GPS data are processed using a three-step approach similar in general terms to the described by Dong et al. (1998) and Herring et al. (2018). In the first step daily loosely constrained estimates of station coordinates and their covariances are obtained from doubly differenced GPS phase observables (GAMIT) or from PPP using undifferenced observables from just a single GPS receiver (GipsyX). In the second step, time series (glred) in a consistent reference frame (IGb14) are generated by minimizing on each day for the selected CORS set (glorg). Outliers and offsets due to earthquakes or equipment changes, as well as periodic signals, are corrected to obtain clean time series. Also in this step the loosely constrained solutions from GAMIT and GipsyX are combined for each day generating subsequently their time series. In the third step all data are combined (globk) in a single solution applying generalized constraints (glorg) in position and velocity to define a uniform reference frame while estimating an overall translation and rotation of the network. Both second and third steps follow an iterative process. The first time series are stabilized only by the well-defined CORS, but the time series that best represents the final velocity solution is one that is stabilized with all of the sites in the solution. Thus, the first velocity solution obtained is used as a priori values in the next iteration and all sites used to stabilize. All the time series and velocity solutions are realized in a no-net-rotation (NNR) frame of the ITRF. Finally, positions, velocities, and uncertainties with respect to a fixed Eurasian and Nubian reference frame are estimated by fixing the set of CORS located on the stable part of the plates (glorg). Figure 4 depicts the process flow diagram of processing strategy described above.
Although each software uses different models or processing parameters, both use the same metadata and set of a priori station positions. General aspects of the processing models are exposed below. Details of GAMIT and GipsyX processing specifications and analysis parameters are given in Tables S2 and S3 (SI_1).
GAMIT strategy
Topo-Iberia stations (25) plus the additional CORS (15) are processed simultaneously in only one regional network (40) using GAMIT version 10.71 (Herring et al. 2018). Being the number of sites minor than ~ 50 in daily GAMIT processing, it is not necessary to use sub-networks for the processing to be more efficient and accurate. The regional solution uses 24-hour RINEX-formatted data sampled at 30 seconds being quality-checked with TEQC. Daily station positions and atmospheric delays are estimated from ionosphere-free linear combination GPS phase observables using double-differencing techniques to eliminate phase biases in the satellite and receiver clock oscillators. Satellite orbit parameters are fixed to the IGS final values and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) are interpolated from IERS Bulletin A (BASELINE mode in GAMIT). Second and third-order ionospheric corrections computed from Ionosphere Map Exchange (IONEX) files are applied. Ocean tidal loading effects are accounted for using the FES2014b model including corrections for center of mass motion. The ocean loading displacement coefficients for each of the sites are provided by Bos and Scherneck (2021), i.e., it is a list of values specific to a location and not a grid. Vienna Mapping Function (VMF1) grid (Boehm et al. 2006) is used for a priori hydrostatic and wet troposphere delay components and to model zenith delay variance. Integer phase ambiguities are resolved in a baseline-by-baseline mode. Constraints to a priori coordinates values are between 0.05 m for some reference sites chosen to enhance ambiguity resolution and 100 m for remaining sites, thus generating loosely constrained variance-covariance matrices and solutions by a weighted least squares algorithm. These GAMIT solutions are obtained in daily ASCII h-file format that are passed to GLOBK, where the final solution comes from.
The ambiguities are on average successfully resolved with 96.1% for wide-lane (WL) and 92.8% for narrow-lane (NL) (Fig. 5 top), which is an indicator of good quality of the solutions. In 95% of the daily solutions, greater than 90.9% of WL and greater than 85.3% of NL ambiguities are resolved. Another quality indicator of the daily GAMIT solutions is the square root of the chi-squared per degree of freedom \(\sqrt{\left({\chi }^{2}/f\right)}\), referred to as the normalized root-mean-square (NRMS). In practice with the default weighting scheme to account for temporal correlations, a good solution usually produces a NRMS of ~ 0.2 (Herring et al. 2018). It can also be seen in Fig. 5 that the values obtained are in range (0.16–0.19) being the average 0.18. The number of stations used in each daily GAMIT solution shown in Fig. 5 (bottom) evinces the variation of Topo-Iberia stations number over time, since the number of CORS is more or less fixed (15).
