III.1. Characterization by FTIR spectroscopy
The alkali treatment of extracted cellulose (Figure 3(a)) decreases the hydrophobic character of fibers presented by a band around 3500 cm-1 attributed to hydroxyl OH groups [9]. The decrease in characteristic band observed around 1630 cm-1 corresponding to the carbonyl group C = O is because of the hemicellulose removal [10,11].
The FTIR analysis of different samples is presented by the absorption spectra in Figure 3(b). The CCl and CH2 absorption bands (asymmetric stretching) as well as the phenyl group (overtones) around 750 cm-1, 2900cm-1 and 1700 to 2000cm-1 respectively [12]. Another characteristic band around 1650 cm-1 can be attributed to the carbonyl group of cyclohexane; the latter disappears on the spectrum of sample 4, indicating the disappearance of the solvent [13, 14].
III.2. The water absorption rate
Figure 4 represents the water absorption rate or water content of composite materials samples at room temperature and 40°C, respectively. It is observed that, all the materials absorb water but in a variant way from one to the other, so that, in porous materials such as plant fibers subjected to very high humidity, liquid water can be held by surface tension forces in the capillary spaces between fibers or in cracks on the fiber surface [15, 16, 17], the absorption rate is decreased by fiber treatment in alkaline medium. This result is in perfect agreement with those of the analysis by FTIR.
It is also observed that this absorption rate is greater at 40°C than at room temperature, this can be explained by the morphological behavior of the matrices constituting the composite. At 40°C, the chains in the amorphous phase exhibit certain mobility (flexibility), thus, freeing more space (void) for the water molecule [18].
III.4. Study of the thermal conductivity
Figure 5 (a,b) represents the temperature profile at the walls (internal and external) of the composite. It can be seen that the temperature increases and decreases rapidly on the two walls of the samples (flow of 500 watts). PS is a thermoplastic known for its insulation characteristic ; its presence therefore gives the composite this characteristic [19].
III.5. Mechanic test study
The results of the tensile stress at break σ test are shown in Figure 6(a), it is observed that the composite 2 whose fiber is treated with NaOH has a higher tensile stress value than that of the composite 1, this can be explained by the effect of the treatment of the fibers which improves the cohesion between the surface of the fiber and the chains of the PVC matrix, which results a certain hardness of the material. Unlike composites 3 and 4, where a second polymer was added, which caused a weak morphological structure of the composite [21].
Concerning the stretching at break ɛ test results (Figure 6 (b)), we can easily observe that the composites 1 and 3 have a higher stretching value (up to 60%) indicating the flexible character and of materials. This can be attributed to the poor adhesion between the chains of the two matrices and between the polymer chains and the vegetable fiber.