Thus, the canopy effect tent to differ between the two locations (DN vs. SM), as suggests the neutral canopy effect on the AGB in the SM-ilex plot in contrast with the AGB decrease observed under the canopy in all DN plots (Fig. 2). This suggests that the magnitude of the drivers behind the canopy effect on the AGB production might differ depending on local conditions, including environmental conditions and competition/facilitation professes.
Several studies have described that although under the canopy there is less light available (Hussain et al. 2009; Seddaiu et al. 2018) and litter mulching the soil (Marañón et al. 2009), the canopy can create a favourable environment, with increased soil moisture (Holmgren et al. 1997), higher nutrient availability (Gallardo et al. 2000; Gallardo 2003) and amelioration of extreme summer temperatures (Marañón et al. 2009), which may result in an enhanced productivity of the herbal layer (Moreno et al. 2007; Gea-Izquierdo et al. 2009).
However, this increase in the productivity under the canopy was not detected in our study plots, which even decreased in the DN plots, even though the environment under the canopy in our locations presented higher soil water content, lower soil temperature (Ibañez et al. 2021), and higher soil C and N content (Ibañez 2019) than in the open grassland. Accordingly, some authors have reported that competition for water resources between trees and the herbaceous layer could be limiting the productivity, especially in the most arid Mediterranean wood pastures, or when soil texture does not promote much water retention (Moreno 2008; Gea-Izquierdo et al. 2009). Plants could only profit from the increase in soil fertility mediated by the canopy without water stress, the canopy effect being dependent on water availability (Gea-Izquierdo et al. 2009; López-Sánchez et al. 2016a) and this might be the case in our locations (DN vs. SM). The DN location is drier than SM, with higher temperatures, lower precipitation, and sandier soils (Section 2.1); and competition for water resources could be here a limiting factor (combined with light availability and litter mulching the soil), especially during dry periods within the growing season, which are frequent under the irregular Mediterranean climate. Conversely, in the SM location, the reduced environmental constraints (slightly cooler and wetter than DN) may allow a certain compensation between the drivers that might be reducing the biomass production under the canopy (i. e. reduced light availability), and the drivers favouring productivity (i. e. increased soil fertility), which results on a neutral canopy effect on the AGB (Fig. 2).
Also, the presence of grazer animals may be driving the general structure of the herbaceous layer, and some of those differences in the canopy effect between locations (DN vs. SM). The stocking rate was very similar in both locations (Section 2.1), but the productivity in the DN location was lower than in SM (Fig. 2), and the livestock impact on the AGB might be higher in DN, wherein livestock visiting the under the canopy microenvironment, looking for shadow, acorns, and fresh herb, could be more frequent.
These differential canopy effect on the AGB production between locations (DN vs. SM), interestingly links with the results reported on greenhouse gas exchange (Ibañez et al. 2021), and C and N dynamics (Ibañez 2019) from the same study plots. The authors reported that CO2 exchange (Ibañez et al. 2021), and N uptake rates by plants (Ibañez 2019) under the canopy did not differ so much from the open grassland in SM, in contrast to the strong differences found in DN. Overall suggesting that SM seemed to be less environmentally constrained than DN, where the canopy effect was more pronounced. Ultimately, this differential canopy effect between locations (DN vs. SM) becomes relevant in terms of management to estimate the optimum tree coverage, since it will be dependent not only on the primary ecosystem service (i. e. forage provision) but also on local conditions. Also, this result illustrates the possible mid-long-term evolution of the fresher Mediterranean wood pastures, which will be warmer and dryer under the future climate change scenario, and highlights the relevance of trees specially under restrictive environmental conditions.
4.3 The canopy effect along seasonality
In line with our third question, seasonality interacted with the tree – open grassland mosaic to drive the herbaceous layer structure and composition. First, this was shown by the big amount of litter that was present under the canopy in spring, but no longer present in autumn (season x canopy effect, Table 1). This result shows how the organic matter input evolves along seasonality, driven by tee canopies, and suggests a rapid incorporation of the litter into the soil along the year, in addition to the relevance of trees as sources of soil fertility in Mediterranean wood pastures (Howlett et al. 2011; Gómez-Rey et al. 2013; Pulido-Fernández et al. 2013; Andivia et al. 2015).
Second, the canopy also interacted with seasonality and drove the distribution of species, mainly of grasses and legumes, with a lower difference between under the canopy and the open grassland in autumn compared to spring (season x canopy effect, Table 2). Results that underscore the dynamisms of the herbaceous layer composition along seasonality, and the relevance of recording seasonal dynamics to capture canopy effects that are season dependent.