The aim of this study was to investigate the white matter structural correlates of phonological and lexical-semantic STM in post-stroke aphasia. Manual deterministic tractography was used to reconstruct the main language-related white matter pathways in the brain including the AF, UF, IFOF, and the ILF. White matter tract volume and FA values were extracted bilaterally for each tract and their relationships with phonological and lexical-semantic STM scores were evaluated before and after partialling out the effects of aphasia severity and overall lesion volume. We found that white matter tract volumes, but not FA values, were associated with verbal STM in PWA, suggesting that macro-structural properties of white matter fibers are more sensitive to capture individual differences in verbal STM performance in chronic aphasia. In particular, we found a strong association between the right UF volume and all measures of phonological and lexical-semantic STM. Among these, the strongest association was found between the right UF volume and nonword repetition scores after controlling for both overall lesion volume and aphasia severity, suggesting a role of the right UF in phonological verbal STM in chronic aphasia, irrespective of the extent of overall brain damage and aphasia severity. Similarly, the volume of other language-related tracts showed significant correlations with verbal STM scores, but only when uncorrected for multiple comparisons. This was the case of the long segment of the left AF, the volume of which correlated significantly with all three verbal STM measures, and the left UF and the right IFOF volumes which were both associated with nonword repetition scores.
It is worth considering these findings in the light of current neurocognitive models of language processing and verbal STM. Based on the functional specialization of the dorsal and ventral pathways proposed by these models (Friederici, 2015; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007; Jacquemot & Scott, 2006), one would expect an association between dorsal white matter tracts and nonword repetition composite scores reflecting phonological STM on one hand, and between ventral pathways and repetition and pointing composite spans reflecting lexical-semantic STM on the other. Further, when considering hemispheric lateralization, one would also expect that phonological STM would rely on left lateralized white matter tracts as the dorsal stream for phonological processing is assumed to be strongly left–hemisphere dominant, and that lexical-semantic STM would be supported by ventral tracts in both hemispheres as the ventral stream for semantic processing should be bilaterally organized in neurotypical individuals (Bajada et al., 2015; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). Given these considerations of functional and hemispheric / neuroanatomical specialization, the expectations mentioned above would be particularly relevant to patients examined in the acute/subacute phase after stroke as the functionality of verbal STM (as any other cognitive ability) at this phase would be predominantly reflective of neural integrity (Martin et al., 2021). Nonetheless, our sample exclusively included participants with chronic aphasia, who may have developed specific STM strategies to compensate for their language and verbal STM dysfunction resulting from stroke. Thus, the associations between verbal STM components and the specific white matter tracts and their hemispheric lateralization in this patient sample may reflect some degree of post-stroke functional reorganization. With this consideration in mind, our findings were partially aligned with the above described expectations in that (i) the volume of the right UF was significantly correlated with both measures of lexical-semantic STM (FDR corrected), and (ii) the volume of the long segment of the left AF was also significantly correlated (although FDR uncorrected) with a measure of phonological STM (nonword repetition composite score) and a measure of lexical-semantic STM (repetition composite span) that also partially taps into repetition processes, relying on phonology and the mapping of sounds to articulation. These findings support the classical functional division of the dorsal and ventral streams and suggest that the integrity of white matter pathways within both routes can inform about the short-term maintenance of phonological and lexical-semantic representations after left hemisphere damage. Moreover, they also suggest that the right UF may still support verbal STM for lexical-semantic representations even after damage to the left UF tract and/or its cortical terminations. This interpretation aligns with the possibility of right hemisphere compensation which may capitalize on the bilateral organization of the ventral stream for semantic processing (Bajada et al., 2015; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007).
However, not all correlations between dorsal and ventral white matter tracts and verbal STM measures were in line with the potential associations expected according to models of the dorsal and ventral pathways (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007; Dick & Tremblay, 2012). Indeed, ventral white matter pathways were also associated with phonological STM which would be presumably supported by the dorsal stream, and dorsal white matter pathways were associated with lexical-semantic STM which would be expected to be supported by the ventral stream. Specifically, we found significant correlations between phonological STM and both the volume of the UF (right UF FDR corrected, and left UF uncorrected) and the right IFOF (FDR uncorrected). In addition, we also found significant correlations between lexical-semantic STM (pointing composite span) and the volume of the long segment of the left AF (FDR uncorrected).
