Conditional BACE1 deletion did not change the electrophysiological properties of CA1 PV INs
Although BACE1 was found mainly in neurons, its neuron-type specific expression was unknown. Thus, immunofluorescent staining first detected the profile of BACE1 expression in the c57BL mouse brain. Consistent with the previous report, the BACE1 was dramatically concentrated in mossy fiber terminals [11, 22]. Most notably, we found a higher level of BACE1 in PV INs of the hippocampus, though it also occurred in other kinds of interneurons (Supplementary Fig. 3). PV INs contribute critical regulatory action to hippocampal networking by forming microcircuits with CA1 pyramidal neurons (PNs) and are involved in learning and memory [23]. The high expression of BACE1 in PV INs implied that BACE1 might regulate the function of PV INs in the hippocampal microcircuit.
To explore the role of BACE1 in the regulatory effect of CA1 PV INs in hippocampal microcircuit, we established a conditional knockout mouse carrying the BACE1 mutant allele (BACE1fl/fl hereafter). In the strain, the exon 6–9 was flanked by loxP sites, and enhanced Green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was inserted as a reporter gene (Fig. 1A, Supplementary Fig. 1). Some neurons that look like interneurons segregated among CA1 PNs express a high level of GFP (Fig. 1B). We then co-labeled these neurons with anti-parvalbumin antibody (red, recognized by secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa fluor 594) and anti-BACE1 antibody (cyan, recognized by secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa fluor 647). As expected, most PV INs express BACE1 (Supplementary Fig. 4). Meanwhile, some interneurons were not parvalbumin-positive, despite with high level of BACE1 expression (Fig. 1D, Supplementary Fig. 4), suggesting that the regulatory effect of BACE1 in the neural circuit is not confined to PV INs. Here, we crossed BACE1fl/fl line with the PV-Cre line to produce mice with BACE1-specific deletion in PV-positive neurons (BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre) (Fig. 1C) to investigate the role of BACE1 in the regulatory effect of PV INs in hippocampal CA1 microcircuit. As shown in Fig. 1D, PV INs surrounding the CA1 pyramidale layer displayed BACE1 negative. However, it should be noted that there were still some PV INs with no deletion of BACE1, implying that BACE1 expression may be prior to parvalbumin expression in these neurons, probably due to heterogeneity of development of PV INs [24]. Nevertheless, these neurons were distributed in areas far away from the CA1 pyramidale layer, excluding a possible interference to observation on the CA1 microcircuit regulated by basket PV INs. In the present study, we mainly focused on those perisomatic-targeting, fast-spiking basket PV INs in the CA1 pyramidale adjacent to stratum oriens.
To figure out whether BACE1 affects the electrophysiological properties of PV IN in CA1, we performed a whole-cell current-clamp recording. We used BACE1fl/fl;Ai9;PV-Cre and Ai9;PV-Cre mouse slices to explore physiological changes of PV INs, which the fluorescent signal of Tdtomato can identify in a Cre recombinase-dependent manner [25]. As shown in Fig. 1E and 1F, we identified PV IN in CA1 stratum oriens (so) under a fluorescent microscope equipped with an electrophysiological recording setup and recorded it. First, BACE1 deletion did not change the action potential frequency of fast-spiking PV INs of BACE1fl/fl;Ai9;PV-Cre mouse compared to that of Ai9;PV-Cre control (Fig. 1G, H) when a series of 500 ms suprathreshold step-current injections were applied. In addition, with the same resting membrane potential (Fig. 1I), BACE1 deletion did not alter the input resistance detected by 500 ms subthreshold step-current injections (Fig. 1J, K) in CA1 PV INs. Consistent with input resistance, the rheobase of CA1 PV INs evoked by a brief, 3 ms current injections was not altered by BACE1 deletion (Fig. 1L, M). Therefore, BACE1 deletion changed neither the intrinsic physiological properties nor the neuronal excitability of PV INs in the CA1 network. Moreover, we did not find any change in these electrical properties in CA1 PNs (Supplementary Fig. 5).