GipsyX strategy
Each of the 40 sites is separately processed using GipsyX version 1.7 (Bertiger et al. 2020) in precise point positioning (PPP) mode using ionosphere-free carrier phase and pseudorange observables. JPL’s final non-fiducial GNSS products (antenna models, ephemerides, clocks, and Earth rotation parameters) are used. Second-order ionospheric corrections are computed from JPL IONEX files except for 17 days computed from IGS IONEX due to non-availability of the first. Single receiver ambiguity resolution is performed using wide-lane phase biases (WLPB) method (Bertiger et al. 2010). Some models and processing parameters are common to those used in GAMIT. These similarities and also some differences are shown in Table 1. Station positions obtained in PPP processing, using fiducial-free strategy with a priori constraints of 10 m, are not tied to any specific terrestrial frame, but to satellite reference frame of the day defined by JPL. The stations are processed individually obtaining positions and covariance matrices in gdcov-file format. Those files that correspond to different sites but also to same day are joined to form an only gdcov-file per day, and subsequently it is translated to Solution Independent Exchange (SINEX) format file (IERS 2006). In the same way as GAMIT h-files, the daily SINEX files are passed to GLOBK to get the final solution. In both cases it is necessary to convert them into GLOBK binary h-files.
As part of the GipsyX ambiguity resolution process several statistics are generated, among others, number of double differences (DD) accepted and rejected for each test considered (duration, wide- and narrow-lane) (see Fig. 6). In this way, DD are rejected due to duration too short, and in the case of WL or NL due to bad DD, large sigma and low confidence. Ambiguities are successfully resolved with 99.8% for all RINEX, being 3832 the average number of DD that passed all tests.
The GAMIT h-files contain loosely constrained solution and full variance covariance matrix. The GipsyX-derived SINEX files come from separate PPP runs using fidual-free products, so there are not parameters linking position between stations, and therefore there is no covariance between their positions. In order to make these SINEX files loosely constrained and to complete the covariance matrix, the methodology exposed by Herring et al. (2015, 2016) is followed. A covariance matrix is added to the block diagonal covariance matrix in the SINEX files allowing the system to rotate and translate. This is accomplished with the GLOBK program htoglb adding 10 mas2 in rotational variance and 1 m2 in translation variance to covariance, at the same time converting the SINEX files into binary h-files. In this way, the minimum constraint solutions are loosen so that they can rotate and translate in GLOBK.
Table 1
Some models and processing parameters that differ and are common between GAMIT and GipsyX strategies. Details are given in Tables S2 and S3 (SI_1)
Processing Parameter | GAMIT | GipsyX |
Strategy | Double-differencing (BASELINE mode) | Precise point positioning (single station PPP) |
Data sampling | 30 sec cleaning / 2 min analysis | Decimated to 5 min |
Elevation angle cutoff | 10° | 7° |
Orbits and clocks | IGS final orbits | JPL final (fidual-free) orbits and clocks |
Atmospheric zenith delay and gradient estimates | Zenith wet delay parameterized by a piecewise-linear function with 2-hr intervals and process noise uncertainty constraint of 20 mm/√hr. One pair of gradients per day with a priori constraint of 30 mm at 10° elevation | Estimated every 5 min as a random-walk process noise of 3 mm/√h in zenith wet delay and 0.3 mm/√h in gradient |
A priori atmospheric parameters | Meteorological data input from VMF1 with 50% relative humidity | Wet and dry nominal troposphere values from VMF1 for each station every 5 min |
Second-order ionospheric corrections | IGS IONEX files (2nd and 3rd order) | JPL IONEX files |
Ambiguity | Resolved in a baseline-by-baseline mode | Resolved using WLPB products from JPL |
Phase elevation weighting | Site dependent constant and 1/sin (elevation angle) terms |
Antenna corrections | Absolute antenna phase center variations based on IGS14 model for both satellite and ground antennas |
Tropospheric mapping function | VMF1 dry and wet terms |
Solid Earth tide | IERS 2010 convention (IERS 2010) |
Earth pole tide | IERS 2010 convention |
EOP | IERS Bulletin A |
Ocean tidal loading | FES2014b model with center of mass correction (list values) |
Atmospheric nontidal loading | Not applied |
Atmospheric tidal loading | Not applied |
Combined strategy
As exposed above, different models or processing parameters are used in GAMIT and GipsyX (basic and modeled observables, data sampling and weighting, etc.). As a consequence, the noise models of both analyzes are different, which also results in different standard deviations of the position estimates. In order for the individual final solutions to be comparable, their covariance matrices are rescaled to weight the solutions equally. The scale factors are determined such that the average values of the χ2/ƒ of the fits to the coordinate differences at the reference frame stations are near unity (Herring et al. 2016). With the chosen GAMIT processing mode (BASELINE) and default reweighting scheme of autcln program, the error budget is pretty conservative and the mean NRMS values obtained in time series are ~ 0.6–0.8. Since ultimately everything boils down to a problem of relative weight of one solution with respect to the other one, instead of rescaling both as in Herring et al. (2016), GAMIT solution is used as it is (unscaled) and only the GipsyX one is rescaled. In addition, to get the appropriate scaling value, the relation between sigmas in the time series of both solutions is studied (Fig. 7), therefore this scaling step is done after standard GipsyX/GLOBK processing is completed. Analyzing the histograms in the Fig. 7, it is determined that GipsyX position estimates have standard deviation ~ 1.9 times smaller than GAMIT values, therefore the GipsyX sigmas would have to be multiplied by 1.9 to match GAMIT’s. This sigma factor corresponds to a scale factor of 3.6, since it is necessary to square before applying it, i.e., the GipsyX h-files are downweighted by 3.6 in covariance (a factor of 1.9 in uncertainty). A sigma factor ~ 2 between GAMIT and Gipsy solutions also was determined in the study realized by Floyd et al. (2020). Once the GipsyX h-files are processed with GLOBK applying the scale factor (GipsyX rescaled), their sigmas are approximately in alignment with GAMIT/GLOBK solution as shown in the histograms.
