The mitochondria plays a vital role in regulating apoptosis (Li and Dewson, 2015). Bad and Bid are activated after receiving intracellular death signals, and then changed the conformation of Bax. The Bax inserts into the outer membrane of mitochondria and changes the mitochondrial membrane permeability, leading to the release of apoptotic factors such as cytochrome C which can activate caspase-9 and caspase-3, triggering a series of downstream apoptotic reactions. Bcl-2 as an anti-apoptotic gene, acts on the outer membrane of mitochondrial to maintain its integrity(Hector and Prehn, 2009). Our earlier research has demonstrated that PM2.5 from chicken houses contained endotoxin and a large number of organic compounds (Dai, et al., 2020). Emerged evidence has demonstrated endotoxin induced apoptosis in many cell lines (Han et al., 2018, Xie et al., 2019, Zhang et al., 2019). In this study, chicken house PM2.5 induced A549 cell apoptosis through enhancing the expression of Bad, Bax, and activating cleaved caspase-9 and cleaved caspase-3. The current study is consistent with previous results showing that particles from the atmosphere and cooking oil fumes lead to human epithelial lung cell apoptosis (Che et al., 2014, Dagher et al., 2006).
Herein, PM2.5 from the chicken house caused ERS in the A549 cell. ERS is well characterized by protein misfolding, accumulation of unfolded proteins, internal calcium loss, or calcium overload, during which many sensors could be activated, including PERK and ATF6 that are released by GRP78, aiming at recovering homeostasis (Xu, Bailly-Maitre and Reed, 2005). PERK and ATF6 can activate CHOP, the function of which promotes the expression Bad and Bax and suppresses Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl, further inducing apoptosis (Iurlaro and Munoz-Pinedo, 2016, Szegezdi et al., 2006). In this study, chicken house PM2.5 caused ERS and promoted the expression of PERK and CHOP. Furthermore, immunoblotting assays indicated that ATF6 and CHOP levels increased after stimulation by PM2.5 in A549 cells. In summary, PM2.5 from chicken house induced ERS and then caused apoptosis through the PERK/ATF6-CHOP-caspase-3 signal pathway. It’s worth noting that the expression of ATF6 and CHOP decreased on the concentration of PM2.5 at 25 µg/ml in A549 cell which was consistent with the expression pattern of cleaved-caspase3 and cleaved-caspase9, further demonstrating that the expression of them is in a dose-dependent way.
The increase of the Bcl-2 and the decrease of Bax indicates the resistance of the cells to apoptosis (Pena-Blanco and Garcia-Saez, 2018). Studies shows melatonin had anti-apoptotic properties by improving the Bcl-2 expression and resisting the Bax level. In human monocytic U937 cells irradiated by ultraviolet, melatonin prevented apoptosis by improving Bcl-2 level and declining the release of cytochrome C (Luchetti, et al., 2009). Melatonin exerted protection on neurodegenerative diseases including experimental stroke, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease through resisting apoptosis by elevating the Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl expression and inhibiting Bax level (Culmsee and Landshamer, 2006, Lukiw and Bazan, 2006, Mattson, Culmsee and Yu, 2000, Seung-Yun and Seol-Heui, 2010). In this study, melatonin promoted cell proliferation by downregulating the expression of Bad and Bax, as well as the level of cleaved caspase-9 and cleaved caspase-3. Notably, the expression of Bcl-2 also declined in A549 cells by melatonin exposure. We speculated that melatonin stimulation increased other anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family such as Bcl-xl, Mcl-1. Moreover, Zhou et. al has demonstrated that melatonin in high concentrations can inhibit the viability and migration of A549 cell (Zhou et al., 2014). Another study indicated that melatonin showed anti-tumor action by resisting the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) which is involved in angiogenesis (Goradel et al., 2017). Herein, melatonin decreased the Bcl-2 levels, which may prevent the excessive proliferation of A549 cells.
Previous studies have well established that oxidative stress can induce signal transduction pathways involved in apoptosis initiated by mitochondrial (Kujoth et al., 2005, Siah, Wong and Ho, 2014). Melatonin, as an antioxidant, has been employed in many assays demonstrating its anti-oxidative capacity (Reiter et al., 2016, Rodriguez et al., 2004). Furthermore, the study indicated that melatonin as a targeting molecule to mitochondrial exerted a protecting role on mitochondrial by scavenging ROS and inhibiting the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) (Tan et al., 2016). Currently, melatonin showed an anti-apoptotic effect by decreasing the expression of cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved caspase-9 as well as increasing the level of SOD and CAT in A549 cells. In addition, ERS can also be initiated by oxidative stress (Malhotra and Kaufman, 2007), therefore, melatonin alleviated the apoptosis of A549 cells induced by PM2.5 by inhibiting oxidative stress and ERS. Nrf2, as the central regulator of cellular oxidative stress, initiated the expression of detoxifying enzymes and antioxidant enzyme genes and increased the cell resistance to electrophilic chemicals (Loboda et al., 2016). In our results, melatonin down-regulated the Nrf2 expression in A549 cells exposed to PM2.5, which is a conflict with previous studies indicating that melatonin protected cells from oxidation by increasing Nrf2 level (Ding et al., 2014, Wang et al., 2012). Here, two hypotheses have been made as follows. Cancer cells, including the A549 cell, have a strong antioxidant capacity to maintain rapid division and proliferation (Harris et al., 2015). Moreover, melatonin has been shown an anticancer effect in some studies(Di Bella et al., 2013, Goradel, et al., 2017, Zhou, et al., 2014), which may lead to decrease the expression of Nrf2. In addition, our results indicated melatonin enhanced antioxidant enzyme expression, and other studies also revealed that melatonin can scavenge free radicals directly(Rodriguez, et al., 2004), which was contributed to maintain cell homeostasis and further inhibit the Nrf2 expression.
The PM concentration in poultry houses is higher in comparison with that from pig or cattle feeding systems, and imposed a heavier burden on animal respiratory health, further causing low productivity and rising mortality by the incurred lung injury(Cambra-Lopez, et al., 2010). Apoptosis is related to acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis and promoted emphysema development when apoptosis occurs in lung epithelial and endothelial cells (Lu, Harrington and Rounds, 2005). This study revealed that PM2.5 from the chicken house led to the apoptosis of A549 cells, and melatonin played a positive action in preventing cell apoptosis. Our study provided new insight into melatonin in alleviating lung damage caused by chicken house PM2.5, and the findings further expanded the potential applications of melatonin as feed additives in chicken production.