3.1. Comparison of the river water quality of the Elbe river and Jizera river
The Elbe river basin on the border with Germany has a catchment of 49,933 km2, length of 371 km and average discharge in Dresden of MQ = 311 m3/s [26]. The Elbe in Dresden is a unique watercourse, as it drains 63 % of the entire territory of the Czech Republic [27]. Thus, PPCPs analyzed in Dresden may originate from a mixture of sources in the western half of the Czech Republic. The most prominent sources of PPCPs are WWTP effluents. However, due to the extremely large area of the river basin, it is not possible to analyze the impact of individual sources of pollution on the Czech side. The water quality of the Elbe in Dresden must therefore be approached as a result of diffuse, very heterogeneous sources of PPCPs. Another factor, which has to be considered is natural attenuation of PPCPs in surface water. Some substances such as metformin or iomeprol are partly attenuated in surface water, while other substances such as Carbamazepine are more stable.
The length of the Jizera river along its mouth into the Elbe below Káraný is 165 km, the area of its catchment is 2,193 km² and average flow 24 m3/s [28]. The most significant source of contamination by PPCPs is very likely the town Mladá Boleslav, situated 35 km north from the Káraný waterworks, and the local clinic in case of the Jizera river. Given that the Jizera is a sub-basin of the Elbe, it is not surprising that the nature of PPCP contamination is similar in both cases (Fig. 4).
The monitoring of Jizera and Elbe river water focused on a total of 116 PPCPs substances which are regularly found in European surface water bodies [31] of this number, 56 substances were found in the samples. This fact clearly demonstrates an impact of anthropogenic activities.
Ten substances, including Paracetamol and Chloramphenicol were only found in the Jizera river. On the contrary, in the Elbe river ten specific substances were detected, including 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole, Cyclamate and Venlafaxine O-desmethyl which were not detected above LOQ in the Jizera river. In all other cases, both watercourses contain identical PPCP substances, in most cases at very similar concentrations (Fig. 4). The only exceptions are the almost twice as high levels of Acesulfame in Jizera river and the higher values of Oxypurinol (526 ng/L) and Iomeprol (233 ng/L) in the Elbe river. Also, results from both rivers indicate that concentrations of PPCPs are on average higher in summer months than in winter months. Such seasonal variations are mostly caused by lower discharge in summer months. In case of Acesulfame, higher concentrations in summer months may be also influenced by changes in consumption. Acesulfame is used in the food industry in sugar-free and low-calorie products [29]. As one of the main sweeteners in soft drinks its consumption is probably higher during warm periods [30].
Out of 116 substances monitored, the median concentrations of only ten substances exceeded 100 ng/L (Tab. 1).
Table 1. Concentration of substances in the Elbe river and the Jizera river exceeding the Median of 100 ng/L
The Jizera river and the Elbe river showed the widest and similar spectrum of substances, and at the same time highest concentrations of the detected substances, compared to the Po river, Isar river, Sava river, Brynica river and Cetina river in Europe investigated within the boDEREC-CE project [31]. The homogeneity of the detected PPCP substances in Central European watercourses is an interesting phenomenon in the context in the context of published regional data in the world. The results from major river watersheds in China showed that most frequently detected pharmaceuticals are sulfonamides, macrolides, antiepileptic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and β-blockers. Amongst these, maximum concentrations of Lincomycin, Sulfamethoxazole, Acetaminophen and Paraxanthine were between 44 ng/L and 134 ng/L. Concentrations of most persistent substances, DEET and Carbamazepine, were 0.8-10.2 ng/L and 0.01-3.5 ng/L, respectively [32].
3.2. Impact of Mladá Boleslav WWTP on Jizera river quality
While it is not possible to analyze the individual sources of pollution of the Elbe river due to it is a large catchment area. An analysis in the Jizera catchment is possible. A point source of contamination originates from the municipal WWTP of Mladá Boleslav. The hospital which is situated in the town can be assumed as a significant source of PPCP in municipal waste water. Tab. 2 indicates, that the removal efficiency of PPCPs is not sufficient at the local WWTP. Thus, high concentrations in the range of 5 to 24,000 ng/L are discharged into the river, of which oxypurinol and telmisartan are the substances with the highest concentrations. An increase in concentrations (more than 50 %) in river water caused by WWTP discharge was recorded for iomeprol, diclofenac, oxypurinol, celiprolol, telmisartan, lamotrigine, tramadol, carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole and metoprolol. It should be noted that these data were collected 2017-2018, when the range of laboratory analysis was limited to a lower number of substances in comparison to the monitoring campaigns 2019-2021. Therefore, the graph in Fig. 4 contains a wider range of substances.
