3.1 Evolution of significant nutrients for cellulase production
3.1.1. Screening of variables and their effect on cellulase production
The seventeen different variables were screened to find out potential factors that influence cellulase enzyme production. As shown in Fig. 1, out of seventeen variables, wheat bran, Avicel, CSL, Peptone, MgSO4, Urea, CaCl2, and KH2PO4 have been found to have a significant role in cellulase production in given conditions.
According to Fig. 1, the greatest influence variables Wheat bran, Avicel, CSL, and peptone are significantly affecting cellulase production. For further study, other unimportant factors were kept constant.
3.1.2. Optimization of potential components of the medium that have a critical role
The screening design observed that seventeen different factors had somehow influenced cellulase production. Urea, CaCl2, MgSO4, wheat bran, Avicel, CSL, peptone, and lactose are some of the variables. The PBD is aimed at selecting the potential factor in the system that affects cellulase production. The PBD is a full factorial design and it scrutinizes N-1 variables by the N number of runs (N must be a multiple of four) [26]. As shown in Table 4, every variable has two levels, namely, "high level indicated as (+1)" and "low level indicated as (-1)".
For each variable, the high (+) and low levels (-) were selected and mentioned in Table 4. For medium optimization, twelve different trials were made and all trials were performed in triplicate, the average of three values was considered for cellulase production. The PBD of the 8 variables was composed of 12 runs and the respective responses in the form of FPU/mL specified in Table 5.
Regression Equation in Uncoded Units
FPU U/mL = 0.023 + 0.053 Urea % + 0.021 CaCl2 % + 0.335 MgSO4 % + 0.0696 Peptone% + 0.0760 Avicel% + 0.0927 Wheat bran % + 0.0785 CSL % + 0.0622 Lactose %
When the P-values in the coded coefficients Table 7 are less than α, the effect of the IV is statistically significant. The following effects of the IV are significant at the default value of α = 0.05:
Wheat bran, CSL, Lactose, and Avicel.
The main effect plot for FPU (U/mL) as per Supplementary Fig. S1 also showed the effects of the listed variables on cellulase production.
Thus, a large contrast coefficient, either positive or negative, indicates that a factor has a large influence on enzyme yield. The analysis showed that among the media component variables tested, wheat bran, CSL, lactose, and Avicel concentrations had a significant impact on cellulase production, as shown in Supplementary Fig. S1. The order of influence of these variables on cellulase enzyme production was wheat bran > CSL > Lactose > Avicel > Peptone > MgSO4 > Urea > CaCl2.
PBD model displayed a Normal plot of the standardized effects as shown in Supplementary Fig. S2. shows that wheat bran% (F) has the most significant effect of about 90%, followed by CSL% (G) at about 70%, then lactose%(H), and Avicel% (E) has about 70% and 60%, respectively, at the default significant level (α) value is 0.05. Minitab 19 shows the absolute value of the standardized effects in the Pareto chart (Fig. 2). Any impacts that go beyond the reference line have a lot of weight. At the default of 0.05, wheat bran% (F), CSL% (G), lactose% (H), and Avicel% (E) are all significant. The residual plot (Supplementary Fig. S3) shows that the measurement deviation is randomly distributed around the mean.
3.2 Response surface experimental design using BBD
The concentration of these important variables was optimized using RSM after an investigation of significant factors for cellulase production. In this study, the BBD was employed to optimize various concentrations for increased cellulase formation by P. funiculosum NCIM 1228. Two sets of BBD experiments were carried out to analyse the interactions between different variables and optimize the factors [27]. In one set, media component variables were selected, and in the second set, process parameters variables were selected.
