The main challenge in quantifying the role of MSP and public procurement in inducing the production of rice and wheat and the subsequent effect on groundwater is the lack of disaggregated and consistent data for key variables of interest—quantity of rice or wheat procured by government, cropped area, and groundwater—from a period when the policy-induced thrust toward the cultivation of rice and wheat occurred. To circumvent this issue, we focus on two states for which we were able to collect this data in different but relevant time periods, i.e., close to when the policy was instituted in the respective states—Punjab (1981–2003) and Madhya Pradesh (2002–2016) (Materials and Methods).
Case Study I: Punjab
Although Punjab is one of the most agriculturally productive and irrigated regions of the country, it has also witnessed one of the largest increases in groundwater stress in the world (32). The average groundwater depth increased from 4.82 mbgl in 1973 to 14.55 mbgl in 2016. By 1999, 78.6% of all dug wells that were active in 1973 had become defunct (fig 2a). Additionally, over 75% of the area is considered overexploited according to the Central Ground Water Board (23). The historical root for this depletion lies in the adoption of high-yielding variety (HYV) wheat and rice during the Green Revolution in the 1960s. These varieties replaced local wheat varieties, cotton, maize, and oilseeds (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Information, Table S2) and required more intensive irrigation. The increased irrigation came from groundwater (dug wells and tubewells) causing its depletion (Fig. 2b). Underlying this process was the policy of assured government procurement at MSP of rice and wheat (Fig. 2d), which incentivized cultivation of these water-intensive crops over others even as India amassed a surplus of rice and wheat.
The earliest year for which district-level procurement data are available is 1981. By this time, the wheat area had become stable with little change over time. On the other hand, rice area exhibits an increasing trend (Fig. 2c) and remains the focus of the analysis. Using regression models with a rich set of controls and fixed effects (Materials and Methods) we first document an output response. Farmers responded to a doubling of rice procurement by increasing area under rice cultivation by at least 54% in the following year (Supplementary Information, Table S3).
Second, to show how increased rice cultivation in turn impacts groundwater levels, we regress changes in groundwater levels on the log rice area (Materials and Methods). Punjab overlies thick and deep alluvial aquifers such that declines in groundwater levels persist and adjust gradually (22). To capture these dynamics, we compute changes in groundwater level over multiple horizons and estimate a separate model for each horizon and present these results graphically in Fig. 3a
For example, the estimate at T = t +4 is from a regression where the dependent variable is the proportional change in groundwater depth between an initial year t and t +4, i.e. over four years (∆= 4). The main co-variate of interest is either log rice area (Fig. 3a) or log rice procurement (Fig. 3b) in year t. Thus, the estimates show how the same “shock”—rice area or procurement in year t—effects groundwater levels over different horizons. Estimates using pre-monsoon readings are in blue and those using post-monsoon readings in red. In all models, we control for various observable factors that could bias our estimates like population, net cropped area, precipitation, and temperature. To control for time-invariant, district-specific unobserved factors like geography, we use district fixed effects. We control for year fixed effects to isolate unobserved district-invariant, time-varying factors. We also include Agro Ecological Zone (AEZ)-specific time trends that account for AEZ-specific time-varying factors like changes in socio-economic indicators that could bias our results. Our results are also robust to explicitly including wheat area as a control, which is another water-intensive crop and is grown in the following cropping season. The rich set of controls helps us estimate the effect of rice cultivation on groundwater depth.
Fig. 3a depicts how the effects on groundwater table depths show up over time. A doubling of rice area (i.e. an increase by 100%) causes a fall in groundwater depth of 6 pp over a year and 24 pp over three years, as measured by pre-monsoon readings. Similar patterns are observed for post-monsoon readings. The effect keeps increasing until about six years and then stabilizes at 63 pp for pre-monsoon and 99 pp for post-monsoon readings.
Fig. 3b, is the reduced form of this causal chain where we regress proportional changes in groundwater depth directly on log rice procurement with the same set of controls. The effects show a similar evolutionary pattern. By the sixth year, which is when the effects stabilize, a doubling of rice procurement results in a 46–70 pp fall in groundwater levels. The gradual adjustment in groundwater table depths is an important empirical finding and worth emphasizing. A naive analysis that ignores the adjustment process, and focuses solely on the contemporaneous relationship between changes in groundwater level declines and procurement would underestimate the effects of the output subsidy policy on groundwater level declines by 90%.
