Our data show that algae-farming damselfish species have richer microbiomes than planktivorous species (Fig. 1) and this result is also reflected in their core bacterial community (Fig. 3). This result is likely attributable to the specialised feeding behaviour of algae-farming species, which largely consume a narrow range of turf algae species [41, 50], unlike planktivorous species that are adapted to a more opportunistic feeding strategy. These results suggest that the microbiome structure of fish species with specialised feeding behaviour has acquired specific intestinal bacteria and further research is needed to investigate how microbiome specialisation affects host digestion and metabolism. We also note that other processes that were not tested in our study such as host phylogeny and functional traits could influence the composition of damselfish intestinal bacteria and ultimately influence fish physiology.
We found that similar to what was recorded in many other species of marine fish, the damselfish intestinal microbiome was dominated by members of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Planctomycetes (Table 1). For example, surgeonfish, parrotfish and rabbitfish intestinal microbiomes from the Red Sea also consist of diverse assemblages of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria [15]. Another dominant ASV in the damselfish microbiome belonging to Mollicutes (Tenericutes) resembled bacteria detected in rabbitfish intestines [22]. The number of highly similar bacterial ASVs shared among pomacentrids, acanthurids and siganids may reflect the similar feeding behaviours of these coral reef fishes. For instance, algae-farming damselfishes may also ingest prey items other than algae, such as zooplankton [34] or other invertebrates [69]. The functional roles of these seemingly important microbial taxa warrant further attention in order to understand the potential consequences on host metabolism and health.
Damselfish microbiomes were largely dominated by the family Pasteurellaceae in the phylum Gammaproteobacteria, with one ASV (b727) occurring in more than 80% of sampled fishes and representing almost 10% of the total detected sequences (Tables 1 and 3). Although this ASV currently represents an unknown species in the Actinobacillus genus, a 98% similar sequence has been retrieved from the intestines of surgeonfishes in Saudi Arabia [24], suggesting that Actinobacillus are common reef fish microbiomes. Members of Pasteurellaceae have also been recorded in high abundances in adult damselfishes and cardinalfishes collected around Lizard Island, Australia [70], and they are deemed as common components of tropical planktivorous fish gut microbiomes [71]. The prevalence of Pasteurellaceae amongst the damselfishes in this study, as well as other reef fishes, provides additional evidence that Pasteurellaceae are likely important members of coral reef-associated fish microbiomes.
Algae-farming damselfishes had more observed ASVs and larger core microbiomes than planktivorous species (Figs. 1 and 3), and these core microbiomes were specific to each host species (Fig. 3). For example, P. wardi and P. moluccensis microbiomes were dominated by different taxa of Gammaproteobacteria, while D. perspicillatus and S. apicalis had large Bacteroidia core communities but were dominated by Flavobacteriaceae and Rikenellaceae, respectively. Different species of algae-farming damselfishes consume different species of algae [50], and the large differences in their specialized microbiomes may reflect these narrow dietary preferences. Conversely, the small core microbiomes of the planktivorous damselfishes may reflect the high variation in consumed plankton of each species, suggesting these fishes have opportunistic feeding behaviours. These results, however, do not support the notion that fish with greater diet variability have more diverse microbiomes [25]. In fact, the damselfish with narrow, algae-farming feeding behaviours tended to have the greatest diversity of intestinal bacteria, suggesting that the host-microbiome interactions may select for specialised bacteria that enhance the digestion and absorption of nutrients from specific algal diets. The richer microbiome of algae-farming fishes could also reflect the necessity of this trophic guild to be associated with a pool of symbionts that facilitate the breakdown of algal cellulose. We also acknowledge that some of the bacteria we retrieved from the damselfish intestine could have been associated with the food recently ingested by the fish and, therefore, not being part of the damselfish microbiome.
Recent evidence suggests a high degree of resource partitioning in fish communities which is a key mechanism that facilitates the high diversity of coral reefs [72, 73]. The largely distinct microbiomes of each host species presented in this study may reflect the high degree of resource partitioning found in coral reef communities, whereby different species of damselfish may be consuming different size classes of zooplankton [73], farm different algal species [50] or occupy different trophic niches [72]. The similarity between closely related host species and microbiomes, such as P. wardi and P. moluccensis, also demonstrates that phylogeny may influence the intestinal microbiomes of damselfishes [15, 16, 18, 74].
Interestingly, Photobacterium damselae, Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio ponticus and other Vibrio sp. were prevalent amongst the damselfishes sampled in this study (Table 3). These bacteria represent potential pathogenic members of Vibrionacaea and have been detected in many fishes of aquaculture importance, including Chromis punctipinnis [75], Lutjanus argentimaculatus [76], Seriola dumerili [77], Scophthalmus maximus [78], Sparus aurata [79], and Solea senegalensis [80]. Although identified as Vibrio harveyi in the GreenGenes database, GenBank revealed there was a high similarity of these sequences to other members of the Harveyi clade, such as Vibrio owensii [77]. It is thought that there are up to 11 species of Vibrio belonging to this clade [81], most of which are pathogens of fish, shrimp and coral [82–84]. Given the apparently healthy state of the sampled fishes and the high abundances of potentially pathogenic Vibrionacaea in the fish guts, we provide support to the idea that these organisms are natural components of healthy fish microbiomes and are opportunistic pathogens in fishes only under specific conditions [76, 85]. Future studies should investigate the involvement of algae-farming damselfish in the spreading of pathogens across reef organisms. For instance, it has recently been reported that the seagrass pathogen Labyrinthula was present in the skeleton of a common coral species [86] and probably infected the abundant endolithic algae living in the coral skeleton [87–89]. It is possible that damselfishes grazing near alive corals were the medium that allowed the pathogen Labyrinthula to infect the corals’ endolithic algae.
The facultative anaerobic bacterial classes Bacteroidia, Clostridia and Mollicutes were generally in higher abundance in the mid and posterior intestinal regions than in the stomach (Fig. 4). Differences in microbiomes along the intestinal tract have been recorded in the rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens [90], with midgut communities more representative of the environmental sources and hindguts hosting a microbiome more specialised to anaerobic conditions and fermentation [91]. The increase in Bacteroidia, Clostridia and Mollicutes along the intestines may be due to some members of these bacterial classes being mutualistic components of the fish gastrointestinal microbiome. Some members of Bacteroidia are known to breakdown polysaccharides and metabolise the derived sugars [92], while members of Clostridium are known to metabolise cellulose [28]. Our results confirm the increased prevalence of anaerobic bacteria in the hindgut of damselfishes, which probably consists of taxa responsible for the fermentation and metabolism of complex molecules before being absorbed by the host [1]. We also note that Actinobacillus sp. that could breakdown cellulose via fermentation [93] were more abundant in the gut of algae-farming damselfish, suggesting that these bacteria could aid the digestion of fish in this trophic guild.