3.2.1 Statistical optimization- RSM of media components Set:1
In this set, nine different media components were selected. These selected factors are urea, CaCl2, MgSO4, peptone, Avicel, wheat bran, CSL, lactose, and KH2PO4 were designated as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J respectively. And each of the above-mentioned IVs was examined at three levels in a total of 130 runs (Table 2 ). 130 experiments were conducted and each experiment was performed in triplicate and an average of three were considered to evaluate the 54 coefficients for cellulase production. Based on BBD investigation, the final regression equation in terms of coded factors[10] :
FPU (U/mL) = -0.925 - 1.488 A - 0.073 B - 8.07 C + 0.837 D+ 0.4165 E + 0.3449 F + 0.2714 G+ 0.2354 H+ 4.78 J+ 0.048 A2 + 0.367 B2 + 4.5 C2- 0.3782 D2 - 0.02354 E2 - 0.01909 F2 - 0.03089 G2 - 0.01169 H2 - 6.65 J2+ 0.06 A*B + 21.50 A*C + 0.097 A*D - 0.014 A*E - 0.046 A*F - 0.1090 A*G + 0.058 A*H+ 2.20 A*J+ 13.30 B*C + 0.007 B*D- 0.0158 B*E - 0.180 B*F - 0.092 B*G+ 0.0503 B*H - 0.07 B*J- 0.87 C*D+ 0.320 C*E + 0.125 C*F + 0.475 C*G+ 0.020 C*H - 14.7 C*J+ 0.0627 D*E+ 0.0107 D*F + 0.0057 D*G - 0.0813 D*H+ 0.16 D*J+ 0.0124 E*F + 0.0184 E*G - 0.01062 E*H - 0.823 E*J- 0.0108 F*G- 0.0018 F*H + 0.030 F*J- 0.0097 G*H+ 0.157 G*J- 0.637 H*J
For the validation of the model's summary equation and statistical output, ANOVA was done as mentioned in Table 8. The F value is calculated as a proportion of mean square factors to mean square error. Most of the time, the F value is higher than the tabulated value.
The P-value is an indicator for examining the importance of every coefficient. If P values are < 0.05, it designates that model terms are significant[10] (Fig. 5), and if the R-square value is greater than 75%, it indicates that the model is suitable[10]. For a good statistical model, R-square should be close to 100%[10]. The model's F value in this study was 21.43, indicating that it is significant. The R-squared (predicted) is 80.51% in reasonable agreement with the R-squared value (adjusted) of 89.53% [28]. The R squared value for cellulase in terms of FPU U/mL was 93.91%, This guarantees that the model is adjusted to the experimental data in an acceptable manner. The overall model P-value is less than 0.050, which is 0.000 means the model is highly significant[9].
The main effects of the IV are statistically significant when their P-values are < 0.050. The following effects of the IV are significant:
Avicel, Wheat bran, CSL, and Peptone
The main effect plot for FPU (U/mL) as per Fig. 3 also showed the effects of the listed variables on cellulase production.
Thus, a large contrast coefficient, either positive or negative, indicates that an independent variable has a large influence on enzyme yield [29]. The analysis showed that among the media component factors examined, wheat bran, CSL, lactose, and Avicel concentrations had a significant impact on cellulase production, as shown in Supplementary Fig. S4. Based on BBD, the order of influence of the significant IV on cellulase production was Avicel > wheat bran > CSL > Peptone
Interaction between media components and their combined effect on cellulase production:
By using response surface plots, the factors' interactions and their influence on enhanced cellulase production were understood. These plots were generated by holding other media components stable at a time (preferably at their optimum value) and plotting the response obtained for varying levels of the other two media components. The total two-way interaction P-value is 0.03, which is less than 0.050 and indicates that the two-way interactions are significant. Out of a total of 36 two-way interactions and 9 square interactions, eight of those interactions are significant, as shown in Fig. 4. The two-way interactions between Urea and MgSO4, CaCl2 and MgSO4, Peptone and Lactose, Avicel and KH2PO4 are significant, as shown in Fig. 4a, b, c, and d, respectively. Esterbauer et al. and Marjamaa et al. used these components for cellulase production [30, 31]. Fig. 4a represents the impact of the interaction between urea and MgSO4 on cellulase production. It was discovered that factor urea had a positive impact on cellulase production at low levels, and factor MgSO4 had a positive impact at high levels. Fig. 4b depicts the significant interaction between MgSO4 and CaCl2.In Fig. 4b, a high level of CaCl2 results in higher cellulase production, while a high level of MgSO4 results in a greater impact on the cellulase enzyme.
As per Fig. 4c, improving in cellulase production when the concentration of peptone is increased from 0 to 1.40%, while slightly decreasing in cellulase production when the concentration of lactose is increased.
In Fig. 4d, it was observed that when the concentration of both Avicel and KH2PO4 increased, there was a steadily increased in cellulase production (FPU U/mL) up to Avicel 4.5 % and KH2PO4 0.15%. Increasing the value of both IV (Avicel above 4.5% and KH2PO4 below 0.15%) also showed a negative effect on cellulase production. These potential candidate media components have also been used in research by Hadi et al. (2014), Das et al. (2013), Adsul et al. (2007), and Ogunmolu et al. (2018) [8, 32–34].
