Underlying ammonia oxidization dynamics in cultivated strains of AOA and AOB, alongside biogeochemical data from field and microcosm studies, has established an understanding that AOA are favored under oligotrophic conditions whereas AOB thrive in moderate acid-alkaline soils with elevated concentrations of NH4+ [4–6]. Extended from this, it has been proposed that the relative differences in abundance and functional role of AOB vs. AOA in various ecosystems are primarily driven by their disparities in metabolic traits including substrate affinity and tolerance threshold for ammonia, as well as preference for a supply rate of ammonia [4–6, 19, 23]. Here, by continually supplying urea and selectively inhibiting AOB, we demonstrate that taxonomically constrained AOA, which had been believed to be sensitive to high ammonia concentration, prevail in copiotrophic alkaline soil conditions. These findings strongly support the notion that it is direct competition for the substrate that plays a key role in driving niche differentiation between these AOA phylotypes and AOB in ammonium-rich alkaline soils. Furthermore, our results revealed the coherence of ecophysiology within the same phylogenetic lineage of Nitrososphaerales.
Ammonia rather than ammonium serves as the direct substrate for autotrophic ammonia oxidizers; differences in substrate affinity and tolerance threshold for ammonia have been proposed as overarching mechanisms driving niche differentiation between AOA and AOB [4–6]. Indeed, the majority of cultivated AOA own a much higher substrate affinity for ammonia than their bacterial counterpart, which has been postulated to provide them with advantages under oligotrophic conditions [5, 6]. This appeared to be evident in the untreated Shihezi soil where no AOB growth was observed but AOA populations were sustained by scavenging ammonia released during organic matter mineralization [24]. However, it would be of little relevance in treatments such as 1-Octyne, as the soil NH4+ was maintained at a high concentration in the first 15 days, during which AOA and AOB both grew rapidly and simultaneously. In fact, the NH4+-N concentrations fluctuated between 20 and 200 µg g-1 soil during this period, in particular for Shihezi and Tianshui soils in which the lowest NH4+-N concentrations were found to be as high as 117 µg g-1soil. According to the ionization equilibrium NH4+ ⇌ NH3 + H+ (pKa = 9.25; T = 25 °C), the lowest NH3 concentrations were estimated to range from 88 to 528 µM. Such concentrations not only far exceed Km values of both AOA and AOB, but are higher than the inhibitory concentration for most cultivated AOA [4–6]. Importantly, AOA grew in both 1-Octyne and DMPP treatments, and their growth coincided with the inhibition of AOB. This echoed the recent findings that alleviation of competition between AOA and AOB by either 1-octyne or DMPP accelerated the growth of AOA under copiotrohic conditions [19, 20]. Therefore, our results provide strong evidence that low AOA growth in ammonium-rich alkaline arable soils extends from their poor competitiveness with AOB rather than disparities in physiological characteristics such as substrate affinity and tolerance threshold for ammonia, as well as preference for a supply rate of ammonia.
The growth of AOA in neutral-alkaline arable soils amended with varying amounts of NH4+ has been sparsely documented. Multiple AOA lineages including Nitrosopumilales-η [22], Nitrosopumilales-γ [10], Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.1 [12, 22], and Nitrosocosmicus lineage [25, 26] have been found to proliferate in these soil ecosystems, especially for the last one which could grow under ammonia concentrations preferred by copiotrophic AOB [15–17]. However, in all soils tested here, OTUs of Nitrosocosmicus lineage were in low abundance and not affected by any treatments, and phylotypes responding to treatments were restricted to Nitrososphaerales. Moreover, when released from competition with AOB, AOA OTUs stimulated by the addition of high urea concentrations were taxonomically constrained, with all belonging to Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.1 and α-3.2.4 lineages. Phylogenetically, OTUs of Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.4 lineage were closely related to N. gargensis, while those of Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.1 were associated with N. viennensis EN76, Nitrososphaera sp. JG1, and N. evergladensis SR1. These strains grew optimally under pHs ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 [27–29], and phylotypes closely related to them have been classified as being alkalinophilic [30, 31]. Besides, when directly assessed in environmental studies including those using stable isotopic probing analysis, phylotypes within these lineages grew to a moderate extent in microcosms that were regularly spiked with urea at a concentration of 100 µg NH4+-N g-1 soil [12, 22, 25, 26]. Thus, it appears that AOA affiliating to Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.1 and α-3.2.4 lineages adapt to growth in ammonium-rich alkaline soils. Notwithstanding, their rapid growth under such high ammonium concentrations adopted here (i.e. 200 µg NH4+-N g-1 soil) was still unexpected, as the reported inhibitory concentrations of ammonia for these taxa are much lower than the theoretical values in 1-Octyne, especially for DMPP treatments (the highest value of 356 µM ammonia for EN76 vs. lowest concentration of 2 375 µM in DMPP treatments) [27, 28]. Thus, it is likely that these phylotypes occupy a much broader niche than previously described, and they are highly susceptible to the competition from their bacterial counterpart.