For individual processing, scale factors for GAMIT and GipsyX solutions are fixed to 1 and 3.6 respectively. When the results of both strategies are combined or, what is the same, two solutions for the same network of sites are combined, these factors are doubled so that solutions from individual strategies and their combination (Combined strategy) have similar standard deviations for the position estimates (Herring et al. 2016; Floyd MA and Herring TA personal communication 2022).
Considerations for vertical component
Precision of the GNSS vertical component is in general about 2–3 times lower than for the horizontal component due to various reasons, among them, geometry and distribution of satellites, phenomena such as ocean loading, atmospheric delays, etc. In order to improve the accuracy some changes have been made to the default GAMIT configuration. Default mapping function used for modeling and estimation of the atmospheric delay is Global Mapping Function (GMF) from fitting numerical weather model (NWM) data over 20 years, sufficient for all but the most accurate studies of heights and for meteorological studies (Herring et al. 2018). Instead, the VMF1 model has been used, a more accurate reconstruction of the NWM data. Since having the most accurate value of pressure, from local measurements of surface pressure, for the a priori zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD) has not been possible, the next most accurate source has been chosen, the VMF1 grid. In addition, zenith delays have been estimated every 2 hours, although there is little increase in accuracy of station heights and it greatly increases processing time. Regarding ocean tide loading, the model with the best possible accuracy at the date of the study has been used, the FES2014b model. Default GipsyX configuration was also changed with regard to VMF1 and FES2014b models.
Time series analysis
The loose solutions previously obtained, binary h-files rescaled or not depending on the case, are considered individually by glred to generate position time series of each station, day-to-day repeatability, throughout the span considered in an adequate framework.
Prior to any velocity estimation, it is necessary to estimate and subtract non-secular (no tectonic) motions that can affect the stations, which by definition of the ITRF framework must be linear. The raw time series are analyzed in order to estimate and remove outliers, periodic terms, and discontinuities in an iterative process briefly described below. This is realized using the GLOBK program tsfit, command-line tool for fitting time series and generating statistics, and the interactive Matlab-based program tsview (Herring 2003) since in long and continuous time series the point-by-point visual inspection is impractical. Files generated with tsfit/tsview containing outliers, discontinuities, and periodic signals are inputs of GLOBK to get a combined solution and extract positions and velocities more refined. Raw and cleaned time series of Topo-Iberia CGPS stations are shown in Figures S2-S14 (SI_1).
Outliers are detected and eliminated by two automatic procedures, max-sigma and n-sigma. Any position estimate whose uncertainty is greater than 2, 2, and 3 cm in East, North, and Up respectively is removed (max-sigma), as well as the points that exceeded 2-sigma values after detrending the data. Although the final result corresponds to this n-sigma criterion, the analysis has also been carried out with 3-sigma criterion in order to verify and compare the results, which should be quite similar. Small values of this criterion allows for more precise results but also can lead to all data being deleted, and even more so if there are non-secular motions not detected correctly. Taking into account only the information known from station metadata, a preliminary analysis is carried out with both n-sigma criteria revealing notable discrepancies in horizontal velocity at some Topo-Iberia stations (Fig. 8 top). The results shown correspond to GAMIT/GLOBK, but also occur with GipsyX and Combined strategies. Stations showing the most discrepancies are ALJI, LIJA, LOJA, and TAZA. These relative differences are due to the fact that with 2-sigma criterion some data segments are considered outliers, resulting in different velocity directions that the one obtained with 3-sigma criterion. Although these stations could have time series with acceptable statistical values, a further analysis is required. In a second analysis, some data segments have been excluded that could be related to malfunctions due to battery problems in winter periods than were already detected in other Topo-Iberia stations (García-Armenteros 2020), but the cause is unknown in most of them. An example can be seen in Figs. 9a,b where a data segment that has been deleted in Figs. 9c,d is shown, and it can be verified after its deletion how the resulting velocities are similar with both criteria. After the second analysis, the major velocity discrepancies disappear or are reduced (Fig. 8 bottom).