Prediction of the model:
Table 9 : Prediction summary of the model is Fit= 2.59; SE Fit=0.13; 95% CI= (2.33, 2.86);95% PI=(2.15, 3.04)
The output of the above model 95% prediction interval for a variable of Set 2 that is Urea (0.2, %), CaCl2(0.2, %), MgSO4 (0.05,%), Peptone (1.5,%), Avicel (5.0,%), Wheat bran (2.5,%), CSL (2.5,%), Lactose (0,%), and KH2PO4 (0.15,%) . We can be 95% confident that the cellulase production in the form of PFU U/mL is in between 2.15 and 3.04 FPU U/mL.
3.2.2 Statistical optimization- RSM of process parameters Set:2
In this set, the BBD approach was used to improve the process parameters for the enhanced cellulase production. The IVs like temperature, pH, inoculum, and agitation were selected and designated as A, B, C, and D. The effects of all the above IVs were analysed at three levels in a total of 27 experiments (Table 3). Ten coefficients were generated from twenty-seven experiments for the production of cellulase. Based on BBD experimental analysis, the final regression equation in terms of coded factors is:
FPU/mL = -21.06 + 0.945 A + 1.972 B + 0.2888 C+ 0.03101 D- 0.01585 A2 - 0.1493 B2 - 0.00973 C2- 0.000055 D2- 0.001400 B*D- 0.000510 C*D
For the validation of the model's summary equation and statistical output, ANOVA was done as mentioned in Table 10. The F value is a proportion between mean square factors and means square error. Most of the time, the F value is higher than the tabulated value.
Model Summary: Standard deviation of the model is 0.122; R2= 0.93; R2 (adjusted)= 0.88; and R2 (predicted)= 0.80
The P-value is an indicator for checking the significance of every coefficient. As shown in table 10, if P values are < 0.05, model terms are significant; if R2 values are greater than 0.75, the model is suitable for good statistical modeling.R2 should be close to 1.0. The model's F value in this study was 21.67, indicating that it is significant. The R2 (predicted) is 0.80, in practical agreement with the R2 value (adjusted) of 0.88. The R2 value for cellulase in terms of FPU U/mL was 0.93, which further ensures an acceptable adjustment of the model to the experimental data. The overall model P-value is less than 0.050, which means 0.000 means the model is highly significant [35].
The main effects of the IV are statistically significant when their P-values are < 0.050. The IV pH, inoculum, and agitation are significant. And the order of influence of these factors in the provided conditions on cellulase production was
pH >Inoculum>Agitation>Temperature
The main effect plot for FPU (U/mL) as per Fig. 6 also showed the effects of the listed factors on cellulase production. The main effect plot depicts the effect of temperature, pH, inoculum percentage, and agitation[19, 35]. To confirm model acceptability, residual plots analysis was done as shown in Supplementary Fig. S5 and Fig. 7. The residuals are normally distributed in the normal probability plot. This implies that the model is effective, suggesting that it can be used to optimize cellulase production. The residuals histograms revealed a bell-shaped pattern, and the residuals versus plot were used to verify the hypothesis. The fact that the residuals are randomly distributed in this plot implies that the model is appropriate.
The estimated impacts of factors on cellulase production are represented by a Pareto chart (Supplementary Fig. S6). In this chart, the red reference line differentiates which effects are statistically significant and non-significant. The variable bars that cross these reference lines are statistically significant. In this Pareto chart, the bars that represent factors BB, AA, B, CC, DD, C, D, and BD cross the reference line that is at 2.16 at the α = 0.05 in the current model terms.
