In paper [1], the authors propose a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) facial recognition system. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method under the heading of factor analysis. The goal of PCA is to reduce the large amount of data storage to the size of the function space required to represent data economically. The broad one-dimensional pixel vector composed of two-dimensional facial images in the compact main elements of the spatial function is designed for PCA facial recognition. This is called self-space projection. The appropriate spacing is determined by identifying the vectors of the covariance matrix itself, which are centered on the collection of fingerprint images.
In paper [2], the authors describe a new mobile architecture, MobileNetV2, that improves the latest performance of mobile models in multiple tasks and benchmarks and different model sizes. They also described effective methods for applying these mobile models to object detection in a new framework that is called SSDLite. This article introduces a new neural network architecture specifically designed for mobile and resource-constrained environments. Our network promotes the latest model mobile personalized computer vision technology by significantly reducing the number of operations and memory required while maintaining the same precision.
In paper [3], the methods of usage of AI in combating the problems associated with Covid-19 and likewise epidemics have been discussed. The authors of this paper have described various ways in which we can understand the clinical problems better using AI. They have presented their case on the basis of the fact that there has been a surge in clinically available data together with the increase in the hype about AI. The combination of these two could help the doctors to prescribe medicines better and help us to understand the causative and preventive methods for Covid-19. They have also conducted a survey to demonstrate the usefulness of AI in the medical world with 90% accuracy.
In paper [4], it has been highlighted that the current medical facilities are not adequate to deal with a pandemic like situation. According to the authors the solution to this problem could be found in the form of blockchain and artificial intelligence. The authors have discussed how the use of blockchain can be helpful in predicting the early outbreak of the pandemic and recognizing the high-risk zones. Similarly, they have also discussed that the use of artificial intelligence can be taken as an intelligent measure to know the symptoms of the disease. They have gone on to introduce a state-of-the-art system that collaborates block chain and AI and this combined method could be an interesting example about how to deal with the pandemic effectively.
In paper [5], the authors have stated that Analog devices Inc.’s Cross core embedded studio and HOG SVM were used for detecting person and distance from camera. Face detection and face parts like eyes, nose and mouth is implemented by Viola Jones’s algorithm. Viola Jones face detection procedure classifies images based on the value of simple features. There are three features, namely two rectangle, three rectangle and four rectangles. The value of a two-rectangle feature is computed by calculating the difference between the sum of the pixels within two rectangular regions. This proposed work may not have been able to detect the person when they are wearing a mask so to improve this accuracy of eye detection can be increased to help recognizing the person through his eye and eye line.
In paper [6], the authors have pointed out that to configure YOLOv3 object names created to contain the name of the classes which model needs to detect, an input image is passed through the YOLOv3 model, the object detector finds the coordinates that are present in an image. For producing model output the neighboring cells with high confidence rate of the features were added in the model output. 80 % of the data was used for training and rest is for validation. Fast RCNN object detection architecture can be used with YOLOv3 or the new version of YOLOv4 to increase the performance of the face detection system in real time video surveillance.
In paper [7], the authors have stated that Transfer learning has been used by using a pre-trained model Mobile Net to use existing solutions to solve new problems. Global Pooling block transforms a multi-dimensional map into a 1D vector having 64 characteristics. Finally, a SoftMax layer with 2 neurons takes the 1D vector and performs binary classification.
In paper [8], the authors’ proposed method consists of a cascade classifier and a pre-trained CNN. For image in the dataset 1) Visualize the image in two categories: mask and no mask. 2) Convert the RGB image to Grey-scale image and resize this image into 100 X 100. 3) Normalize the image and convert it into a 4D array. To build the CNN model a convolution layer of 200 filters have been added and a second layer of 200 filters. A flatten layer to the network classifier has been added. In the end a final dense layer with 2 outputs for 2 categories has been inserted and the model is trained.
In paper [9], YoloV4 has been implemented using two stage detectors. The first-stage detector consists of: Input- Resolution of 1920*1080. Backbone- Darknet53 chosen as detector method contains 29 Convolutional layers by 3*3 and each layer sent to the neck detector. Neck-PANet applied as the neck detector method. Dense prediction- YOLO v3 model used in this stage to generate the prediction. Second-stage detector: It has a sparse prediction which applies the faster R-CNN. Input to this is 3*3 layers got from the neck and the input prediction from the dense prediction.
In paper [10], collect data (masked and unmasked data), pre-processing (resizing, converting to array, pre-processing using MobileNetV2, etc.), split data (75:25), build model, testing, and implementation. MobileNetV2, a convolutional neural network architecture is used. The model has 96.85 accuracy. The data collected from different cities can be used for statistical analysis of people wearing masks and appropriate action could be taken for preventing the spread of COVID-19.