Data sources and collection
The systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines [1] (Fig. S3). Saltmarshes were defined as an ecosystem adjacent to the coast whose waters are either brackish or saline and are dominated by dense strands of salt-tolerant plants. Managed realignment was defined as the deliberate or inadvertent flooding of a formerly non-tidal area leading to saltmarsh development. Due to the paucity of realigned site data, created saltmarshes – where coastal land is deliberately planted to form a saltmarsh – were included under the banner of realigned sites, as they constituted an example of managed saltmarshes. Finally, mudflats or tidal flats were defined as unvegetated intertidal flats adjacent to the coast, primarily composed of sediments or muds.
Searches for relevant studies were conducted using the Web of Science database between April and July 2021, using Boolean search statements with terms relating to either a forcing agent flux or realignment stage – for example, topic = (carbon sequestration) AND (saltmarsh). For a complete listing of the search terms used, number of results, number of identified studies, and search date refer to Supplementary Information (Table S1). Studies were sought and grouped based upon known saltmarsh impacts and emissions: C burial, CH4, N2O, sulphur-containing compounds (DMS, H2S, methanethiol), terpenes (isoprene, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes), and halocarbons (CH3Cl, CH3Br, methyl iodide, chloroform, methyl chloroform).
Data from studies were selected for inclusion according to the following criteria:
Site must be above 30oN or below 30oS – to avoid conflation with mangrove forests.
Site must be either a mudflat or brackish or saline marsh.
For CARs (criteria followed by Ouyang and Lee, (2014)):
Methods for calculating CAR using C sediment concentrations and sediment depth or sediment accumulation rate (SAR) were included.
CAR must have been recorded within 75 years of the search date.
For CH4 and N2O emissions:
Methods detecting emissions via either flow-through, incubation, or static chambers were included.
Site must be studied for at least nine months to include seasonal emission variations.
Due to the paucity of data for sulphur-containing, halocarbon, and terpene forcing agents, the inclusion criteria were relaxed to include the maximum available data:
All measurements were included, irrespective of study duration.
All latitudes were included if sufficient evidence was provided that a site did not significantly overlap with mangrove forests.
Methods detecting emissions via either flow-through, incubation, or static chambers were included.
Overall, searches generated 5078 records, inclusive of duplications due to overlapping search terms. Following inclusion criteria, abstracts of all records returned in a search were screened by a single reviewer. If the inclusion criteria were met or relevant terms were identified, the entire paper was retrieved and assessed for eligibility. Potential studies were also identified from retrieved paper citations and were subjected to the same screening process. This process filtered the reports down to a final total of 117 (comprising 623 data points). These reports ranged from 38.04°S to 70.19°N, predominantly in the northern hemisphere (Fig. S4, Fig. S5, Fig. S6, Fig. S7). Therefore, southern latitudinal data were analysed as originating from the northern hemisphere at the same relative latitude.
The following data were extracted from reports: latitude, longitude, country, dominant halophyte species/genera, tidal range, mean annual air temperature (°C), mean annual precipitation (mm), salinity, mean CAR or emission, and measurement method. The authors were contacted if data was not retrievable; however, no replies were received. Site coordinates were estimated from Google Maps using listed information if coordinates were not provided. CAR and methane emissions were input in g m− 2 year− 1; otherwise, data were input in mg m− 2 year− 1. Finally, data were checked against the original report to confirm veracity. For a complete listing of all data included in the study, refer to the Supplementary Information (Table S2).
Managed realignment 200-year model
All modelling utilised Python. The following packages were used: numpy [2], pandas [3], statsmodel.api [4], seaborn [5], scipy [6], statistics [7], and random [8].
To estimate the total net RF from MR, the collected data were filtered through a model simulating three realignment stages over 200 years: mudflat, realigned saltmarsh, and mature saltmarsh. The duration of the mudflat and realigned saltmarsh stages were randomly generated from a Gaussian distribution using the mean and standard deviation (SD): estimates were derived from prior realignments (mudflat = 10 ± 2.5 years; realigned saltmarsh = 75 ± 10 years) [9] [10] [11] [12]. The duration of the mature saltmarsh was equal to 200 years minus the sum of the mudflat and realigned saltmarsh stages.
The 200-year end point was selected for three primary reasons: (1) to encompass all three stages of MR, (2) computational limitations in running the model for a longer time period, and (3) to restrict the model to a time period relevant to climate change mitigation.
The model factored in emissions and land-use changes, including the RF from C burial and GHG emissions, atmospheric lifetimes of forcing agents, CO2 production from CH4 oxidation, halocarbon ozone depletion, sulphur-containing aerosol RF impacts, and albedo. The model runs were repeated ten times, with mean outputs providing final RF estimates for the first 200 years of MR.