Interaction between process parameters and their combined effect on cellulase production
The interaction of process variables and their cumulative impact on cellulase production the response surface plot was used to understand the interactive influence of IVs like temperature, pH, inoculum, and agitation on cellulase production. Understanding the relationship between the two parameters and determining the optimum value for cellulase enzyme production. Response surface graphs of Fig. 8A–F were plotted to show the combined effect of pH, temperature, inoculum, and agitation and the optimum level of each variable required for higher cellulase production. In Fig. 8a, the cumulative effect of temperature and pH on cellulase production at 10% inoculum and 150 rpm. Scientists like Cho et al, Michael Y. Cho and Tallahassee, Parekh et al. Gao et al., Meng et al., Zheng et al. used these conditions of pH, temperature agitation, and inoculum for cellulase production for bacterial as well as fungal cultures [28, 36–39]. Cellulase production was 2.78 FPU/mL when the temperature was kept constant at 29.75°C and the pH was kept constant at 5.8, whereas decreasing or increasing values of temperature and pH gradually reduced cellulase production (that is, the decreasing value of FPU/mL), confirming that pH and temperature have a significant impact on cellulase production [40]. This production is comparatively higher than unoptimized media.
Based on the plot Fig. 8b, the cellulase activity was optimum at an inoculum of 10.6% and a 29.7°C temperature. The combined effect of temperature and agitation (Fig. 8c) showed that the optimum cellulase production was observed at 29.75°C and agitation at 158 rpm. Similarly, Fig. 8d depicts the interaction between pH and inoculum, while Fig. 8e depicts the combined effect of pH and agitation [10].
The interaction of inoculum and agitation on cellulase production. Fig. 8f shows that both factors have a positive impact on cellulase production when the concentration of inoculum increased from 5% to 11% and the agitation speed increased from 100 rpm to 158 rpm [19]. Afterward, increasing the value of both the parameters (inoculum above 11% and agitation above 158 rpm) shows a negative impact on cellulase production. Results investigated from contour 2D plots have given the same values of cellulase production (FPU/mL = 2.79), with the pH of the medium being 5.88, the inoculum 10.65%, at 29.8°C, and agitation of 157 rpm (Fig. 9). Contour plots (Supplementary Fig. S7 a-f) are a method to show a 3D surface on a 2D plane and demonstrate the relationship between cellulase production and the effect of combined factors. After process parameters optimization by RSM, the best recipe of variables settings for attaining the highest cellulase production was found with a desirability score of D = 0.93, which is close to 1 (Fig. 9). Overall, predicted cellulase production with a higher desirability score was obtained from optimization plots. To get the highest cellulase production, you need to set all the variables at their optimum level.
Regression Equation in Uncoded Units
FPU/mL = -22.25 + 0.973 Temperature( °C) + 2.155 pH + 0.342 Inoculum (%) + 0.03101 Agitation RPM- 0.01585 Temperature(°C)*Temperature(°C)- 0.1493 pH*pH- 0.00973 Inoculum(%)* Inoculum (%)- 0.000055 Agitation RPM*Agitation RPM - 0.00400 Temperature(°C)* pH - 0.00060 Temperature (°C)* Inoculum (%) - 0.00631 pH*Inoculum (%)- 0.001400 pH*Agitation RPM - 0.000510 Inoculum (%)*Agitation RPM
The followings are the Predictions by model
According to table 11, the output of the above model has a 95% prediction interval for a variable of the temperature of 30°C, pH 5.5, inoculum 10%, and 150 rpm. We can be 95% confident that the PFU U/mL is between 2.43 and 3.07 FPU U/mL.
3.3 Interpretation of process optimization curves
RSM optimization is typically acclimated to identify variable settings that increase the essential response (i.e., FPU/mL). In this study, the target for maximization of cellulase production by P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 was to achieve an enzyme production level that is nearly equivalent to the statistically predicted concentration of 3.17 FPU/mL in the first set. The results showed that concentrations of urea, CaCl2, MgSO4, CSL, and KH2PO4 of less than 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.05%, 3.48%, and 0.1%, respectively, along with Avicel, Peptone, and wheat bran concentrations of less than 5.0%, 1.42%, and 5.0%, respectively, will not achieve the cellulase production of 3.17 FPU/mL.
The goal for optimization of cellulase production by P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 in the second batch was to achieve an enzyme product that is equivalent to the statistically predicted concentration of 2.79 FPU/mL. Results showed that in the second set, all the first set optimized media components along with temperature, 29.8 °C, pH 5.88, inoculum 10.65%, and agitation of 157 rpm will achieve 2.79 FPU/mL.
