The objectives of this phase are as follows:
- Determining the risk factors of breast cancer in women through using literature review
- Explaining barriers and facilitators of self-care in breast cancer prevention among women in Isfahan
In this phase, the following actions are taken in order to achieve the mentioned objectives:
- Review of the studies conducted in Iran and in the world to evaluate the risk factors for breast cancer in women as well as the self-care promotion strategies for preventing breast cancer
- Specify the research settings and process owners
- Identify committees and support units existing in the study settings
- Negotiate with the process owners
- Identify the barriers and facilitators of the research implementation with the help of the process owners and strategies to promote self-care behaviors in the prevention of breast cancer among women in Isfahan
- Forming special committees to expedite action research processes
1.1. Review of the literature
In this stage, in order to gain the existing knowledge in the field of breast cancer risk factors, barriers to self-care and strategies for the promotion of self-care to prevent breast cancer, studies conducted in Iran and in the world will be reviewed. In order to search the existing databases, keywords are determined based on Mesh and the title of the research and, then, combining the existing keywords, the existing texts will be reviewed. To this end, using the keywords such as breast cancer, breast neoplasms, self-care, risk factors and prevention, breast cancer risk factors and self-care promotion strategies in breast cancer will be searched in the databases for publishing care guidelines, GIN, NGC, NICE, SIGN, GAC, New Zealand, NHMRC, WHO, Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, American Cancer Society, American Cancer Society Prevention, Early Detection Guidelines, PUBMED/MEDLINE, CINHAL, COCHRANE, SCOPUS, ProQuest, IranMedex, Magiran, SID and IranDoc.
Self-care promotion strategies for the prevention of breast cancer in women, which are extracted from the texts, are included in the decision matrices and used in the program development process.
1.2.1. Identification of the Study Settings
Study Setting
To interview with employed and non-employed women in Isfahan metropolis, the researchers will refer to health centers, offices, cultural centers, mosques, parks, recreation centers, clubs, homes, etc. To interview with experts, the researchers will refer to the offices of these experts in hospital or university, health policymakers at the level of the ministry and the university, Isfahan health center, comprehensive health service centers, offices of gynecologists and breast surgeons and sonography and mammography units.
Study population
In community-based action research studies, the views of those people should be evaluated who are at risk. Accordingly, employed and non-employed women living in Isfahan (15 districts) are part of the study population. Moreover, explaining the views of process owners is of great significance to design strategies for promoting self-care behaviors in the prevention of breast cancer among women in Isfahan. As such, service providers (gynecologists, radiologists, general surgeons specializing in breast surgery, PhD in reproductive health, PhD in nursing, general practitioners, nurses and midwives, health policymakers, officials and experts of the Cancer Department of the Ministry of Health, experts of the Non-Communicable Diseases Control Center and the middle-aged unit of the provincial health center) are also among the study population.
1.2.2. Identification of the Process Owners
Given the fact that the purpose of this study is to promote self-care behaviors in the prevention of breast cancer among women, the process owners of this study are as follows:
- Both employed and unemployed women living in Isfahan
- Policymakers, officials and experts of the Cancer Department of the Ministry of Health
- Experts of the Cancer Department of Isfahan Health Department
- Middle-aged unit of Isfahan Health Center
- Faculty members of Oncology Departments, gynecologists, general surgeons specializing in cancer surgery, adult health nursing, community health nursing, midwifery and reproductive health in the School of Nursing and Midwifery of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
1.3. Identification of the committees and support units in the study settings:
The committees and support units in this study are as follows:
- Vice Chancellor for Research in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
- Cancer Department in the Isfahan Health Department
- Middle-aged unit of Isfahan Health Center
- Isfahan Municipality Health Culture Committee
- Isfahan Health Donors Association
- Active NGOs in the field of health in Isfahan province
1.4. Negotiation with process owners
In this study, self-care packages and educational media will be developed with the help of faculty members of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Additionally, the necessary negotiations will be held with the Health Culture Committee of Isfahan Municipality, active NGOs in the field of health in Isfahan province and the Secretariat of Cultural and Artistic Centers of Isfahan mosques to hold health campaigns in parks, recreation centers and mosques of Isfahan. In order to finance the project, it will be sent to the Vice Chancellor for Research of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Moreover, to attract financial support, necessary negotiations will be conducted with the representative of the World Health Organization in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Isfahan Municipality Health Culture Committee, Isfahan Health Donors Association and active NGOs in the field of health in Isfahan province. Also, in order to promote women's health literacy with regard to the prevention of breast cancer, the necessary consultations are carried out with Isfahan broadcasting organization.
1.5. Identification of the barriers and facilitators of the research implementation through conducting a qualitative research
This qualitative research will be used a content analysis approach.
