Stable isotopes are a powerful tool which have been used to deepen our understanding of numerous biological processes including physiology, nutrient cycling, food web structure, diet, and migration 1. Stable isotopes ratios vary between organisms and their environment because lighter isotopes are favored during reactions2,3. Lighter isotopes have a lower activation energy for reaction, and therefore proceed more rapidly than heavy isotopes2,4. The difference between an organism and its starting materials (i.e., discrimination, although sometimes called fractionation3) is predictable and has been the subject of much study5–7.
An organism’s stable isotope signature not only reflects materials incorporated from external sources, but also the manipulation of internal sources. For instance, while food sources can be used to build cellular components (e.g., proteins), they can also provide energy to synthesize lipids. Enzymatic synthesis of lipids favors lighter isotopes at a high rate and as a result, lipids are enriched (i.e., contain higher amounts than the starting materials) in light isotopes of carbon (12C)6,8,9 and hydrogen (1H)10,11, which are the primary atoms in lipids. In contrast, nitrogen is much rarer in lipids8 and is not altered from dietary sources during lipid synthesis.
The enrichment of lipids with light isotopes of carbon6 and hydrogen12 is well documented and is the result of conserved biochemical pathways9,10. Lipids are ubiquitous in living organisms, and researchers using carbon and hydrogen stable isotope ratios need to account for lipids to make meaningful interpretations6,13 either by extracting them from a sample or mathematically accounting for them prior to interpretation 6,13,14. However, work in larval lampreys, which belong to the most basal extant vertebrate group15, suggests their lipids may be more enriched in 13C than the proteinaceous portions of the body16,17.
Lampreys are jawless fishes with a complex life cycle including a larval period and a true metamorphosis18. The larval period usually lasts from 3–7 years and is used to collect sufficient lipid reserves to fuel metamorphosis19. Larval lampreys can accumulate large quantities of lipids in their bodies (~ 15% of their wet weight)20,21 by feeding on detritus (e.g., decaying organic matter and bacteria)22,23, often primarily allochthonous in origin (i.e., terrestrial)24,25, and to varying extents algae in stream sediments19. After growing slowly, often reaching only a few grams in weight26, larvae undergo a metamorphosis during which they do not feed but rely instead of lipid stores21.
Larval lampreys often have the most enriched δ13C (e.g., the ratio of 13C to 12C relative to a reference) in stream communities27–29 despite being primary consumers which feed by collecting particulates22. Larval lamprey isotope ratios are often highly variable17,30,31, although many studies have not accounted for lipids. However, if larval lamprey δ13C is mathematically corrected for lipids following published equations6,8, larval lamprey δ13C become unexplainably high17, appearing to be more like those of marine predators instead of stream detritivores. Interestingly, although more limited work on larval lampreys using δ2H has been done16,17,32, when lipids were removed δ2H values have risen24, as would be expected based on theoretical expectations. If larval lamprey δ2H and δ13C are to be useful in predicting source dependence the effect of lipids needs to be understood. Additionally, the use of δ2H in stable isotope ecology is growing, and recommendations for interpreting their values are increasingly important to allow broader use12.
Based on prior isotope ratio measurements in larval lampreys16,17, we hypothesized that larval lamprey lipids would be enriched in13C relative to muscle, and therefore the δ13C would decline after lipids were extracted. In contrast, we hypothesized that larval lamprey lipids would be enriched in 1H, as expected based on other organisms10, and the δ2H in muscle would increase after lipid extraction. Finally, because there is relatively little nitrogen in lipids, we hypothesized that muscle δ15N would be unchanged by lipid extraction.