We evaluated the spatial patterns of soil organisms from five taxonomic groups along an urbanization gradient in Xiamen, a subtropical region of China. We show that: (i) the soil bacterial communities exhibited stronger dispersal patterns than other soil organisms; (ii) there was a stronger environmental filtration effect on the larger (e.g., invertebrates) than the smaller soil organisms (e.g., bacteria); and (iii) the bacteria occupied a wider niche than other soil organisms. Overall, microorganisms and small soil organisms (i.e., bacteria, fungi, nematodes and protists) were generally more affected by dispersal-driven processes than large organisms (e.g., invertebrates).
Weaker effects of environmental filters on smaller than larger soil organisms: supporting evidence of the size-plasticity hypothesis
Our results support the size-plasticity hypothesis where smaller organisms are filtered less by their environment than larger ones. With the size-plasticity hypothesis, environmental filters generally dictate how species without certain physiological traits may not occur in local communities [22, 55]. In soil systems, the size-plasticity has been supported in microbial systems targeting bacteria, archaea and fungi [22]. Both smaller and larger soil organisms should exhibit widely different degree of metabolic flexibility, dispersal environmental tolerance, and evolutionary adaptation [21, 56]. These features may enable some taxa to occupy wider niches, resulting in greater coexistence of species within metacommunities [56, 57].
In order to identify the relative roles of dispersal and environmental filtration-related processes that generated the observed distribution patterns, we integrated the neutral community model, the null deviation and the niche breadth. We show that stochastic processes were dominant for bacteria and nematodes as a significant percentage of taxa (69% and 50%) could be explained by the neutral community model. Fungi, protists and soil invertebrates were potentially structured by non-random deterministic processes. Deviation from the null model expectations in community turnover of the studied soil biota returned mean values that were significantly lower than expected by the null model for bacteria, nematodes, protists, and fungi but greater than expected for invertebrates (Fig. 4A). These results indicate that bacteria and nematodes exhibited, on average, a negative null deviation that tended to be closer to -0.95 suggesting that homogenizing dispersal has a major role in structuring both bacteria and nematodes [52]. In conjunction with their large percentage of community variation for both bacteria and nematodes, these findings explained the observed strong distance-decay patterns (Fig. 2). The communities of fungi and protists exhibited similar patterns and underlying processes, as the null deviations were closer to -0.95 to 0.95 – a range that indicates a major role of drift [52]. Invertebrates were more driven by environmental selection because the null deviation tended to be between 0.95 to 1 (Fig. 4A). From these observations, the strength of environmental selection generally decreases with soil organisms sizes, from microbial communities to invertebrates. High dispersal rates of microbial communities could partially explain steeper distance-decay relationships observed for both bacteria and nematodes [58]. Similar patterns and processes between bacteria and nematodes could also result from previously confirmed roles of nematodes in stimulating bacterial dynamics in a spatially-dependent manner [59].
Both fungi and protists underwent similar assembly processes as the neutral community model did not explain a significant proportion of taxa and null deviation, indicating the major role of drift. According to both the neutral community model observations and null deviation, niche-based deterministic processes were the main force in shaping invertebrates. This observation could be explained by the fact that, on one hand, soil bacteria have higher environmental tolerance and rapid growth rates as compared to large organisms such as invertebrates. On the other hand, both low sinking rates and high population sizes may allow them to undergo strong passive dispersal. The contrasting patterns observed for fungi, may be explained by the fact that most of their body comprises of vegetative spreading mycelium in soil, reaching up to 100 m in some cases [60]. Therefore, in certain fungal groups, our sampling might have captured the same individual multiple times, which less likely occurs in other taxonomic groups. Through the niche breadth concept it is possible to identify how the diversity of resources used or environments is being tolerated by a set of taxa [26]. However, most previous studies evaluated the niche breadth across large spatial scale (e.g. many degrees of latitude), yet at these scales, climatic gradients are likely to exert an influence on resource availability [61]. Whereas the niche breadth can be defined along any number of ecological axes [62], limited number of studies have applied this concept at a regional scale influenced by human activities such as urbanization. In our study, the order of niche breadth occupancy, from the wider to narrow niche was as follows: bacteria > protists > fungi > nematodes > invertebrates. Dispersal is a major concept that explains distribution patterns, in which species distributions are explained by differences in arrival [56, 57, 63].