BACE1 deletion enhanced activity-dependent NMDAR responses in CA1 PV INs.
To explore whether the local excitatory synaptic inputs to PV INs were affected. We recorded evoked EPSCs, including AMPAR EPSCs and NMDAR EPSCs in PV INs with voltage-clamp configuration, while the stimulation electrode was placed in stratum oriens (Fig. 2A). The input-output response of PV INs with BACE1 deletion (BACE1;Ai9;PV-Cre) to stimulation of increasing intensity was not changed compared to control PV INs (Ai9;PV-Cre) (Fig. 2B, C, D). Additionally, BACE1 deletion did not alter the paired-pulse ratios (PPRs) of AMPAR EPSCs, an indicator that inversely correlates with presynaptic release probability [26] at any given inter-stimulus intervals (Fig. 2E). Similarly, the rectification index calculated from ratios of AMPAR EPSCs holding at + 40 mV to that at -60 mV (Fig. 2F, G), and either rise or decay kinetics of AMPAR EPSC (Fig. 2H, I) were not influenced by BACE1 deletion in PV INs. These data suggest that conditional BACE1 knockout would not change channel properties and basic synaptic transmission of AMPARs on CA1 PV INs from adjacent PNs in the microcircuit. As glutamatergic synaptic transmission also requires NMDAR responses, we measured the evoked NMDAR EPSCs in CA1 PV INs at + 40 mV potential. Intriguingly, a significant increase in response to higher stimulus intensities (Fig. 2J, K, L, 15–20 V) was discovered in PV INs with BACE1 deletion compared to control neurons. The enhanced NMDAR EPSCs may result from postsynaptic components since the presynaptic release probability revealed by PPRs of AMPAR EPSCs was not changed by BACE1 deletion in the PV INs. Furthermore, we did not find any changes in the current-voltage (I-V) relationship (Fig. 2M, N) in the PV INs. It suggests an intact conductance of NMDARs in the neurons with BACE1 deletion.
BACE1 deletion made more NMDARs recruited in the postsynaptic membrane but left intact the reliability in synaptic integration of CA1 PV INs.
Our next question is whether BACE1 deletion can make more NMDARs recruited in the postsynaptic membrane of CA1 PV INs in the local microcircuit. The activity-dependent number of NMDARs can be read out by MK-801 treatment in a use-dependent manner [27], which is characterized by a greater degree of blockade with greater activation of receptors by agonist [28–30]. The neuronal excitability is not only determined by the intrinsic electrical properties but also influenced by synaptic transmission in a network. As a coincidence detector, NMDAR contributes to the excitability of neurons [31]. Therefore, we applied presynaptic paired-pulse (50 ms interval) stimulation at 0.1 Hz in stratum oriens and recorded the firing of CA1 PV INs in response to 500ms-long threshold-crossing step-currents before and after the stimulus. The stimulation was accompanied by rapid MK-801 washing-in (Fig. 3A). The control PV INs displayed an unremarkable change in the discharge frequency at 20 min after MK-801 treatment (Fig. 3B, left column, Fig. 3C, D). Intriguingly, the PV INs with BACE1 deletion showed a rapid response as short as 5 min to the same treatment, with a significant decrease at 20 min (Fig. 3B, right column, Fig. 3E, F). The result suggested that the BACE1 deletion made much more postsynaptic NMDARs recruited.
We asked whether the extra recruited NMDARs on postsynaptic portions disturb the information integration of PV INs in the hippocampal network. We examined spikes of PV INs to repetitive activation of presynaptic fibers in stratum oriens with current-clamp configuration. Unexpectedly, spikes were reliably produced during 20 stimuli of the excitatory synapses at frequencies of 5, 40, 100, and 200 Hz, respectively, in both Ai9;PV-Cre neurons and BACE1fl/fl;Ai9;PV-Cre neurons (Fig. 3G-K). It indicates that PV INs remained the functions to reliably integrate information at a broad frequency spectrum of hippocampal oscillatory activity [32–35] though BACE1 was deleted from the cells.
