Temperature and colony health fluctuated across the reef and over time
Overall seawater temperatures (linear model; R2 = 0.07, p < 0.001) and daily temperature ranges (Pairwise Wilcoxon Test, p < 0.001 for all) differed significantly among reef zones, with the fringing reef having the highest temperatures (averaging 28.5 ℃ ±1.1 and ranging from 21.5 ℃ to 31.3 ℃), and the forereef having the lowest (averaging 27.8 ℃ ± 0.9 and ranging from 23.5 ℃ to 30.0 ℃; Fig. 2A). March 2019 was the hottest sampling period in every reef zone (Supp. Table 1), with a mean temperature of 29.4 ℃ ± 1.2 compared to 27.3 ℃ ± 0.7 in August 2018 and 27.0 ℃ ± 0.5 in August 2019 (Pairwise Wilcoxon Test, p < 0.001 for all, Fig. 2A). Although this severe island-wide bleaching event was experienced by all reef organisms, bleaching signs within the stony corals were primarily observed in Acropora and Pocillopora [36, 54] and were evident from March to August 2019 [55]. Porites lobata is generally bleaching-resistant [34], and clear visual signs of bleaching were not observed in any focal colonies of this study at any sampling period.
Samples from the 54 colonies were successfully collected at every time point, except for four colonies on the fringe reef that could not be located in October 2020 (Fringe 0: POR578 & 590; Fringe 1: POR75 & 259). All focal coral colonies remained alive over the course of the > 3-year sampling period, although 50% (27/54) of colonies exhibited partial mortality (blue colonies in Fig. 1B). Two colonies on the forereef (POR2 and 5) experienced near complete mortality by October 2020, with only small fragments of live tissue remaining and considerable overgrowth of the colony by macroalgae. Colony health varied with reef type (χ2 = 10.51, p < 0.01) and site (χ2 = 18.37, p = 0.01). More forereef corals (78%, 14/18) experienced partial mortality than fringe reef corals (28%, 5/18, χ2 = 10.49, p < 0.01, blue colonies in Fig. 1B).
Porites lobata-Cladocopium C15 holobionts contain distinctive dinoRNAV mcp aminotypes
In total, 212 samples were collected for ‘omics analyses from the 54 focal colonies over the course of the study. Amplicon sequencing of the Symbiodiniaceae LSU gene indicated that all colonies were dominated by Cladocopium C15; Gerakladium ASVs were detected in 11% (6/54) of colonies and comprised less than 1% of the total Symbiodiniaceae community in each of these colonies (Supp. Figure 2, see Supplementary Results for additional details).
Amplicon sequencing of the dinoRNAV mcp resulted in 63,378,214 raw reads; 21,165,247 paired reads remained after merging and filtering. Denoising and translation produced 778 unique aminotypes. After exclusion of samples with fewer than 1,000 reads, read depth ranged from 1,584 to 361,088 per sample.
Thirteen percent (101/778) of the aminotypes resolved were present in at least 10% relative abundance in at least one sample and were used to calculate and visualize phylogenetic relationships among aminotypes both in this study and from other closely related viruses (Fig. 3). The majority of the aminotypes from this study clustered into three groups; two of these groups formed clades that were distinct from all other sequences in the tree (labeled circles 1 and 3 in Fig. 3). The middle group (labeled circle 2 in Fig. 3) clustered near aminotypes from coral colonies in the Great Barrier Reef[30] and from Moorean Pocillopora colonies [29]. Aminotypes from each of these groups were found in all reef habitats (Reef Zone columns 1–3 in Fig. 3). Two aminotypes clustered with dinoRNAV sequences from Pocillopora [29], the Barns Ness breadcrumb sponge weivirus-like virus[49] and Beihai sobemo-like virus [42], and dinoRNAV sequences isolated from Symbiodiniaceae in culture [20]. HcRNAV outgroup sequences[47, 48] clustered together in their own clade (Fig. 3).
When percent sequence similarity among all 778 aminotypes was compared, aminotypes also clustered into at least three groups, with the largest group encompassing 48% (343/778) of aminotypes (Supp. Figure 4). Clustered groups of aminotypes were generally characterized by > 80% sequence similarity, and sequence similarity between groups generally ranged from 40–80% (Supp. Figure 4). Some aminotypes were highly abundant. For example, forty-three aminotypes were shared among at least 50% of samples, and four aminotypes (aminotype 626, 650, 73, and 8) were shared between at least 75% of samples. Among these, aminotype 8 was the most common (found in 89% of samples, darkest gray bar in Fig. 3, Fig. 4).