In the present study, the participants will be selected using purposive sampling method. So that, after visiting the mentioned centers in-person, the experts in the field of breast cancer prevention who have inclusion criteria, will be selected and interviewed after obtaining informed and written consent. The researcher continues to select and interview with participants until data saturation is reached. The interviews continue until the interviews do not add any new data to the previous data. In qualitative research, the number of participants cannot be determined before the study but during it. In such research, the participants are selected using purposive method which may be based on the inclusion criteria and continue gradually until saturation is reached. The participants also become so involved in the study that they no longer have anything new to say. Therefore, there is no need in these studies to estimate the number of participants in advance and purposive sampling method is often used [12].
Inclusion criteria
Employed and non-employed women in Isfahan who would like to participate in the study; moreover, gynecologists, radiologists, general surgeons specializing in breast surgery, PhD in reproductive health, PhD in nursing, PhD in health education, health policymakers, officials and experts of the Cancer Department of the Ministry of Health, experts of the Non-Communicable Diseases Control Center and the middle-aged unit of the provincial health center, general practitioners, and midwives and nurses who have experience in educating, treating or caring for breast cancer patients can participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria
Each participant who is not willing to continue his/her cooperation can be excluded from the study.
Data collection
Data collection method at this phase includes open and semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs).
In the present study, employed and non-employed women of Isfahan metropolis and members of the health group who are eligible are selected using purposive sampling method and, after obtaining informed consent, are invited for in-depth, semi-structured and individual interviews. In semi-structured interviews, there are no fixed, pre-determined questions, and the questions are formed based on the interview process. The following are some samples of questions asked of the participants:
- What factors do you think may make you more susceptible to breast cancer?
- What lifestyle changes do you think can help prevent breast cancer?
- What are your barriers to breast cancer prevention?
- In your opinion, what measures should policymakers and officials of health systems do with regard to breast cancer prevention for women in Isfahan?
Samples of questions asked of health team members are as follows:
- Please tell us about your experiences of breast cancer prevention among women living in Isfahan?
- What are the barriers and facilitators for preventing breast cancer among women living in Isfahan?
- In your opinion, what measures should policymakers take to reduce the risk factors for breast cancer among women living in Isfahan?
- What strategies do you recommend to remove barriers to modulating breast cancer risk factors among women living in Isfahan?
Interview guiding questions are reviewed after several interviews and obtaining new ideas. The duration of each interview depends on factors such as the situation and environmental conditions, the agreement of the parties, the subject of the interview and the used method.
Interviews continue until data saturation is reached. Saturation refers to the completion of all categories and non-emerging of new conceptual information that requires new code or the expansion of new code.
At the group discussions sessions, the researcher, was acting as the facilitator and guider of the discussions, and another person was present to take notes.
Data analysis method in the qualitative phase
Content analysis method will be used in the qualitative phase of study for data analysis [13].
Phase 2: Action planning
The purpose of this phase is to design a self-care program for the prevention of breast cancer among women living in Isfahan. To achieve the mentioned purpose (action planning), the following activities will be performed in this phase:
- Determining the criteria for the prioritization of strategies
- Review of the strategies in group discussions with the presence of executive committee members and process owners
- Final review and approval of strategies in the Joint Committee
- Planning for the implementation of the strategies in the study setting (development of operational plan)
2.1. Determining the criteria for the prioritization of strategies
In this phase, the strategies obtained in the organizing phase, which is the result of reviewing the literature and qualitative content analysis (semi-structured interviews and FGDs with women and semi-structured interviews with process owners), will be combined and used to develop the program. Since the implementation of all strategies obtained from the organizing phase is impossible, the proposed strategies should be prioritized.
Decision matrices will be developed to prioritize the extracted strategies. Self-care promotion strategies for breast cancer prevention are put in the rows of decision-making matrices, and the criteria for prioritization of strategies (ease of implementation, cost-effectiveness, time-consuming, effectiveness, efficiency, acceptability, and compliance with policies and values of community) are put in its columns. Then, the members of the expert panel are asked to give each strategy a score of 1 to 5. Then, the mean score of the available strategies is determined and the program is developed based on the obtained scores.
The matrices are distributed among process owners and experts in the field of breast cancer prevention. After collecting the matrices, the researcher enters the data into SPSS software version 16 and calculates the mean and standard deviation of each item using the basics of descriptive statistics. The matrix items are then sorted based on the mean scores, and the priority of the proposed strategies and the items agreed upon by the experts are specified. The mean scores of each strategy and the level of agreement are determined based on the variance of the answers and the quartile range. If more than 80% of the members agree on an area and the quartile range is zero, the agreement is estimated to be very high. If more than 60% of the members agree and the quartile range is more than 1, the agreement is considered moderate; and if less than 60% of the members agree and the quartile range is more than 2, the agreement is considered weak. Consensus is reached when the level of agreement is very high. Therefore, in decision matrices, when more than 80% of members agreed with each other, a consensus is reached and those strategies are introduced as suggested ones for self-care behaviors in preventing breast cancer [13].