Reorganized inhibitory/excitatory synaptic transmission on CA1 PNs by BACE1 deletion in PV INs in a non-uniform pattern
The next question is how the phenotypes of the PV INs may contribute to the CA1 microcircuit. We identified CA1 superficial and deep layer PNs based on their location and morphology [36, 37] and performed whole-cell recordings (Fig. 4A). We confirmed that BACE1 deletion in PV INs did not change the dendrite spine density of CA1 PNs by labeling the recorded neurons with biocytin in the pipette solution (Fig. 4B). We recorded the spontaneous IPSCs of CA1 deep layer PNs, preferentially innervated by the basket PV INs in the CA1 local circuit [37]. The PNs in BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice showed an increased frequency (Fig. 4C, E) while an unaltered amplitude (Fig. 4C, D) of sIPSC compared to control neurons (BACE1fl/fl). It suggests that the spontaneous inhibitory inputs to the deep layer PNs were exaggerated by BACE1 conditional knockout. The reversal potential of EPSC was supposed to be at 0 mV in our recording system. Therefore, the evoked excitatory (holding at -60 mV) and inhibitory synaptic currents (holding at 0 mV) were recorded in the same PN without synaptic blockers. A theta glass electrode was placed in Schaffer collateral (SC) to stimulate PNs to figure out whether the homeostasis of the CA1 network was affected (Fig. 4A). Furthermore, to distinguish changes in different sublayer PNs, we recorded superficial layer PNs and deep layer PNs separately in each slice under incremental stimulation of SC. Intriguingly, we found a distinct pattern in these two subpopulations of BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice compared to their BACE1fl/fl littermates. Note intact IPSC while decreased EPSC in deep layer PNs (Fig. 4F, H, I), whereas a decreased IPSC and an unaltered EPSC in superficial layer PNs (Fig. 4G, L, M). Similarly, the ratio of IPSC to EPSC (IPSC/EPSC) in BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre PNs was increased in the deep layer while decreased in the superficial layer under the maximal SC stimulation (Fig. 4J, N). The results indicate that, on the one hand, BACE1 deletion in PV INs impaired the inhibitory/excitatory transmission (I/E) balance in CA1 PNs; on the other hand, the I/E imbalance was not uniform in the CA1 pyramidale. We analyzed the Pearson correlation coefficients in these two subpopulations to know the relevance between the IPSC and the EPSC on the same CA1 PN. As shown in Fig. 4K, O, for either deep layer PNs (r = 0.6394, **p = 0.0077) or superficial layer PNs (r = 0.5381, *p = 0.0175) in BACE1fl/fl mice, there was a significant correlation between IPSC and EPSC. In BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mouse CA1, PNs in the deep layer exhibited a pronounced correlation (r = 0.8836, ****p < 0.0001) between IPSC and EPSC compared to that of BACE1fl/fl mice. Contrary to the deep layer, PNs in the superficial layer of BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre CA1 displayed an uncorrelation between IPSC and EPSC (r = 0.2551, p = 0.3403), which deviated far from BACE1fl/fl mice. The results led us to hypothesize that the superficial layer PN was the most immediately affected principle cell by the disruption of CA1 microcircuit mediated by basket PV INs with BACE1 deletion.