The desired combination of variable settings for achieving the best result was anticipated after RSM optimization studies (g/L): Urea, 1; CaCl2, 1.5; MgSO4, 0.5; Avicel, 5; Wheat bran, 5; Peptone, 14.2; KH2PO4, 1; and CSL, 34.8. With the desired score close to 1, these concentrations yielded the predicted response of 3.17 U/mL. (Fig. 9). Optimization plots are acclimated to acquire the expected response with a better acceptability score, to lower-cost factor settings with optimal traits, and to understand the sensibility of response factors to change the variable settings in general.
3.4 Validation of the model
Conclusively, to inspect the desirability of the model, enzyme production experiments were carried out to compare the cellulase production in unoptimized media and statistically optimized media components along with optimized process conditions. Attained results (Fig. 10 ) showed that cellulase production by P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 using the statistically optimized media composition resulted in the highest production of cellulase in the form of FPU was 3.36 U/mL. The predicted response (3.17 U/mL) was closely linked to cellulase formation. Furthermore, during the sixth day, medium optimization boosted peak cellulase production by around 3.82 times that of the original unoptimized medium (0.88 FPU/mL). As a result, experimental runs demonstrate that the model may be accepted. RSM optimization was used to examine the interactions between various media components in order to improve a variety of industrially significant microbial products. Furthermore, the RSM optimization findings obtained are consistent with prior RSM medium optimization results for cellulase enzyme production. For cellulase production by P. funiculosum NCIM 1228, we used RSM techniques to optimize medium composition. We were able to increase cellulase enzyme production by 3.82 times over the initial production media. The experimental model was validated by using the model's predicted values for pH (5.88), temperature (29.8°C), agitation (158 rpm), and inoculum (10.6%). The enzyme production was done in flasks with optimized variables from set 1 and set 2 inoculated against unoptimized variables, with the validation experiment performed in triplicates. Cellulase production was measured using FPU/mL activity.
3.5 Discussion
Nowadays, biofuel and bioenergy have great demand and there is much focus on the biofuel and bioenergy sectors [41]. Although LCB is a preferred and cheaper source for biofuel production, few companies produce cellulase for LCB degradation. So, researchers are searching for and discovering efficient novel cellulase-producing strains with an adequate composition of cellulase formulation [42]. Cellulase production is mainly done by strain improvement for overexpression of cellulase enzyme, to increase the production by optimizing media components and optimization process parameters to increase the yield of cellulase, and to increase the cellulose hydrolysis efficiency by designing cellulase bioprocesses and producing cellulases [3]. Recently, fungal enzymes have received increasing interest as a source of cellulase since they are known to produce all four of the four enzymes required for the complete hydrolysis of LCB. P. funiculosum, a filamentous fungus, secretes a complete set of enzymes (Exo and endo-glucanase, cellobiase, and xylanase) for the effective saccharification of LCB [43, 44]. Despite these promising characteristics, production levels are lower as compared to other filamentous fungi like Aspergillus sp., and Trichoderma sp., which are mostly reported for higher yields.
Recently, the focus has been on the optimization of medium components and process parameters optimization[45]. The production of cellulase by SmF has led to great progress in the biofuels and bioenergy sectors because it is easy to maintain optimum conditions like temperature, pH, agitation, aeration, and nutrients for culture growth to achieve improved cellulase production. The nitrogen source plays an important role in cellulase production [17]. Peptone, yeast extract, urea, and CSL are used as nitrogen sources, and nitrogen is an important element for the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and other microbial enzymatic activities. Venkatachalam et al. used Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548 for statistical optimization of the process parameters for pigment production in SmF by using the BBD and RSM, the numerical optimization approach yielded the ideal conditions for maximum pigment and biomass production, with an initial pH of 6.4, the temperature of 24 C, agitation speed of 164 rpm, and fermentation time of 149 hours, respectively., with 3.2 and 2.84 fold of increased pigment and biomass, respectively [19].
Aanchal et al. used factorial design PBD and CCD by Design-Expert software to screen 11 and 4 factors, respectively. 7-fold increased cellulase activity was found in optimized media in the SmF of Bacillus subtilis NA15 [17] Saravanan et al. (2012) applied BBD for optimization of 5 factors for cellulase production by strain Trichoderma reesei NCIM 1186 [46]. The activities of cellulase in optimized conditions were increased 1.243 times. Cellulase activities of Aspergillus nidulans were increased 8.05 times in optimized conditions [47].