Porites lobata-Cladocopium C15 holobionts exhibit high dinoRNAV prevalence
The dinoRNAV mcp gene was detected in 50 of 54 colonies (93%). Four colonies were excluded from sequencing and analyses due to poor RNA quality (indicated by light gray dots in Fig. 1B), resulting in 196 sequenced samples. Samples with > 1000 filtered dinoRNAV mcp reads (colored bars in Fig. 4) were considered positive dinoRNAV detections, as were successful PCR amplifications of the mcp in-house (black triangles in Fig. 4). Out of the 50 coral colonies from which the dinoRNAV mcp was sequenced, dinoRNAV sequences were detected in 91% (179/196) of the samples, and high-quality sequence reads were obtained from 86% (168/196, Fig. 4). Further, 80% (40/50) of colonies exhibited dinoRNAV infection at all timepoints sampled (Fig. 4). The remaining 20% (10/50) of colonies exhibited dinoRNAV infection at some time points, but not all (3/14 colonies on the forereef, 5/18 on the backreef, and 2/18 on the fringing reef; Fig. 4). These non-detection samples were not associated with any particular timepoint. To confirm that quality of cDNA was not the cause of potential false negatives, successful amplification of S-adenosyl methionine synthetase, a gene with stable expression in Symbiodiniaceae [56], was used as a positive control. This control gene was successfully amplified in-house from cDNA of all non-detection samples.
DinoRNAV compositions were distinct by colony (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis; F = 3.46, R2 = 0.57, p = 0.001) with most being dominated by a single aminotype. Seventy-five percent of samples (126/168 colored bars, Fig. 4) had one dominant aminotype (> 50% relative abundance, such as aminotype 273 across colony POR68 or aminotype 471 across colony POR318, Fig. 4). Most aminotypes were found in multiple colonies; only 2.2% (17/778) of aminotypes were unique to only one sample.
Reef zone influenced dinoRNAV mcp aminotype richness and composition
Seventy percent of aminotypes were shared across the three reef zones (Fig. 1C), whereas fewer than 4% of aminotypes were unique to one reef zone (Fig. 1D). Aminotypes from all three predominant clades in Fig. 3 were found in all reef habitats (Reef zone columns 1–3 in Fig. 3).
Aminotype richness differed by reef zone (ANOVA, F = 5.93, p = 0.003) and was highest in the fringing reef (fringe: 146 ± 62.4; back: 123 ± 67.7; fore: 107 ± 40.6; fringe relative to fore: Pairwise Wilcoxon Test, p = 0.06, Fig. 1E). Aminotype composition (i.e., between group distance) also varied by reef zone (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis; F = 1.95, R2 = 0.02 p = 0.02, Fig. 5A); pairwise tests showed that fringe reef aminotypes differed significantly from the back reef (R2 = 0.02, p = 0.05), and the forereef trended towards differing with the fringe and the back in composition as well (R2 = 0.02, p = 0.09 for both comparisons, Fig. 5A). When aminotype composition of samples in each reef type was analyzed separately, site significantly influenced composition in the fringe (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis; F = 1.89, R2 = 0.61, p = 0.04) and back (F = 2.22, R2 = 0.07, p = 0.02) reefs, but not in the forereef (F = 0.76, R2 = 0.03, p = 0.59). Dispersion (i.e., within group distance) did not vary by reef type (PERMDISP with Bray-Curtis, F = 1.63, p = 0.22). Aminotype richness did not correlate with Symbiodiniaceae density (linear model; F = 0.04, R2 = 0.001, p = 0.85, Supp. Figure 5).
Colonies that exhibited partial mortality differed in dinoRNAV mcp aminotype composition and dispersion during the reef-wide bleaching event
Dispersion was significantly higher during reef bleaching timepoints compared to ambient temperature timepoints (PERMDISP with Bray-Curtis, F = 5.17, p = 0.025, March and August 2019 grouped together versus August 2018 and October 2020 grouped together, Fig. 5C). When colonies that exhibited partial mortality versus healthy colonies were analyzed separately, the pattern of elevated dispersion during reef bleaching conditions was strongest (and trended towards significance) in colonies with partial mortality (PERMDISP with Bray-Curtis, F = 3.50, p = 0.068 vs healthy colonies: F = 2.0, p = 0.17, Fig. 6B). Overall, colony health trajectory significantly correlated with composition of dinoRNAV aminotypes (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis; F = 1.98, R2 = 0.013, p = 0.03, orange vs blue panels in Fig. 6A), but composition did not vary significantly between ambient and reef bleaching timepoints (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis, F = 0.75, R2 = 0.005, p = 0.75, Fig. 6A). There was not an interaction between health state and ambient versus bleaching timepoints (F = 0.51, R2 = 0.01, p = 0.99, Fig. 6A). With all reef types considered together, time alone did not significantly influence aminotype composition (PERMANOVA with Bray-Curtis, R2 = 0.01, p = 1, Fig. 5B), but did affect aminotype dispersion (Fig. 5C). Dispersion was highest during the bleaching event in March 2019 (Fig. 5C) and trended towards significant differences (PERMDISP with Bray-Curtis, F = 2.43, p = 0.07).