Consistent with the evoked EPSC result (Fig. 4H, L), in BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mouse CA1, the amplitude of AMPAR EPSCs of deep PNs was significantly attenuated under 50–100 µA stimulus intensity compared to the control neurons in BACE1fl/fl mouse (Fig. 4P). The input-output slope of AMPAR EPSCs in CA1 deep PNs was also decreased by BACE1 deletion in PV INs (Fig. 4Q). Whereas the PPRs of AMPAR EPSCs at multiple inter-stimulus intervals (Fig. 4R) were not affected by BACE1 deletion, suggesting that the suppressed AMPAR EPSCs were not due to the presynaptic release probability. Notably, the CA1 superficial PNs displayed an enhanced AMPAR EPSC responding to the maximal stimulus intensity (20 V with a theta glass electrode, Fig. 4S). Nevertheless, the input/output slope and the PPRs were unchanged (Fig. 4T, U). It implied that the impairment of AMPAR EPSCs of CA1 PNs in the CA3-SC-CA1 long circuit has a heterogeneous pattern. It was consistent with the non-uniform reorganization of inhibitory/excitatory synaptic transmission on the CA1 PNs and may probably contribute to distinct functions of long-distance targets of CA1 PNs [38]. Note that the alteration of AMPAR EPSCs still existed in the conditional knockout mice at six months old (Supplementary Fig. 6), indicating that the phenotype is not random in the neurodevelopment.
According to a reported working model [38]: in the CA1 network, basket PV INs provide larger perisomatic inhibitory synaptic inputs to the deep CA1 PNs than the superficial CA1 PNs. Meanwhile, PV INs receive more significant excitatory inputs from the superficial CA1 PNs than the deep ones. In addition, SC excitation from CA3 is more robust in the superficial PNs. Thus, the microcircuit organization between the heterogeneous CA1 PNs and the adjacent PV INs established a preferential recurrent inhibitory motif from the superficial to the deep layer. However, the BACE1 deletion in CA1 PV INs disrupted the recurrent inhibitory network with an escape of superficial PNs from the microcircuit motif. In this abnormal network (Fig. 4V), the excitatory outputs of deep CA1 PNs appeared to be eventually impaired since their evoked EPSC was significantly reduced (Fig. 4H).
Specific local recovery of BACE1 expression restored the synaptic transmission in an enzymatic-dependent manner.
Further, we sought to confirm if BACE1 deletion in PV INs played a causative role in the increment of NMDARs response in PV INs and the final suppression of AMPAR EPSCs in CA1 PNs. In addition, whether the b-secretase enzymatic activity-dependent mechanism was involved in these phenotypes is a critical relevant question, given that BACE1 is an aspartyl protease [10]. Therefore, we constructed vectors of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) with a double inverse open reading frame (DIO), in which wild-type Bace1 gene (BACE1WT) or Bace1 gene with D93A mutant (BACE1D93A) were inserted. The D93A mutant was designed to disrupt the enzyme active site of BACE1 as an aspartyl protease, whereas it did not influence its maturation [39]. The eGFP gene was used as a non-fused reporter separated by P2A to indicate the target gene expression. The expression vector of rAAV-DIO-eGFP or rAAV-DIO-BACE1WT-P2A-eGFP or rAAV-DIO-BACE1D93A-P2A-eGFP was stereotactically injected into hippocampal CA1 of BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mouse at the age of 2-months. After three weeks, these mice were subjected to slice preparation and whole-cell recording (Fig. 5A). The expression of the infected target proteins was double-checked by co-expressed eGFP signal, and the immunofluorescent staining with anti-parvalbumin and anti-BACE1 antibodies (Fig. 5B). The extracellular electrode stimulation at 20 V stimulus intensity in CA1 SO (Fig. 5C) evoked a fallback of NMDAR EPSCs in PV INs of BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice injected with rAAV-DIO-BACE1WT-P2A-eGFP compared to BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice injected with rAAV-DIO-eGFP. While the BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice injected with rAAV-DIO-BACE1D93A-P2A-eGFP displayed a comparable NMDARs response to the control mice infected with rAAV-DIO-eGFP (Fig. 5D, E, F). The result indicates that the BACE1 expression was necessary and sufficient for the homeostasis of the postsynaptic NMDAR response in CA1 PV INs. Moreover, the enzymatic activity of BACE1 contributed to most, if not all, of the effect.
