None of the species showed increased germination after passing through the digestive tract. In agreement with our predictions, we found that round seeds were more likely to survive the passage through the digestive tract. This held true when tested for all species together as well as for Fabaceae separately. However, when Fabaceae and Poaceae were excluded, the trend was opposite. The seed germination rate was higher after passage through red deer compared to any other herbivore supporting hypothesis (a) “body size has a positive effect on germination rate.” Contrary to our prediction, the seed nutrient content had different effect based on the plant species group and the nutrient in question. Contrary to our previous results, we did not find support for the hypothesis that seeds with the mucilaginous surface will survive the passage through the digestive tract better.
Only one tested trait showed a sufficiently significant effect on the germination success of all species: the seed elongation (index of shape). We found that, in general, round seeds survived better than elongated seeds. When tested separately for Fabaceae, Poaceae, and all other species, this held true for all but the last where survival and subsequent germination success were better for the species with elongated rather than round seeds. This could also be an explanation for contrasting support in literature: better survival of round seeds was reported by Mouissie et al. (2005), better survival of elongated seeds in Cosyns et al. (2005), and no significant relationship between seed survival and shape in D’hondt and Hoffmann (2011). The cited studies used a range of plant species but only in the last case did the authors take phylogenetic relationships into account. Even though seed traits are often phylogenetically conserved (Moles et al., 2005), analyses with phylogeny might not receive significant effects (Bello et al., 2015), as was also our case. This suggests that both the tested traits and the environmental filter (here, the passage through herbivore guts) are phylogenetically conserved (Bello et al., 2015). Furthermore, in the cited studies (Cosyns et al., 2005; Mouissie et al., 2005; D’hondt and Hoffmann, 2011), the seed shape measurements used were made on seeds with no appendages, whereas in the presented study we used data from the LEDA database where seeds were measured with appendages. When grazing, herbivores feed on vegetation and the seeds they consume are not cleaned of glumes or pericarps. However, such structures can provide extra protection for seeds in the digestive tract, and therefore, they should be included in the measurements.
Our results are partially supporting our hypothesis that seed survival and subsequent germination success will be directly influenced by seed roundness and the presence of mucilaginous surface. The effect of shape has been addressed above, but we have found no effect of mucilaginous surface on seed survival and germination rate, which is in contrast to our previous findings (Lepková et al., 2018). The mucilaginous surface is a rarely occurring trait which is believed to have a connection to seed survival in the digestive tract (Hintze et al., 2013). Some species exhibiting mucilage were very common in field-collected dung, e.g., Poa pratensis and Veronica chamaedrys, but here, all tested species with mucilage showed very low germination rates (less than 1%). However, the low germination rate of frequently dispersed species is common throughout the studied species set. Two reasons are plausible: (i) seeds from the commercial supplier were of insufficient quality. This is not probable because the species showed successful germination in the control pots. (ii) The animals in the field ingest numbers of seeds several orders of magnitude higher than what we fed them in the experiment. This suggests preferential grazing which has nothing to do with seed traits or their nutritional content but can be driven by other traits of mother plants which influence palatability.
Previous research showed that even a very similar setting of feeding experiment does not guarantee similar outputs. For example, in a multi-species study with a number of plant species fed to cattle, Cosyns et al. (2005)d hondt and Hoffmann (2011) found vastly different results in the species of plants included in both studies, e.g., the relative germination rate of Agrostis capillaris was 17 and 54%, respectively. In the presented study, the measured germination rate for the same plant species was effectively zero, no matter the herbivore species. However, this species is one of the most common grasses dispersed by wild herbivores (present in 35% and 20% of deer and wild boar dung samples, respectively; Lepková et al., 2018). This example only emphasizes the high discrepancy between different types of experiments and also between similar experiments but under the influence of naturally behaving animals (for the effect of animal personality on seed dispersal see Zwolak and Sih, 2020).
The most successful species were members of the Fabaceae family (similarly to Gardener, McIvor, and Jansen, 1993), which is in contrast to often used laboratory experiments (Milotić and Hoffmann, 2016) and shows the importance of testing with real animals. The success of the Fabaceae family is often explained by their mechanical characteristics (e.g., thick seed coat; Gardener, McIvor, and Janes, 1993). In the case of the presented study, the best surviving Fabaceae had round and large seeds. The effect of seed mass is counterintuitive and unexpected as endozoochorous seeds are usually small (Bruun and Poschlod, 2006; Albert et al., 2015). This result has been clearly driven by one species: Vicia cracca with the highest germination success, and when the species was excluded, the seed mass became non-significant.
Our experiment revealed a complex relationship between seed survival in the guts and the content of available nutrients. In both cases of nitrogen and phosphorus, we found diverging results when groups of plant species were tested separately (Table 3). Both legumes and grasses are known for specific amounts of seed nutrients (Mašková and Herben, 2021), and we expected these nutrient contents to affect the seed survival, or more precisely, the effectivity with which animals extract the nutrients and thus kill the seeds. However, we revealed relationships contrary to our predictions. In Fabaceae and the group of other species (legumes and grasses excluded), we found a significant positive effect of phosphorus content on seed survival even though ruminant herbivores are preadapted to digest the phytic acid in which phosphorus is stored (Klopfenstein et al., 2002). Only the effect of phosphorus on the survival of grasses was significantly negative and, as a result, the overall test of all species did not show a statistically significant effect. This suggests the herbivore species included in this study are more adapted to the digestion of graminoid seeds, which are more common in their diet in Central Europe (Spitzer et al., 2020).
Differences between herbivore species
Four herbivores exhibiting different feeding and digestive behavior were used for the experiment, and differences based on body size, length of the digestive system, and/or feeding style were expected. Since at the time of the feeding experiment, only one individual of omnivorous wild boar was available, comparing herbivores and omnivores is outside the scope of the presented study. Our results support our hypothesis (a), which states that the driving force is the size of the animal. Dung samples from red deer, as the largest animal (Anděra and Horáček 2005), showed the highest germination rates of seedlings. However, the effect of body size is contradictory to other literature using feeding experiments (Simao Neto et al., 1987; Cosyns et al., 2005).
Experiments with multiple animal species are rare, and the majority of published data are on domestic animals (Bonn, 2004; Cosyns et al., 2005). Therefore, it is difficult to further address the effect of body size on seed survival. Chen and Moles (2015) performed a meta-analysis on the relationship between seed size, seed dispersal, and disperser size. They found out that in large ungulates in particular the relationship with seed size is negative, i.e., the large animals primarily ingest small-seeded species. The relationship is even more complicated because ruminants spit large seeds which are not digested at all (Castañeda et al., 2018). This complexity can also be the reason for the non-significant effect of seed size in our dataset.
Speed of passage
Since some species were still germinating in significant numbers from samples from the fourth day of collection, we must assume the retention time was longer than 96 hours (but see Cosyns et al., 2005). Our results show that Fabaceae had a slower passage through the guts (Gardener, McIvor, and Jansen, 1993). Combined with the fact that Fabaceae also had the highest measured survival success, we can assume the survival was still underestimated. This is in contrast to our prediction that long passage through the digestive tract shall be more destructive for the seeds. However, this result also means that seeds, which stay in the digestive tract for this long, can be dispersed further away from the mother plant which can even compensate for losses during the passage (Janzen, 1984).