Table 2. Impact of WWTP on Jizera river quality during the years 2017-2018 (median value in ng/l, n= 38)
3.3. Comparison of the elimination efficiency of selected PPCP substances by riverbank filtration and artificial recharge
Natural attenuation processes during artificial recharge and bank filtration show a high removal efficiency in both waterworks (Tab. 3, Tab. 4). A total of 46 substances were detected in river water, but the majority of those were below quantification limits after artificial recharge and bank filtration. At Káraný, pre-treatment by sand filtration of the river water before infiltration did not affect the monitored substances. At Dresden-Hosterwitz, the raw water is pretreated by coagulation and multimedia filtration resulting in some removal of PPCPs before infiltration.
Table 3. Detected PPCPs in the output from artificial recharge and riverbank filtrate in Káraný (x means result under the limit of quantification, empty cell means that at the time of sampling this substance was not included into the monitoring).
From the field data set it remains unclear, whether the attenuation of those substances is based on degradation/metabolization, sorption or dilution. Results in Tab. 3 indicate that riverbank filtration in Káraný is highly effective in removing PPCPs. Out of 46 substances found in surface water, 12 substances were quantified in riverbank filtrate samples at lower concentrations. In comparison, the removal efficiency of artificial recharge is lower for most PPCPs probably due to a shorter residence time (Tab. 3). Acesulfame is repeatedly detected in artificial recharge samples. Its median concentration of 80 ng/L is almost four times higher than those of riverbank filtrate samples (25 ng/L). Also, Carbamazepine as well as Lamotrigine, Sulfamethoxazole and Oxypurinol were detected with a median concentration of 14 ng/L, 22 ng/L, 33 ng/L and 97 ng/L, respectively, from 2017 to 2021. Other substances appear only at random frequency, unsystematically and at low concentrations such as Primidon.
In Dresden-Hosterwitz 43 substances were found in surface water in comparison to 19 substances in riverbank filtrate and 25 in artificial recharge samples (Tab. 4). The concentrations were on average 50 % lower than in surface water. While frequently found in the Elbe river, Acesulfame was detected in only one out of five riverbank filtrate samples above the limit of quantification (50 ng/L). For the same substance in artificial recharge samples two out of six samples showed concentrations above the limit of quantification. Regarding riverbank filtrate and artificial recharge samples median concentrations of Carbamazepine, Sulfamethoxazole, Benzotriazole as well as its metabolite 5- Methyl-1H-benzotriazole, and Telmisartan were found on a regular basis at lower concentrations than in surface water (Tab. 4). The removal efficiencies of those substances are shown in Tab. 4. In case of Oxypurinol median concentrations were on average 45 and 24 % higher than in surface water. Concentrations above the limit of quantification of other substances were detected in minor concentrations on single occasions.
In past studies Acesulfame was found frequently in groundwater in concentrations up to 34 µg/L [33]. Due to frequent findings in various waterbodies and also because of its physical, chemical as well as biological properties, Acesulfame is considered environmentally persistent and an indicator of wastewater contamination [3,15,34]. Concentrations shown in Table 4 at the sampling points WWTP discharge and Jizera river downstream with an increase of 15 % in comparison to Jizera river upstream confirm this assumption. A former study indicated that Acesulfame is not degraded under aerobic or anaerobic conditions and therefore was proposed as an anthropogenic marker [35]. However, more recent studies revealed Acesulfame is degradable under certain conditions [35–37]. Kahl et al. hypothesized that Acesulfame degrading species evolved during the last few years, e.g. due to horizontal gene transfer [38].
In riverbank filtrate samples of Káraný, often reported PPCPs such as Carbamazepine and Sulfamethoxazole were reduced below the limit of quantification (10 ng/L). In Dresden-Hosterwitz no significant removal was observed either in riverbank filtrate samples as well as artificial recharge samples. The median concentrations of both substances are almost similar to surface water concentrations. The median removal rate of Carbamazepine during artificial recharge in Káraný is 30 %. Carbamazepine is a frequent prescribed antiepileptic drug whose occurrence was widely reported in the literature [28]. Similar to Acesulfame, it has been detected in WWTP effluents, surface waters, groundwater and even drinking water due to its inefficient removal during wastewater treatment as well its persistence in the aquatic environment [30]. In general, Carbamazepine has been often reported to be highly persistent during conventional wastewater treatment and can be also found in recharged groundwater [39–41]. It has been confirmed that soil aquifer treatment alone is not able to remove Carbamazepine, hence lower concentrations measured in Káraný may likely originate from dilution with groundwater [42].
