Two MADS-box transcription factors function redundantly in downstream of DML2 in regulating fruit ripening
We first used CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing to generate single mutants of SlDML2, i.e., dml2-3 and dml2-4, in the tomato cv. Ailsa Craig (AC) background (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1). We then found that dml2-3 and dml2-4 had delayed fruit ripening compared with the wild type (WT) AC (Fig. 1a). That finding was consistent with previous results showing that dysfunction of SlDML2 in tomato significantly delayed fruit ripening17,18. Thousands of genes are known to be differentially expressed in dml2-1 relative to the WT17,18. However, key factors that mediate SlDML2-dependent fruit ripening had not been previously identified. To identify these key factors, we performed whole-genomic bisulfite sequencing and RNA-seq in the fruits of dml2-3 and AC at 25 dpa (days post anthesis) and 34 dpa (Breaker stage), respectively. By analyzing transcriptomes and DNA methylomes, we noticed that several well-known ripening-related genes are hypermethylated and silenced in dml2-3 vs. AC. Four MADS-box transcription factors, including RIN, TAGL1, TDR4, and MBP7, have been reported to be important for fruit ripening11,13,14,34. The MADS-box transcription factors usually function as multimers35. Previous studies and our results showed that TAGL1, TDR4, and MBP7, can physically interact with RIN11,13 (Supplementary Fig. 2). Among these four transcription factors, we found that RIN and TDR4 but not MBP7 or TAGL1 were hypermethylated and silenced in dml2-3 vs. the WT (Fig. 1b-1d and Supplementary Fig. 3a and 3b).
Given that RIN and TDR4 are simultaneously silenced in dml2, we determined whether dysfunction of both RIN and TDR4 is sufficient to mimic the ripening phenotype of dml2. We generated rin-1, rin-2, tdr4-1, tdr4-2, rin/tdr4-1, and rin/tdr4-2 mutants using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system and found that the ripening phenotypes of rin/tdr4 double mutants are more severe than those of rin and tdr4 single mutants, suggesting a redundant function of RIN and TDR4 in regulating fruit ripening (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1). In addition, fruits of rin/tdr4-1 and rin/tdr4-2 turned yellow at 45 dpa rather than at 34 dpa, which is similar with the ripening of dml2 mutants (Fig. 1a). These results demonstrated that RIN and TDR4 function redundantly in regulating fruit ripening, and that the rin/tdr4 mutant can mimic the ripening phenotype of dml2 mutants. TDR4 was previously identified as a direct binding target of RIN 13,36. Consistent with those previous results, we found that the TDR4 was partially but not fully repressed in rin-1 (Supplementary Fig. 3c), which explained why rin/tdr4 double mutant has a more severe phenotype than rin single mutant. On the other hand, we showed that the expression of RIN was not affected in tdr4-1 during ripening (Supplementary Fig. 3c). These results indicated that even though RIN functions upstream of TDR4, TDR4 function is not fully dependent on RIN since TDR4 is genetically redundant with RIN in regulating ripening (Fig. 1a).
Silencing of RIN and TDR4 in dml2 significantly contributes to the change in gene expression in dml2
As noted in the previous section, the dml2 mutation alters the expression of thousands of genes17. Considering that RIN and TDR4 are transcription factors, we determined how much of the dml2 transcriptome can be explained by the silencing of RIN and TDR4 in dml2. We compared transcriptomes of fruits at 34 dpa (the breaker stage) in AC, dml2-3, and rin-1/tdr4-1 with three biological replicates. Compared to AC, we identified 6,576 upregulated differentially expressed genes (up-DEGs) and 5,955 downregulated differentially expressed genes (down-DEGs) in dml2-3, and 6,374 up-DEGs and 5,972 down-DEGs in rin/tdr4-1 (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Table 1). We found that 4,389 dml2-3 down-DEGs overlapped with rin/tdr4-1 down-DEGs, and that 4390 dml2-3 up-DEGs overlapped with rin/tdr4-1 up-DEGs (Fig. 2b). These results demonstrated that about 70% ((4389+4390) / (5955+6576)) of the change in gene expression in dml2-3 vs. AC could be explained by the simultaneous silencing of RIN and TDR4 in dml2-3. We also assessed the transcript levels of these shared DEGs in AC fruits at 25 dpa and 34 dpa, and found that the majority of these shared DEGs are ripening-induced DEGs (DEGs in AC 34 dpa vs. AC 25 dpa) (Fig. 2c).