2.2. Examining the strategies in group discussions with the presence of the executive committees members and the committee of the process owners
For the prioritization of the strategies, an expert panel is formed. This panel is formed with the presence of representatives of the employed and unemployed women and the members of the executive committee. Another panel is formed with the presence of process owners and specialists (gynecologists, radiologists, general surgeons specializing in breast surgery, PhD in reproductive health, PhD in nursing, general practitioners, oncology nurses, Midwives, policymakers, officials and experts of the Cancer Department of the Ministry of Health, experts of the Non-Communicable Diseases Control Center and the middle-aged unit of the provincial health center, and faculty members of the Oncology Department). This expert panel is held in the presence of members of the research group and experts of this field as a group discussion. In order to confirm the prioritization of self-care promotion strategies for breast cancer prevention, first, expert panels are held. Then, based on the results of the panels, the initial version of the self-care promotion program for breast cancer prevention is prepared and designed. Holding these panels is such that after the formal and written invitation of the intended subjects and their presence, the goals and agenda of the meetings are described at the beginning of the meetings and, then, the researcher presents the results of prioritizing strategies for the promotion of self-care behaviors in preventing breast cancer. Then, the participants express their views on the prioritization of the strategies and discussions and exchanges take place to reach a consensus. The researcher, as the secretary of the session, takes notes and records the contents of the meeting. These sessions are managed by the researcher who records all agreed and disagreed contents.
3. Phase 3: Action
For better implementation of the program, activities, subjects, resources and implementation time of each activity in the program are determined and, then, a meeting is held to prepare the members of the executive committee.
4. Phase 4: Rethinking
This phase aims to "explain the effect of the executive program on self-care behaviors in the prevention of breast cancer among women in Isfahan." Rethinking will be performed in this phase. Rethinking is a mental process in which events, experiences, problems, or situations are re-examined so that a better understanding of the situation can be achieved. This understanding will lead to the appearance of strategies, ideas, improvements and changes. Rethinking is, in fact, a dialogue of thought enabling the researcher to determine the patterns that emerge from the interactions between participants and the environment; that what strategies are effective, what changes are needed in the environment, what changes are vital, and what other information and planning actions are required. In this research, rethinking is done in two stages: 1) During the implementation stage, and 2) In the final stage, each of which will be discussed in detail.
4.1. Rethinking during the implementation stage of the program
In order to identify issues and problems during the implementation of the program, feedback is taken from the participants including the women participating in the study, members of the research team and the executive committee. In this study, for rethinking during the implementation, the Gibbs' framework is used. This framework has six stages which are useful for rethinking. In the first stage, the event which should be reconsidered (women's self-care behavior promotion program) is described in full detail (where it happened, the context of the event, the outcome, the people involved in the event, and how it will be implemented). The second stage examines the feelings and thoughts existing in the minds of the research team members, the executive team, and the participating women. To this end, the following questions will be used: How did you feel when the program started? What were you thinking about at the time? What feelings are created in you by the other members of the team? How do you feel about the outcome of the program? In the third stage, assessment is performed. At this phase, a judgment is made about what has been good and what has been bad about this experience. In the fourth stage, the program for promoting women's self-care behaviors about breast cancer prevention is broken down into its components and each component is examined separately. What has been wrong or does not change and how it should be done is examined in this stage? What has been performed well? What has been wrong or has not changed and what has been conducted well? What have others done well? And what should be done for the better implementation of the program? The conclusion is made in the fifth stage. In this stage, the opportunity is provided for learning from previous experiences based on the analysis of the event in the previous stages. In the sixth stage, planning is done for the next cycle. In other words, it is examined whether it will be done differently in the future or probably be done similarly? [14].
Various methods of data collection such as self-report, field notes and review sessions are used in this research to get feedback during the implementation.
- Self-report technique: Self-report techniques are the most prevalent methods of data collection in clinical studies which, because of their immediacy, are very powerful. Using these techniques, researchers usually gain information they cannot obtain through other methods.
- Field notes: In different situations and times and during different stages of the study, researchers observe women's self-care behaviors and take the necessary notes.
- Review sessions: Holding regular meetings by the research team from the beginning of the study to its final stages is one of the effective and efficient ways of knowing about the opinions, views, suggestions and criticisms of the participants. These meetings are held once every two weeks after each intervention.
4.2. Final assessment of the program (final rethinking)
Quantitative and qualitative methods are used for the final assessment of the program. In order to evaluate the quality of the study, the participants' experiences about the effectiveness of the program are considered after the program. In order to evaluate the program quantitatively, after the implementation of the program, the level of the knowledge, attitude and practice of women about self-care behaviors for preventing breast cancer are evaluated through a questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the program. Moreover, quantitative indicators such as the number of patients referring to medical centers and doctors' offices for ultrasound or mammography or breast examination are used to determine the effectiveness of the program.