One possible interpretation of these results is that this dorsal-phonological versus ventral-semantic dichotomy may not be as clear as previously proposed, at least in terms of their contributions to different components of verbal STM. In fact, this would make sense at the anatomical level given the proximity –or even partial overlap– of the cortical regions that have been associated with phonological and lexical-semantic STM (Martin et al., 2021). Moreover, different white matter tracts, either from dorsal or ventral language pathways, have terminations in these regions and could constitute structural support for verbal STM abilities. More specifically, UF is a long-range white matter tract connecting temporal regions like the anterior temporal lobe (ATL), the uncus and entorhinal and perirhinal cortices with the orbitofrontal and lateral prefrontal cortices, the frontal pole and the anterior cingulate gyrus (Dick et al., 2014; Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012; Von der Heide et al., 2013). Although its role is still debated (Papagno et al., 2011), the UF is considered as part of the ventral stream of language processing (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007), thought to support the mapping of sound-based speech representations to distributed conceptual representations (Saur et al., 2008). Two of the functions most ascribed to this tract are naming and lexical-semantic processing, which have also been attributed to the ATL (Dick & Tremblay, 2012; Papagno et al., 2011). Although it has received less attention beyond its role in language, the UF has also been linked to memory functions since it connects the ATL, believed to contribute to semantic memory, and the entorhinal cortex that is related to episodic memory functions carried out in the hippocampus (Von der Heide et al., 2013). Moreover, microstructural properties of the UF have been repeatedly associated with auditory-verbal memory both in children (Mabbott et al., 2009; Schaeffer et al., 2014) and in adults (Diehl et al., 2008; McDonald et al., 2008), and with lexical-semantic learning that requires the mapping of novel words onto basic novel conceptual representations (Ripollés et al., 2017). On the other hand, the left AF has been consistently and repeatedly associated with language functions (Catani et al., 2005; Catani & Mesulam, 2008) and it is thought to constitute the core of the dorsal language-processing stream (Catani et al., 2005; 2007). In particular, the long segment of the AF connects the pSTG with the IFG (Dick et al., 2014) and has been related to auditory-motor integration, articulation, repetition, language imitation and translation, sentence processing, or verbal WM (Elmer & Kuhnis, 2016; Elmer et al., 2019; Lopez-Barroso et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2014; Saur et al., 2008; Vaquero et al., 2017). Both tracts present terminations in inferior frontal regions, which have been associated with both phonological (Chein & Fiez, 2001; Yue et al., 2018) and lexical-semantic verbal STM (Lewis-Peacock et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2003; Shvide & Thompson-Schill, 2004). In the same vein, Sajid and colleagues (in preparation) investigated the effective connectivity between left-hemisphere regions involved in auditory speech repetition. Although a direct parallel between functional and structural connectivity cannot be easily drawn, their findings suggest that the AF may not be the only critical structure involved in repetition processes, as has been often thought, since the motor component of word repetition can be also initiated or carried out by other tracts (Forkel et al., 2020; Hanley et al., 2004). This idea is supported by previous descriptions stating that the connection between the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and IFG –at both functional and structural levels– can be supported in alternative ways in addition to the direct physical link provided by AF (Catani et al., 2005; Friederici, 2015). This adds to the debate of the specificity and parcellation of the neural underpinnings of phonological and semantic processes.
The fact that alternative pathways could communicate particular brain regions involved in different aspects of verbal STM (such as the inferior frontal regions) albeit potentially in a less functionally specialized manner, also allows for consideration that the associations between STM and white matter tracts found in the current study might reflect adaptation processes following stroke. Indeed, brain plasticity mechanisms could account for the possibility that white matter tracts not intrinsically related to phonologic or lexical-semantic STM could assume these functions following acquired brain injury. For instance, Duffau and colleagues (2009) argued that the UF is not systematically essential for language, as other tracts of the semantic ventral stream (such as the IFOF) can compensate for it in case of functional alterations. This possibility is further supported by studies showing that even dorsal and ventral pathways can compensate each other and carry out functions typically ascribed to the other language stream under high demand or functional constraints (Lopez-Barroso et al., 2011; Yeatman et al., 2012) and after brain damage (Rauschecker et al., 2009; Torres-Prioris et al., 2019). In addition, the fact that right hemisphere tracts correlated with phonological STM measures relying on a predominantly left-lateralized dorsal stream, is in line with multiple studies showing right hemispheric recruitment reflecting compensatory changes in the right hemisphere in PWA following a left hemispheric stroke (see Kiran & Thompson, 2019 for a review).