On the other hand, we noticed that at 34 dpa, AC fruits were at the breaker stage, while rin/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 fruits remained green. To determine whether the similarity between rin/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 transcriptomes was due to the similar developmental stage, we generated a nor knockout mutant using gene editing (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1), and found that nor-1 fruits remained green at 34 dpa, which is similar to the fruits of rin/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 (Fig. 1a). We then analyzed the transcriptomes of AC, rin-1, tdr4-1, rin/tdr4-1, dml2-3, and nor-1. According to a correlation analysis, rin/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 have the most similar transcriptomes and were clustered into one subgroup that did not include nor-1 (Fig. 2d). This indicated that similarity between rin/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 transcriptomes was due to silencing of RIN and TDR4 in dml2.
Restored RIN expression rescues the dml2 ripening phenotype
To investigate the importance of RIN in mediating DML2-dependent fruit ripening, we wanted to restore RIN expression in the dml2-3 mutant. Considering that both the E8 promoter, which is commonly used in fruit-specific expression, and the native promoter of RIN are hypermethylated and repressed in the dml2 mutant (Fig. 1b, 1c and Supplementary Fig. 4a), we used the CBC promoter to drive RIN (pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG). pCBC, which is a previously reported fruit-specific promoter37, was not regulated by SlDML2 according to our DNA methylome and transcriptome data (Supplementary Fig. 4b). We transformed pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG into the AC WT, and crossed the plants carrying pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG with dml2-3 to generate pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG/dml2-3 plants. The fruits of pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG/dml2-3 turned light orange at 38 dpa and turned red at 45 dpa, while dml2-3 fruits remained green at 38 dpa and turned light yellow at 45 dpa (Fig. 3a). An examination of the carotenoid concentration in the mutants and in pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3 revealed that the contents of β-carotene and lycopene were significantly lower in the fruits of rin-1/tdr4-1 and dml2-3 mutants than in AC fruits. β-carotene and lycopene contents were substantially but not fully rescued in pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3 fruits at 45 dpa (Fig. 3b). These results demonstrated that the restored RIN expression largely rescued the ripening phenotype of dml2.
Although ethylene is known to be important for tomato fruit ripening, it was still unknown at the outset of our study whether and how SlDML2 interacts with RIN or TDR4 to affect ethylene production or signaling during tomato fruit ripening. We examined ethylene production in the fruits of AC, dml2-3, and dml2-4 at different stages, i.e., at 25, 34, 38, and 45 dpa. As shown in Figure 3c, a characteristic burst of ethylene synthesis was observed after the onset of AC fruit ripening, whereas ethylene production was substantially inhibited in dml2-3 and dml2-4 mutants, demonstrating that SlDML2 is required for ethylene production during ripening. We also examined ethylene production in rin-1, tdr4-1, and rin-1/tdr4-1, and found that ethylene production was slightly inhibited in tdr4-1 but substantially inhibited in rin-1 and rin-1/tdr4-1 mutants (Fig. 3c). Consistent with ethylene production results, the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) level was high in AC fruits, a little lower in tdr4-1 fruits, and much lower in rin-1, rin-1/tdr4-1, and dml2-3 mutant fruits at 38 dpa (Fig. 3d).