Average pre-monsoon groundwater depth in Punjab fell by 65% between 1981 and 2003. During this period, rice procurement has increased at about 3.5% per year from 4.4 to 12.8 million tons. Our results predict a fall of 1.6 pp per year in groundwater depth due to this mechanism or a total fall of 41% over 22 years. In other words, increased rice cultivation that was induced by government procurement of rice explains 63% of the fall in groundwater levels in Punjab between 1981 and 2003.
To confirm that our estimates are not picking up spurious correlations, we estimate placebo models in which we regress changes in groundwater depths between years k < t and t on rice area or rice procurement in year t. In line with the fact that rice cultivation or procurement today should not impact groundwater depths in previous periods, we find no association in our placebo estimates (see placebo estimates in Figs. 3a and 3b). This robustness check reinforces the validity of our analysis. Finally, it is worth reiterating that the output subsidy program keeps the wheat cultivated area in Punjab high and stable thus resulting in a continuous usage of groundwater for its irrigation and therefore its depletion. However, since there is little change in the wheat area post-1981, a lack of variation precludes us from estimating marginal effects of wheat cultivation or procurement on groundwater.
Case Study II: Madhya Pradesh
Historically, the government agencies in Madhya Pradesh did not procure either wheat or rice even when market prices fell below the MSP. But from 2008, the state announced a bonus on top of the national MSP and substantially expanded its procurement operations of wheat. The potency of the output subsidy policy is driven in large part by the procurement machinery of the state at the local level. With strong procurement, the policy became highly active in Madhya Pradesh. Before 2007, the largest volume purchased by state agencies in any year was 0.54 million tons (mt). In 2007 procurement was a mere 0.057 mt. In 2008, this exponentially jumped to 2.4 mt—a 40-fold increase (33).
The policy was introduced when state elections were due later in the year. Procurement operations were also more concentrated in districts that were key producers of wheat. Thus, there was widespread belief that this was an election year gift, and therefore, the farmers did not immediately increase wheat cultivation (33). Over time, however, as wheat procurement became a fixture in subsequent seasons and spread to other districts, this belief was shed and along with procurement there was also a concomitant increase in area under wheat cultivation (Fig. 4a). Between 2000 and 2007, the area under wheat cultivation grew at 3% annually, which almost doubled to 5.8% per year between 2008 and 2015.
Some of the growth in wheat area between 2000 and 2008 can be attributed to the improvements in irrigation systems (reliable power for tubewells and completion of canal irrigation projects) that were being made by the state government beginning in early 2000 (34). However, the increased wheat cultivation because of the procurement policy put additional pressure on irrigation demand. The average annual growth in wheat irrigated area was 6.5% between 1991 and 2007 but after 2008, the wheat irrigated area began to increase by 7.9% each year. As was the case in Punjab, much of the new irrigation came from groundwater (wells and tubewells) rather than surface water (Fig. 4b). This change has gradually started increasing groundwater stress, although magnitudes are comparatively low since this is a relatively new policy as compared to fifty years of procurement operations in Punjab.
Madhya Pradesh is dominated by hard-rock and mixed aquifers where measurement of groundwater stress is not straightforward. Shallow hard-rock aquifers deplete and replete annually and long-term water level trends are less apparent. It is well known that in such aquifers, groundwater stress can increase even though average groundwater depth may not be increasing (9). A robust measure of groundwater stress in this region is the need for deep tubewells (with depth >70m). Deep tubewells are expensive and risky to construct. Their failure causes a precipitous decline in the long-term income of the farmers trying to install them (35). Farmers install deep tubewells when they do not have access to surface water or groundwater at shallower depths. Thus, an increase in the incidence of defunct dugwells, that are shallow, with a concomitant increase in deep tubewells is a reliable indicator of groundwater stress (Fig. 4c).