Notably, one of the questions that remains open is whether the involvement of the right-hemisphere white matter tracts –especially the UF– in different aspects of verbal STM is intrinsic to these cognitive processes or whether it occurs as an adaptive strategy to compensate for the lesions observed in the left hemisphere. The premorbid status and volume of right hemisphere tracts might be an important factor defining whether the contralesional hemisphere engages in post-stroke recovery (Kiran & Thompson, 2019; Stefaniak et al., 2021). In line with this idea, Forkel and colleagues (2014) showed that the volume of the right AF was a predictor of the degree of severity of language impairment 6 months after a left hemispheric stroke. As regards to the functional laterality of the UF, the study from Emch and colleagues (2019) reported a bilateral frontal activation related to verbal WM, which might indicate the involvement of the right UF in healthy individuals. As for its structural lateralization, the previous literature shows inconclusive results regarding the hemispheric differences of the UF (Von der Heide et al., 2013). However, the fact that the UF is not a strongly left-lateralized structure (as opposed to other language-related tracts, such as the long segment of the AF) might somehow facilitate its right recruitment after a left hemisphere lesion. In support of a model of compensatory reorganization of verbal STM, our study participants were people with chronic post-stroke aphasia, with several of them showing large lesions in the left hemisphere. For these cases, engaging alternative ways of connections such as right-hemisphere homologous tracts, might be the only way of compensation of the sustained left-sided damage. To shed some light on this issue, in future studies one could employ the present methodology in a follow-up of PWA through the acute and subacute phases into the chronic stage.
Considering the cognitive level, another possible interpretation would be that PWA, due to the language processing limitations caused by their brain injuries, may adopt compensatory strategies to complete the verbal STM tasks. In other words, they could rely on relatively more spared phonological mechanisms to perform lexical-semantic verbal STM tasks or vice versa. In fact, it has been previously described that the phonological representation of a word can help reactivate its semantic representation if it is not preserved at the time of evaluation, whereas purely phonological elements might be better remembered if they bear semantic implications (Jones & Macken, 2015; RC Martin et al., 2021).
It is important to note that the potential interpretations presented above are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they are in line with the redundant nature that the brain exhibits both at structural and functional levels, which in some cases allows it to retain the functionality of cognitive processes after injury (Duffau, 2006).
One should also acknowledge some limitations in the current research, including the restricted sample size which may have reduced the statistical power to identify further relevant associations between white matter tracts and phonological and lexical-semantic STM. This may have influenced the number of significant correlations that finally survived the FDR corrections. Moreover, as most of the associations discussed above were uncorrected for multiple comparisons, interpretations should be taken with caution. However, regarding the variables studied, the Language Competence Index is not independent of the verbal STM scores. Likewise, higher lesion volume increases the likelihood that a given tract is damaged. Thus, the partial correlations used may have somewhat underestimated the associations between the structural and behavioral variables of interest. Another important limitation is the lack of a control group, which would have helped to clarify the involvement of the right UF in healthy populations. Furthermore, some aspects of the MRI data acquisition and pre-processing steps of the diffusion images could be further improved. For instance, future studies could apply a denoising step or the new FSL eddy tool to obtain even better-quality images improving the final result. Finally, the massive lesions suffered by some of the participants in this study prevented us from reconstructing some of the tracts in the left hemisphere in a notable proportion of the sample. Although this hindered the identification of potential contributions of left hemisphere tracts to verbal STM, our main interest was to identify the white matter tracts that support verbal STM in people with chronic post-stroke aphasia and this constraint is inherent to their condition. Future work should complement our findings by studying white matter tract properties in larger samples of individuals with or without aphasia, in both the acute and chronic states of stroke, and with different lesion extents, in comparison to a healthy control group. This would help establish if left hemisphere structures intrinsically support vSTM or to understand if there are tipping points of lesion extent and time post onset that determine the engagement of right tracts over left hemisphere ones. In summary, future research could further corroborate to what extent the associations reported here are reflective of processes of plasticity and reorganization.