Based on these results, we hypothesized that SlDML2-dependent ethylene production is mainly mediated by RIN. To test this hypothesis, we examined the ethylene production and ACC level in the fruits of pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3. In pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3, the ACC content and ethylene production were both largely restored compared with dml2-3 (Fig. 3c and 3d). These results indicated that DML2-dependent ethylene production is largely mediated by RIN. The dml2 mutants notably repressed the expression of both RIN and TDR4, while SlDML2 expression was not affected in the rin-1, tdr4-1, or rin-1/tdr4-1 mutants (Fig. 3e), suggesting that RIN and TDR4 do not regulate SlDML2 expression. Together, our results revealed that SlDML2 functions upstream of RIN and TDR4 in regulation of ethylene production and tomato fruit ripening.
We then investigated the ability of AC, dml2-3, rin-1, tdr4-1, and rin-1/tdr4-1 fruits to undergo ripening in response to ethylene treatment. The detached green fruits at 30 dpa were treated with external ethephon (2 mM). External ethylene accelerated the onset of the red color in AC and of the orange color in tdr4-1 and rin-1 (Fig. 4). However, dml2-3 and rin-1/tdr4-1 fruits only turned light yellow rather than red or orange after the external ethylene treatment. These results suggested that the influence of dml2-3 or rin-1/tdr4-1 on fruit ripening not only results from the deficiency in ethylene production in the mutants but might also involve a deficiency of factors downstream or independent of ethylene.
DML2 is required for RIN binding at a subset RIN targets
DML2 preferentially targets gene promoters, and DML2-demethylated regions are close to RIN binding sites17,19. Besides silencing RIN and TDR4 gene expression, does DML2-regulated fruit ripening involve regulation of RIN binding? In this study, we determined whether and how dml2 mutation affects RIN binding in genome-wide. To compare RIN-binding profiles in AC and dml2 backgrounds, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) in AC and dml2-3 fruits that carry pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG. In AC, we defined a total of 14,129 RIN-binding loci, including promoters of TDR4 and CNR, which were previously identified as direct binding targets of RIN (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Table 2). We found that the majority of RIN binding was maintained (“maintained” binding sites) in dml2-3 compared to the signal in AC (Fig. 5a). However, some of RIN binding was lost (“blocked” binding sites) in dml2-3 compared to the signal in AC (Fig. 5a). The ChIP-seq signals of RIN enrichment at several representative maintained binding sites and representative blocked binding sites are shown (Fig. 5b and 5c).
To confirm that the difference of RIN binding in AC and dml2 was not due to sequencing quality, we validated RIN binding using ChIP-qPCR at several loci. At promoters of AP2a and PG2a genes, which were identified as maintained binding loci, the ChIP-qPCR results showed RIN enrichment in AC and dml2-3 (Fig. 5d). In contrast, at promoters of NOR and ZISO genes, which were identified as blocked binding loci, we observed RIN enrichment in AC but not in dml2-3 (Fig 5d). These results demonstrated that, besides regulating RIN and TDR4 expression, dml2-3 mutation also affected RIN binding at a subset of RIN-binding targets in the genome, which is consistent with the observation that restoration of RIN can partially rather than fully rescue the dml2-3 phenotype (Fig. 3a).
Loss of RIN binding is positively correlated with the increase of DNA methylation in dml2
To assess the influence of DNA hypermethylation on RIN binding in dml2, we first examined whether the hypermethylation in dml2-3 is maintained in pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3. In a comparison of DNA methylomes of fruits of AC, dml2-3, and pCBC::RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3 at 34 dpa, we identified 68,230 hyper differentially methylated regions (hyper DMR) in dml2-3 relative to AC at 34 dpa (Supplementary Table 3), and found that these DMRs were hypermethylated in both dml2-3 and pCBC-RIN-3xFLAG /dml2-3 in all three sequence contexts, including CG, CHG, and CHH (H is C, A, or T) (Fig. 6a); this suggested that the hypermethylation caused by dml2 was not compromised by the restored expression of RIN. We then divided a total of 14,129 RIN-binding loci into three groups based on their change in DNA methylation level in dml2-3 relative to AC at 34 dpa (Supplementary Fig. 5). The three groups have similar ChIP-seq signals in AC but not in the dml2-3 background (Fig. 6b). Among the three groups in dml2-3, the RIN binding decreases as DNA methylation increased (Fig. 6b). In particular, the group of peaks with a > 20% increase in DNA methylation had a dramatically lower RIN binding signal in dml2-3 (Fig. 6b).