The exogenous and phased introduction of procurement operations in this state provides a natural experiment to estimate the causal impact of this policy on groundwater stress. Given the hydrogeology, we use three different metrics to measure groundwater stress: the proportional change in groundwater depth pre-sowing and post-harvest, the fraction of wells that run dry post-wheat harvest, and the construction of deep tubewells.
To estimate causal effects, we regress each of these measures on the log of wheat procured and the log of wheat procured interacted with a post-2008 indicator. The unit of observation is a district × year. All specifications always have district fixed effects that control for differences in time invariant, district-specific factors that could be correlated with the policy and bias our results. This includes differences in aquifer systems and the fact that procurement started more intensely in districts that already had wheat cultivation and then spread to other districts. We also control for district-specific time-trends that partial out any pre-existing trends in wheat procurement and groundwater stress. Further, we take into account seasonal rainfall and temperature, and for robustness, we also control for total irrigated area in the district. This battery of controls allows us to estimate the causal impact of the policy by essentially comparing groundwater stress in the districts before and after the policy change and relating it to the intensity of procurement operations. The coefficient on the interaction term estimates the causal impact of a 1% increase in wheat procurement on groundwater stress post-2008 as compared to before the policy was in place (Materials and Methods).
Table 2. Effects of Wheat Procurement in Madhya Pradesh
Dry Wells (prop)
log Deep Tubewells
log Wheat Proc
log Wheat Proc.
× Post-2008
Adj. R2
Notes: Each observation is a district×year. Robust standard errors clustered at the district level reported in parentheses. ∆GWL is the proportional change in groundwater depth between November in year t-1 and May in year t. Dry wells are the fraction of monitoring wells that are dry in the months after wheat harvest (June–September). All regression models include district fixed effects, district specific linear time trends, and controls for temperature and precipitation. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
Table 2 shows that pre-policy, the little wheat procurement that occurred had no relationship with either measure of groundwater stress. Post-2008 however, a doubling of wheat procurement caused a 3.9 pp fall in groundwater depth (col 1), a 7.6 pp increase in the incidence of dry wells (col 2), and a 4.8% increase in construction of deep tubewells (col 3). All these results consistently show an increase in groundwater stress. The fact that we can triangulate the results across different metrics of groundwater stress increases the reliability of our results in this hard-rock aquifer region. Between 2007 and 2016, wheat procurement in Madhya Pradesh increased by almost 70% (from 0.057 mt to 4 mt). Our results therefore imply that the policy increased the incidence of dry wells by 5.3 pp and the need for deep tubewells by 3.4% during this period. These effects are significant because they have happened over a relatively short span of eight years. As wheat procurement continues, groundwater stress in Madhya Pradesh will increase exponentially as in Punjab. The statistical model in col 1 is directly comparable to the model we used for Punjab (Fig. 3b) for a one-year horizon, ∆= T −t = 1.
Why should the marginal effect of wheat procurement vary before and after 2008? This is where the mechanism is crucial. Credible wheat procurement incentivizes farmers to grow more wheat over less water-intensive crops, which increases groundwater stress. In Supplementary Information, Table S4, we provide evidence for this core mechanism. We regress log wheat area, log wheat irrigated area, and log area under pulses (the other important crop) on lagged log wheat procurement and lagged log wheat procurement interacted with a post-2008 indicator. We use year fixed effects to isolate time-varying aggregate shocks like aggregate supply, price volatility, and climate that could impact procurement and wheat cultivation. We explicitly control for rainfall, temperature, irrigation, and area under other crops for robustness (Materials and Methods).
Our estimates show that the policy increased the marginal effect of wheat procurement on wheat cultivation in the following year by an additional 13.5% (Supplementary Information Table S4, cols 1–2). A doubling of procurement post-2008 also resulted in a 22% increase in irrigated wheat area due to the policy. Col 4 shows that the increase in wheat area partially came at the cost of a reduction in area under pulses, a less water-intensive crop. Fig. 4a, however, shows that a greater amount of new area came under wheat cultivation increasing groundwater stress. As an intense shift toward highly irrigated wheat occurred post-2008, we see differences in the marginal effects pre- and post-2008 in table 2.