Site-specific compound fluxes and atmospheric lifetimes
Within the 200-year realignment model (200YM), a random annual emission or CAR was generated using the mean and SD from Gaussian distributions. Gaussian distributions were based on published data (Table S2). If an emission demonstrated a significant latitudinal gradient, then the 95% confidence interval was calculated for a specific latitude, divided by two, and used in place of SD to generate random values. Subsequently, atmospheric compounds oxidised or were removed from the atmosphere using the half-life decay formula
$${\text{N}}_{\text{t}}={\text{N}}_{0}{\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)}^{\text{t}/{\tau }}$$
where Nt is the remaining concentration, N0 is the atmospheric concentration, t is the given time, and τ is the emission half-life (HL). C was assumed to remain buried in the sediment and was not subject to oxidation. If not available, atmospheric half-lives were calculated from atmospheric lifetimes (Table S3)
where t1/2 is the atmospheric HL, and e is the e-folding time: the reciprocal of the atmospheric lifetime.
Only 20% of the annual CH4 emission oxidised to CO2 was included in the analysis, as that fraction constituted C not recently fixed via photosynthesis [13] [14] [15] – based on estimates from peatlands. The annual CO2 produced then underwent HL decay for the remaining years of realignment. No other oxidation of carbon-containing compounds was calculated, as due to their short atmospheric lifetimes (< 1 year), the C released was deemed equivalent to recently fixed CO2: equalling a net-zero radiative balance.
Radiative efficiency
To calculate RF: emissions (including CO2) were converted to atmospheric molar concentrations in parts per billion (ppb). RF was then calculated
$${\text{R}\text{F}.}_{\text{N}}=\text{N} \times \text{R}\text{E}$$
where RFN is the radiative forcing of an emission (W m− 2), N is the atmospheric concentration of any individual compound (ppb), and RE is the radiative efficiency (W m− 2 ppb− 1) (Table S4).
Ozone depletion
Halocarbons deplete stratospheric ozone, which is known to have a cooling effect. The RF for the ozone depleted by an annual halogenic emission was calculated as
$${\text{Q}}_{\text{G}\text{H}\text{G}}= {\text{O}\text{D}\text{P}}_{\text{G}\text{H}\text{G}} \times 3.7\text{e}-13$$
$${{\text{D}}_{\text{G}\text{H}\text{G}}=\text{Q}}_{\text{G}\text{H}\text{G}} \times 2.69\text{e}+20$$
$${\text{R}\text{F}.}_{\text{N}}=\left({\text{D}}_{\text{G}\text{H}\text{G}}\times {\text{N}}_{\text{t}}\right) \times {\text{R}\text{F}.}_{\text{o}\text{z}}$$
where ODPGHG is the ozone-depleting potential of any given compound, and 3.7e-13 is the ozone sensitivity of CFC-11 (DU g− 1) (all ODPs are relative to CFC-11). QGHG is the compound-specific ozone sensitivity, while 2.69e + 20 is the atmospheric ozone concentration (DU), DGHG is the concentration of ozone depleted, Nt is the emission at a given year, RFoz is the radiative forcing per molecule of stratospheric ozone. See Supplementary Information (Table S5) for further information about ozone-depletion calculations.
Sulphur-containing aerosol-forming compounds
In the atmosphere, sulphur-containing compounds scatter incoming solar radiation and increase cloud longevity and albedo, causing a negative RF. To calculate their radiative efficiency, the annual change in RF assigned to sulphur from annual DMS flux (W m− 2) was divided by the change in atmospheric molar concentration of the annual flux of DMS (ppb) [16] [17]. The radiative efficiency was then multiplied by the molar atmospheric concentration of sulphur from each sulphur-containing emission.
Throughout realignment, the reflectance of a site changes, contributing to the overall radiative balance. To calculate this, we used the albedo
$${\text{R}}_{\text{N}}={\text{R}}_{\text{S}}(1-{\alpha })$$
where RN is the net radiation emitted, RS is the incoming solar shortwave radiation, and α is the albedo or reflection coefficient. For the realigned saltmarsh stage, the albedo was increased in equal increments from the mudflat (0.08) [18] to the mature saltmarsh (0.20) [19] albedo values. RS was determined based on the modelled site's latitude, with roughly half of the incoming shortwave radiation attenuating in the atmosphere due to absorption (23%) or cloud reflectance (22%) [20]. RN was then subtracted from the RN for grassland (0.25) [21] at the same latitude to determine how MR had altered the radiative balance before dividing by the Earth's surface area (m2), providing the final representative square metre RF due to albedo.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were conducted in R v4.0.3 [22]. The following packages were used: dunn.test [23], ggplot2 [24], ggpubr [25], plyr [26], and pgirmess [27].
One-way ANOVA analysed differences between realignment stages (explanatory variable) and CAR, CH4, or N2O emissions (dependent variable). Data normality was assessed with Shapiro's test, and homoscedasticity was assessed with Bartlett's test – if either was violated (α ≥ 0.05), data were log-transformed to satisfy test assumptions. Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied in cases of persistent violations of assumptions, followed by a non-parametric post hoc pairwise Dunn test where a significant effect was identified.
Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to assess latitudinal gradients for CAR and all emissions provided sufficient available data. Data normality was assessed with Shapiro's test. C mature saltmarsh and realigned saltmarsh, CH4 realigned saltmarsh, and H2S mature saltmarsh data were log-transformed to satisfy assumptions. Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated when normality violations persisted.