Distribution patterns of soil organisms
Distance–decay relationships are widely used to test whether communities that exist closer in space are generally more compositionally similar than those further apart [47, 64]. Generally, communities with lower dispersal potential should have steeper trends of community similarity along a distance as compared with communities with high dispersal potentials [64]. By using Distance-decay relationships, many previous studies have showed distribution patterns of different taxonomic groups by gauging their spatial community turnover [e.g., 65, 66, 67], but rarely has a wide range of taxonomic groups in soils been jointly compared, as we did in our study. Fungi exhibited stronger Distance-decay relationships than protists, bacteria and soil animals in the alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau [68] and in paddy soils along a transect across East Asia [18]. In previous studies, fungal communities exhibited stronger Distance-decay relationships than bacteria in far-distant termite mounds of Australia [69], in dryland habits of northwest China [67], across Eastern China forests [66] and in north China agricultural soils [65]. These observations were made at large spatial scales yet biological processes act at different spatial and temporal scales [70, 71], including those that are escalated by increasing urbanization worldwide [5, 6]. In contrast to the above studies, we observed stronger distance-decay relationships for bacteria than fungi and protists at a regional scale, pointing out a non-ubiquitous distribution of soil microorganisms. The results also suggested that major taxonomic groups, within which body size traits are conserved, is a key factors influencing community assembly even at a regional scale [18, 72]. We expected to find similar distribution patterns between bacteria and fungi as microorganisms, but, while distance-decay relationships of fungi were negligible, bacteria followed similar distance-decay relationships patterns as nematodes and protists. This indicates that distribution patterns observable through distance-decay relationships may result from the presence of major dispersal barriers, dispersal limitation or a decreasing similarity in environmental features [64]. Thus, we could go one step further evaluating the ecological mechanisms underlying the observed distribution patterns (see below).
Locally-adapted taxa across ecosystem types
By integrating the neutral community model and niche breadth analysis, we identified a small percentage of taxa (2.1%) that appear to be locally-adapted to each of the three studied ecosystem types (i.e., urban, suburban and forest) along our urbanization gradient. These taxa could reflect environmental changes and could be of great importance in designing appropriate conservation and restoration practices in the face of increasing urban-induced spatial fragmentation.
Locally-adapted taxa from each of the five studied taxonomic groups were identified and their potential to locally colonize each of the three ecosystem types including urban, suburban parks and forest sites (Fig. 6). For bacteria, members of the family Koribacteraceae were predominantly unique to forest sites. This family plays a pivotal role in plant-biomass degradation [73] and was previously found to dominate in soils after a native forest was turned into teak plantation [74]. Although they occur naturally in forest soils [75], their dominance in managed forests such as teak could be linked to their opportunistic behaviour to high levels of available organic matter from forest debris. The purple photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodospirillaceae and Hypomicrobiaceae) that are often found in stagnant waters and mud were among the main locally-adapted bacteria in urban parks. These taxa deserve further attention due to their extremely varying morphological and physiological features [76]. The urban and suburban parks were also enriched for locally adapted putative saprophyte fungi belonging to the family Archaeorhizomycetaceae that were previously found dominant in areas with greater water levels such as baldcypress-dominated swamps in USA [77] and balsam fir- dominated parks in Quebec, Canada [78]. The families Gregarinomorphea and Colpodellidea which consist mainly of the apicomplexan parasites that use invertebrates as hosts [79], co-occurred with invertebrate worms of the family Enchytraeidae and the family Haplotaxida in the urban and suburban parks. Remarkably, some members of the family Gregarinomorphea were previously found surviving the gut of Enchytraeidae [80] indicating that further research on co-occurrence of invertebrates and parasitic protists in urban soils in needed. Whereas the plant parasite nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans appeared adapted to suburban park soils, the omnivorous nematode Dorylaimellus virginianus was a potential locally-adapted taxon in urban park soils, which suggests that urbanization alters the functional composition of the soil nematode community [81]. While the former tends to follow a gradient of total phosphorus increase, the later tends to follow a negative trend of total phosphorus increase (Fig. S5). Like in this study in which families Araneae and Lepidoptera were locally-adapted in forests sites (Fig. 6), they comprised the major proportion of the total abundance (78%) of all invertebrates found in forests of the Azores archipelago [82]. However, both taxa differed in the way they correlated with soil moisture (Fig. S4). Whereas Araneae were previously negatively correlated with soil moisture [83], Lepidoptera showed the opposite trend [84]. Further field and experimental studies could be useful to confirm the observed concordant negative responses of Aranae, Archaeorhizomycetaceae, Colpodellidea and Dolylaimellus virginianus taxa to organic matter availability.
Implications for soil biota conservation in urban landscapes
Urbanization causes habitat fragmentation, resulting in urban green spaces being important soil biodiversity reservoirs. Due to the rapid rate of global urbanization, it is imperative for biodiversity conservation to better understand how ecological processes diverge in these urban systems [19]. In turn, understanding ecological processes that shape distribution patterns of soil organisms along environmental gradients such as those induced by urbanization is an important step towards conservation of soil biodiversity [17, 18, 85]. Green spaces (e.g., urban parks, suburban parks and natural forests) may be useful to examine the effect of urbanization on ecological processes of soil biodiversity. Communities whose distribution patterns are more strongly influenced by environmental filtering processes are assumed to be unique to a given locality [86]. In this case, to better inform management actions, restoration efforts could focus on improving regional patterns in the communities concerned. Because the movement of soil taxa is ubiquitous and facilitates important ecological mechanisms that drive local community and regional species pool composition, and hence biodiversity [87], restoring the local conditions or enhancing regional connectivity could be pathways for soil biota conservation in the face of increasing urbanization. With increasing anthropogenic threats to soil biodiversity, the potential of community assembly inferences to promote soil biota conservation should be further explored.