Figure 1 depicts SEM images of nanochitosan (ArCSNPs) derived from low molecular weight chitosan, nanochitosan (ScCSNPs) derived from snail shell, and their respective silver nanochitosan composites (AgNPs-ArCSNPS and AgNPs-ScCSNPs). The image shows that nanochitosan (Fig. 1a) has rough agglomeration and a porous surface, whereas silver nanochitosan composite (Fig. 1b) has less rough agglomeration with some smooth patches and porous surface structures, indicating that the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were aggregated and well distributed into the polymeric matrix. The ArCSNPs (Fig. 1c), on the other hand, had a cracky rough surface with some porosity but a rough membranous phase deposition on the cracky rough surface, as shown in Figure 1d. The presence of AgNPs may have caused the deposition. The reduction and stabilization process by nanochitosan polymeric chains may be responsible for the formation of porous structures. The porous nature of the material is critical in antibacterial and biomedical applications [18, 19]. Britto-Hurtado et al. [20] discovered that agglomeration is essential in antibacterial activity while researching "Agglomerates of Au-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles: synthesis and antibacterial activity."
Figures 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and 2(d) show the FTIR spectra of ScCSNPs, ScCSNPs-AgNPs, ArCSNPS, and ArCSNPS-AgNPs, respectively while Table 1 shows the functional groups associated with corresponding peak wavelength. Figure 2 shows that nanochitosan (ScCSNPs and ArCSNPS) and its AgNPs nanochitosan composite (ScCSNPs-AgNPs and ArCSNPS-AgNPs) shared many peaks of chitosan; the functional group of hydroxyl (OH) stretching vibration, alkane C–H stretching vibration, and N-H stretching vibration [10]. The peaks 2879 cm-1 and 3808 cm-1, 3826.2 and 3415.6 cm-1, 3813.072 and 3695.49 cm-1, 3826.2654 and 3685.015 cm-1 are assigned to O-H stretching vibration. Figure 2(a, b, c, d) showed that nanochitosan from the different sources and their respective AgNPs composite showed sharp bands between 3354.1 and 3695.494 cm-1, indicating N-H stretching. The band at 2167 and 2026 cm-1, as revealed in Figure 2(a) and 2(b) respectively may correspond to alkanyl C=C stretch. While in Figure 2c and 2d, the C=C stretching and bending vibration are assigned to absorption band at 1610.344 and 904.3848 cm-1 respectively, 1992 and 1883.5 cm-1 bands can be assigned to C-H stretching from alkane (Fig. 2a and b) which is one of the major absorption bands in chitosan. The absorbance values between 1866.118cm-1 and 1116.067cm-1 were attributed to amine and methyl compounds, CH3 and C=N stretch, and C-O bond stretch. The peaks around 1420.522cm-1 and 756.3679 cm-1 may have been caused by C-H bond bending probably from aromatic and vinyl compounds, respectively (Figures 2c and 2d). Murugan et al. [21] observed similar peak at 789 cm-1 which was believed to correspond to aromatic C–H bending in bio-encapsulated chitosan-Ag nanocomplex. A significant absorption band of nanochitosan was also observed at 1323 cm-1 (Fig 2a), which corresponded to the free -NH2 group in the glucose amine. C-N has a peak at 818 cm-1, which agrees seriously with similar studies conducted by other scholars [22, 23]. A vibrational mode of the amide (NH) C=O stretching was observed at 1613 cm-1. In comparison to chitosan, the spectra of Ag chitosan nanoparticles composites showed a few alternations. The FTIR spectra of silver nanochitosan (ScCSNPs-AgNPs and ArCSNPs-AgNPs) show a decreasing and shifting of peak to 3415.1 and 3685 cm-1, which is attributed to vibrational stretching of the N-H and O-H groups. This is because hydrogen bonding is enhanced in ScCSNPs-AgNPs and ArCSNPs-AgNPs, implying Ag chelation with both amino and hydroxyl groups of chitosan [23, 24]. The introduction of AgNPs to CSNPs may have resulted in a shift in the peak of the -NH2 group and C-N at 1434.7 and 1294 cm-1, respectively (Fig. 2b). The shift of band from 1613 to 1621.83 cm-1 is attributed to the binding of (NH) C=O group with Ag nanoparticles. In general, the stretching and bending frequency peaks could be attributed to the stretching of chitosan's carbon and hydrogen bonds. The peaks could also indicate that a carbonyl group formed amino acid residues that capped AgNP, implying that molecules capping chitosan-Ag nanoparticles contained both free and bound amide groups [21, 25].
Table 1: Functional groups associated with corresponding peak wavelength
Functional groups
O-H stretch from alcohol
N-H stretch
O-H stretch from carboxylic acid
C-H stretch
O-H stretch from alcohol
C=N Stretch
C=O stretch
C=C stretch
C-H stretch from alkane
C-H from aldehyde, CH2 from methylene
N-H stretch
NH2 glucosamine
C-N stretching
N-CH3 stretch, S-H from thiols
C≡C from alkyne, C-H aromatic bending
N=C=S from thiocyanate, C=C stretch
CH3 from methyl
C=C stretch, C=N stretch
C-H bend
C-O stretch
C=C bend
C-H aromatic bend
Figure 3 depicts the X-ray diffraction analysis result of nanochitosan and its respective silver nanoparticles composite. The results demonstrated the crystallinity of the nanochitosan and its silver nanochitosan obtained from snail shells and commercially purchased chitosan. The peak of nanochitosan was observed at 2θ = 8.1o (ScCSNPs) and 20.1o (ArCSNPs), which is closer to the characteristic peak of 2θ = 9.1o and 19.9o mentioned by Dara et al. [26]. The same peak was observed in their AgNPs nanochitosan composite. As also observed by Zahedi et al. [27] and Dara et al. [26], the peak at 2θ = 20.1° indicates the high degree of chitosan and their crystal lattice constant α corresponding to 4.4. As shown in Figure 3, peaks at 2θ = 33.6o, 43.33o, and 46.5o appear on the spectra of ScCSNPs-AgNPs that do not appear on the spectra of Sc-CSNPs but are devoid of peaks at 64.7o and 69.1o. Also, the sharp peaks at 2θ = 27.6, 28.9, 32, and 33.9o on ArCSNPs pattern are absent on ArCSNPs-AgNPs. The presence of AgNPs in the polymeric matrix of the nanochitosan may explain the appearance and disappearance of these peaks. The Bragg reflection’s numbers with 2θ values of 43.33o and 64.7o referring to (200) and (220) respectively indicate the spherical and crystalline nature of Ag NPs [1, 28]. The sharp diffraction peaks represent a large particle, whereas the broad diffraction peaks represent a smaller particle. The XRD pattern of AgNPs nanochitosan revealed the polymeric nanoparticles' crystalline nature.
Figure 4 shows the DSC thermograms of nanochitosan (ScCSNPs and ArCSNPS) and its respective silver nanoparticles composite (ScCSNPs-AgNPs and ArCSNPS-AgNPs) for a heating rate of 10 oC/min with various compositions. Except for ScCSNPs (Figure 4a), which showed heat release (exothermic) as a result of crystallization, all samples showed a glass transition (Tg) temperature, indicating good miscibility between nanochitosan matrix at the start of the heat flow. This resulted in a crystal melting temperature of 60 oC. The appearance of Tg in Figure 4a for ScCSNPs-AgNPs, as well as the difference in Tg size in Figure 4b, may be due to the incorporation of AgNPs into the nanochitosan matrix, which can be attributed to the higher mobility of the polymer macromolecules [29, 30].