On the other hand, the promotion of growth of Nitrososphaerales-α-3.2.1 and α-3.2.4 lineages in 1-Octyne treatment might be associated with mixotrophic activities, since their representative strains are equipped with genes encoding transporters for organics [29, 32, 33], and their growth could be enhanced by the addition of low-molecular-weight organic compound [27, 34]. To exclude this possibility, DMPP, a nitrification inhibitor with distinctive heterocyclic chemical structure, was additionally adopted to inhibit the growth of AOB based on earlier findings [20, 22]. Our results suggested that the amendment of soils with 1-octyne or DMPP led to the enrichment of the same AOA phylotypes both within and across each soil tested, thus proving that the acceleration of AOA growth in 1-Octyne and DMPP treatments was indeed attributed to their chemolithotrophy. However, unexpectedly, 1-octyne was far less effective at reducing the growth of AOB than previously reported [19, 21]. Some AOB OTUs increased in the 1-Octyne treatment, particularly those related to Nitrosospira multiformis whose growth had been previously demonstrated to be abolished by a lower concentration of 1-octyne [21]. It is less likely that this stems from restricted diffusion or leakage of 1-octyne in the experimental systems, given that low concentrations of C2H2 completely abolished the growth of both AOA and AOB. Regardless of mechanisms, the lower inhibition efficiency of 1-octyne did not compromise our conclusion. Rather, the inhibition gradient created by Urea, 1-Octyne and DMPP treatments provided a unique opportunity to disentangle the effect of interaction between AOA and AOB. Hereby, we were able to show that the growth of AOA was closely coupled with the magnitude to which the growth of AOB was inhibited, and DMPP is a more effective and specific inhibitor against AOB than 1-octyne in the soils examined (see supplemental discussion).
Besides, the experimental design adopted here allowed us to explore the potential ecological coherence of major phylogenetic lineages. Indeed, we found that, in addition to those enriched by the high-ammonium amendment, the majority of changed OTUs within the same lineage showed a similar response pattern to a given treatment across soils. For instance, our results confirmed that the neutral-alkalinophilic Nitrososphaerales-δ lineage dominated the AOA assemblage in all soils tested [30], but most of OTUs therein were insensitive to amendment with urea or inhibitors across soils. Currently, no cultured representative has been identified in this lineage, therefore its ecological function in the soil is still unknown [18]. In contrast, changed OTUs in β-1, γ-1.1, and γ-2.1 lineages were generally reduced by 1-Octyne and DMPP treatments. In particular, those of γ-1.1 and γ-2.1 lineages were exceptionally enriched in C2H2 treatment of all soils tested, implying a mixotrophic lifestyle of these lineages. Similarly, one earlier report documented that the addition of 10 Pa C2H2 failed to inhibit the growth of AOA in an alkaline arable soil [35]. Intriguingly, despite being closely related to α-3.2.4, OTUs of Nitrososphaeralesα-3.2.3 lineage were inhibited by Urea but not by DMPP and 1-Octyne treatment, this concurred with the finding that phylogenetically closely related AOA could show contrasting metabolic traits [36]. Overall, our results confirm that AOA are functionally heterogeneous [36], but the coherence of response to treatments indicates similar ecophysiology between phylotypes in the same AOA lineages [30].
Finally, our results reaffirmed that AOB of Nitrosospira cluster 3a dominated the nitrification activity in the ammonium-rich alkaline soils (see supplemental discussion)[10–12, 35, 37], whereas the growth of AOA in Urea and 1-Octyne treatments implies that they assume a considerable role in contributing to overall nitrification in these soils as well. Although our experimental design did not allow for an absolute partitioning of their relative contribution, the nearly linear buildup of NO3- and occurrence of only AOA growth in DMPP treatment across the soils enabled estimates to be calculated. Assuming that each AOA strain contains two amoA gene copies [32] and all AOA growth is due to autotrophic nitrification activity, the specific AOA nitrification rates estimated ranged from 1.06 to 2.48 fmol cell-1 d-1. This was very similar to that of Nitrososphaera sp. JG1 (1.4 fmol cell-1 d-1, [28]), and Nitrosarchaeum koreense MY1 (2.5 fmol cell-1 d-1, [38]), but lower than that of EN76 strain (62.6 fmol copy-1d-1, [39]); and Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus franklandus C13(13.92 fmol cell-1d-1, [16]). Consequently, it is estimated that AOA accounted for 2%, 9% and 10% nitrification activities in Urea treatments of the Shihezi, Tianshui, and Luoyang soils, respectively. These matched the estimates reported in ref. [12] (1.51%-23.4%) and were marginally lower than measurements in ref. [37] (11.55–16.77%). However, the partial inhibition of AOB by 1-octyne further increased AOA contribution ranging from 17–30%. Collectively, these results point to a fundamental role for AOA in nitrification within ammonium-rich alkaline arable soils.