P. funiculosum ATCC 11797 produced cellulase at 0.5 FPU/mL and 2.3 U/mL β-glucosidase in unoptimized media, according to Carvalho et al. (2014) [48]. Study found that the optimum temperature for cellulase production is in the range of 30 to 37°C while the optimum pH range is between 5.0 and 6.5. Bacterial strains secrete primarily cellobiase, whereas the fungus P. funiculosum secretes cellulase as well as a promising number of xylanases [6, 49]. Parent strain of P. funiculosum produces 2.0 FPU, and 16 u/ml CMCase while UV mutant 49 produces 3.3 FPU and 24 U/ml CMCase at 12th day. That is almost 50% improvement in both the activities was observed due to UV mutagenesis in P.funiculosum strain [53].
The Maeda et al optimized nitrogen sources like Urea, Ammonium sulphate, peptone and Yeast extract for the production of cellulase by P.funiculosum ATCC 11797 , which resulted in values for FPase of 0.227 U/mL, for CMCase of 6.917 U/mL, and for β-glucosidase of 1.375 U/mL. These values corresponded to increases of 3.3-, 3.2-, and 6.7-folds, respectively [54]. In this study, we examined different carbon and nitrogen sources, different minerals, and process parameters. The optimal values of the models were then calculated by applying PBD and RSM to fit the data based on the experimental design to obtain the regression equation models. We can calculate the effect of each factor on cellulase production by applying the regression equation and prediction model. The PBD experimental data of this study suggested that carbon sources like wheat bran, lactose, and avicel (MCC101) have significantly influenced cellulase overproduction [16, 50]. While the BBD and RSM results showed interactions between urea and MgSO4, CaCl2 and MgSO4, peptone and lactose, and CaCl2 and KH2PO4 were significant. Also, as a process point of view, pH, temperature, inoculum percentage, and agitation had a great impact on cellulase production. In a previous study, pH around 5.5, the temperature at 30°C, agitation at 150 rpm, and 10% inoculum were used to produce cellulase with 0.5 FPU/mL from P. funiculosum [19]. Whereas in the present study, a statistical tool was used to optimize the variables such as pH 5.8, inoculum 10.65%, temperature 29.8°C, and agitation at 158 rpm to achieve increased production of cellulases of 3.36 FPU/mL. Interestingly, in these optimized conditions, the strain was able to produce 36.5 U/mL of xylanases.
The key finding of this investigation is that the RSM data indicated that the model is significant as the P-value of this model is more than 95% (P = < 0.05). The R-squared (predicted) is 80 % is reasonable agreement with the R- squared value (adjusted) 88 % [28] . The R squared value for cellulase in terms of FPU U/mL was 93 %, which further ensures an acceptable adjustment of the model to the experimental data. The overall model P-value is less than 0.050 (i e 0.000) means the model is highly significant[9].
The main effects of the IV are statistically significant when their P-values are less than 0.050. The pH, inoculum percentage, and agitation all play a significant role in cellulase production, according to the normal and main effect plots (Fig.10 and 11). The 3D surface interaction plots (Fig. 8) and 2D contour plots (Supplementary Fig. S7) indicated that the interactions between the pH and agitation had significantly influenced the increasing production of FPU [17].
Validation experiments of the model again proved that the model is significant. And the cellulase production increased by 3.82-fold FPU, 3.1-fold CMCase, 3.61-fold -glucosidase activity, 2.4-fold xylanase activity, and 2.3-fold overall protein production. More interestingly, on the sixth day the specific activities of FPase, CMCase, and β- glucosidase significantly improved to 1.66-fold, 1.35-fold, and 1.57-fold respectively while the specific activity of xylanases. All these activities are promising for the existing reported activities of non-genetically modified P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 [12, 17, 48]. Overall results obtained from this study were encouraging with Randhawa et al. achieving the maximum cellulase production of 2.0 FPU/mL in PfMig188 engineered P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 in the presence of a 4:1 ratio of glucose and Avicel in the media. It was 2.0-fold higher than the parent strain [12, 51]. However, in this study, with the help of RSM, we achieved maximum cellulase production of 3.36 FPU/mL without any genetic modification. Without a doubt, further improvements like genetic modification and cellulase gene overexpression of P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 will further increase the possibility of increasing the FPU activity up to 3-fold [51]. Finally, the higher cellulase producing strain P. funiculosum NCIM 1228 provides an economically viable cellulase enzyme that could significantly reduce the cost of conversion of LCB to ethanol [52].