To further study the relationship between DNA methylation and RIN binding, we calculated the change of DNA methylation and change of RIN enrichment in dml2-3 relative to AC for each binding peak. Subsequent correlation analysis showed that the increase in DNA methylation is highly correlated with loss of RIN binding in dml2-3 (correlation coefficients were -0.78 and -0.79 for two replicates) (Fig. 6c). Randomly selected regions were used as negative controls (Fig. 6c). In addition, we examined DNA methylation levels at several individual RIN-binding peaks. Consistent with our statistical results, we observed an increase in DNA methylation at blocked RIN-binding loci but not at maintained RIN-binding loci (Fig. 6d, Supplementary Fig. 6 and 7). These results demonstrated that the lost of RIN binding is highly correlated with the increase in DNA methylation in dml2-3, suggesting that SlDML2-dependent DNA demethylation is required for RIN binding at a subset of RIN targets during fruit ripening.
Sphere of influence of DNA methylation on RIN binding
DNA methylation can directly or indirectly influence TF binding, however, the sphere of influence of DNA methylation on TF binding has not been investigated in any organism. Previous studies revealed that RIN-binding sites are adjacent to ripening-induced hypo DMRs17,19. Consistent with those previous reports, we found that our identified RIN-binding sites are located near dml2-3 hyper DMRs (Supplementary Fig. 8a). To further investigate how the DNA hypermethylation influences RIN binding in dml2, among the 14,129 RIN-binding peaks, we identified 8,980 peaks that have dml2-3 hyper DMRs within 200 bp. However, we found that among the 8,980 hyper DMR-associated binding sites, RIN enrichment was only affected at 1,384 in dml2 (Fig. 7a and Supplementary Table 4). For the other 7,596 RIN-binding sites, although they have dml2-3 hyper DMRs within 200 bp, their binding was not affected by dml2-3 (Fig. 7a and Supplementary Table 4). We then compared the two groups of binding sites to find their differences. The upstream and downstream 1-kb regions surrounding binding peaks were used and divided into 20 continuous 100-bp bins for the following analysis. For each 100-bp bin, the differences in DNA methylation between dml2-3 and AC were calculated and plotted (Fig. 7b and Supplementary Fig. 8b). Interestingly, we observed different DNA methylation patterns in the two groups of peaks. For the 1,384 blocked peaks, the bins surrounding the binding peak summits [+ 100 bp] were significantly hypermethylated in dml2-3 relative to the WT; however, for the 7,596 maintained RIN-binding peaks, bins at the same position were not differentially methylated in dml2-3 vs. the WT (Fig. 7b). Among the 8,980 peaks, the change in DNA methylation of bins flanking the binding summit [+ 100 bp] gradually increased with the loss of RIN binding in dml2-3 (Fig. 7c). Similar patterns, however, were not evident for the methylation levels of the bins 100 bp away from the peak summit [bins from -100 to -200 bp and from +100 to +200 bp] (Fig. 7c and Supplementary Fig. 8b). These results suggested that RIN binding is highly associated with the DNA methylation change in regions within 100 bp of the binding site. Considering Figure 6b, our results suggest that RIN binding is likely blocked by a > 20% increase in DNA methylation that occurs within 100 bp of the binding site.
A recent study demonstrated that in DNA methylation mutants of Arabidopsis, a change in the DNA methylation pattern may substantially influence chromatin architecture38. In AC and dml2-3, we performed ChIP-seq for histone H3, a core protein in the nucleosome. For the bins flanking the peak summit [+ 100 bp], H3 enrichment gradually increased with the loss of RIN binding in dml2-3 (Fig. 7c). H3 levels of bins located > 100 bp away from the binding summit (Fig. 7c) served as controls. These results suggested that DNA methylation may block RIN binding by influencing nearby chromatin architecture.