A discontinuity can occur due to events such as earthquakes, hardware or antenna changes, and other causes of unknown origin in the surroundings of the station producing abrupt and permanent changes in position. In the preliminary analysis only the offsets due to known equipment changes were taken into account, and once these were corrected, other offsets could be detected and corrected by adding breaks. Some of these breaks correct obvious jumps to the naked eye, and in other cases correct small offsets (amplitude of some mm) improving the linearity in some velocity component and reducing the time series statistics. For example, comparing Figs. 9e,f it can be seen that when 2-sigma criterion is used, a data segment in 2008 is automatically deleted as it is considered an outlier, causing the discrepancy in the horizontal velocity direction shown above in Fig. 8 (top). In Figs. 9g,h an offset break has been added after a small gap correcting the loss of the data segment and the velocity discrepancy between both n-sigma criteria.
Periodic signals
Periodic signals can affect the three components of GPS time series being their frequency spectrum dominated by annual and semi-annual periods (seasonal signals). When the data were selected for processing, the effect of these signals in the estimation of velocities (Blewitt and Lavallée 2002) was taken into account selecting data spans of integer-plus-half years and longer than 4.5 years. Although the velocity bias could be minimum, annual and semi-annual periods (sine and cosine terms) are estimated from time series with tsfit/tsview. Further seasonal signals constitute a source of noise for velocity estimation, therefore the elimination of these signals facilitates detecting anomalous data segments and smaller offsets (amplitude of some mm) masked in the time series noise.
A comparison has been realized between the velocity estimates with and without taking into account annual and semi-annual terms in time series, and the results obtained with GAMIT/GLOBK are shown in Fig. 10. Except for a few stations, it is observed that the variation in velocity is minimal, particularly in periods greater than 8.5 years. Table 2 summarizes the statistics of the differences obtained between both solutions for the three strategies showing similar and low values. This low affectation of estimating the seasonal signals was expected according to the length of data spans and the precautions taken in its selection. Furthermore, whether or not to take this estimation into account does not affect the velocity uncertainties. The prominent east velocity variation at ALJI station (Fig. 10) is studied in detail in Fig. 11. The annual frequency has been the most detected (top right) being its amplitude in east component of ~ 1.5 mm, five times greater than in north component. When seasonal signals are estimated and removed (bottom left), the annual frequency is almost completely removed resulting in the mentioned velocity variation in the east component.
Table 2
Statistics of differences in North, East, and Up velocity component estimates with and without taking into account seasonal signals for each strategy
Strategy | ΔVN (mm/yr) | ΔVE (mm/yr) | ΔVU (mm/yr) |
RMS | Mean | RMS | Mean | RMS | Mean |
GAMIT | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.08 | 0.01 | 0.08 | -0.01 |
GipsyX | 0.06 | 0.01 | 0.06 | 0.01 | 0.08 | 0.00 |
Combined | 0.06 | 0.00 | 0.08 | 0.01 | 0.05 | 0.00 |
Noise model
In this work the noise in GPS position time series is assumed to be a combination of white noise plus random-walk (RW) noise. The long-period temporally correlated noise is accounted for using realistic-sigma algorithm or First-Order Gauss–Markov Extrapolation (FOGMEX) (Herring et al. 2015; Floyd and Herring 2020) to determine a RW noise term and add it to the error model used by GLOBK. The FOGMEX algorithm is an option implemented in tsfit and previously proposed and referred to as the RealSigma option by Herring (2003). RW values are generated for each site by analysis of the position residuals from fitting their time series. A minimum RW process noise value of 0.05 mm2/yr is imposed in each station. The RW median values obtained in north, east and up components were 0.06, 0.06 and 0.09 mm2/yr respectively from Combined strategy. Similar values were obtained from GAMIT and GipsyX except in up component, which were 0.12 and 0.11 mm2/yr respectively. Maximum horizontal random-walk (HRW) process noise value was obtained at TIOU station (0.3 mm2/yr), therefore, there have been no stations with high process noise values that could contaminate nearby stations. The RW process noise values obtained are incorporated into the Kalman filter (GLOBK) after the last iteration of the process flow (Fig. 4) to estimate the final velocities and get more realistic uncertainties.
A comparison between globk velocity solutions applying and without applying the FOGMEX algorithm was realized to quantify their impact on the velocity uncertainties. Table 3 shows that increase in uncertainties is similar in the three strategies.
Table 3
Statistics of differences in velocity uncertainties (1σ) applying and without applying FOGMEX algorithm for each strategy
Strategy | ΔσN (mm/yr) | ΔσE (mm/yr) | ΔσU (mm/yr) |
RMS | Mean | RMS | Mean | RMS | Mean |
GAMIT | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.07 | 0.07 | 0.10 | 0.08 |
GipsyX | 0.07 | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.08 |
Combined | 0.06 | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.07 |