Similar to Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine was detected in Dresden Hosterwitz with a median concentration of 39 ng/L in surface water and 32 ng/L and 26 ng/L in riverbank filtrate and artificial recharge samples, which results in removal efficiencies calculations of 18 % and 33 %. In Káraný Lamotrigine with the limit of quantification of 10 ng/L was detected with a median of 38 ng/L in river water and 22 ng/L in artificial recharge samples, which accounts for 42 % removal. 20 years ago lamotrigine along with Carbamazepine was introduced as mood stabilizing agent, for treatment of bipolar disorder, and is combined with other drugs for the treatment of alcohol withdraw [43]. It is assumed, that it is prescribed nearly as frequently as Carbamazepine [44]. Little is known about the biodegradation and indirect photodegradation in natural waters, but reports on wastewater, groundwater, surface water and even drinking water suggest that it is approximately as recalcitrant as Carbamazepine [3,43,45,46].
As the most widely applied Sulfonamide antibiotic, Sulfamethoxazole was widely found especially in surface waters [47]. It has been proven that this compound has adverse effects on aquatic organisms and therefore needs to be removed from wastewater [47–50]. Various technologies have been studied regarding removal, but until now no existing WWTP treatment train was able to efficiently remove Sulfamethoxazole from wastewater [51,52]. It has been confirmed through various field monitoring studies and column soil experiments that Sulfamethoxazole is preferably degraded under anaerobic conditions [53]. If redox conditions are mostly aerobic and retention times are short, no efficient removal could be expected which would explain the difference in removal rates observed regarding both sides. In Dresden-Hosterwitz, bank filtrate is anoxic, thus the observed 30 % removal could be the result of degradation.
Oxypurinol concentrations were reported above 350 ng/L on a regular basis in surface water in the Elbe river and above 100 ng/L in the Jizera river. Also, artificial recharge samples at both sites show median concentrations of 652 ng/L in Dresden-Hosterwitz and 97 ng/L in Káraný. Median concentrations in bank filtrate samples in Dresden-Hosterwitz are similar to artificial recharge samples (762 ng/L), indicating an increase compared to river water. Oxypurinol is a metabolite of the anti-gout agent Allopurinol, a regular prescribed pharmaceutical in Europe. Despite its widespread use only low concentrations of allopurinol were detected in the aquatic environment because it is mostly (about 90 %) metabolized to Oxypurinol in the human body [54,55]. Because of its high biological persistence and polarity, Oxypurinol is not removed in WWTPs and is present in surface water, groundwater and in some cases in drinking water at concentrations in high ng/L to low µg/L range [56]. An increase durig bank filtration was also observed by Kruć et al. [57]. They associated the increase in concentrations with unrecognized fluctuations in concentrations in the source water. Whether this is the case in Dresden-Hosterwitz needs to be investigated in further monitoring campaigns.
The median removal efficiency from surface water of 1H-benzotriazole in Dresden-Hosterwitz bank filtrate samples is 68 % and 80 % in artificial recharge samples. However, 1H-benzotriazole as well as its metabolite 5-Methyl-1H-benzotriazole were detected in all samples above the limit of quantification (50 ng/L). In general, 1H-benzotriazoles and its derivates are widely used corrosion inhibitors for antifreeze liquids or protecting agents of silverware in dishwashing detergents [26]. Due to its wide usage and environmental persistence, 1H-benzotriazole has been appraised as an ubiquitous environmental contaminant [28]. Former studies however reported considerably lower concentrations in riverbank filtrate and in artificially recharged water [58–60]. When comparing median concentrations of 5-Methyl-1H-benzotriazole and 1H-benzotriazole the metabolite concentrations are considerably higher as for the Elbe river as expected result for degradation processes in the subsurface (Tab. 4). These values indicate a possible degradation of 1H-benzotriazole during aquifer passage. In Káraný the dataset of 1H-benzotriazole and its metabolite is not sufficient to identify such trend.
Regarding sartans, a group of often reported PPCPs in environmental samples, Telmisartan was found in the Jizera river as well as in the Elbe river at concentrations ranging from 97 ng/L to 356 ng/L. In Dresden-Hosterwitz Telmisartan concentrations in riverbank filtrate and artificial recharge samples were significantly lower and ranged from 23 ng/L to 192 ng/L. A similar removal was observed in Káraný, however the concentration was lower than the limit of quantification in 10 out of 10 samples. Telmisartan is a specific angiotensin II receptor (type AT1) antagonist widely prescribed against e.g. hypertension, stroke or cardiac arrest [61]. Degradation studies under various conditions and photo stability have been conducted. The results show that the substance is mainly affected by oxidising conditions, but unaffected by temperature [62]. Nevertheless, due to lack of data about sartans in WWTPs, characterisation of their environmental fate demands further research [62].
Table 4. Detected PPCPs in the output from artificial recharge and riverbank filtration in Dresden-Hosterwitz (x means result under the limit of quantification).
Table 5. Comparison of PPCPs removal efficiency in Dresden-Hosterwitz and Kárany waterworks
(efficiency calculated as the percentage difference between the measured concentrations of the substance in the river and after treatment)