As expected, upon the stimulation of SC (Fig. 5G), the AMPAR EPSCs in CA1 deep layer PNs of BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice injected with rAAV-DIO-BACE1WT-P2A-eGFP recovered to an average normal level compared to eGFP expressed control mice (Fig. 5H, I). Consistently, expression of BACE1D93A-eGFP in CA1 PV INs with BACE1 deletion failed in rescuing AMPAR EPSCs in the PNs, implying the enzymatic activity of BACE1 determined the restoration of AMPAR EPSCs to the long projection inputs.
In addition, because we expressed the target proteins only in adult CA1, these findings ruled out: 1. the phenotypes in the BACE1 conditional knockout mouse were from disorders of embryonic development; 2. the abnormal CA1 motif resulted from dysfunction of local PV INs, rather than from disruption of long projecting PV neurons located in other brain nuclei, e.g., medial septum [33, 40, 41].
BACE1 deletion in PV INs resets the priming of fear memory extinction.
To further explore whether BACE1 in CA1 PV INs contributes to hippocampal-dependent learning and memory processing, we applied the paradigm of contextual fear conditioning (CFC) in the mice. Consistent with the finding of unaltered evoked spikes of PV INs with BACE1 deletion (Fig. 3G-K), the difference between BACE1fl/fl and BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice did not occur in the encoding and the extinction of conditioned fear memory (Supplementary Fig. 7).
Next, we want to know if there is a behavioral phenotype that CA1 PV INs could explicitly cause with BACE1 deletion. We expressed hM4Di, an inhibitor designer receptor exclusively activated by a designer drug (DREADD) in CA1 PV INs by stereotaxic injection of Cre-dependent adeno-associated virus (AAV-EF1a-DIO-hM4Di-GFP). The AAV-EF1a-DIO-GFP was injected as a control in PV-Cre;Ai9 or BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mouse CA1 region (Fig. 6A). Two weeks later, we prepared acute slices and identified the infected PV INs by fluorescent protein (GFP) (Fig. 6B, the left). The whole-cell recording was performed to verify the inhibitory effect of the DREADD system on the PV INs (Fig. 6B, the right). Whereas hM4Di-GFP expressing neuron showed an obvious hyperpolarized response (from ~-60mV to ~-67mV), GFP expressing control neuron displayed a steady membrane potential (~-60mV) to hM4Di agonist clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) (3 µM) treatment in perfusion. Most importantly, the hM4Di inhibition was reversible within a window of 20 min (Fig. 6B). It could help elucidate a possible effect of the CA1 microcircuit in any given stage of memory processing more accurately.
Three weeks after the virus injection, animals were intraperitoneally injected with CNO twice daily during the CFC procedure (Fig. 6C). The PV-Cre;Ai9 and BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice with or without hM4Di expressing displayed a comparable performance in the tasks of contextual fear conditioning and cued test (Fig. 6D). It indicates that the CA1 PV INs had no contribution to the contextual fear memory acquisition, and BACE1 deletion did not change the phenotype. All subjected mice displayed a low freezing level in the new context, suggesting the freezing behavior was mainly attributed to recognizing the context associated with an aversive foot shock (Fig. 6C). As expected, the mice showed a virtually similar freezing behavior in three rounds of fear conditioning (Fig. 6E), indicating an average ability to learn to associate a context with an aversive footshock. Intriguingly, the contextual fear extinction test revealed with DREADD inhibition a pronounced difference between PV-Cre;Ai9 mice and BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice, although there was no change between these two groups of mice without DREADD inhibition (Fig. 6F, the left). After DREADD inhibition of the CA1 PV INs, the PV-Cre;Ai9 mice exhibited a trend of slow extinction (Fig. 6F, the middle), while the BACE1fl/fl;PV-Cre mice showed a faster extinction (Fig. 6F, the right). The unexpected results led us to propose that the BACE1 in CA1 PV INs probably played a crucial role in the priming of fear memory extinction.